Ronald W. Reagan High School




Cadet Handbook


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Appendix 2 AFJROTC PATCH 69


1. The Aerospace Science course introduces the historical, scientific and technical aspects of aviation and the aerospace environment. Leadership Education provides experiences to develop discipline, responsibility, communication skills, and citizenship. Leadership Education also includes wearing the Air Force uniform, the proper use of Air Force customs and courtesies, participating in drills and ceremonies, giving and receiving instructions, and acting as leaders and members of NC-20051. The program is administered and taught by the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) and the Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI). You do not incur a service obligation by participating in the program.

2. The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Vitalization Act of Oct. 13, 1964 (PUBLIC LAW 88-647) is the authority to operate AFJROTC programs in secondary schools. It states that cadets must be physically fit, citizens of the United States, and at least 14 years old. To be enrolled in NC-20051, AFJROTC, Ronald W. Reagan High School, you must also be enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction at Reagan High School.

3. Students may transfer from Army, Navy, or Marine Junior ROTC units with full credit for training already received. Students may be disenrolled from the program for:

Failing to maintain acceptable course standards, failing grades, improper haircuts, unacceptable grooming, improper uniform wear, and failure to wear the uniform on three separate occasions during any grading period. Additionally, a student may be removed for inaptitude, indifference to training, disciplinary problems, undesirable traits of character, and failing to remain enrolled in school.

4. A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION is presented to cadets in good standing who have completed at least three years of the AFJROTC program. In order to gain the benefits of successfully completing the AFJROTC program, a cadet must have this certificate in his/her possession when enrolling in a college level ROTC program or when enlisting in the armed forces.

With the Certificate of Completion, a cadet may be given credit for one year of the General Military Course (GMC) of the senior AFROTC program. This privilege must be arranged with the Professor of Aerospace Science (PAS) when enrolling at the college or university.

If the AFJROTC cadet elects to enlist in the Armed Services, the Certificate of

Completion will allow enlistment in pay grade E-3 in the Air Force, Army, or Navy.

Enlistment in the Marine Corps will be in pay grade E-2.

Note: It is possible to complete three years of AFJROTC and NOT receive a Certificate of Completion or an endorsement for enlistment at E-3 from the SASI.

5. A CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING is presented to cadets in good standing who complete two years of the AFJROTC program. With the Certificate of Training, a cadet may be given credit for one semester of the General Military Course (GMC) of the senior ROTC program. This privilege must be arranged with the Professor of Aerospace Science (PAS) at the time of enrollment in the college or university.

If the AFJROTC cadet elects to enlist in the Armed Services, the Certificate of

Training will allow enlistment in the pay grade of E-2. Note: Certificates of Training are not awarded automatically. Consideration is given to total performance and achievement as a member of the unit. It is possible to complete the course and NOT be considered to have met the total requirement for award of the certificate. Final determination for the award rests with the SASI and ASI.



Ronald W. High School

Pfafftown, NC 270400



1. The mission of the cadet organization is to provide a vehicle for the application of leadership techniques and for developing an understanding of the military command structure, the need for discipline, and knowledge of military drill and ceremonies. In accomplishing its mission, the cadet organization seeks to satisfy the following objectives:

a. To develop a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, and leadership

b. To promote patriotism.

c. To promote habits of orderliness and precision.

d. To develop respect for constituted authority.

e. To develop the ability to perform basic military skills associated with drill and ceremonies.

2. Academic objectives seek to:

a. Develop better-informed citizens on matters dealing with aerospace.

b. Develop knowledge of vocational, educational, and leadership opportunities offered by aerospace agencies.

c. Understand the potential impact of aerospace on the social, political, economic, and military systems in the United States.

d. Become familiar with the beneficial effects that have occurred as a result of efforts in aerospace.

e. Become familiar with aerospace vehicles and the principles that govern their operation.

f. Become familiar with the purpose and structure of the Department of Defense and the U. S. Air Force.

3. Leadership objectives seek to have the cadets demonstrate the following:

a. Wear the uniform and insignia in accordance with AFI 36-2903 and AFROTCI 36-2001

b. Knowledge of USAF dress and grooming standards.

c. Execute the basic movements, positions, and facings in individual, flight, and squadron drill.

d. Demonstrate knowledge of Air Force customs and courtesies and conduct him/herself in a socially acceptable manner in and out of uniform.

e. Perform the duties of element leader, flight sergeant, flight commander, and other duties as required.

f. Demonstrate knowledge and respect for constituted authority.

g. Demonstrate knowledge of the procedures for honoring the American flag, the National Anthem, and to the Colors when participating in military ceremonies.

h. Develop exemplary habits of orderliness and precision to prepare oneself for responsible leadership.

4. During the year, Curriculum-In-Action trips (CIA) and community service projects may be planned. Your participation is determined by you. Disciplinary problems on campus, academic standing in school and uniform grade above 90% will determine if you are allowed to participate in CIA trips. Written permission from your parents/guardians and all your teachers is required prior to participation.

You are a cadet 24/7!



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



The Honor Code is specific and clear in what it demands. A cadet is expected to have complete integrity in both word and deed; avoid evasive statements; do individual work in class, and be willing to assist others in a sense of cooperation and reaching common group goals. The Code belongs to the Cadets. Maintaining its high standards of trustworthiness is the responsibility of each cadet. This will require self-control and conscious effort at all times. Eventually it becomes an ingrained habit and part of the cadet’s total ethical code and lifestyle. The Honor Code, by stressing that there can be no toleration of lying, cheating, or stealing, emphasizes that HONOR is a common standard of the Cadet Corps.

On my word of honor, I promise not to lie, cheat, or steal, nor condone those who do.

The Air Force Core Values are applicable equally to all ranks in the Air Force family. The values serve as the backbone to how we work, play and even fight as a member of the Air Force family. The three Air Force core values consist of:

Integrity First

Service before self

Excellence in all we do

Integrity is the first and foremost characteristic and fits closely with the honor code theme. It is the willingness to do what is right even when no one is looking. With an internal ability to regulate and control yourself to do the right thing at all times, it is easy to understand why we cannot condone members of our family who do not abide by our requirement for honor at all costs.

Along with integrity, we also expect our family to commit to caring for others and place their well being in front of ours. Consequently, we have placed the needs of others ahead of ourselves. Only in placing ourselves second to the needs of our group will we be able to insure the success of our team goals.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



PURPOSE: The purpose of this SOI is to motivate and encourage the development of discipline, pride, honor and Esprit-de-Corps among cadets in the Group.

GENERAL: Merits and demerits have equal value. Each cadet will begin each new semester with a zero balance of merits and demerits. The net merit / demerit balance is as of the end of each grading period and will be reflected in each cadet’s grade. Merits and demerits will also influence overall evaluation and consideration for medals, ribbons, letters of recommendations for scholarships, and employment. The merit/demerit system will only enable a cadet to qualify for promotion and does not mean they will be promoted automatically.

DEFINITIONS: A merit is a unit that is awarded for positive actions that result in above normal standards of performance.

A demerit is a unit given for negative actions that result in below normal standards of performance.


A maximum of 20 merits during a quarter will be used for grading purposes. One half of the total merits accumulated weekly will be used in the cadet’s participation grade weekly.


Your participation JROTC grade average is 80, plus 10 points for 20 merits earned, added to the 80 would result in a 90 for the weekly grading period.


1. Drill, Color Guard, Rifle Team practices: 2 merits per practice

2. Drill and Rifle Team Competitions: 10 merits per competition

3. Drill and Rifle Competitions Event leader: 10 merits per event

4. AFJROTC Service events: 10 merits per hour

Service events include color guards (for school events), parking details, air shows, roadside trash pickups, etc for any activity that is not required or for which you do not receive an academic grade. The Point of Contact (POC) for the activity is responsible for collecting and verifying the attendance roster for the cadets present. This will be completed and forwarded to the personnel team for compilation and filing. The Personnel officer will compile and post twice monthly.

5. Leader of cadet projects: 20 merits per event

The cadet who serves as a project leader will earn additional merit points in addition to the normal hours for the actual organization and leadership of their event or project. They will be required to plan and present their plan to the staff at a weekly meeting and then collect and verify the attendance roster for their actual project. After the project is completed, they will be responsible for compiling an after action report on their project. This will be turned in to the historian after it is briefed at the weekly staff meeting two weeks after completion of the project.

