



*March 13th – New Vision applications are due

*March 10th – 19th New Vision Interviews

*Upon review - Acceptance decisions made; home school notified



NAME: ____________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN: _______________________________

ADDRESS: _________________________________ HOME PHONE: ____________________________________

_________________________________ WORK PHONE: ____________________________________

E-MAIL: _____________________________________________________________________________________

DATE OF BIRTH: ___________________________ CELL PHONE: _____________________________________

1. What are your career goals? ______________________________________________________________________


2. List your favorite subject(s) in school: ______________________________________________________________


3. List your interests/activities outside of school: ________________________________________________________


4. List prior experiences or exposure you have had in the health or medical field: _______________________________


5. What has been your least favorite aspect of high school to date? Why? ____________________________________




New Vision Health is a competitive program seeking highly motivated, academically competent and mature high school juniors who are interested in the health career field.

To the Applicant:

1. Answer all questions on the application completely (including the essay) and return it to your high school counselor.

2. Give the enclosed evaluations to two home school teachers and ask them to return the forms promptly to your counselor.

To the Counselor:

1. Please complete the counselor section on the back page of this application.

2. Provide the applicant’s transcript, including grades for eleventh grade courses in progress.

3. Two teacher evaluations will be forwarded to you by the student’s teachers.

4. After paperwork is completed, send applications to: Guidance Office, Career & Technical Education Center,

Sullivan County BOCES, 6 Wierk Avenue, Liberty NY 12754 Attention: New Vision Health


Please write a composition of approximately 250-300 words on one of the following topics:

1. Describe an issue you feel strongly about and provide your point of view on the issue.

2. Refer to a literary work you have recently read, identify a character or scene you relate to and explain how it has influenced your life and the way that you view the world.

3. Discuss a current health care concern facing society. Given the opportunity, what would you do to “fix” the issue?

Essays will be evaluated on overall presentation, clarity, grammar and creativity. Essays must be typed, with correct grammar and spelling.

*Please submit essay with completed application


NEW VISION HEALTH Teacher _______________________

Evaluation of Applicant ______________________ Name of Applicant: _________________________________________________________________________________

School: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

To the Teacher:

The student whose name appears above is applying to the Sullivan County Career and Technical Education Center’s New Vision Health Program. This program accepts top-achieving juniors from BOCES component schools who are interested in health careers. Students are placed in various departments at the hospital and medical offices alongside medical professionals. In addition, they receive English 12 Honors; Fundamentals of Speech (SUNY Sullivan); 12th grade Government (Syracuse University- Policy Studies 101); Honors 12 Economics; Anatomy and Physiology.

This is a very competitive program. Your honest and accurate assessment of the student will be helpful in selecting the most qualified students for this opportunity.

Upon completion, please return this form to the student’s counselor.

Please rate the applicant in the following areas. Keep in mind that the student will be compared with other capable college preparatory students and if accepted into the program, will be working closely with a variety of adult professionals in a medical environment.


No Basis

to Judge 1 2 3 4 5

Ease with adults | | | | | | | |Attendance | | | | | | | |Academic ability | | | | | | | |Self-motivation | | | | | | | |School/community participation | | | | | | | |Verbal skills | | | | | | | |Writing skills | | | | | | | |Dependability | | | | | | | |Ability to work independently | | | | | | | |Ability to work in a group | | | | | | | |Maturity | | | | | | | |Ability to get along with others | | | | | | | |

Please provide a narrative with supporting or clarifying information for any or all of the above areas. Feel free to add any additional material you think would be helpful in evaluating the applicant.


Signature ______________________________________________ Date __________________________________


NEW VISION HEALTH Teacher _______________________

Evaluation of Applicant ______________________ Name of Applicant: _________________________________________________________________________________

School: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

To the Teacher:

The student whose name appears above is applying to the Sullivan County Career and Technical Education Center’s New Vision Health Program. This program accepts top-achieving juniors from BOCES component schools who are interested in health careers. Students are placed in various departments at the hospital and medical offices alongside medical professionals. In addition, they receive English 12 Honors; Fundamentals of Speech (SUNY Sullivan); 12th grade Government (Syracuse University- Public Affairs 101); Honors 12 Economics; Anatomy and Physiology.

This is a very competitive program. Your honest and accurate assessment of the student will be helpful in selecting the most qualified students for this opportunity.

Upon completion, please return this form to the student’s counselor.

Please rate the applicant in the following areas. Keep in mind that the student will be compared with other capable college preparatory students and if accepted into the program, will be working closely with a variety of adult professionals in a medical environment.


No Basis

to Judge 1 2 3 4 5

Ease with adults | | | | | | | |Attendance | | | | | | | |Academic ability | | | | | | | |Self-motivation | | | | | | | |School/community participation | | | | | | | |Verbal skills | | | | | | | |Writing skills | | | | | | | |Dependability | | | | | | | |Ability to work independently | | | | | | | |Ability to work in a group | | | | | | | |Maturity | | | | | | | |Ability to get along with others | | | | | | | |

Please provide a narrative with supporting or clarifying information for any or all of the above areas. Feel free to add any additional material you think would be helpful in evaluating the applicant.


Signature ______________________________________________ Date __________________________________


Students interested in the New Vision Health Program apply for the program in the spring of their Junior year. Candidates should:

1. Be eligible for graduation the following year.

2. Have successfully completed three years of Regents math (Algebra, Geometry, A2/Trig) and three years of Regents science (Earth Science, Living Environment, Chemistry) by the end of their 11th grade.

3. Received an average of 80 or above in the above subjects.

4. Intend to seek acceptance at a college or university.

Please rate the applicant in the following areas. Keep in mind that the student will be compared with other capable college preparatory students and if accepted into the program, will be working closely with a variety of medical professionals in a hospital or medical office setting. Maturity, self-discipline and communication skills are extremely important.


No Basis

To Judge 1 2 3 4 5

Ease with adults | | | | | | | |Attendance | | | | | | | |Academic ability | | | | | | | |Self-motivation | | | | | | | |School/community participation | | | | | | | |Verbal skills | | | | | | | |Writing skills | | | | | | | |Dependability | | | | | | | |Ability to work independently | | | | | | | |Ability to work in a group | | | | | | | |Maturity | | | | | | | |Ability to get along with others | | | | | | | |

Please provide a narrative with supporting or clarifying information for any or all of the above areas. Feel free to add any additional material you think would be helpful in evaluating the applicant.


θ Recommended θ Not Recommended

________________________________________ __________________________

Signature Date


θ Accepted into New Vision Health Program θ School Notified Date ________________

θ Not Accepted for New Vision Health Program

θ Recommended for Allied Health θ Student Notified Date ________________

Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________


_______________________________ ______________________________ ___________________

Signature Title Date


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