Saint Edward

Saint Edward

Catholic Community of Mackville

¡°A Caring Community¡±

N2926 State Road 47 ? Appleton, WI 54913 ? 920-733-9266

parish@ ?

July 11, 2021

Parish Staff

Father Walter Stumpf, Pastor

Jeff Hofacker, Deacon

Doug Hawley, Trustee

Tommy Fassbender, Trustee

Mike & Lynn Collom

Music Ministry Leaders

Mark Lang, Custodian

Erin Ebben








Parish Secretary & Bookkeeper

Celia McKee NE Coord(K-12) 733-6070

Sue VandenBerg

NE Coordinator (Elementary)


NE Coordinator (Young Adults)


School Principal


School Administrative Assistant


Mary Hildebrand

Renee Cowart,

Lynn Schuh,


Baptism Please call us when you are

expecting and at least three months

before the baptism, if possible.

Reconciliation 1st Saturday of the month

at 9am.

Matrimony Please call a minimum of six

months in advance.

Celebration of the Mass


Saturday 5:30 pm

Sunday 8:45 am ¡ªLivestreamed


Wednesday & Friday 8:15 am

Please remember

St. Edward Parish in your will.


To our visitors, we welcome you and are

glad to have you with us. We want to

know you and serve you. We hope that

you will continue to favor us with your

presence, prayers, talents and generosity

according to your means.

New Members are always welcome.

Please call the Parish Office to register.

Change of address & phone number:

Prompt notification is appreciated.

Parish Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.¡ª3:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m.¡ª11:00 a.m.

Real Compassion

When we hear about the compassion

that Jesus felt for the people around

Him. We are reminded of the great

mercy and love that our God has for us.

He loved us enough to send His Son to

teach us how to live, pray, love, be

compassionate and sacrifice.

If we are going to lead lives in imitation of Christ, then we need to feel

compassion. Compassion is a very

deep, real and moving response to the

suffering or plight we see in others,

moving us to try to do something to alleviate their pain. It may be

prayer, donations, getting involved, or simply reaching out.

This is easily felt the most when we have experienced the pain,

particularly ourselves. For instance, if we have gone through the

pain of losing a loved one, we will know what a family member,

neighbor or friend may feel when they experience loss. In knowing this, we may be better equipped to comfort someone in distress from loss.

Jesus may not have gone through everything we have or will go

through, when He walked on this earth as a human being, but as

God, He feels everything we feel just like we feel it, so He can be

genuinely compassionate. He has reassured us through the Gospels that He is there with us through the storms of life, and if He

does not calm the storm, He will calm us. St. Paul reminded us

that ¡°Praise be to God, who comforts us in our troubles, so that

we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.¡±

We all suffer, but we can use our suffering for the good of others.

We are grateful for Jesus who showed us how to couple faith,

love and compassion.

Take care of yourselves and each other,

Deacon Jeff Hofacker

SCRIP ¡ª Scrip has many stores to choose from. Pick up a list in

the gathering area. Email your order to: stemack@ or text

920-450-8925 to order and arrange pick up.

2 ©¦ Saint Edward the Confessor ? Mackville, WI

Financial Stewardship Corner

Because the bulletin had to be submitted

early, the finances will be posted in next

weekend¡¯s bulletin. Thank you for your


Kindly continue to support Saint Edward

and the mission of Sharing the Light of the

World with your regular weekly giving. You

can give electronically at

catholicfounda donate

Weekly Stewardship Thought

Today¡¯s readings are about being chosen and

sent. The prophet Amos was chosen by the

Lord and sent to use his talents for the people

of God. The Gospel recounts the story of the

sending of the twelve. In the second reading,

St. Paul reminds us that we, too, are chosen.

For what have I been chosen? To whom have

I been sent?

Parish Life

Prayer Chain

St. Edward the Confessor - Mass Intentions

The saving graces & fruits of the Mass are offered for:


















No Mass

5:45 p.m.

8:15 a.m.

8:15 a.m.

8:15 a.m.

Mass at St. Nicholas

For the soul of Claire Verhagen ?

Mass at St. Nicholas

For the deceased members of the

Visser and Bergman families ?

July 17 5:30 p.m. For the soul of Ann Hofacker?

July 18 8:45 a.m. For the souls of Ervin, Arline and

Charles Siewert ?

Please Pray For . . . .

- Anne Meulemans healing.

- Nick Berg for continued healing.

- All families who have lost loved ones, that they may heal,

and for those who are suffering from serious illnesses.

- For all on our prayer chains and in our book of petitions.

Monday: Ex 1:8-14, 22/Ps 124:1b-3, 4-6, 7-8 [8a]/Mt 10:34¡ª11:1

Tuesday: Ex 2:1-15a/Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34 [cf. 33]/Mt 11:20-24

Wednesday: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12/Ps 103:1b-2, 3-4, 6-7 [8a]/Mt 11:25-27

Thursday: Ex 3:13-20/Ps 105:1 and 5, 8-9, 24-25, 26-27 [8a]/Mt 11:28-30

Friday: Ex 11:10¡ª12:14/Ps 116:12-13, 15 and 16bc, 17-18 [13]/Mt 12:1-8

Saturday: Ex 12:37-42/Ps 136:1 and 23-24, 10-12, 13-15/Mt 12:14-21

Next Sunday: Jer 23:1-6/Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6 [1]/Eph 2:13-18/Mk 6:30-34


Harvest Moon Festival will once again be held at the Grand Meridian on

Saturday, October 16, 2021. We are busy planning our 20th HMF and

are going to have a fun filled fundraiser. The Committee is seeking new

members and ideas. We are asking all to keep the Festival in mind for

sponsors and donations. Please contact any of the committee members

with ideas, suggestions or input that would make the event special. We

look forward to fellowship and an awesome night out! Thank you for

your consideration and pray for success.

