Building Our Future - Mary Lanning

[Pages:4]MARCH 2021

Building Our Future


Welcome New Board Members

Mary Lanning Healthcare Foundation is proud to introduce 3 new members to the board of directors.




Douglas Koopman is the Market President at Great Western Bank in Hastings. Doug also serves on the Hastings Museum Foundation Board of Directors, Hastings Housing Authority Board, Faith Lutheran Church Foundation Fund (Committee Chairman) and Hastings Sunrise Rotary Club. Outside of his career, Doug enjoys golf, bee keeping, gatherings with family and attending UNL athletic events.

Jerry Wallace is the campus president at Central Community College ? Hastings. He also serves as a Hastings Noon Rotary board member as well as a Hastings Economic Development board member. Jerry enjoys working out with his wife, Allyson, reading and watching documentaries. Jerry and Allyson can frequently be seen walking their dogs, Ace and Pippa, at Lake Hastings or Heartwell Park.

"My wife Becky and I have now been part of the Hastings community for over 30 years. It is a great place to raise a family, great schools, and great healthcare facilities."

"I love the accessibility to collaborate and get to know new people in Hastings. Overall, people are nice and generally want to be good neighbors that value their community."

Meet the rest of the MLH Foundation Board of Directors by visiting, our-foundation/about-us/board

Mark Hemje is the Chief Financial Officer at Johnson Imperial Homes. In addition to the Mary Lanning Healthcare Foundation board, Mark serves on the First Presbyterian Church Foundation Board, YMCA, Hastings Utilities Advisory Board and Hastings Economic Development Corporation Board. In his spare time, Mark enjoys spending time with his wife, Kate, and their four children and friends at Johnson Lake, golfing, hunting and fishing.

"What I love most about the community of Hastings is the quality of life and the many ways to get involved and have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the community."


Adopt the Home: Share the Welcome

The Adopt the Home: Share the Welcome program helps sustain the Home Away From Home, a medical hospitality house located across the street from Mary Lanning Healthcare.

The annual membership program offers individuals, families and organizations the opportunity to make an expression of support with an annual gift of $100,

In appreciation, we display the name and message of remembrance and honor in the foyer, as well as in the Foundation's newsletter.

Here's how you can participate. Call the Mary Lanning Healthcare Foundation at (402) 460-5600 and tell us the date you would like to reserve and your special message. Many friends honor or remember someone special, or celebrate anniversaries or birthdays.You can

always call to change the date and design a recognition for the

message or add more.

unforgettable people in your life.

Thank you for considering an annual membership. We hope the spirit of caring that created the medical hospitality house will inspire you to

The following individuals help to continue the warm welcome to patients and their families by "adopting" the home.


Dr. and Mrs. George Adam In appreciation

Lafe Anderson In appreciation

Jeff S. and Lori A. Anderson In appreciation

C.M. (Gary) and Mari Anderson In memory of our parents, Paul & Mabel Robare and Clarence & Frances Anderson

Bart Hultine Altruism Fund In memory of Judy Hultine, MLMH School of Nursing Class of 1967

Gale and Paula Beirow In memory of Clara and Art Beirow

Dale Berns In memory of Sidney

Cindy and Dave Biehl In memory of George and Eileen Biehl

Cindy and Dave Biehl In memory of Willard and Dolores Zavodny

Dr. Mark and Chris Brosnihan In appreciation

Michelle and Mark Callahan In honor of our anniversary

Terri Cappel In memory of Doug Cappel

Karren Carnes In memory of Rollie Carnes

Bob and Marj Caspers In appreciation

Cynthia Clark In memory of Dennis Clark

Class of 1967 In honor of our graduation, Aug. 4, 1967

Karen and Roger Doerr In appreciation

Lela Doughman In memory of Pete Doughman

Dr. Phil and Donna Dudley In memory of Phil and Margaret Dudley

David V. Evans In memory of C.Vernon and Mildred Evans

Cammie and John Farrell In appreciation

Pamela and Michael Fear In appreciation

Mr. and Mrs. David H. Fisher In memory of Chris & Ruth Fisher and Hilary & Irene Hosch

Jean and William Fogg In appreciation

Jane Foote In memory of Robert L. Foote

Jane Foote In celebration of Jan and Ken Franzen's Anniversary

Jan and Ken Franzen In honor of Gretchen Lainson's birthday

Dr. Richard and Linda French In appreciation

Dave and Pat Gartner In memory of Robert L. Maurer

Darrell Goldenstein In memory of Mrs. Donna Kothe

Patty and Brent Gollner In memory of Carol A. McInturf

Susan and Neal Hoff In honor of our wedding anniversary

Deanna E. January In memory of Richard J. January

Rosetta Jeffery In appreciation

Irene Kohn Irene Kohn Andersen in memory of Carl R. Andersen

Irene Kohn Irene McDole Kohn in memory of Dale C. McDole

Marcella Krieger In memory of Marshall Krieger

Liela J. Krupicka In memory of Frank Virchow

Dr. Susan Claire Loeffel In remembrance of my mother, Dr. Susan C. Loeffel

Cindy and Dave Long In memory of Dave's parents, Adaline "Addie" Faye Long and Robert "Bob" Long

Build Your Legacy with Mike Geis

If one of your New Year's resolutions included updating your will in 2021, let us introduce you to Mike Geis.