6. Voluntary Activities outside AFJROTC- 10 merits per hour

For each hour of community service outside the corps, cadets will receive merit points but must have written proof signed by an administrator with a telephone number and description of the project. The project cannot be run by a cadet’s parent.

7. Outside AFJROTC Clubs or Sports: 20 Merits per Quarter

If a cadet is active and interested in improving the corps but cannot give there full attention to the corps because they are contributing to the school through active involvement in a club or sport will receive 20 merits for involvement each quarter. In these cases the cadet must receive a written letter signed by the club sponsor or team coach verifying the amount of contribution you contributed to the project they contributed and were a positive aspect of the club/sport. (Review board will verify these themselves)

8. Cadet of the month: 30 Merits

The cadet who is selected for the cadet of the month will receive a certificate, permitted to wear a special cord and also be awarded 30 merit points. The cadet of the month will be announced after the monthly meeting in an award ceremony in their flight.

9. Flag Detail: 1 Merit per 2 Details

A cadet acquires a merit for every two flag detail events that he/she participates in, i.e. AM/PM …

--Merit/demerit tracking – Flight commanders with the help of their flight sergeant will be responsible for tracking their individual flight members’ merits and demerits. Each month flight commanders will print out a chart with their cadet’s names and total number of merits/demerits. This will be given to the SASI no later than the end of school Monday or the first school day of each month. When the flight commanders print off the flight’s merits/demerits, each cadet must initial by there name acknowledging they have the correct amount. Failure to annotate errors will result in the cadets being unable to correct the records and the flight will lose its eligibility to compete for the flight of the quarter.


No maximum number of demerits within a quarter. One-half of the total number of demerits will be used in the cadet’s final average for a quarter. EXAMPLE: Grade average is 75, minus 10 points for 20 demerits earned would give the cadet a 65 for the grading period.


CATEGORY I--- Major offenses that are detrimental to the image of the Corps.

Ten to 20 demerits may be assessed.


Disrespect to the US Flag or the uniform 20 pts

Failure to wear uniform and repeat uniform violations 10/15 (repeat) pts

Disrespect to instructors, guest speakers, other faculty members,

or substitute teachers 20 pts

Making false statements/Attempts to deceive 15 pts

Giving or receiving assistance during tests or examinations 10 pts

Stealing 20 pts

Possession of, dealing in, or use of firearms, explosives, narcotics

or alcohol on school property or on AFJROTC sponsored trips 20 pts

Smoking while in uniform or on school property or on AFJROTC

sponsored trips 15 pts

Fighting anyone, anytime on campus, buses or AFJROTC trips 20 pts

Willful destruction of Air Force, school, or others property 15 pts

OSS 20 pts

Profanity 10 pts

CATEGORY II--- Serious offenses resulting in serious damage to the image of the Corps.

Five to 10 demerits may be assessed.


Failure to execute a written or verbal order 10 pts

Disrespect to cadet officers or noncommissioned officers. 10 pts

Leaving a formation without permission 5 pts

In school suspension 10 pts

Skipping classes of any kind 10 pts

Wear of piercing in the classroom (males any, females other than ears) 5 pts

PDA in uniform while at school 5 pts

CATEGORY III--- Offenses resulting in detrimental damage to the image of the Corps.

Three to 5 demerits may be assessed.


Failure to salute SASI/ASI when outdoors in uniform or when asked to report. 5 pts

Failure to salute all higher-ranking cadet officers when required 5 pts

Neglect of duty. (Be specific, i.e., did not turn in staff report.) 3 pts

CATEGORY IV--- Minor offenses resulting in a minor damage to the image of the Corps.

One to 3 demerits may be assessed.


Severe improper wear of uniform 3 pts

Violation of haircut or grooming standards 3 pts

Late to class without a pass 2 pts

Eating in class without permission 3 pts

Writing on desk tops, classroom or school walls. 3 pts

Talking in formation or classroom without permission 2 pts


If a cadet feels that a demerit is unjust, it may be appealed by a written request to their flight commander, within two school days after receiving the demerit. The request must state why the demerit is felt unjustified. The Cadet Review board will be convened to review the appeals and make a recommendation to the SASI. The SASI will make the final determination based on recommendations from the board.


The Squadron Personnel Officer will submit the name of any cadet who has accumulated 25 or more demerits to the Cadet Commander and SASI.

The SASI may direct a Cadet Evaluation Board to convene and summon the cadet to appear .The Evaluation Board will hear the case and report its findings and recommendations to the SASI for final disposition.

NOTE: It must be stressed that the accumulation of demerits no matter now few will have the following detrimental effect:

(1) Lowering the cadet’s grade and

(2) Decreasing the opportunity for promotion, awards, decorations, etc.


The SASI will review all merits and demerits. The Cadet Commander and Flight

Commanders have approval authority for Category IV demerits. The Cadet Command staff has approval authority for Category III demerits.


Only cadet officers and senior noncommissioned officers (MSgt and above) may recommend merits or demerits. These personnel will have merit/demerit forms in their possession at all times. Cadets will be informed of the reason for the merit/demerit and will initial the form. Initials indicate only that the cadet has seen the merit or demerit and does not necessarily indicate agreement. Failure to initial form will result in additional demerits being issued by the SASI.

The Group Personnel Officer will:

a. Review each merit/demerit form for accuracy, completeness, and prepared for final action. Results will be posted in a merit/demerit log and be available for cadet review.

b. Maintain the merit/demerit log and status board or computer record.

c. Inform the Cadet Commander and SASI of cadets who acquire 20 or more demerits.

d. Provide the SASI merit/demerit forms in alphabetical order by flight every two weeks.

e. Provide the SASI with the totals for each cadet no later than five days before the end of each quarter.

f. At the end of each grading period, the Personnel Officer will post the forms in each cadet’s record.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



The leadership positions of the corps are extremely important and will ultimately dictate the success of failure of NC-20051may be rotated at the end of each semester. The leadership[ positions will be picked by the SASI with the assistance of the ASI for each year as well as for any replacements during the school year.

Specific Requirements for the Corps Leadership Positions

Command Element Leaders (Top Three and Senior Enlisted Advisor)

1. The corps will develop and participate in a minimum of three major projects for each semester.

a. Fund raiser

b. Civic project for school, community

c. Fun event

d. CIA trip suggestions with SASI/ASI

2. The top three will brain storm with your flight commanders and decide which ones are going to be completed and when. Try to spread them out during the school year. Once established, place them on the master calendar for the corps.

3. Develop plans and details to include who is responsible for each part of the project or event. Have the responsible leader develop the timeline for the activity.

4. Present the idea to the instructors for approval. Estimate financial impact and requirements to include estimated cost to the students. Place the event on the master calendar.

5. After approval, present ideas at the staff meeting and discuss further with the staff and assistants.

Flight commanders must be involved in a major role of at least one project each semester.

6. Present to the corps and get commitment for participation by key committee members willing to work on the project. Report back to the command staff at next staff meeting.

7. Command staff will work with the project leader to develop timeline for the project. (Assistance will be available by the instructors as needed.)

8. Print a time line for the event and start working the project. Public Affairs officer will work with assistant to get the information to the school as required. All publicity of any natured will be cleared by the SASI or ASI before being disseminated outside the JROTC department. THIs means that there will be a signature by the SASI OR ASI on anything concerning JROTC at Reagan High School.

9. The project officer will be responsible for briefing the status of each project at the weekly meeting.

10. The project officer designated helpers will be responsible for the execution day of the project. The command element is expected to participate in corps activities in support of the flight commanders and project leaders.

11. First Staff meeting after the project execution, there will be an evaluation process for the completed project to determine what worked and what wasn’t as successful for the project. The command element and flight commanders will develop a form for evaluation and maintain a file of all events for examination by future project leaders to make each subsequent project more successful.

3. All staff positions will be assigned by the SASI/ASI. Normally interviews will be conducted and staff will be selected based on the desires, leadership skill, technical skills, and observed previous performance. Recommendations will be considered from reassigned cadets and other staff officers.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040





All ranks are the highest rank possible for each position and not the automatic rank for the person holding the position; numbers represent the maximum number of staff members per job, not actual numbers in the Chain of Command. If more than one position is held by one individual, refer to the maximum rank of the higher position.