Erin Ebben (920)-733-9266

Bruce Weiland (920)-460-4935

Erik McClintock

Dan McClintock

Celia McKee

Ministry of the Sick

Times of illness are stressful. We wish to visit with

you at your home or in the hospital. Please notify

us of your desire for prayers, visits, Holy

Communion, Anointing of the sick or other needs.

Are you grieving the death of a

loved one? Or do you know someone in our parish that is? Please

contact Father Walter or the Parish

Office to be connected with the

Bereavement Committee.

Calendar of Events

Readings for the Week of

July 11, 2021

Bethany Brincks (920)-470-7664

Rebecca Lewin (920)-585-5828

Stephanie McClintock

Diana Van Straten

Wayne Van Straten

Lora Verhagen

If you would like prayers please call the parish

office. There are three ways we can handle your

prayer requests:

¡¤ Email prayer chain¡ªconfidential


¡¤ Bulletin¡ªall people can pray for your needs

¡¤ Prayer intention book¡ªwrite in your

intention and all people may pray for it

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Playground Group¡ª9 a.m.

Faith and Fun Days, St. Edward¡ª9 a.m.

Buildings and Grounds Meeting¡ª 6 p.m.

Young Adult Campfire Night¡ª6:30 p.m.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Adoration¡ª8:45 a.m.¡ªTeach My People

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Playground Group¡ª9 a.m.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Playground Group¡ª9 a.m.

Faith & Fund Days, St. Nick¡¯s¡ª9 a.m.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Playground Group ¡ª 9 a.m.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Harvest Moon Meeting ¡ª 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Annual Parish Meeting¡ª6 p.m.

Pro-Life Prayer Corner

Reflect on the beautiful miracle of life.

Thank and praise God for it, and ask His

help in our efforts to draw all the people of

Wisconsin to treasure and protect it.

Pray through Micah 6:8 & Psalm 19:1

July 11, 2021 ? Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time©¦ 3

Pastoral Message


We welcome Father Raja Selvam this week. He is from the diocese of

Sivagangai in India. He is currently serving the diocese of Green Bay in

the Catholic parishes in Antigo. We hear in our gospel today, ¡°Jesus

summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave

them authority over unclean spirits.¡± (Mark 6) Imagine these two dioceses; Green Bay and Sivagangai, as disciples walking on the way. Let us

generously share the fruits of our faith in Christ Jesus: Sivagangai sharing their priest with us, and Green Bay, sharing funds to help educate the

poor and orphan children in Sivagangai. Gifts are still being accepted. Checks can be payable to

the parish, with ¡°mission appeal¡± in the memo line. You can use the ¡°Missionary Cooperation

Plan¡± envelope or mark any envelope ¡°Missionary Cooperation Plan.¡±


Father Walter

Mission Appeal

Dear brothers and sisters, Rev. Raja Selvam a missionary priest from INDIA who is

currently serving at St. John¡¯s Catholic Church at Antigo in the diocese of Green Bay

will be here in our parish on the second weekend of July 10th and 11th to make a mission

appeal for his home diocese in India. This Mission Appeal is to support the orphanages and boarding schools, in the mission of educating the poor and orphan children

of the diocese of SIVAGANGAI, Tamilnadu, India. Your prayers and support will

definitely make a big difference, in taking care of these orphanages and schools. He is specifically looking for financial assistance to set up the basic infrastructures in the orphanages, especially constructing sanitation, dormitory and dinning hall for these children. It is

God¡¯s work, but it is in our hands. Please, be generous to make this mission more successful.

Job Opportunity:

New Evangelization Coordinator for Adults

Part Time Position (about 10 hours/week)

St. Edward Parish, Mackville

We are seeking a faith-filled, practicing Catholic adult who is capable of leading formation, mission, and outreach

opportunities at St. Edward Parish as part of the New Evangelization team.

This person will be a Christ-centered team player with the parish and school staffs, as well as with key volunteer, be able to plan

and lead through the lens of Disciples on the Way: Discover Jesus, Follow Jesus, Worship Jesus, Share Jesus. Have a desire to

keep growing in faith, understand the importance of relational ministry and have a welcoming, joyful heart.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please send your cover letter and resume to: wstumpf@

4 ©¦ Saint Edward the Confessor ? Mackville, WI

School News


School Office Hours

Email: lschuh@

Monday¡ªFriday 7:15 am-3:30 pm

Renee Cowart, School Principal

One of our ABC countdown days had each classroom switch teachers. Every teacher was able to teach a different grade. We are

very blessed at St Edward School because the teachers know all students regardless of what grade they teach!

New Evangelization Celia McKee, Coordinator

Sue Vanden Berg, Elementary Coordinator


July 11, 2021 ? Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ©¦ 5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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