Black Hawks Ledger Book January 4, 2011

Humanities Name:________________________________

Black Hawks’s Ledger Book December 3, 2015

Was a member of the ____________________________________________.

During the Winter of ______________________________ his family was starving.

The Great Planes are made up of ___________________________________________


The Indians survived mainly on ___________________that had been mostly hunted to

________________________by the _________________________________________.

Black Hawk had a ______________________________________________________.

William Edward Canton the Indian trader for the Cheyenne Agency in Dakota asked Black Hawk to _________________________________________________________


Canton gave Black Hawk __________________________________________________

To make his drawings. He paid him ___________________________________________

8. Black Hawk produced ___________ drawings over the course of the winter and received ________________ dollars in exchange, a sizable amount for the time.

9. In 1994, the book (by then in a private collection) sold at auction for nearly_________

10. Black Hawk’s drawings followed a long tradition of Plains Indian art. Lakota men painted images on their ___________________________ to display their accomplishments and brave deeds.

11. Winter counts (communal histories of tribes or families) were also painted on buffalo hide.

12. As __________________________________________ were acquired through trade or in raids, the Lakota began to make images with these materials as well.

13. Ledger books were valued because they were ________________________________, ________________________________either on blank pages or superimposed on used ones.

14. Ledger Art is a term for Plains Indian narrative ______________________________. Ledger art was primarily from the _________________________, but also continuing into the present. The term comes from the accounting ledger books that were a common source for paper for Plains Indians during the late 19th century.

15. Among Plains tribes, women traditionally painted ________________________ designs.

16. Men painted_______________designs. The men's designs were often heraldic devises or visions painted on shields, tipis, shirts, leggings, or robes.

17. They frequently painted ________________________________________________.

18. Black Hawk’s work, though one of the finest examples, is not technically a ledger book, for he drew on separate sheets of paper that were bound in leather by Caton.

19. Plains pictorial art emphasizes _________________ and eliminates unnecessary detail or backgrounds. Figures tended to be drawn in ___________________ and _________________________________________________________.

20. Black Hawk drew only _____ images of his dream before he began to record the natural world and Lakota customs and ceremonies. He even recorded processions of ___________________________________________, traditional enemies of the Lakota.



Counting Coup:_________________________________________________________

Body paint:____________________________________________________________

C- shaped horse prints:__________________________________________________

Men’s legs marked with diagonal lines:_______________________________________

Beaded or fringed bags:_________________________________________________

A social dance was performed by___________________________________________

And showed _______________________________________________________________


Scholars believe that Black Hawk was killed at________________________________

What is significant about Fort Marion (St Augustine Florida :____________________


31. Subject matter of the Ledger Books:________________________________________


NOTES: SYMBOLISM IN ART_______________________________________________





________________________________________________________________________32. What can we learn about the Lakota from these pictures that we might not understand if their history were just written with words?_____________________________________



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