WHY MEGIDDO - Come, Enter the Mikvah



Why the Jezre’el Valley?

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Arial view of Megiddo, from

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Ancient Canaanite Gate-- View of the Jezre’el Valley

15th century BCE

[For an excellent historical overview of Megiddo, with lots of good pictures, go to , Lion Track Ministries -- “Megiddo – The Jezreel Valley, The Plain of Esdraelon, Armageddon”-- qna/pqna50.htm]

On December 5, 2006, I was privileged to be sent by our Father on my first of several trips to the place of the last great confrontation/battle—Megiddo, in the Jezre’el Valley--and to the ruins of the ancient city of Jezre’el, traveling through much of the Jezre’el Valley that stretches from the Mediterranean Sea, just north of Haifa below the Carmel Mountains, to the Jordan River at Beit Shean. This famous valley will once again be renown as Revelation 16:13-16 comes to pass at Messiah’s return.

“And I (John the Apostle) saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon (Satan), and out of the mouth of the beast (the world ruler, called “anti-messiah), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (who causes the world to worship “the beast”), three unclean spirits like frogs, for they are spirits of demons, doing signs, which go out to the Kings of the entire world, to gather them to the battle of the great Day of Yahuweh the Almighty. `See, I (Messiah Yahushua speaking about purity and set-apartness) am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who is staying awake and guarding his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame’. And they (the demonic spirits) gathered them (the armies of the Kings of the earth) together to the place called in Hebrew: Har Megiddo.” (Italics mine)

“Megiddo” is #4023 in James Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Hebrew Dictionary. It means: “rendezvous.” It is connected to #1413, which means: “fortification, castle, fence fortress, defense, fortified city, or the most strong hold.”

“Armageddon”: #717 in Strong’s Greek Dictionary, means: “the height of Megiddo,” or “hill of Megiddo.” The final ruins of Megiddo sit on a hill today rising above the floor of the Jezre’el Valley, which have been raised up over the centuries as one civilization was built on top of another, thus raising its height.

Joshua 17:11 it says: “…Megiddo and its towns--three of the heights.”

“Jezre’el” is #3157, Hebrew Dictionary, and means: “Elohim will sow.” It is a beautiful valley, also called in Greek the “Plain of Esdraelon.” It is a major agricultural valley in Israel. But, there, on the Day of Judgment, Elohim will sow it with the slain of His enemies. (Hosea 1:11)

To silence the off-the-wall hype: From the solid reality in the Scriptures, we see that all the ridiculous sensational hype that is touted by religious and worldly writings, by movies, and by books, about a world-impacting “battle of Armageddon” is mere fantasy that has been used to make people shiver and quake over some great future battle that is actually over in a nano-second as Messiah descends. But, in modern mind-less rhetoric “Armageddon’ has come to mean a world war--a war that brings “the end of the world.” However, the Word of Yahuweh throughout, tells us: ‘world without end,” Isaiah 45:17 and Ephesians 3:21.

The army that amasses at Megiddo is a Nephilim/Rephaim army, empowered by demonic forces. They attempt to come against Messiah and His set-apart ones at His coming. From Megiddo, this army will proceed south to Jerusalem. This army is connected to Ezekiel 38-39, Joel 2, and Zechariah 14:1-5 and many, many other passages throughout Scripture. This army is comprised of hundreds of thousands of demon-possessed hybrids of all types, beings that are not fully human. They supernaturally amass at Megiddo with the express belief that they can actually destroy Yahushua Yahuweh and all of His resurrected family. (Revelation 16:13-21 and Revelation 19, with Joel 2) They are ultimately Yahuweh’s army that He uses to judge the wicked, and separate out His set-apart ones unto Himself. At the coming of Messiah, their usefulness is over, and so they are destroyed.

In my preparatory studies to go on this intercession assignment to Megiddo, Jezre’el, and the Jezre’el Valley, Father gave me knowledge and revelation regarding this area, and why it was chosen as a meeting place for the armies of the nations, armies of the fallen ones, to amass in order to come against Yahushua and His set-apart family.

Revelation 19:11-21: “And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to fight with Him who sat on the horse and His army. And the beast was seized and with him the false prophet…The two were thrown alive into the lake of fire burning with sulfur. And the rest were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh.”

The “sword” is His Word--the “sword of the Spirit of Yahuweh.”

Revelation 17:14: “And they shall fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for He is Master or Masters and King of Kings. And those with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.”

Prophetic of the near future:

Hosea 1:11: “And the children of Judah (the southern three tribes) and the children of Israel (the northern ten tribes) shall be gathered together, and appoint for themselves One Head, and shall come up out of the earth—for great is the day of Jezre’el.” (all Italics mine)

The “Day of Jezre’el” and the “Day of Yahuweh” are one in the same-- the Day Messiah descends with the wrath of His Father, the Day of the resurrection of the righteous dead. (Isaiah 34, 63:1-6; Zechariah 14:1-5, Revelation 11:15-18; Revelation 19, etc)

The ten northern tribes of Ya’cob were scattered into all nations by 722 BCE. Judah was scattered in 586 BCE, then totally scattered out of the Land by 70 CE. The return of the ten northern tribes, the House of Israel, House of Ephraim, House of Joseph, is the most amazing thing that Yahuweh is doing now. At Messiah’s return, the whole House of Ya’cob, all the tribes, will be gathered together and returned to the Land of Israel. Here He refers to the first resurrection at Messiah’s coming (Revelation 11:15-18; Revelation 19; 20:1-6; II Corinthians 15:51-58; I Thessalonians 4:13-18, etc)

The site of Megiddo is the ancient crossroads and trade route between Mt. Carmel and the Jordan Valley, Akko and Phoenicia, Galilee and Syria, Mt. Carmel and Wadi Ara. The Jezre’el Valley is shaped like a triangle on its side--with the top touching the plain of Akko to the west, the Jordan River on the east, southern edge some 20 miles from Carmel towards the Jordan River and Beit Shean, the northern edge runs from Carmel to Tabor, from Tabor to Mt. Gilboa--7 miles.

From the book Megiddo by Graham I. Davies, page 10: “The city of Megiddo therefore stood in a position where it was to exploit rich natural resources of several different kinds, but also, as indicated at the beginning, near an important cross-country route…As a consequence it was easily accessible to traders and migrants from all directions; but at the same time it could, if powerful enough, control access by means of these routes and so direct the course of both trade and war…it was a prize often fought over and when captured, strongly defended.”

Megiddo ceased to thrive around 330 BCE, but under the Romans it began to thrive again, around 334 CE.

Megiddo, and the surrounding area of the Jezre’el Valley, has seen more bloody wars than any other place on the face of the earth. The spirits of war and blood, and violence, and wickedness, will draw those whose god is Lucifer (Satan) down to fight against the coming King Yahushua, whose Name means “Yahuweh is salvation.”