Position Title- C/MAXIMUM Rank- MAXIMUM Number in Position

Group Commander- C/LtCol 1

Vice Group Commander- C/LtCol 1

Operations Officer- C/LtCol

NCOIC/First Sgt- C/CMSgt 1

Historian- C/Capt 1

NCO- SMSgt 1

Personnel Officer- C/ Capt 1

NCO- C/SMSgt 2

Public Affairs Officer- C/Capt 1

NCOs- C/SMSgt 2

Logistics Officer- C/Capt 1

NCOs- C/SMSgt 3

Special Projects Officer/ICC- C/Capt 1

NCO- C/SMSgt 1

Flight Commander C/Capt 7

Flight Sgt- C/TSgt 7

Drill Team Commander- C/Capt 1

Rocket Club Commander- C/Capt 1

Kitty Hawk Air Society Commander- C/Capt 1

Model A/C Club Commander- C/Capt 1

Rifle Team Commander- C/Capt 1

Brigade Representative- C/LtCol 1

Special Assistant- C/Col 1



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



PURPOSE: The purpose of this SOI is to define the responsibilities and dedication required to be a successful member of the different specialty teams available in the Corps.

Drill Team

1. The Drill Team membership is open to any active or reserve member of the corps in good academic and behavior standing. Participation requirements are as follows:

a. Members must be present at least 85% of all practices the month before any drill meet, and all practices the week prior. Exceptions are only authorized if the member is actively involved in another Reagan High School activity which requires practices after school during the school day. If this is the case, the Drill team captain and assistant will evaluate the member’s ability to positively enhance the drill unit they wish to participate on. The same policy goes for special circumstances regarding tardies and absences. If the designated leader for the drill event has finalized their drill team and wants to allow the person mentioned above to go as an alternate, he/she may do so. If the team leader (event commander) wishes to arrange AM practice sessions, then they can have the person makeup their missed practices as long as no one is eliminated after attending the regularly scheduled practices.

b. To retain any special devices, patches or other special drill team uniform items, each member must maintain and overall 75% attendance figure for the drill season (semester) or be involved in another sanctioned Reagan High School team, activity or event during season.

c. Failure to maintain academic standards will result in removal from any drill meets until grades school requirements.

d. Any behavioral problems at school resulting in extended ISS or any OSS will prevent members from participation in any out of town meets.

e. Failure to meet the uniform standards below 90% or failure to wear the uniform on assigned days will prevent travel to any drill meets for that month. The drill team member must meet the 90% criteria for 4 consecutive weeks to be allowed to travel with the drill team. You can continue to practice with the team during your suspension period.

f. Drill Team members participating in a competition may be exempt from uniform wear the uniform day prior to the competition. The cadet’s uniform wear on the day of the competition will count for the exempted day.

Presentation Color Guard

1. Membership on the Presentation Color Guard (PCG) is an honor and responsibility for each member choosing to try out for and become a part of the team. As a member of the Color Guard, you are accepting the responsibility to participate in honorably and professionally presenting our nation’s flag at all home football, basketball, PTSA and other special events that are scheduled in support of Reagan High School and its athletic programs. The PCG is open to every cadet who has the correct attitude, ability, and time. Excellence cannot be achieved without commitment. Partial commitment destroys team unity and damages the reputation of the corps and our school. The team will be composed of no more than 13 members: the team leader and 12 members. The PCG leader will be responsible for coordinating all events with the SASI/ASI. The leader will be responsible for insuring that the activities are scheduled equitably among all team members.

2. Selection for the team members will be accomplished by the SASI/ASI based on a competition of drill team events and a normal presentation of the colors. The team leader will be selected based on interest in leadership, ability to motivate, train and discipline the team members.

3. Participation at competitive drill meets will be decided by a competition scored by the drill team captain, SASI and ASI.

4. All events scheduled will be scheduled to include a backup member to insure that the colors are presented correctly and that the corps is represented at the highest level. If you are scheduled for an event it is the responsibility of each scheduled member to contact the team leader with your replacement member 24 hours in advance.

The Color Guard leader is responsible for scheduling a time to accomplish maintenance training and replacement training during the week. The times can be before school to maximize access to the most students. Failure to meet 90% of the schedule practices during a month or failure to show for a scheduled event and not arrange for an alternate will result in a 1 month suspension from the Color Guard and forfeiture of any specialized uniform attachments authorized for wear by the Color Guard. A second incident of either will result in removal from the Color Guard team for the school year. You will be permitted to try out for the Color Guard the next school year.

5. The PCG Commander is responsible for:

(l) Recruiting and organizing the PCG.

(2) Maintaining and posting a roster of the PCG members with phone numbers.

(3) Posting a schedule of known Color Guard performances and

(4) Ensuring sufficient PCG members are scheduled to present the Colors. Always include one to two members on stand-by in the event a primary member is unable to perform.

(5) Issuing merits (demerits) and community service hours to cadets that presented the Colors.

6. Color Guard Ribbon. The PCG Commander will track and post a roster identifying cadet participation at ceremonies where the Colors are presented, for the purpose of awarding the Color Guard ribbon. This does not include drill team competitions. This posted roster will be updated after each scheduled PCG presentation. PCG cadets are eligible to wear the Color Guard ribbon once they have presented the Colors for the 3rd time.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



(Reference: AFI 36-2903 and AFROTCI 36-2001)

1. Each member of the AFJROTC must maintain high standards of dress and personal appearance. When a cadet wears the uniform, he/she is obligated in the same fashion as a commissioned officer or enlisted person on active duty, to wear it properly and proudly. In doing so, one upholds the dignity of the Air Force, AFJROTC, fellow cadets, and oneself. The uniform, when properly worn and correctly fitted, is very important in establishing and maintaining morale and public opinion. Wearing the uniform improperly is a discredit to the cadet, the unit, and the US Air Force.

2. The uniform must be kept clean and maintained in serviceable condition. Uniforms will be kept buttoned at all times. Shoes will be highly polished and in good repair. Badges, insignia, belt buckles, and other metallic devices must be maintained in proper luster and condition. Articles such as wallets, pencils, pens, pins, jewelry, handkerchiefs, combs, sunglasses, and sunglass cases will not be worn or carried exposed on the uniform. Wristwatches, identification bracelets, and rings are permitted. Conservative sunglasses may be worn, but not in formations.

3. Male hairstyles will be neat, clean, trimmed and present a well-groomed appearance. Hair will not touch the ears or the collar except the closely cut hair on the back of the neck. It will present a tapered appearance. Hair in front will be groomed so that it does not fall below the eyebrows and will not protrude below the band of properly worn headgear. In no way shall the bulk or length of the hair interfere with the proper wear of the Air Force headgear. Maximum bulk is 1 ¼ inches for males. The acceptability of the cadet’s hairstyle will be based upon the criteria in this paragraph and not upon the style in which worn. Cadets will not be allowed to participate in unit activities if hair is not within prescribed limits.

4. If a cadet chooses to wear sideburns, they will be neatly trimmed and tapered in the same manner as the hair. Sideburns will not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear opening and will be of even width. The sideburns will end with a clean shaven, horizontal line.

5. A neatly trimmed mustache may be worn. It will not extend downward beyond the line separating the skin and the vermilion of the lip. The mustache will not extend sideways beyond a vertical line drawn upward from the corner of the vermilion of the lip.

6. Beards and goatees are not permitted while in uniform. The face will be clean shaven other than the wear of an acceptable mustache or sideburns.

7. Male cadets will not wear wigs and hairpieces while in uniform except for cosmetic reasons to cover natural baldness or physical disfiguration.

8. Cadets are prohibited from attaching, affixing, or displaying objects, articles, jewelry or ornamentation through the ear, nose, tongue, or other body parts when:

a) Exposed or visible while wearing a military uniform.

b) In the AFJROTC classroom or Department area.

c) Participating in an AFJROTC sponsored activity, whether in or out of uniform.

9. Tattoos that are visible above the collarbone are not permitted. Visible tattoos that are obscene, advocate sexual, racial, ethnic or religious discrimination are not permitted.

10. Female hair must be styled to permit proper wear of military headgear. While in uniform the hair must not extend below the bottom edge of the collar of the uniform. Exaggerated styles with excessive fullness or extreme height are prohibited. Maximum bulk is 3 inches for females. Hairpieces, when worn, must conform to the same regulations governing natural hair styles. Dyed or tinted hair must present a natural appearance.

11. Uniform skirt length will be in keeping with the requirements of good taste and judgment. Skirts should not exceed one inch above the knee and should not be excessively tight.

