CHINA, JAPAN, AND KOREA Study Guide Key 2011

CHINA, JAPAN, and KOREAS - Study Guide Key 1. The Yangtze River so important because it supplies millions of people with water, food and transportation2. The Chinese government decided to go ahead and build the Three Gorges Dam project along the Yangtze River because they desperately needed a reliable source of hydroelectricity. 3. How does the Asian Brown Cloud hurt China’s tourist economy? It poses a health risk, people (tourists) avoid coming to China so China doesn’t earn money from the tourism industry4. If Japan has similar latitude as Atlanta, why is it warm and rainy in the summer and cold/snowy in the winter? Ocean currents bring in warm weather and rain in the summer from the south, cold weather and snow from the north in the winter5. Describe the landforms of North Korea. What does it look like? Mountainous, few plains except in southwest6. Describe the landforms of South Korea. What does it look like? Large amount of plains, river valleys7. What is the climate like in North Korea? Cool summers, cold winter with rain year round (short/small growing seasons)8. What is the climate like in South Korea? Warm to hot in summer, mild winter, rain year round (large growing season)9. Why is mining not a large economy in Japan? Volcanic islands! May drill into lava chambers10. If Japan has a limited amount of farmland, how do they feed their large population? Trade to import food, build terraces on mountain sides and fishing11.How do Chinese farmers increase the land they have for farming? They use tearrace farming ____ReligionReligious leaderReligious TextEquivalent to HeavenPlace of worshipBuddhism12. Buddha/Siddartha Gautama13. 4 Noble Truths/8 Fold Path14. Nirvana15. TempleShinto16. Kami (spirits/gods)17. None18. None19. Home shrine/altar20. What do Buddhists believe people need to do to be happy and find peace? Give up worldly desires and be happy with what you’ve have in life21. What is a focus of Japan’s Shinto religion? Cleanliness, family, traditions, order22. Explain who Confucius was: Philosopher; professional advice giver. Taught proper way to behave23. Confucianism teaches about behavior between Government & people, people to people, family membersAnd stresses honor in public as well as within the home.24. What was Sun Yat-Sen’s role in the Chinese Revolution? Sun Yat-Sen was the leader of the Nationalists during the Chinese Revolution over the last Chinese dynasty 25. What was Chiang Kai-Shek’s role in the Communist Revolution? Chiang Kai-Shek led the Nationalist army against Mao during the Communist Revolution 26. In the Communist Revolution of 1949 in China, Communists forced the Nationalists out of power. Where did the Nationalists flee? Formosa What country is it today? Taiwan27. What form of government did Mao Zedong establish in China after the Chinese Revolution? CommunistDefine/Explain the following terms/policies/events:28. Chinese Revolution: overthrew emperors (Qing Dynasty), Nationalists created the Republic of China - democracy (corrupt!!)29. Great Leap Forward: Mao’s economic revolution that focused on agriculture and industry…..failed!__30. Cultural Revolution: Mao’s cultural change in China, he wanted religion and non-modern culture destroyed, he used the Red Guards (young people) to carry out this revolution__31. Communes: Large work communities organized and controlled by the government during the Great Leap Forward_32. Why did Mao not value teachers, lawyers, businessmen, scientist, etc? He felt they didn’t not contribute to society Why were farmers the “most prosperous” of all trades? He saw farmers as most important because they provide food! 33. What were the students doing in Tiananmen Square in 1989? protesting for “democracy” What was the government’s reaction/response? _sent troops/ tanks arrested and killed protestors34. In the first half of the twentieth century, Japan attempted to establish an Asian empire. To do so, it went to war with Russia, China, and Korea before going to war with the United States.35. Who did Japan strike up a deal with during WWII? Hitler What did the deal say? If Japan attacked the US and drew the US out of Europe, then the US would be fighting a united front, which would give Hitler a chance to win in Europe. If Emperor Hirohito helped Hitler and they won, they would divided the world.36. How did Japan provoke the US to enter into warfare with them? Attacked/bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 194137. The US used various islands along the Pacific, called Island Hopping to fight Japan across the Pacific without flying back to the US for fuel. 38. The Japanese have the attitude of fighting to the death. How did the U.S. “convince” the Japanese to surrender? They dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki39. Why did Korea split into two different countries after WWII? Some wanted democracy (South), others wanted communism (North). What is the name of where they divided N and S Korea? DMZ (demilitarized zone) at the 38th parallel 40. Why is the Korean War known as the “Forgotten War?” People have forgotten this war is still going on, no treaty was ever signed41. Why did the US get involved in Korea and Vietnam after WWII? What were we afraid of? The Domino Theory—if one country fell to communism, the U.S. was afraid they would all fall to communism42. What is an “economic tiger?” What has a country done to become one? An Asian country that rapidly increase its economy by modernization in 20-30 years to be an economic superpower (Can you think of any?)43. North Korea has made different choices from S. Korea. While S. Korea has invested in business, what has N. Korea invested in? Military/weapons What countries’ models are they following? China & Russia44. How do Japanese companies invest in human capital in dealing with their workers? Education is the main focus. They also provide perks for their workers like recreation facilities, competitive pay, healthcare benefits, etc. 45. Japan was once a monarchy with an emperor in power. Today it’s considered a constitutional monarchy because the emperor is a figurehead now with no real power. The prime minister leads the legislature which is called the Diet. 46. How do Japan’s people play a role in the government? Democracy – people vote for legislators47. Give an example of how China and Japan are economically interdependent with the U.S. They purchased natural resources (food) and American products, and they sell high quality products (electronics, cars, etc.) to the U.S.48. How has China encouraged economic development today? China is allowing more free trade and entrepreneurship to boost the economy 49. How would you describe the economy of China today on an economic continuum? Why? More free trade, capitalism – it is still a command economy but not as pure command as it was under leaders like Mao Zedong50. Where would you place China’s economy on the continuum? Pure Command Pure Market51. How has specialization helped Japan’s economy and people? Japan has been successful by specializing in technology and industry fields, so they export those types of products in order to import natural resources from other countries. Japan’s people get the resources, like food, that they need ................

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