The first war at Megiddo was detailed in hieroglyphics on the wall of the Karnak Temple in Luxor, which describes the battle that Thutmose III fought there in 1468 BCE. This is the first recorded battle ever recorded in human history. Thutmose defeated the Canaanites at Megiddo in 1436 BCE. Megiddo remained a prosperous Egyptian stronghold for 150 years—holding out against the Israelites (Judges 1:27). It most likely fell to King David and was taken over by King Solomon as a “chariot city.” (I Kings 9:15) Solomon stabled thousands of horses and chariots there. After Solomon’s death, when evil Kings like Jeroboam, Omri and Ahab, ruled over the house of Israel—the northern ten tribes of Ya’cob (Jacob)--they used Megiddo as a major fortified city in their kingdom. It was a Roman stronghold until the 4th century CE.

From Sacred History Magazine, September/October 2006, pages 42-47, article written by Professor Eric Cline. Dr. Cline has written The Battles of Armageddon: Megiddo and the Jezreel Valley from the Bronze Age to the Nuclear Age, University of Michigan Press, c. 2000 hardback/2007 paperback.

”Megiddo…is widely regarded as one of the most important sites in the entire Middle East…From its advantageous location Megiddo controlled one of the most important roads in the ancient world, the Via Maris. This was an international military and trade route that ran between Egypt…and Syria, Phoenicia, Anatolia and Mesopotamia…Sitting astride the chief north-south trade route, as it came through the Musmos Pass (Musmos Pass is also called Wadi Ara) and meandered through the Jezre’el Valley. Megiddo had great strategic significance, for the Jezre’el Valley runs nearly across the breadth of Israel, connecting the coastal regions with the Jordan Valley. Whoever controlled the city and maintained an army there would dominate this vital international route. Thus…it is no wonder that nearly every invading force from 2350BCE to 2000CE has fought a battle in the Jezre’el Valley…It is no surprise, then, to learn that the area surrounding the ancient site of Megiddo…has already seen more fighting and bloodshed over an extended period of time than virtually any other spot on earth—during the past four thousand years, at least thirty four bloody conflicts have been fought at…Megiddo, and in the adjacent areas of the Jezre’el Valley…Egyptians, Canaanites, Israelites, Midianites, Amalekites, Philistines, Hasmonians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Muslims, Crusaders, Mamlukes, Mongols, Palestinians, French, Ottomans, British, Australians, Germans, Arabs and Israelis—all have fought and died here…Warring Generals to name a few: `Thutmose III, Deborah and Barek, Sisera, Gideon, Saul and Jonathan, Shishak, Jehu, Joram, Ahab’s family, Josiah, Antiochus Ephiphanes, Ptolemy, Vespacian, Saladin, Napoleon, and Allenby. (Ahab had 2,000 chariots and 500 horse stables in Megiddo).

Megiddo is not a mountain. Revelation calls it Har Megiddo--the mountain, hill, or rising Megiddo. It is indeed a man-made mountain--sitting up 70 feet from the surrounding plain--build up during the Iron Age. It appeared higher during the Greek and Roman days because the valley below sunk lower. Now at least 10’ of soil has washed in, but at the time of the writing of Revelation, the city of Megiddo sat higher than at any other time--thus John reported it correctly...Zechariah 12:11 mentions Megiddo in context of the restoration of the Davidic Kingdom, and is concerned with the final battle between Elohim and all the nations that came against Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:9)…Israelite history shows all the bloody battles already fought there by John’s time…Throughout history Megiddo and the Jezre’el Valley have been ground zero for battles that determine the very course of human history…Winston Churchill said regarding battles in the Jezre’el Valley: `Never in the field of human conflict have so many fought so often over so little space.’ ”

The question was asked of Professor Cline: “What is it about this area that prompts such a continuous state of warfare?” His answer: “Thus who ever controlled the Jezre’el Valley, whether it was through occupation of Megiddo, Jezre’el, Mt. Tabor…by default, also controlled the trade and traffic…be it merchants, warriors, nomads of Kings…The Jezre’el Valley is a place of firsts: Here Thutmose II fought the first battle ever recorded anywhere in the world. Gideon conducted the first known night campaign ever recorded…Napoleon said: `There is no place in the whole world more suited for war than this…it is the most natural battlefield of the whole earth.’ ”

From Lester Sumrall’s study book: Israel, The Miracle on the Mediterranean, page 26: “Megiddo, probably the bloodiest spot on earth, will be the sight of history’s final battle. More wars have been fought here than any other place in the world. George Adam Smith said: `What a plain! Upon which not only the greatest empires, races and faiths, East and West, have contended, but each has come to judgment.’ ”

Megiddo was an organized community by 3,500 BCE. The best Canaanite water system is at Megiddo. Megiddo achieved its greatest wealth under Solomon.


From bible-

The script shows it to be from the Babylonian period, during the reign of Jeroboam II in the 8th century. The roaring lion with the curved tail is a symbol of Judah. The seal was found in 1904 by Gottlieb Schumacher. As in the quote below, it somehow got into a private collection of a Sultan in Istanbul, but ended up in Jerusalem at the Rockefeller Museum.

The inscription reads “shema’ (top), and `servant of Yarob’oam’ (Jeroboam) bottom… The word for servant is “ebed.” The inscription actually proclaims the rank of its owner, one of the ministers of Jeroboam II, who reigned from 787-747 BCE.

II Kings 14:23-25: This was Jeroboam II, son of Joash, King of Israel. “Jeroboam” means “the people grow numerous.”

From Megiddo by Graham I. Davies, page 102-103, regarding a significant find in Megiddo:

“Seals are widely used in the ancient world to authenticate documents (I Kings 21:8; Isaiah 29:11) or to stamp official stores or consignments of goods. Large numbers of seals are known from Palestine and neighboring countries, but relatively few have come from controlled excavations. Pride of place among those from Megiddo must go to the splendid jasper seal inscribed lsm’bd’vrb’m, `Belonging to Shema, the servant (or minister) of Jeroboam,’ around a representation of a roaring lion. This was found …above the courtyard of the Palace 1723…It passed into the private collection of the Sultan of Istanbul, because Palestine was under Turkish rule at the time of discovery…Both the find-place and the script indicate that `Jeroboam’ is the powerful King of that name who ruled the northern kingdom of Israel in the mid-eighth century BC (c 784/3-753/2, i.e. Jeroboam II. `bd’, which can mean `slave’ or `servant,’ is here an honorific title, so that `minister’ is a better translation (compare II Kings 22:12 for the title)…Megiddo as an important royal city would be a natural place for him to visit, or even live in.”

Megiddo must have been a center of much pagan idolatry and sin against Yahuweh, for Jeroboam caused Israel to sin greatly against Yahuweh by putting golden calves in Beth El and Dan.