12. Females may wear a single earring in the lobe of each ear. They must be spherical in shape and diamond, gold, silver, or pearl in color. Hair ornaments such as ribbons and beads will not be worn. Pins, combs, or barrettes similar in color to the individual’s hair may be worn.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



1. The AFJROTC uniform is the same as that worn by active duty personnel. Only the insignia and rank identify you as a cadet. Each cadet must consistently be aware of their responsibility for maintaining their uniform in good condition and wearing it properly.

2. One day a week will be designated as “uniform day”. Normally, Wednesday will be uniform day. Every cadet must wear the prescribed uniform on Uniform Day and his/her grade will be, in large part, determined by how well he/she prepares and performs on Uniform Day. Make-up day for absence on Wednesday is the next day that you attend school. If you are absent on Thursday or Friday it is your responsibility to find out the uniform of the day for Monday by calling the office or another cadet. When in doubt, wear the service dress uniform. Failure to wear the prescribed uniform will result in a lower grade. Instead of starting from 100, your starting grade will be an 80 and any discrepancies will further reduce your grade by 4 points per discrepancy.

3. Each cadet will be required to sign for each individual item issued and is accountable for each item at all time.

4. Uniform items that do not fit should be returned immediately for exchange. If a cadet cannot be fitted with uniforms available through Air Force clothing supply, they should pursue another course of study.

5. Uniforms will be worn ALL day on the days designated as uniform day except as follows:

a. PE clothing will be worn during PE classes.

b. Suitable clothing will be worn during Industrial Education classes.

c. Other exceptional circumstances with prior approval.

6. Service coats and windbreakers may be removed during class without permission of teachers, except in AFJROTC classes. They must be worn when changing classes or anytime you leave class. Coats and windbreakers must be properly buttoned or zipped when worn.

7. Neckties may not be loosened or removed when worn as part of the uniform.

8. Uniforms will be issued at the beginning of the school year in the following order:

a. Special Details

b. Staff and AS-IV Cadets

c. AS-III Cadets

d. AS-II Cadets

e. AS-I Cadets

9. The uniform is loaned to you by the U.S. Air Force and is government property. You must sign for it and are accountable for it at all times. Any items that are lost must be paid for at the cost of a like new item at the time the replacement is acquired.

10. Any person within the jurisdiction of the United States who wears a uniform or distinctive part of the uniform of the Armed Services without authority is subject to the penalties prescribed in 18 USC 702.

11. Cadet Officers will assist in enforcement of this SOI under provisions of their job descriptions.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



1. After cadet orientation, return of agreement forms, and meeting established standards, uniforms and insignia will be issued. The same uniform and equipment must be turned in at the end of the school year or when a cadet is no longer a member of the Cadet Corps.

2. As of the day you receive and sign for your uniforms and accessories, you have an “account” in the AFJROTC supply office. You are reminded that all uniforms and equipment are loaned to you by the U. S. Government. You will be held accountable for each item signed for.

3. Your clothing and equipment record will show everything issued to you and in most cases the cost of each item. Several of the items are quite expensive. As you receive your uniform and items of equipment you will be required to sign your name and initial beside each item issued. Each item issued to you becomes your personal responsibility.

4. You will receive a summer uniform and a winter uniform along with all accessories and insignia that go with them. Before the end of the school year, or when you turn in an item, you will be credited for those items returned. You must return all items or pay for the lost or damaged items before your grade is released. If you do not settle your clothing account satisfactorily before school is out, we must hold your report card. Seniors cannot get their diplomas or participate in graduation exercises without a clear account. Additionally, AFJROTC Certificate of Training or Certificate of Completion will not be awarded.

5. Clothing items that become unserviceable should be turned in immediately to the military property custodian (ASI) as soon as possible. If the unserviceable condition is due to fair wear and tear, the item will be replaced at no cost to you. Any clothing item that does not fit properly should be exchanged as soon as possible.

6. AFJROTC textbooks will be available to each cadet. The individual cadet will pay for any texts, library books, or other Government property that is lost, damaged or destroyed due to improper handling. Fair wear and tear will be considered.

7. Below are some suggestions to help safeguard your uniforms:

a. Do not place your uniform in an unlocked locker or in an unsecured place.

b. Do not lend your uniform or uniform items to another person or have another person turn in items for you.

c. Do not carry the flight cap around with your books. Fold it and put it in your back pocket or tuck it under your belt.

d. Always be alert for uniform items left lying around or misplaced by another cadet. Assume responsibility for turning them in to the logistics officer or ASI.

8. We must have the complete and full cooperation of every cadet in order for the entire Corps of Cadets to present its best appearance at all times. The United States Air Force uniform is the symbol of a proud and honorable service. Wear it proudly and in the best tradition of that service.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



1. Staff meetings will be conducted a minimum of once a week to discuss and review organizational and personnel matters and to resolve problems. The staff meeting will normally be scheduled for Friday morning unless scheduling conflicts dictate otherwise. Each Wednesday morning the cadet commander will give an agenda to the information officer for typing and posting on the classroom bulletin board. It will include items to be discussed that week such as upcoming projects, special events and other items of interest to the corps members. The announcement will list which person will be speaking, subject or project to be discussed and the proposed allocated time.

2. The Cadet Commander or designated representative will preside over the staff meetings. The Historian will be responsible for taking minutes of the meeting to include but not limited to the following:

a. Date and time.

b. Personnel attending.

c. Subjects discussed, decisions reached, or problems solved.

d. Items to be discussed at the next staff meeting.

e. Tentative date of the next meeting.

3. The Cadet Commander will ask for and receive detailed information from the Vice and Operations Commanders every other meeting and may ask for verbal reports from each staff officer on the current status of projects or details. When discussing problems, staff officers must be prepared to offer possible solutions. When discussing problems in a flight, names of students will never be mentioned in open meetings. Specific problems with students will be discussed behind closed doors, with only the people involved with the student.

4. Staff Officers will make sure that assistants or NCOIC’s are kept current on decisions or findings of the staff meetings. Flight commanders or their designated representative will insure that all information is relayed to their respective flight. N the event that the SASI is not present, the commander will brief the SASI within one day of what was proposed or discussed. No final decisions will be made nor action taken on anything discussed at the staff meeting without approval of the SASI.

5. A copy of the minutes will be kept in the administrative files and retained until the end of the school year.

6. Cadet staff meetings will be conducted in a business-like manner. Individual discussions and agendas will not be tolerated.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



1. The salute, in its various forms, is considered a military greeting. In the US Armed Forces it is considered a symbol of respect. Military personnel regard the salute as a courteous and respectful greeting between members and it is one of the oldest traditions binding military members together. In AFJROTC, each member of the cadet corps is expected to observe military customs and courtesies.

2. Cadets will salute cadet officers of higher rank and officers of the United States Armed Forces.

3. Salutes will be rendered at all times when moving in the parking lots or the front of the school. The concourse is a hats-off area therefore no saluting is required.

4. Salutes will not be rendered indoors except when reporting as a part of classroom procedures or when asked to report to a superior officer.

5. Saluting will not be required while eating lunch on the cafeteria patio or the senior patio.

6. Do not salute while running. Come to a walk and salute when six paces from the person being saluted.

7. Hold the salute until properly returned.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



1. The Command Staff members are authorized to wear a silver and black with a double metal device shoulder cord and the Flight Commanders wear a silver and black with singe metal device shoulder chord. All shoulder cords will be issued by the Group Logistics Officer on equipment hand receipts.

2. Color Guard members are authorized to wear the red and white shoulder cord.

3. Kitty Hawk Air Society members may wear the light blue shoulder cord with one metal device as long as they meet the Society requirements.

4. Additional accessories may be worn at drill meets and special performances and must be returned after the meet or performance.

7. All shoulder cords and accessories must be kept clean and in good repair.

8. Only one shoulder cord may be worn at a time. It is worn on the left shoulder.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



1. Hazing of cadets is strictly forbidden under any circumstances. Senior cadets and officers will exercise good leadership at all times.

2. Bullying of underclassmen will not be tolerated. Requesting underclassmen to do ridiculous, unnecessary tasks demonstrates a complete lack of leadership. Persons found to be dealing in these unacceptable practices will be dealt with severely and in most cases be required to meet an evaluation board.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



1. Cadet evaluation boards will be convened as necessary to serve as a vehicle for leadership training and to evaluate situations from a cadet viewpoint. Cadet board members will be temporary.

2. The Group Commander or highest-ranking officer at the time will preside over the board. The SASI and/or ASI will always be present as members of the board.