Mike is an Executive Vice President with Thompson & Associates, an estate planning organization that helps people work through the preliminary questions. He meets privately with families to identify the people and programs that matter most. Mike will present options to consider, including tax consequences,

so you are prepared to complete your plans with your trusted attorney.

Mike is available to you one day each month (via Zoom for now).

This service is free of charge for friends of Mary Lanning Healthcare Foundation, courtesy of the Foundation board of directors.

Please call the Foundation office, (402) 460-5600, to schedule your appointment today.

Mike Geis

"A close, trusted friend suggested I meet with Mike Geis. I had not reviewed my estate plan for more than 10 years. Mike helped me plan in a way that was unique to me. It was not a one-size-fits-all approach. Most importantly, Mike suggested I talk to my sister, the sole beneficiary of my estate. Our conversations, and the resulting changes in my plans, cemented my belief in the value of the services the foundation provides through Mike. My estate plan is now complete, and I am confident in my decisions. It urge you to spend time thinking if your situation " warrants a review by Mike. Perhaps you will experience some surprises, also. ? Carol Hoffman


Pamela Martin In loving memory of Larry Peters

Mary Lanning Hospital Trust In memory of Ed Wilken and Ralph Miller

Julia McDougal In memory of O.J. McDougal

MLHF Board of Directors In honor of Jane Foote

Marsha and John Nelson In appreciation of our family

Michael Nevrivy In memory of Edward & Mary Ann Nevrivy

Marilyn Nielsen In memory of Dale and Pauline Moomey

Monica and Shawn Nordby In memory of Milford Bierhaus

Monica and Shawn Nordby In memory of Gary Bierhaus

Verlyn Obering In appreciation

Tracy and Michelle Ochsner In appreciation

Tracy and Michelle Ochsner In appreciation

Tracy and Michelle Ochsner In appreciation

Mary L. Olsen In honor of Jane Foote

Ken & Audrey Peil and Todd & Yvonne Peil-Kranau In memory of Esther Schmale

Ken & Audrey Peil and Yvonne Peil-Kranau In memory of Cyndi Peil

Ken & Audrey Peil and Todd & Yvonne Peil-Kranau In memory of Fred Peil

Mary Plock In loving memory of Ruth and Bill Walker

LaVonne J. Richardson In memory of Eric M. Richardson

LaVonne J. Richardson In memory of Charles E. Richardson, M.D.

Barb and Randy Ruhter In celebration of our wedding anniversary

Lee and Eileen Saathoff In appreciation of our anniversary

Linda and Farrel Schmidt In appreciation

Dr. Susan Schuckert In appreciation

Mary Schutte and Family In memory of Al Schutte, Jr.

Patti Schultz Shore In memory of Bob and Joyce Schultz, married May 29,1945

Dee and Carol Skillen In memory of Susane Surber

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Skoch In memory of W.B."Bill" Bredemeier

Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Sooter In honor of Marguerite Seybold

Mr. and Mrs. Loren L. Sweley In appreciation

Jodi and Jan ten Bensel Family In honor of Gavin and Reese's birth

Kathy Tideman Tom Tideman's birthday

Mike and Sheri Trindle In memory of Karen A.Trindle

Paula Jones Hill and Patrick Shane Vanderburg In appreciation

Philip and Colleen Werner In memory of our fathers Philip Werner Sr. and Eldon Bassett

Susan Krieger Wooster-Anderson in honor of Marcella and Marshall Krieger's Wedding Anniversary


Save the Date


Early giving begins on April 21. Learn more about supporting Mary Lanning Healthcare on Give Hastings Day by visiting .


Hosted at Lochland Country Club, this year's proceeds from the tournament will purchase equipment for the Lab department including three mobile phlebotomy devices and a refrigerator as well as disinfectant technology for Environmental Services.


An evening that sparkles with support to our hospital, this year's charity gala will be hosted at a new location ? Brique 1887.

741 N. Denver Ave. Hastings, NE 68901 (402) 460-5600

Maddie Peterson

Event & Communications Coordinator

Sherrie Hollister

Fiscal Specialist

If you would like to update your contact information or wish to be removed from our mailing list, please call us at (402) 460 -5600 or send an email to shollister@.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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