Reviewing: From Revelation 16:12-14, we learn about the army that amasses at Megiddo--Satan’s choice for the final confrontation, “battle,” against Messiah. From the description of this army, it is an army empowered by demonic spirits. In Revelation 17:14, we learn that this army comes to fight with Yahushua Messiah and His army of resurrected set-apart ones (Revelation 19; Zechariah 14:1-5; Jude 1:14-15). In Revelation 19:19. This nano-second battle is fought in the supernatural realm, as well as the natural. To destroy His creation is Satan’s goal, but to destroy Yahuweh and Yahushua is his ultimate and greatest goal. Remember, the tower of Babel contained technology that would open a portal, “star gate,” a “wormhole,” into the realm of the fallen ones, so that they might come freely to earth, and to open a portal so that the Nephilim in Tartarus might return (i.e. a premature Revelation 9), but also to open the dimensional portal into Yahuweh’s realm, to go up and destroy Him. Basically, this is CERN’s intent.

One of the top elite leaders of the world government under Lucifer’s Illuminati was John D. Rockefeller, Jr. In 1928, he gave great financial help to archeologists to excavate Megiddo. Rockefeller arranged for a compulsory purchase of the whole mound for the “government of Palestine,” under England.

From the Lonely Planet Travel Guide, Israel: “On being awarded his peerage, General Allenby, took the title `Lord Allenby of Megiddo’ – 1918.”

The great final harvest of the earth by Messiah to eliminate the forces of Satan is described in Revelation 14:14-20; 19:16-21.

Today, major government programs, like America’s NASA program, are working for ways to stop Messiah when He comes. They know He is coming, because their god Lucifer-Satan knows it. NASA created a division called “SETI”--Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence a few years back. NASA’s telescopes are positioned to look at the outreaches of the universe, to pick up any thing that might indicate His coming. But also the Vatican Jesuits at Mount Graham in Arizona, at their powerful observatory, are looking for extra terrestrial life to make friends with.

Megiddo was in the inheritance of the tribe of Manasseh. At Megiddo the tribe of Manasseh was confronted with an obstacle in obtaining their inheritance. They feared because of the iron chariots of the Canaanites in Megiddo, so they did not conquer them as Yahuweh instructed them to do. They compromised. (Judges 1:7-28)

But, the major event that confirms the reason why the final confrontation/battle has to begin at Megiddo, has to do with the good King Josiah, King of Judah, who was killed in 609 BCE at Megiddo by Pharaoh Neko of Egypt. (II Kings 23:29-30; II Chronicles 35:20-27)

II Chronicles 34:25, regarding Josiah’s death: Jeremiah lamented for Josiah. Jeremiah began his prophetic ministry under Josiah)

NOTE: II Kings speaks of Josiah being killed at Megiddo and buried in Jerusalem. II Chronicles appears to say that Josiah was wounded at Megiddo, then died and was buried in Jerusalem. But, most likely Josiah died at Megiddo and taken to Jerusalem. He was fatally shot by Neko at Megiddo.

It appears, from the whole of Scripture, that the Nephilim army comes together at Megiddo, but then proceeds to travel the same path of Josiah’s body--from Megiddo to Jerusalem--meeting Messiah as He descends upon Jerusalem. If you look carefully at Revelation 16:10-21: Notice that the armies of the world come together at Megiddo. Then the 7th vial of wrath is poured out, and Yahuweh says “It is done.” A great earthquake happens in the fierceness of His wrath. Jerusalem is then described, and all who come against Jerusalem are destroyed as Messiah descends with the wrath of His Father. So, the final battle is inclusive with the Ezekiel 38 scenario. It starts at Megiddo and ends as Yahushua descends to Jerusalem with all of His set-apart ones (Zechariah 14:1-5)

Ahazyah, King of Israel, son of Ahab, was killed in Jezre’el, but died in Megiddo – II Kings 9:27. At the ancient town of Jezre’el, Ahab and Jezebel had a palace. Today, the ruins are southeast of Megiddo about a 15-minute ride. Many events happened there.

Elijah ran to Jezre’el from Mt. Carmel ahead of Ahab’s chariot – I Kings 18:45-46. Naboth was murdered here – I Kings 21:16, II Kings 10:10-11. It was at the ancient town of Jezre’el, home of King Ahab and Jezebel, that Eliyahu confronted them over Naboth’s death. The whole Valley of Jezre’el is a place of confrontation for judgment. It is the focal point where His judgment meets mankind for finality. Here the enemies of Yahuweh and His people are finally destroyed forever.

As prophesied by Elijah, Jezebel was eaten by her own dogs by the wall of Jezre’el – II Kings 9:36-37 with I Kings 21:23.

Here King David took the first wife of his choice, whom he loved—Ahinoam –I Samuel 25:43; 30:5; II Samuel 2:2; 3:2.

From Jezre’el Elijah fled from Jezebel to Be’er Sheva then to Sinai.

In 722BCE, the King of Assyria came into this area and took the final tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel to Assyria, from there Yahuweh scattered them into all the world. (II Kings 17:24)

In the Jezre’el Valley: Gideon won the victory over the Midianites (Judges 6:33-34; 7:9-25).

King Saul and his son Jonathan were killed at Mt. Gilboa, in the Jezre’el Valley. Because of their deaths, David became King of Israel. Mt. Gilboa means “bubbling fountain.” It is in the mountain range between the Plain of Esdraelon and the Jordan River, near the ancient town of Jezre’el.

Deborah, Judge of Israel, and her General, Barak, had victory over the armies of Sisera at Mt. Tabor – Judges 4 and 5 in the Jezre’el Valley.

In Psalm 83:9, which is yet to happen, the prayer is that Yahuweh will do to the enemies of Israel what Ya’el did to General Sisera after the victory of Deborah and Barak.

King Saul went to visit a witch at Endor, a village near the base of Mt. Tabor, and supposedly she conjured up Samuel. (I Samuel 28:5-25)

Messiah raised the son of the widow of Nain from the dead, and presented him alive to his mother and family. Nain is not far from Endor in the Jezre’el Valley. (Luke 7:11-17)

So many things have happened in this valley, mentioned in the Bible, from the days of Joshua until the present war with Hezbollah/Lebanon.

Now in 2014, the Muslim terrorist group in Lebanon, Hezbollah, is positioned on the Lebanese border north of the Jezre’el Valley--with a mandate to “wipe Israel off the map.” Yet, when I saw these places, this Valley was so beautiful. This Valley is one of Israel’s Major agricultural areas, extending all the way from Mount Carmel in the north to Bet Shean in the south. Huge crops of barley and wheat are harvested each spring, along with crops of vegetables, fruit, and even sunflowers. Olive groves are also a part of this area, and to the north of this area.

We must remember that in this worst of places, the town of Jezre’el, King David found the first love of his life. It is during this confrontation between Messiah and the hybrid army of Satan that Messiah will descend with His beloved Bride to the place of their marriage.

Zechariah 12:11: “In THAT DAY the mourning in Jerusalem is going to be great, like the mourning of Hadad Rimmon in the valley of Megiddo. And the Land shall mourn, and every clan by itself.”