3. Boards may be convened to evaluate cadets for failure to meet the standards of good conduct and to appeal a demerit, selection of cadets for temporary promotion, screening cadets for recommendation for permanent promotions, selection of cadets for outstanding accomplishments in academics, leadership, and other areas.

4. The responsibility of the Evaluation Board lies in fact-finding and making recommendations. The findings and recommendations of cadet boards are always subject to approval of the SASI and will serve only as a basis for future action.

5. Members selected to serve on a board and individuals appearing before a board must be given notification in sufficient time to make arrangements for transportation. Normally 48 hours is sufficient. Boards will usually be held after school.

6. The Head of the Board will be responsible for appointing a recorder who will take notes and prepare a report of findings and recommendations. The report must be typed and be submitted within three days of the conclusion of the Board. The report will include the following:

a. Purpose of the board

b. Date, time, and location of the board

c. Factual findings of the board

d. Recommendations of board

e. Signatures of the board members



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



1. The manner in which Cadets treat each other and the manner in which they conduct themselves in class have a great effect on the efficiency and effectiveness of the Group. Disrespect hampers the conduct of the Group mission and generally gives the Group a poor image. Therefore, the following rules of classroom conduct will be followed:

a. Cadets will address each other by last name preceded by cadet rank, or by last name preceded by “cadet”, “Mr.”, “Miss”, or “Ms”. Instructors will be addressed by rank and last name or by rank only.

b. Cadets will not sleep in class. Cadets will sit up straight in their seats and pay attention to the conduct of business (either leadership or academic). Cadets who feel themselves getting sleepy may stand at the back of the room. If an instructor directs a cadet to stand at the back of the room as a result of sleeping, the cadet will stand at PARADE REST or ATTENTION. Demerits will also be given.

c. Cadets will not chew gum in drill setting nor inspection. Food will not be consumed in class except with the permission of the instructor. All food, wrappers or bottles will be discarded in trashcans or recycling bins, not left on tables, on the floor, or on school grounds.

d. Each cadet is responsible for bringing the necessary materials (books, pencils, paper) to class on the proper days. Failure to enter the class prepared will result in demerits for the day.

e. As a general rule—be courteous and helpful to fellow cadets, guests, and instructors. The first step to having an outstanding Group is to act as a TEAM. Help each other. Remember, Sir/Ma’am is NOT optional.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



1. This SOI outlines the procedures for selecting the Cadet of the Month.

2. Each Flight Commander will nominate one cadet for Cadet of the Month no later than Monday of the fourth full week of each month. NEGATIVE REPORTS ARE REQUIRED. Submit nominations using the format on page 38. The evaluation board will normally meet on the last school day that week. Any changes in the timing of the selection board will be fully coordinated with all concerned.

3. Nominated cadets must meet the following criteria to be eligible:

a. Hold an “A” average in AFJROTC.

b. Must not have missed a uniform day during the month.

c. Must have demonstrated outstanding followership and leadership potential.

d. Must be meet basic requirements for promotion.

e. Must have set an outstanding example in uniform wear and behavior.

f. Must not have received ISS or OSS

g. Must have a uniform grade greater than 90 on uniform wear.

4. The evaluation board will be conducted in accordance with SOI 16. The interview will consist of but is not limited to the following topics:

a. Aerospace Science (according to the year group of the individual).

b. Leadership Studies (drill and ceremonies, chain of command, rank structure, etc.)

c. Current events.

d. Knowledge of his/her job descriptions/responsibilities.

e. How well the cadet performs his/her responsibilities.

f. Knowledge of the Cadet Handbook

5. Scoring will be conducted as objectively as possible (see page 38). Winners will be approved by the SASI/ASI and appropriate recognition will be made.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040




FROM: (rank, name/title)

SUBJECT: Cadet of the Month Nomination


1. Submit your nominations for Cadet of the Month in the following format NLT Monday of the last week in each month.

a. Rank, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name

b. Flight Position

c. Uniform Grade in AFJROTC

d. Merits/Demerits

e. Missed Uniform days

f. Reason for nomination (limit to 100 words.)

2. You must be able to justify your nomination. The fact that your nominee is a

“good” cadet is not sufficient. Give the board some concrete facts and examples on which to base a decision. Do not nominate a cadet whom you feel is not worthy.

*** If a Flight Commander feels there are no cadets worthy of a nomination, he/she submits a negative report explaining this.



Ronald W. Reagan High School

Pfafftown, NC 27040



Promotions are an integral part of the AFJROTC program and are designed to reward individuals when their performance meets the standards outlined below. A cadet’s surest path to promotion is through hard work, initiative, self-discipline, loyalty, selflessness and consistent performance.

Promotions are a privilege, not a right. They are recognition for superior performance in the past with the expectation for you to continue diligently working towards developing and growing the corps. It is not a means to gather rank and then watch others work. Rather it is recognition towards what has transpired in your previous job with the expectation that you will do even greater work in your new rank or position. Accordingly, the SASI and ASI reserve the right to deny promotion to a cadet who is disruptive in class, does not adhere to JROTC customs and courtesies or dress bearing, exhibits any other action prejudicial to good order within the cadet squadron, or who has been suspended from school. Promotions may be denied regardless of the number of promotion points accumulated.

Promotion Criteria: Promotions are based on the “whole person” concept. The following general criteria will be used. As in the active military, officer promotions are more a subjective evaluation than an objective “bean counting.”

a. Academic performance. Grades, participation, timeliness, completeness participation.

b. Organizational leadership. Taking the initiative, volunteering, accepting authority, proper use of authority, human relations skills, communication skills, respect of subordinates, setting the example in everything you do in and outside of ROTC.

c. Extracurricular and co-curricular activities. Participation, motivating others to participate, performance.

d. Service. Service to school, community, nation; level of participation; project leadership.

e. Personal values. Integrity, dependability, loyalty, service to others, work ethic, conduct in ROTC and in all school activities.

Promotion Requirements for All ranks

a. Have 4 or less absences (SASI may waive excused absences)

b. Have no uniform wear misses

c. Consistently meet grooming standards

d. Have a positive attitude toward AFJROTC

e. Demonstrate ability to adapt to a military environment

f. Minimum of 6 weeks time in grade for current rank

g. No school suspensions

h. To be considered for officer rank, the cadet must attend a summer leadership school, with exceptions made on circumstances deemed appropriate by the SASI and ASI.

Ranks(grades). Cadets may have permanent and temporary grades (ranks).

(1). Permanents Grades. All cadets will have a permanent grade commensurate with the number of years of AFJROTC satisfactorily completed. This permanent grade will be awarded at the end of the second promotion cycle (first 9-week term). The permanent grade for the first year is Cadet Airman, the second year is Cadet Airman First Class, the third year is Senior Airman, and the fourth year is Staff Sergeant. Further permanent promotions can be made during each grading period.

(2). Temporary Grades. Promotion over and above permanent grades may be made to fill specific staff positions. Once the position is vacated, the cadet reverts back to his/her permanent rank. Special promotions may be made at any time to fill a need or to recognize a very special merit.

Promotion Quotas:

Promotions will be made throughout the school year, typically during mid-term. Promotions to Airman through Technical Sergeant will be determined by passage of the applicable promotion exam and the accumulation of the required number or promotion points. Promotions to Master Sergeant and above will be by promotion board action.

Cadet Promotion Criteria:

Normally, cadet officers will be selected from the AS-III and IV cadets and cadet non-commissioned officers (sergeants) will be selected from the AS-II cadets. Exceptions may be made when qualified upper classmen are not available or eligible, or when the SASI or ASI that a cadet has demonstrated an outstanding achievement or effort determines it.

(1). RANK LIMITATIONS. To ensure the orderly progression through the ranks, from airman basic through colonel, the following permanent rank plateaus are established, with some exceptions.

Freshmen or first year cadets max rank of TSgt

Sophomores or second year cadets max rank of CMSgt

Juniors or third year cadets max rank of Capt

Seniors or fourth year cadets max rank or Col

Note: The rank of Colonel, if used, is reserved for the cadet squadron commander and previous squadron commanders.

(2). TIME IN GRADE REQUIREMENTS. A cadet will not be eligible for promotion to the next rank until he/she has held their current rank for a minimum of 6 weeks for enlisted, and 9 weeks for officers.