II Kings 5:17-18: Namaan the Syrian, healed of leprosy by the prophet Elisha, worshipped this god. A great Syrian festival was held in Megiddo each year, where there was great mourning for the “death” of the rainstorm god who “died” in the summer, not raining on the earth during the very hot season.

Hadad Rimmon” was the storm god of ancient Damascus. So, at Megiddo, there will be great mourning once again, this time by the worshippers of the Beast, and of Lucifer, because their gods are dead and their leaders gone. But, the house of Judah will mourn because they rejected Messiah Yahushua, and now His Kingdom has come.

The mourning of the Jews to come will follow the Jew’s reception of Messiah Yahushua, when they realize that they had rejected their Messiah, the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53.

In Zechariah 13:1, we read about a compassionate Yahuweh who opens up a fountain for cleansing for Judah, and compassionately restores them to His favor, because they have finally received the Messiah—looking “upon Him whom they pierced.”

Zephaniah 3:8 is a picture of His gathering the wicked at Megiddo, along with Revelation 16:14-16; Revelation 14:14-20.

A sampling of other Scriptures pertinent to Megiddo’s history are: Joshua 17:11-13 with I Chronicles 17:29 (1210BCE); Judges 1:27-28; 2:1-6, Hosea 1:11; II Kings 23:29-30 with II Chronicles 35:20-27

It appears that the town of Jezre’el was a place of confrontation for judgment by Yahuweh. It was a place of decision and finality. For the sake of Naboth, whose vineyard Jezebel stole for Ahab, after ordering Naboth to be murdered, the whole house of Ahab was destroyed, and Jezebel met her horrendous end, eaten by her own dogs, as prophesied by Elijah.

The whole Jezre’el Valley itself is a place of judgment and finality. It is where Yahuweh sows His final wrath, and at the same time, the Bride of Messiah goes with the Bridegroom to Mt. Zion. It is a place of meeting, confronting and ending. It is like the number “3”, which represents beginning, middle, and ending/completion.

Hosea 1: Hosea was a prophet to the ten northern tribes, before their last dispersion in 722 BCE. In Hosea 1, to demonstrate why Yahuweh was judging these idolatrous, whorish people, He instructed Hosea to marry a prostitute. Hosea’s harlot-wife, Gomer, gave birth to their first son. Yahuweh told Hosea to name the boy “Jezre’el.” The boy was a mixture of righteous Hosea, and the whore, Gomer. So, His people were a mixture of some righteousness and a lot whoredom. They never denied Yahuweh, but they replaced Him for their new gods of wealthy material. This is a perfect picture of the assembly at Laodicia, in Revelation 3:14-22. It is a picture of the condition of the end-time Christian church--a mixture of belief in the Elohim of the Bible, but no working covenant relationship with Him, because He and His Torah have been replaced with material wealth, a priesthood that is not of His, doctrines and “holydays” that are not of Him, a day of worship that is not of Him.

Hosea 1:4-5: “And Yahuweh said to him (Hosea), `Call his name Jezre’el, for in a little while I shall revenge the bloodshed of Yizre’el on the house of Jehu, and put an end to the reign of the house of Israel. And it shall be in that day that I shall break the bow of Israel in the Valley of Jezre’el.”

Hosea 1:6-7: Gomer conceives again and bears a daughter. Yahuweh says to call her “Lo-Ruhamah,” - “…for no longer do I have compassion on the House of Israel, so as to forgive them all…”

Hosea 1:8: “And she weaned Lo-Ruhamah, and conceived and bore a son, and He said, `Call his name Lo-Ammi, for you are not My people, and I am not for you.”

But, then, true to His nature, Yahushua gave one of the greatest promises in the entire Bible in Hosea 1:10. Here He promises that in the very place where He had to divorce the northern ten tribes of Ya’cob, the “House of Israel,” Ephraim or Joseph, he would return them (to the mountains of Samaria, to the Galil, to the northern coast of the Mediterranean, to the slopes of Mount Hermon) and there declare them the “sons of the living Elohim.”

[Refer to: “The Aliyah Scriptures,” in which I list many verses that reiterate this promise in detail]

Hosea 1:10: “Yet, the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which is not measured or counted. And it shall be in the place where it was said to them, `You are not My people,’ they shall be called `You are the sons of the living Elohim.”

In Judges 1:27-36, we see that Megiddo and Beit Shean show continuous occupation well into the Iron Age. Joshua came around 1260-1210 BCE. The Israelites did not bring a strong material traditional culture, so it is hard to identify them. There are some Israelite settlements under Joshua where some Egyptian seals have been found, brought with them from Egypt.

Obeying the Torah, at least as long as Joshua was alive, they did not put pictures (images) on pottery, or on anything. They ate no defiled animals, like the pagans around them did, therefore Israelite settlements show no traces of pig bones, etc.

The Canaanites, however, left all kinds of decorated pottery, and bronze gods, and other things to identify them. There were no iron, bronze, or copper gods, among the things of the Israelites. Even from Joshua down to the death of Solomon, few things identified Israelites. But, with the reign of Jeroboam, there were pagan things mixed in the Israelite settlements. They offered human sacrifice later on, as did the Phoenicians, and worshipped the gods of astrology, and the Queen of Heaven. Even Judah did these things, which led to the dispersion of both houses out of the Land.

Genesis 10:13-14: Ham’s descendents first ruled at Megiddo and in the Jezre’el Valley area. Ham was the father of the Canaanites. But, in

Genesis 15:18, 21, Yahuweh gave this area to Abraham and his descendents—also Genesis 49:14-15 and Joshua 1:17.

In Joshua 11:2, 16, we see that the Israelites took possession of the Jezre’el Valley. Part of this area became the inheritance of Isaachar (Joshua 19:17-23). In Judges 1:27, Manasseh could not drive out the Canaanites from the area of Megiddo because of their chariots of iron. In Judges 3:3-8, Israel lived in the middle of their enemies. In Judges 5:19, there were wars at Megiddo between the Canaanites and Israel. Megiddo held out the longest against the Israelites, but were finally conquered and made slaves by Manasseh. When Joshua died the Israelites became soft, and joined in Baal worship with the Canaanites.

There are many Scriptures to do with Megiddo, Jezre’el and the Jezre’el Valley, but here are a few more:

II Samuel 2:8-9; 5:9-25; 8:1-18; 15:13; I Kings 4:12, 17-18; 9:15-19 (Solomon rebuilt Megiddo); 11:27, 40; 21:8 (the story of Naboth); II Kings 5:18; 9:27; 17:24; 23:19-31; I Chronicles 7:29; II Chronicles 34:6-7; 35:20-25


As I sat in the old Canaanite gate entrance to the city of Megiddo, that day of my first visit there, I prophesied, declared and proclaimed out over the great ancient junction, crossroads, and Jezre’el Valley, looking down from the Height of Megiddo. I called for the King Yahushua to come, and bring His Kingdom to earth, ending the reign of the Kings of Cain, Kings of Israel, and Kings of the earth who have defied Yahuweh since the beginning of time.