Airman 0

Airman First Class 25

Senior Airman 50

Staff Sergeant 75

Technical Sergeant 100

Master Sergeant 125

Senior Master Sergeant 150

Chief Master Sergeant 175

Second Lieutenant 200

First Lieutenant 225

Captain 250

Major 275

Lieutenant Colonel 325


Freshmen or first year cadet Minimum average of C

Sophomore or second year cadet Minimum average of b

Junior or third year cadet Minimum average of B+

Senior of fourth year cadet Minimum average of B+


Once each academic quarter, the cadet squadron commander will convene a promotion board. The board will consist of the squadron commander, deputy commander, and operations officer. Other may be invited to sit on the board as required.

To be eligible to meet the Board, each cadet must make known his/her desire for promotion by completing and submitting to their flight commander a Promotion Data Sheet for the rank, which he/she aspires. The deputy commander will then verify this form. The cadet must appear before the board, in uniform, when it is convened. Any requests for special consideration must be submitted in writing to the commander the day before the board meets.

Prior to the meeting of the promotion board, the SASI will advise the cadet commander of the number of promotions, by rank, which can be made. The SASI has the final decision for the SASI/ASI for promotion.


All cadets can earn promotion points by using the following point guidelines. There are exceptions to this and they will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

a. Promotion Points will be awarded for activities and/or services, which contribute to the functioning of the cadet corps or reflect favorably upon the Aerospace Science program. Promotion points and community service hours can only be earned during the normal school year, September to June, and will zero out after a promotion. The following guidelines are established for the awarding of points.

Corps Activities Points

Drill team/Color Guard practice: 2/hr

Drill Team/Color Guard Competition 10 per drill competition

Drill team competition event leader 10/event

AFJROTC Service Events 5 merits per hour

Leader of Cadet projects 20 merits

Community Service outside of JROTC 2/hour max 10 per week

ROTC Acad. Grade>95% 25/quarter

ROTC Acad. Grade>90% 15/quarter

Participation outside of AFJROTC 20/quarter max 2 quarters/year

Recruiting/APT activities 15/activity

Cadet of the month 25 merits

Flag detail 1 per 2 activities (AM?PM)

Aircraft model (build) 25 each

Note: Drill team, Color Guard, or community service can only be awarded 30 points per week. Aircraft models for display: Cadets may earn promotion points or grade points by submitting one or more aircraft models for display in the JROTC classroom. The models will be judged on quality of construction, paint and scheme, and relative difficulty of assembly. Maximum promotion points for any individual model are 25. Total points in any given promotion period will not exceed 50. If displayed, the models must remain in the classroom until the end of the academic year. If the model builder does not take his/her model home at that time, the model becomes the property of the cadet squadron and will remain on display at the discretion of the SASI. Certain models can earn up to 10 extra grade points—see Maj Hancock for criteria.

b. Demerits are negative points, which will be deducted from the cumulative

points earned for promotion. The squadron commander, the deputy squadron commander, operations officer, flight commanders, and flight sergeants may recommend demerits to the Aerospace Science Instructors, who will then assign demerits to the cadet involved. The mere recommendation of demerits does not necessarily mean that the cadet will receive them. This will be at the discretion of the SASI/ASI.

Examples of conduct risking demerits are:

disturbing/disrupting class,

uniform discrepancies and improper wear of the uniform,

public display of affection while in uniform (holding hands, embracing, kissing,etc)

failure to report, or any action while in uniform that might bring discredit to AFJROTC or the United States Air Force.

An excessive number of demerits may result in further disciplinary actions and a phone call to your parents.

Recording Procedures

Each flight commander will be responsible for keeping track of the points earned by members in his flight and forwarding them to the personnel officer on the from developed by the personnel officer for each of his flight members. The flight commander will forward the form to the personnel officer no later than Monday afternoon or the first scheduled school day of each week. The Personnel officer will then up date the rerecords and forward develop a current updated list to the flight commander no later than Thursday morning of each week. Cadets are responsible for identifying promotion points to their flight commander for entry into the points book. The cutoff for entry into the point’s book is 2 weeks from date when the points were earned.

Accuracy and honesty: Each week, the deputy commander will check the point forms of at least three cadets from each flight. He/she will annotate on his weekly report to the commander and SASI which cadets were checked in each flight. In the event any form is found to be inaccurate or incorrect, the individual will be called to appear before a board of cadet officers. If the board finds the form to be in error, a minimum of 25 demerits will be awarded to the individual. If the board further determines that the error was made on purpose, the individual will be recommended for demotion.

The flight commander is responsible for taking care of merit and demerit points and entry points into the point’s book.

Note: Cadets may appeal demerits through the cadet chain of command; however, the SASI is the final authority for all appeals.


These are permanent promotions above the permanent rank the cadet presently holds and can only be awarded by the SASI/ASI. They are in recognition of superior performance or leadership, to provide an individual with the rank necessary to complete a specific job or task, or to correct an oversight or injustice within the promotion system. These promotions are limited to two per academic semester; once NCO and one officer promotion.


a. Promotion to rank of Airman (Airman)

-Pass the Airman test with 90% score

-Be enrolled in the program for 45 days and have worn the uniform every required uniform day.

-Must be able to demonstrate with proficiency, the following drill positions.

Fall out/in Attention Parade rest

At ease Left face Right face

About face Dress right

Salute and report in a military manner

-Be recommended by either JROTC instructor and your flight commander

b. Promotion to the rank of Airman First Class (A1C)

-In grade of airman for a minimum of 9 weeks

-Successfully command element drill sequence/drill card if required

-5 hours documented community service

-Academic average or 80% or better for current or prior term

-Pass A1C test with a minimum 80%

-Uniform wear 100% of assigned days

-Be recommended by either JROTC instructor and your flight commander

c. Promotion to the rank of Rank of Senior Airman (SRA)

-In grade of A1C for a minimum of 9 weeks

-Successfully command element drill sequence from memory

-Uniform wear 100% of assigned days

-5 hours documented community service

-Academic average of 80% or better for current and prior term

-Pass the SrA test with a minimum of 80%

-Be able to perform 29 commands as directed by ASI

-Minimum 50 promotion points

-Be recommend by either JROTC instructor and your flight commander

d. Promotion to the rank of Staff Sergeant(SSgt)

-In grade of SrA for a minimum of 9 weeks

-Successfully command flight drill sequence/with drill card if required

-Uniform wear 100% of assigned days/ Uniform grade better than 90

-5 hours documented community service

-Academic average of 82% or better for current or prior term

-Pass SSgt test with a minimum of 80%

-Minimum 75 promotion points

-Be recommended by either JROTC instructor and your flight commander

e. Promotion to the grade of Technical Sergeant (TSgt)

-In grade of SSgt for minimum of 6 weeks

-Uniform wear 100% of assigned days/ Uniform grade better than 90

-Successfully command flight drill sequence from memory

-5 hours documented community service

-Academic average of 82% of better for current or prior term

-Pass TSgt test with a minimum score of 80%

-Minimum 100 promotion points

-Be recommended by either JROTC instructor and your flight commander

f. Promotion to the grade of Master Sergeant (MSgt)

-In grade of TSgt for a minimum of 9 weeks

-Successfully command flight drill sequence from memory

-Uniform wear 100% of assigned days/ Uniform grade better than 90

-10 hours documented community service

-Academic average of 80% or better for current or prior term

-Minimum 125 promotion points

-Complete promotion data sheet

-Be recommended by either JROTC instructor and your flight commander

g. Promotion to the grade of Senior Master Sergeant

-In grade or MSgt for a minimum of 9 weeks

-Successfully command National flight drill sequence from memory

-Uniform wear 100% of assigned days/ Grade better than 94

-5 hours documented community service

-Academic average of 85% or better for current or prior term

-Minimum 150 promotion points

-Complete promotion data sheet

-Be recommended by either JROTC instructor and your flight commander

h. Promotion to the grade of Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt)

-In grade or SMSgt for a minimum of 9 weeks

-Successfully command National flight drill sequence from memory

-Uniform wear 100% of assigned days/ Grade better than 94

-10 hours documented community service

-Academic average or 85% or better for current or prior term

-Be able to demonstrate leadership ability

-Minimum 175 promotion points

-Be recommended by either JROTC instructor and your flight commander

-Complete promotion data sheet

i. Promotion to Officer rank

-In grade a minimum of 9 weeks

-Successfully command National flight drill sequence from memory

-Uniform wear 100% of assigned days/ Grade better than 94

-10 hours documented community service

-Academic average or 85% or better for current or prior term

-Hold a position or responsibility and be able to demonstrate leadership ability

-Have demonstrated a respect for rank

-Have required promotion points and complete promotion data sheet

-Be recommended by either JROTC instructor

Appendix 1

Standards of Personal Appearance

Each member of the Air Force Junior ROTC must maintain high standards of dress and personal appearance. It is imperative that all members present a well-groomed appearance to their fellow citizens. Further, the need for personal cleanliness, safety, and proper wear of the uniform on the part of all members requires that certain minimum standards be established. Uniforms must be kept clean, neat, correct in design and specification, and in good condition. Uniforms will be kept buttoned, including pockets, and shoes will be shined and in good repair. Badges, insignia, belt buckles, and other metallic devices must be maintained in proper luster and condition.