For some time, after reading about King Josiah and his death in the Jezre’el Valley, which seemed like such a useless waste of this awesome man’s life, I also pondered why Megiddo would be such a focal point at the coming of Messiah. He gave me the answer sitting in the Canaanite Gate that day. Then, after returning to the apartment where I was staying with a friend in Tiberias, Abba confirmed the answer.

My friend had a storage area in the basement of the apartment area. She went down stairs to put something in storage. When she returned, she brought up two magazines that she found there. She gave them to me saying that she felt Abba wanted me to see them. Amazingly, what Professor Cline wrote in his article is what Abba had already shared with me. Amazing confirmation!

It is for King Josiah that Messiah will draw the nations of the earth to Megiddo for His final confrontation with the forces of darkness.

From the above-mentioned article in Sacred History Magazine, September/October 2006, page 45, by Professor Eric Cline, answering the question of “why Megiddo” was chosen by Elohim for the great confrontation between Messiah and the forces of Satan under anti-messiah, Professor Cline wrote: “The most likely explanation goes back to the death of King Josiah. The wrong done to the good and just King, viewed by many as the `second King David’ needed to be avenged, and what better place than the site where he had been killed.”

He goes on to say: “Moreover, just as Josiah’s death at Megiddo had ended an era of righteousness, so the confrontation, `the battle of Armageddon,’ must be fought at Megiddo in order to open a new era, and re-establish the Kingdom of God anew.” (He died at Megiddo, buried in Jerusalem: II Kings 23:29-30)

Page 46: “It would indeed be fitting if the dawning of a new era occurred at precisely the spot where the last effective ruler descended from the house of David had died and the final flickering of the shattered United Monarchy, established by David and Solomon had ultimately been extinguished.”

*****Whether the confrontation begins at Megiddo and ends at Jerusalem, or is contained in the Valley of Megiddo, this confrontation, this coming against Yahushua Messiah and His resurrected ones, is connected directly to the return of Yahushua, as is Ezekiel 38-39. We’re talking about an army of perhaps 200 million, all hybrids, empowered with demonic strength and returning Nephilim (Revelation 9), etc. So, for them to remain at Megiddo, remain in that valley as a whole, and not come on down to meet Yahushua at Jerusalem would be another question!

In I Kings 13:1, and following, gives the prophecy that was given regarding King Josiah approximately 150 years before his birth. A man of Elohim went from Judah to Beth El. King Jeroboam was standing by a altar of sacrifice to burn incense to the golden calf he had set up there. The man of Elohim cries out against the altar by the word of Yahuweh saying: “O altar, altar!” Thus says Yahuweh, `Behold, a son is to be born to the house of David, Josiah is his name. And on you he shall offer the priests of the high places who burn incense on you, and men’s bones be burned on you.’ ”

In the James Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #2977 Hebrew dictionary: “Josiah” means “founded by Yahuweh.” It comes from two words, #803, which means foundation, and 3050, which is “Yahuweh.” His name in Hebrew: “Yoshiyahu.”

In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the definition of “founded” is: “To set or ground on a solid base. “Foundation” is: The act of founding, or establishing on a base upon which something stands, supported structure.” Therefore King Yoshiyahu’s name is highly significant. He lived up to his name, being founded, grounded, and established on the solid base and foundation of Yahuweh Himself.

In I Kings 13, upon hearing this prophecy, King Jeroboam is terrified.

The account of the reign of Josiah, which began at age eight, after his father’s murder by his own servants, is an astounding story. But, more than that, Josiah takes the righteous rule of Israel to its finish, until the return of Messiah Yahushua. Israel was never the same after his death. His sons were corrupt, paving the way for Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar to come in and destroy the Temple of Solomon and burned Jerusalem, taking most of the people to Babylon for 70 years, and scattering the rest of them. When they returned, there were no righteous kings to take up where Yoshiyahu left off.

Between Josiah and Messiah, there were no righteous Kings on the throne of David.

The House of Israel, the northern 10 tribes, never had one righteous King. They were all idolaters, thus for Jeroboam’s sin (I Kings 11-12-17), the whole ten northern tribes were scattered throughout the earth, and became “lost”--the “lost sheep of the house of Israel”—the House of Joseph or House of Ephraim.

Matthew 15:24, Messiah says: “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” In Matthew 10:5-6 He tells His disciples: “Do not go the way of the gentiles (nations, goyim), and do not enter a city of the Samaritans, but rather go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.”

Messiah never came to establish a “new covenant” as opposed to an “old covenant.” He came to renew His Father’s Covenant with the House of Israel--Jeremiah 31:31-34 with Matthew 26:28. (The Hebrew and Greek words for “new” mean “renew, refresh, to bring back to life,” just as the new moon is refreshed each month, not “new” as opposed to “old”)

Today we see that Yahuweh is faithful to return a remnant to the very mountains of Ephraim and in the north of Israel, from where they were scattered from 722 BCE. Numerous “lost sheep” have awakened, and felt strongly that they must “go home.” I’ve talked to some of them, and that’s their words, “I feel strongly that I must get to Israel.”

The end of Ephraim’s punishment, after 2, 730 years of exile, happened on Yom Teruah, September 13, 2007, going into 2008 on the Creator’s calendar. This was the beginning of a Shmittah year--a year of restoration of what was lost to its original owner, a year of the freeing of slaves to return home. (Leviticus 25)

Jeremiah 3:11-13: Yahuweh saw a remnant of the ten tribes of the scattered House of Israel. They are migrating from Assyria, land of their captors, to the west. They were in the area above Israel, in Syria. They longed to go home to Israel again. They cried out to Yahuweh. They were repentant! Yahuweh told Jeremiah to go tell them to “come home.” They came home and were a part of the greatest Passover ever celebrated in Israel--between Samuel’s time and our day. They came home at the time Yoshiyahu was King of Judah. They came home to join the House of Judah in celebrating what was symbolic of the future death and resurrection of Messiah Yahushua. Think of the awesome symbolism. The remnant of the House of Israel/Ephraim/Joseph came home to their Land for Passover, joining with the House of Judah, to celebrate Messiah’s coming in the future. The next great Passover after this will be when we celebrate it with Messiah in His Kingdom!

Those that returned for this Passover stayed in the Land. During the Babylonian captivity and after the return, there remained a remnant of the House of Israel with Judah. It is said of Anna, in Luke 2, that she was of the tribe of Asher.

II Chronicles 35:1-19 tells the story of this Passover. Verses 16-18: “And all the service of Yahuweh was prepared that day, to perform the Passover and to offer burnt offerings on the altar of Yahuweh, according to the command of King Josiah. And the children of Israel who were present performed the Passover at that time, and the Festival of Unleavened Bread for seven days.