Air Force JROTC Cadets Will Comply With the Following Standards:



Dark blue with silver tip, 1 1/4 inches wide and worn by threading through the belt loop to the

wearer's left. The silver tip extends beyond the buckle to the wearer's left with no blue fabric

showing. The male cadet "gig" line is the straight line formed by the front edge of the shirt, the

belt buckle, and the trousers fly. Check frequently to ensure the "gig" line is straight.

Coat, Service Blue:

With arms hanging naturally, sleeves should end 1/4 inch from the heel of the thumb. Bottom of the coat should be fingertip length when hands are slightly cupped. All buttons must be buttoned and NOTHING is carried in outside pockets. Flat items may be carried in the inside pockets. The coat may be removed in classrooms or the media center when it becomes uncomfortably warm or when a lab coat must be worn, or it may be unbuttoned in the classroom to avoid binding or wrinkling. It will NOT be unbuttoned or removed in public areas (hallways, common areas, or cafeteria). When removed it will be hung up or carefully draped over a chair back. The coat must be put back on and BUTTONED before leaving the classroom. The coat will have the unit patch on the right sleeve and AFJROTC patch on left sleeve as prescribed in AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide, dependent upon availability.

Cap, Blue Service (“Wheel Cap”):

This is an optional item for cadet officers that may be purchased by the cadet through the SASI/ASI. It is worn squarely on the head with two-finger spacing between the bridge of the nose and the bill of the cap. Service cap will have a plain visor.

Cap, Blue Garrison (“Flight Cap”):

Worn slightly to the right with vertical crease at center of the forehead in a straight line with the nose and approximately one inch above the eyebrow. The crown will not be crushed. Flight cap will not have officer silver braid.

Jacket, Light Weight, Blue Windbreaker:

Must be zipped up at least halfway. Cuffs of the sleeves should cover the wrists but not extend beyond. The windbreaker will not be worn over the service dress jacket or with civilian clothing. The jacket will have the AFJROTC patch on the left sleeve as prescribed in AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide, dependent upon availability.

Shirt, Light Blue, Short Sleeve with Epaulets:

With arm bent at a 90 degree angle, the bottom of the sleeve should barely touch or come within one inch of the forearm. This shirt may be worn with a tie or with open collar. If worn with an open collar, a white "V" neck tee shirt must be worn so that no top of the tee-shirt is exposed. When wearing a tie, all buttons will be buttoned. When not wearing a tie all buttons except the top button are buttoned. Under either option, the shirttail is pulled down into the trousers tightly and tucked at the sides to make it nearly form fitting. The only creases on the shirt are down the sleeves.


Socks must be BLACK. Other dark colors are not authorized.

Tie, Blue:

The tie is secured by either a Windsor or four-in-hand knot. The tip of the tie will extend no more than 1 and 1/2 inches above or below the belt line. It is worn outside the shirt and is not tucked in. Pre-tied ties and the tie tack or clasp bearing the official Air Force Coat of Arms are not authorized.

Trousers, Dark Blue:

Trim fitted with no bunching at the waist or bagging at the seat. The bottom of the trousers will rest on the front of the shoes with a slight break in the creases. The back of the trouser leg will extend approximately 7/8 inch longer than the front. The trousers must be of matching material to the service coat and the cap. The rear pocket of the trousers will be buttoned always and articles should not be bulky and not be visible. The zipper tab will be pressed down to permit the "fly" to be neatly closed.


Black male oxfords. Shoes will be laced to the top and will be highly shined. The soles and heel edges will be coated with sole and heal dressing. Optional high gloss black corfam shoes or patent leather are authorized at the cadet's own expense.


Will be worn with the uniform and will be conservative, commercial style, white in color, and contain no designs or lettering.



Must be clean, well groomed, and neat. Hair color if dyed will look natural, will not be worn in an extreme or fad style, contain excessive amount of grooming aids, or exceed bulk standards. Hair will not touch eyebrow when groomed or protrude below the front band of properly worn headgear. Hair will have a groomed, tapered appearance on both sides and back, both with and without headgear. Block cut is permitted with tapered appearance. Hair will not touch the ears and only closely cut or shaved hair on the back of the neck may touch the collar. Hair bulk will not exceed 1 1/4 inches, regardless of length, and will not exceed 1/4 inch at the natural termination point. Hair will not have any visible foreign items. Sideburns will be neatly trimmed and tapered, straight and of even width (not flared), end in clean-shaven horizontal line, and not extend below lowest part of the exterior ear opening.

Earrings will not be worn while in uniform. Fingernails will be neat, clean and trimmed. No more than three rings will be worn at any one time and one bracelet may be worn which can not be wider than one inch and will not detract from the military image, or will not present a safety hazard.








How to tie a Windsor Knot

|[pic] |1.Start with wide end of the tie on your right and extending a foot below narrow end. |

|[pic] |2. Cross wide end over narrow and bring up through loop. |

|[pic] |3. Cross wide end over narrow and bring up through loop. |

|[pic] |4. Then put down through loop and around across narrow as shown. |

|[pic] |5. Turn and pass up through loop and... |

|[pic] |6. Complete by slipping down through the knot in front. Tighten and draw up snug to collar. |

How to tie a Four in Hand Knot?

|[pic] |1.Start with wide end of the tie on your right and extending a foot below narrow end. |

|[pic] |2. Cross wide end over narrow and back underneath. |

|[pic] |3. Continue around passing wide end across front of narrow once more. |

|[pic] |4. Pass side end up through loop. |

|[pic] |5. Holding front of knot loose with index finger, pass wide end down through loop in front. |

|[pic] |6. Remove finger and tighten knot carefully. Draw up tight to collar by holding narrow end and sliding knot snug. |



Service Coat, Blue:

Coat should follow the contours of the figure but allow ease of movement without pulling in the back of the waist. The sleeves should come to the base (heel) of the hand. The coat and slacks or skirt must match the color shade and material. Items will not be carried in the jacket pockets. The coat may be removed in the classrooms or the media center when it becomes uncomfortably warm. It may also be unbuttoned in the classroom to avoid binding or wrinkling. It will not be removed in school public areas such as hallways, common areas, or the cafeteria. When removed it will be hung up or carefully draped over the back of a chair. The coat will be put on and buttoned before leaving the classroom or media center. The coat will have the unit patch on the right sleeve and AFJROTC patch on left sleeve as prescribed in AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide, dependent upon availability.

Flight Cap, Blue:

Worn with the crease straight with the nose, with insignia over the left eye, and worn one inch to one and one-half inches above the eyebrow.


Commercial sheer, nylon hose in black or off-black, dark blue, dark brown, or neutral that complement the uniform and the cadet's skin color. Patterned hose is not allowed.


Black, commercial socks without design will be worn with slacks and oxfords.

Jacket, Light Weight, Blue Windbreaker:

Jacket must be zipped up at least halfway. Cuffs of the sleeves should cover the wrists but not extend beyond. Over blouse will not show below the jacket. The jacket will have AFJROTC patch on left sleeve as prescribed in AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide, dependent upon availability.

Blouse, Short Sleeve, Light Blue, and Pointed Collar:

May be worn with or without tab, except tab is worn with combination 1 (Service Dress Uniform). Blouse is worn tucked in.

Slacks, Blue:

Will fit naturally over the hips with no bunching at the waist or fullness in the seat. Bottom of slacks will rest on the front of the shoes with a slight break in the creases. Back of the slacks will extend approximately 7/8 inch longer than the front. Slacks are tailored to straight hanging and any alterations to modify the leg shape must be approved by the SASI/ASI. Articles carried in the pockets will not be visible or present a bulky appearance.