There had not been a Passover performed in Israel like it since the days of Samuel the prophet. And none of the Kings of Israel had performed such a Passover as Josiah performed, with the priests and the Levites, and ALL JUDAH AND ISRAEL who were present, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.”

King Josiah took the throne at age eight. His mother’s name was Yedidah. In 2003, it was while reading II Kings 22:1, in which her name is mentioned, that Abba miraculously gave me her name as my own name. I was overwhelmed with love for her name. It was so beautiful to me. I asked Abba, “What is happening to me?” He replied sweetly, “That is what I call you.” I then ran to the Strong’s Concordance in my office to look up what it meant. Then I was more overwhelmed. It is the feminine for the masculine “yedid,” meaning “beloved,” “loved one,” “one greatly appreciated.” It was a nickname for King David, with the same meaning. I often wonder if King Josiah’s mother had influence on his receptivity to the Torah at such a young age, since her dead husband and his father were so evil. At age 26, Josiah sent Shaphan the scribe to the house of Yahuweh to Hilkiah the High Priest (father of Jeremiah) to arrange for the repairing of the damages of the house of Yahuweh.

II Kings 22:8: “And Hilkiah the High Priest said to Shaphan the scribe, `I HAVE FOUND THE BOOK OF THE TORAH IN THE HOUSE OF YAHUWEH.’ Hilkiah gave the Torah to Shaphan and he brought it to King Josiah. Hilkiah is the name of the father of Jeremiah, who was a Levitical priest in the temple when Jeremiah was a boy. Shaphan said that the arrangements for the repairs of the Temple had been made. Then Shaphan read the Torah to King Josiah. It was the son of this Shaphan who rescued Jeremiah from death. (Jeremiah 26:24)


II Kings 22:12-20: Yoshiyahu feared Yahuweh, and sent a delegation to Huldah, a prophetess, to find out if this Book was really real.

Huldah said to the delegation, speaking by the Spirit: “Thus says Yahuweh Elohim of Israel, `Say to the man who sent you to Me, “Thus says Yahuweh: See I am bringing evil on this place and on its inhabitants, all the words of the Book which the King of Judah as read, because they have forsaken Me and burned incense to other gods to provoke Me with all the works of their hands. So My wrath shall be kindled against this place and not be quenched.” `And to the King of Judah, who sent you to inquire of Yahuweh, say this to him,’ “Thus says Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel, as for the words which you have heard, because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before Yahuweh, when you heard what I spoke against this place and against its inhabitants, that they would become a ruin and a curse, and did tare your garments and wept before Me, I also have heard’ declares Yahuweh. “Therefore, see, I am gathering you to your fathers, and you shall be gathered to your grave in peace, so that your eyes do not see all the evil I am bringing on this place.”

In II Kings chapter 23 and in II Chronicles 34, we read all he did to fulfill the prophecy of I Kings 13, to cleanse the land of all idolatry, and burn the bones of the priests upon their own altars in Israel.

It is said of Josiah in II Kings 22:2: “And he did what was right in the eyes of Yahuweh, and walked in all the ways of his father David, and did not turn aside, right or left.”

In II Kings 23:25, he is described: “And before him there was no King like him who turned back to Yahuweh with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might, according to the Torah of Moses, AND AFTER HIM NONE ROSE UP LIKE HIM.”

Evidently, Josiah was protecting the area of Megiddo and the Jezre’el Valley against invasion by foreign troops, and so went after Pharaoh Neko, even though Pharaoh Neko was just passing through. Josiah (Yoshiyahu) went to the Megiddo Valley to defend the land against defilement. Pharaoh Neko of Egypt warned Josiah that he was not a threat to him, but Josiah was zealous and disregarded the warning, which led to his death at Megiddo.

Josiah had cleansed the land of defilement, burning the priests from the Temple in the Valley of Jehoshaphat in front of the Eastern Gate. This is the same place where Messiah Yahushua will gather the nations for judgment as to how they treated Israel through their history (Joel 3:1-2; Matthew 25:31-46)

Matthew 1:10, the lineage of Solomon through Joseph: “Hezekiah brought forth Menasseh, and Menasseh brought forth Amon, and Amon brought forth Josiah.” Josiah’s lineage lasted until 586 BCE, when Nebuchadnezzar came in and destroyed the Temple and Jerusalem. At this point, the line of Solomon ceased! However, in the empire of Parthia, the dynasty of King David reigned through his son Nathan and his descendants. Ezekiel was sent to the House of Israel in Parthia to prophesy to them. (Ezekiel 2 and 3) This is why Parthia, who was in a “cold war” with Rome, sent many “magi,” and an entourage of about 10,000, to find “the king of the Jews.” They wanted to take the baby back to Parthia to be raised to rule Parthia. No wonder King Herod was terrified. [Refer to: Parthia by Steven Collins]

The Davidic House continued through Nathan, son of King David, through Eli father of Miriam, mother of Yahushua, as recorded in Luke 3. Josiah was the last of the righteous lineage of the House of David. The coming King Yahushua will sit as THE RIGHTEOUS King on the throne of David. Messiah will pick up the scepter of Judah from Josiah!

Check out this: Zechariah 12:8-14. Four groups will mourn when they see Messiah’s return: 1) The House of David, 2) the House of Nathan, 3) the House of Levi, and 4) the house of Sh’mi. The House of Solomon is not mentioned! Zechariah was one of the post-Babylonian captivity prophets. He must have known that since Josiah’s sons were evil kings, that the dynasty of Judah was well established in Parthia under Nathan’s descendants. Parthia was a House of Israel nation, thus Ezekiel was sent to them. Daniel, who had no heirs to receive his fortune, most likely left his fortune to the wise men of Parthia to give to the coming Messiah. Daniel would have known the sign of His birth, and transmitted that information to the magi.

Upon the death of Solomon the United Kingdom of all Israel split into two kingdoms: The southern Kingdom of Judah, comprised of 3 tribes, and 2) the northern Kingdom of “Israel”/Ephraim/or Joseph—comprised of the 10 tribes. Since the death of Solomon, the two kingdoms had been at war, and the northern kingdom had adopted a new priesthood, new festivals, and new gods to worship. But, the southern kingdom had also become corrupted to the point where the Torah was lost.

It was Josiah who restored Temple worship, the Levite Priesthood, and the Torah. Messiah Yahushua will also restore the Temple worship, the true Levite Priesthood, and the correct teaching of His Torah. He will have the “Third Temple,” – Ezekiel’s Temple – built after He returns (Ezekiel 40-46; Zechariah 6:12-15)

Because of the Passover, Josiah gathered a remnant of the whole house of Jacob back together--re-uniting the Kingdom in the Passover lamb. Messiah will bring back a remnant of the whole house of Ya’cob--reuniting them together in the Passover Lamb--Himself. (John 1:29; Ezekiel 37:15-28; Jeremiah 31, 32, 33)

The “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15) refers to the uniting of the House of Judah and the House of Israel back together in His hand--reuniting the whole House of Ya’cob together once again in Messiah Yahushua.

There is no such thing in all of Scripture as uniting Jews and Gentiles. Yahuweh never called His people “gentiles.”

Yahuweh made no covenant with gentiles. He says over and over that He will destroy all gentiles. No one in Messiah is a gentile. (Ephesians 2:8-19) Yahuweh always says through His prophets, especially through Ezekiel, that He scattered His people “AMONG THE GENTILES,” and that He will return His people from ‘AMONG THE GENTILES.” The word “gentile” refers to a barbarian, heathen, pagan, foreigner, stranger, and alien to the Covenant of Yahuweh. [Refer to: “Are You a Gentile?” and “Who Are the Ten?”]

The greatest passion of Yahuweh’s heart is to re-gather a remnant from all tribes, so that He can be their Elohim once again. (Jeremiah 32:37-42) This will happen at the resurrection of the righteous.


The last great King to re-gather and unify the whole house of Jacob in the Passover meal, and to reunite them to the Covenant of the Torah, was Josiah. Messiah, the last great King of Judah, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, of the House of David, said He would drink from the fourth cup of the Passover meal--the cup of joy--where He unites the whole House of Ya’cob (Jacob) together in Himself under the Covenant – Torah rule – of His Father.

II Kings 23:21-25: “And the king commanded all the people, saying `Prepare the Passover to Yahuweh your Elohim, as it is written in this Book of the Covenant.’ For such a Passover had not been prepared since the days of the rulers of the sovereigns of Israel and the sovereigns of Judah. (Not since the Kingdom was undivided) In the eighteenth year of King Josiah (at age 26) this Passover was prepared before Yahuweh in Jerusalem. And also, Josiah put away all who consulted mediums and spiritualists and the household of the `mighty ones’ and idols, and all the abominations that were seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, in order to establish the words of the Torah which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the House of Yahuweh. And before him there was no king like him who turned back to Yahuweh with all his soul, with all his might, according to all the Torah of Moshe, and after him none rose up like him.” (Italics all mine)

Matthew 26:26-29: At the “last supper,” Yahushua drank the third cup with His disciples--the cup of Redemption. But, He reserves the last cup to be drunk with His set-apart disciples in the Kingdom.

Thus, between King Josiah and the soon return of Yahushua as King, we find no righteous King of the Davidic dynasty, or righteous ruler of any type in the Land of Israel. This makes a direct link between Josiah and Messiah Yahushua!

Messiah will sit on the throne of David as the rightful heir of that throne. He will pick up the righteous lineage from Josiah, of King David, bypassing the lineage of Solomon, which was cursed for his idolatry. (I Kings 11:1-14)

Messiah came through the lineage of David through Eli, through Miriam, of the House of Nathan. (Luke 3:22-38) Joseph’s lineage is given to show that the lineage of Solomon ceased, for Joseph was NOT the father of Yahushua. (Matthew 1:1-16) The Jewish Talmud curses Eli, father of Miriam, stating that he was of the house of Nathan. This may be partially due to their belief that Miriam’s son was by a Roman soldier.

But, then again, look at Zechariah 12:10-14, and see the House of Nathan, not Solomon, who mourns at Messiah’s return!

After Judah went into captivity in 586 to Babylon, a remnant of all of the tribes stayed together, the predominant tribe being Judah. When they came out of captivity seventy years later, Judah returned, along with a small remnant of the whole House of Israel. At Pentecost (Acts 2), there were those from the House of Israel from nations that the Israelites colonized, like Parthia and Carthage. Acts 2:9 begins with “Parthians…” This is another proof that Parthia was an Israelite empire, ruled by descendents of David’s son Nathan. Why else would they have representatives at Shavu’ot in Jerusalem?

Josiah cleansed the land of all evil against Yahuweh. He destroyed all altars to pagan gods, destroyed the pagan priesthood, pulled out of the Temple all of the pagan idols and anything to do with what Yahuweh hates. Ezekiel 8 tells us some of the things that were done in the Temple: The worship of Baal, women “weeping for Tammuz,” the first sun god, the worship of Asteroth, the Queen of Heaven, and the worship of the rising sun, facing the Mt. of Olives. Josiah purged the priesthood, destroying all that was against the Torah, restoring purity and righteousness. Messiah, at His coming, will cleanse the Land, and restore purity and righteousness.

As with Josiah, who acted in righteous wrath, so Messiah comes with the wrath of the Father to burn all out of His Kingdom that is evil—even burning the wicked with fire. Josiah burned the evil priests with fire in the Valley of Jehoshaphat (the northern Kidron Valley in front of the Eastern Gate). This is where Messiah will gather all the nations to judge them after He returns (Joel 3 and Matthew 25:31-46).

Josiah united a remnant of all the tribes of Ya’cob (Jacob) together in the Passover meal, the first uniting of all the tribes in a Passover meal since the time of David and Solomon. Messiah will unite the resurrected remnant of all the tribes of Israel for the first time ever to Himself – the Passover Lamb of Elohim. (John 1:29; Revelation 4 and 5)

Josiah fulfilled all that the prophet in I Kings 13 prophesied about him. Messiah will fulfill all that has been prophesied about Him.


King Josiah brought the Torah back to the people without compromise. Messiah will restore Torah to the earth’s people, and rule by the Torah “with a rod of iron.” (Psalm 2:9; Revelation 2:27, 12:5, 19:15)

Excerpts from II Kings 23:1-24: “And the King sent, and they gathered all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem to him. And the King went up to the House of Yahuweh with all the men of Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him, and the priests and the prophets and all the people, both small and great. And he read in their hearing all the words of the Book of the Covenant, which had been found in the House of Yahuweh. And the King stood by the column and made a covenant before Yahuweh to follow Yahuweh and to guard His commandments and His witness and His laws, with all his heart and with all his soul, to establish the words of this covenant that were written in the Book. And all the people stood to the covenant. Then the King commanded Hilkiah the High Priest, and the priests of the second order, and the doorkeepers, to bring out of the Temple of Yahuweh all the objects that were made for Baal, and for Ashteroth, and for all the host of the heavens. And he burned them in the fields of the Kidron, and took their ashes to Beth El. And he put down the black-robed priests whom the Kings of Judah had appointed to burn incense on the high places in the cities of Judah and in the places all around Jerusalem, and those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the constellations, and to all the host of the heavens. And he brought out the (idols of) Asteroth (Queen of Heaven) from the House of Yahuweh to the wadi Kidron outside Jerusalem, and burned it at the wadi Kidron and ground it to ashes and threw its ashes on the graves of the sons of the people. And he broke down the houses of the cult prostitutes that were IN the House of Yahuweh, where the women wove tapestries for the Ashteroth. And he brought all the priests from the cities of Judah and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense…and he defiled Tophet, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, so that no man could make his son or his daughter pass through the fire to Moleck. He did away with the horses that the Kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entrance of the House of Yahuweh…and he broke in pieces the pillars and cut down the Asherim, and filled their places with the bones of men. And also the altar that was at Beth El, and the high place, which Jeroboam…made, by which he made Israel to sin, both the altar and the high place he broke down. And he burned the high place and ground it to dust, and burned the Asteroth.”