Blue Belt:

With skirt or slacks with belt loops, silver tip end of the belt extends beyond the buckle facing the wearer's right; no blue fabric shows. Check frequently to ensure the "gig" line is straight.

Skirt, Blue:

Will be free hanging with zipper closure on the left hip. Length will be no shorter that the top of the kneecap and no longer than the bottom of the kneecap. Hose will be worn with the skirt.


Will be worn with the uniform and will be conservative, commercial style, and white in color.


Will be issued black oxford shoes to be worn with uniform. Shoes will be laced to the top and highly shined. Optional scotch grain black leather or high gloss finish pumps are authorized for female cadets at their own expense. Optional high gloss black corfam or patent leather shoes are also authorized at the cadet's own expense. Heel height must not exceed 2 1/2 inches. Shoes will have plain closed toe and heel, and will not have any ornamentation such as bows, buckles, or straps.


May carry a small black purse. The standard Air Force purse may be purchased and carried at the cadet's expense.


Female cadets will not wear, carry, or exposed on the uniform, pencils, pens, handkerchiefs, and jewelry to include ankle bracelets. One bracelet is permitted if it is neat and conservative and not wider than one inch. They may wear wristwatches, identification bracelets, and pearl, silver, diamond, or gold stud earrings if they do not extend or dangle below the bottom of the ear lobe. Earrings must be spherical or of plain design. They may wear no more than three rings at any one time.


Hair must be clean, well groomed, and neat. Hair color if dyed will look natural, will not be worn in an extreme or fad style, contain excessive amount of grooming aids, or exceed bulk standards. Hair will not touch eyebrows when groomed and may be visible in front of flight cap. Hair must present a professional appearance. Plain and conservative pins, combs, headbands, elastic bands, and barrettes similar to natural hair color permitted to keep hair in place. Hair will not extend in length on all sides below an invisible line drawn parallel to the ground at bottom of edge of the shirt collar at the back of the neck. Hair will not exceed 3 inches in bulk or prevent proper wear of the headgear. Hair will not include hair ornaments such as ribbons or jeweled pins.

[pic] [pic]


Must be conservative and in good taste.


Must be neat, clean, and nail polish, if worn, must be conservative, single color, in good taste, and not contain any ornamentation or design.

Earrings: May only wear one earring in each ear and it must be on the earlobe and must nut extend beyond the lower portion of the earlobe. Earring may have only one small spherical, conservative, diamond, gold, white pearl, or silver pierced or clipped earring per earlobe. Earrings must be matching and fit tightly to the lower portion of the earlobe without extending beyond earlobe.




Appendix 2



The yellow arrow, a timeless design that doesn’t limit itself to airplanes or a particular period, is a stylized aircraft. The arrow points to the future and depicts high technology, supporting the goal of aerospace education and careers in aerospace. In addition, some active-duty units have adopted the design from AFJROTC.

The longstanding tradition of the lamp, which represents knowledge, lit with red flame, signifies that knowledge prevents one from traveling life’s journeys in ignorance.

The colors of the emblem are secondary to the symbolism of the emblem. The colors of the Air Force, ultramarine blue and Air Force yellow, should appear in the design:

• The blue represents “the sky”, which is the primary theatre of Air Force operation.

• The Air Force yellow represents “the sun” and the excellence required of Air Force personnel.

• The white represents daylight, innocence, perfection, purity, truth, and wisdom.

• The red color represents the blood of life, boldness, courage, hardiness, liberty, magnanimity, passion, patriotism, sentiment, strength, valor, and zeal.

The disc shape is used because the AFJROTC organization is not a group or higher organization authorized its own flag. Flag-bearing organizations display their coat of arms on a modified heater-shaped shield.

The proper way to hem and wear pants.

|The proper way to hem and wear pants |[pic] |

|Trousers were originally made to be worn with suspenders, which held them on the waist, | |

|not the hips, and that is where they look and hang best. No well-dressed man would wear | |

|trousers that rested anywhere else. This is not an arbitrary gesture. Every man, no | |

|matter how thin, has a slight bulge in his stomach area. When trousers are worn on the | |

|waist, they pass smoothly over this bulge in an even drape. Furthermore, waist-worn | |

|trousers emphasize the smallness of the waist. They sit there comfortable, supported by | |

|the hips. Trousers worn on the hip, however, must be belted tightly, for there is | |

|nothing to hold them up. | |

| | |

|When having trousers fitted on the waist, the crotch of the trousers should fit as high | |

|as is comfortable. This is especially important for giving a clean fit without | |

|sacrificing freedom of movement. The trousers should be worn wide enough across the hips| |

|so that there is no pulling across the front pockets. From the side view, the pockets | |

|should lie flat on the hips. | |

| | |

|Trousers should be long enough so that when you walk, your socks do not show. | |

|Clothes and the Man by Alan Flusser | |

|Trim-fitted with no bunching at waist or bagging at seat; | |

|knee and bottom leg widths not altered beyond current | |

|specifications for the waist size; front of trouser legs rests | |

|on the front of shoe or boot with a slight break in the | |

|crease; back of trouser legs will be approximately 7/8 inch | |

|longer than the front. Full cut, straight hanging and | |

|without cuffs | |

|Trousers are hemmed on a slant (bias cut)so that the back falls slightly lower (just at | |

|the point where the heel and sole meet). | |

|AFI 36-2903, Table 2.1, Line 1 | |


* Enlisted Ranks will have no hat insignia on the flight cap

Note 1















1. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) badge: Center on welt pocket 3 inches below the top.

2. Name tag: Center between arm seam and lapel with bottom edge parallel to top of welt pocket

3. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15.

4. Unit patch: Placed ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered on right sleeve.

5. Shoulder tabs: Center between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam.

6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15.

7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15.

8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Airman Basic wear lapel insignia on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground.

9. AFJROTC Patch: Placed ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam, and centered on left sleeve.

10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15.

11. Ground School Badge: see note 15.

12. Ribbons: Center, on but not over edge of pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all or some.

13. Academy of Model Aeronautic Wings: worn 1 inch below pocket.

14. Model Rocketry Badge: worn 2 inches below AMA Wings or 3 inches below pocket if no AMA Wings are worn.

15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge.

Airman’s Battle Uniform (ABU)

Male and Female

1. Unit patch worn on right pocket and centered.

2. Tapes grounded and centered on pockets.

3. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) is worn on both left and right collars, centered on collar and parallel with bottom of collar. Airman Basic have no collar insignia.

4. AFJROTC patch worn on left pocket and centered.





1. (Officers only) When placing rank on epaulet instead of collar, use standard size metal rank, center on epaulet 5/8 in from shoulder seam.

2. Shoulder tabs are centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1” below shoulder seam.

3. Unit patch on right sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered.

4. Grade insignia (officer and enlisted) is worn on both left and right collar. Airman Basic have no collar insignia.

5. Optional item: center vertically between the shoulder seam and where the underarm side seam joins the armhole sleeve and center horizontally between the center zipper and the sleeve armhole seam.

6. AFJROTC patch on left sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered.

7. Jacket will be closed to at least the halfway point.

8. Center insignia horizontally on collar. Place 1 inch from bottom of collar and parallel to the outer edge of the collar.


Officers wear hat insignia with stars.

ONLY cadet officers wear hat insignia.















1. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be centered on right side, even with to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than the first exposed button.

2. Awareness Presentation Team Badge: see note 16.

3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam on right sleeve.

4. Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam.

5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 16.

6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 16.

7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 16.

8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic have no insignia of any kind on the collar.

9. (Officers only) When using officer cloth rank on epaulets versus miniature metal rank on collar, place as close as possible to shoulder seam.

10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 16.

11. Ground School Badge: see note 16.

12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 16.

13. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam on left sleeve.

14. Model Rocketry Badge: see note 16.

15. Ribbons: Center, parallel with ground. Align with bottom of name tag. Or, if no name tag, align bottom of ribbons even with to 1 ½ inches higher or lower than the first exposed button.

16. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons (whichever is appropriate) and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge.














1. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be centered on right side, even with to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than the first exposed button.

2. Awareness Presentation Team Badge: see note 15.

3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam on right sleeve.

4. Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam.

5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15.

6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15.

7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15.

8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground.

9. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15.

10. Ground School Badge: see note 15.

11. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam on left sleeve.

12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 15.

13. Model Rocketry Badge: see note 15.

14. Ribbons: center ribbons resting on but not over edge of welt pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all or some.

15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons (whichever is appropriate) and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge.


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