Note: Notice that priests of the Roman Catholic Church wear black, offer incense upon a pagan altar, and worship the Queen of Heaven!

Josiah then saw the tombs on the mountains of Beth El. “He sent and took the bones out of the tombs and burned them on the altar and defiled it according to the word of Yahuweh, which the man of Elohim proclaimed…”

II Kings 23:17: Then he saw a tombstone. He asked the men of the city whose tomb it was. And they told him about the prophecy that had been given regarding him about 150 years previously. (I Kings 13:1 and following) He left the tombstone and the grave. This must have been very sobering to him.

Then he defiled all the altars and gods that Solomon had set up for his wives. Verse 20: “And he slaughtered all the priests of the high places who were there, on the altars, and burned men’s bones on them, and then went back to Jerusalem.”

After this He gathered all of Israel for the Passover.

After the wrath and the destruction of the wicked came redemption and restoration--the restoration of the whole house of Ya’cob.

Verse 24: “And the King put away those who consulted mediums and spiritualists, and the household gods and idols, and all abominations that were seen in the land of Judah and Jerusalem, IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH THE WORDS OF THE TORAH…”

As said earlier, “Yoshiyahu” means: “Founded on Yahuweh”—established on Yahuweh. His foundation was Yahuweh and His Torah. The Torah is the foundation of everything Messiah did and will do. It is the foundation of all belief. It is the teachings and instructions for right-ruling in the Kingdom of heaven for all of His people.

After Messiah’s wrath, He will gather a remnant of the whole house of Ya’cob, and the great Passover Himself will sit as King and Priest! (Zechariah 6:12-15) He will have the Temple built – the third temple of Ezekiel 40-46. It will not be built before He returns!

At Passover, Messiah through His death and burial and resurrection, restored spiritual rule of the Kingdom of Heaven in the hearts of His disciples. Josiah’s (Yoshiyahu’s) Passover restored the physical Kingdom into one--United Kingdom. Josiah’s Passover reunited the two houses. Ezekiel 37:15-28 is fulfilled when Messiah comes and reunites the physical two houses.

Josiah re-established the Covenant of Yahuweh with the whole House of Ya’cob. Messiah will re-establish the Covenant of Yahuweh with the whole House of Ya’cob.

Tragically, at the death of Josiah, all the good that he had done was erased. Jeremiah returned from his around-the-world prophetic assignment after Josiah died. (Jeremiah 25:15-33) He spent 23 years proclaiming the coming judgment on Judah that ended in 586 BCE. After Josiah died, it became quickly evident that the people’s hearts were not reformed. In fact, they hated what Josiah did. Thus, his sons were wicked. Finally, Yahuweh sent Nebuchadnezzar in to send His people into captivity. To this day, Judah’s religion is still filled with paganism, occult practices, astrology, and the channeling and worship of false gods under the guise of “rabbinical Judaism.” [Refer to: “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome.”]

To this day, zodiac signs are found on the ceilings of synagogues. Kabalah includes the channeling of demonic spirits in the name of obtaining power with “God.” They light candles and pray to dead rabbis, like Akiva and Nachman, and their wives, exactly like the Catholics pray to saints. They even believe in a type of purgatory. Their rabbis wear black clothes also. In that exposing article, I listed 39 things that are Roman Catholic teachings in Rabbinic Judaism.

Yahuweh’s priests wore white linen. The white linen is the “righteousness of the set-apart ones.” (Revelation 19)

The gates of Megiddo were closed about 330 BCE by Greece, but used again until 334 CE by the Romans. These gates will be opened again for the wrath of Yahuweh, who comes to set His Bride free from tyranny.

Where Josiah was fatally wounded and died at Megiddo, Messiah will bring vindication. Josiah ended the era of righteousness on the throne of David. Messiah, son of David, will pick up the throne and restore righteousness to the whole earth.

Revelation 16:12-17: Where do these “frogs” leap from to gather the kings of the earth to Megiddo? They come from the mouths of the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet. The Dragon is Satan/Lucifer. Revelation 12:7-17: The Archangel Micha’el throws him and his fallen angels to the earth. The Beast comes from the nation dedicated to producing the return of Nimrod/Osiris/Apollo – end-time Babylon--America. The False Prophet comes from the Vatican. Does the Vatican hierarchy know that? Yes!

I say these things from 50 years of research in the Word and factual sources of documentation, not from not my opinion. These spirits spring from the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome. That has been their headquarters for 1,700 years. Satanism in the Vatican? -- Oh yes – documented. They gather the reincarnated Nephilim, hybrids, and other forces of the kingdom of darkness against Messiah and those who are descending with Him after the resurrection of the just. (Revelation 19:8-19 for example)

In early July of 2013, Yahuweh sent my son, Derek, his wife, Rebecca, and I to Rome, specifically to do proclamations in the Pope’s Cathedral, the Cathedral of the Bishop of Rome--the Basilica of St. John Lateran. It was quite an experience. From there, we went to the Pantheon, then to the Jewish Ghetto, to the Coliseum to the Roman Forum, and to the Milvan Bridge over the Tiber, where Constantine supposedly had his vision of the cross and heard the words “in this sign conquer.” Abba showed us many things that I also saw in Jerusalem in May 2014, when the Pope came for his visit. It was Constantine who turned the house of the Lateran into a Basilica. The popes lived there about 1,000 years before moving to what is now the “Vatican.” But, the Basilica of St. John Lateran is the pit, the foundation of what Constantine established. Constantine was a “second Jeroboam,” a type of anti-messiah.

[pic] [pic]

Basilica of St. John Lateran, photos by Yedidah July 2013

Behind the main altar stands the throne of the Pope (center), from which he sits “ex cathedra,” thinking he speaks as God–infallibly.

Who is the Beast, and who is his False Prophet? – Revelation 13. The first Beast is a worldwide system, yes, but also a hybrid receptacle for the indwelling of Apollyon, son of Lucifer. The Beast demands worship. The False Prophet makes sure he gets it, while also instituting a unifying “mark” for the whole earth with his economic system. Without his “mark” of identification no one can buy or sell. With his “mark” no one can repent and be saved either (Revelation 14:9-11).

What Josiah did in celebrating Passover, became a catalyst for the return of a remnant of the repentant House of Israel. Messiah, the Passover Lamb, will return a remnant of the whole House of Ya’cob at His coming. At Yom Teruah, September 13, 2007, after 2,730 years of captivity, the punishment of Ephraim in the nations ended. He will bring them, as He said, out from AMONG THE GENTIES. A remnant is coming home already, but the main remnant will come as we descend with Messiah onto the Temple Mount. He never calls His people “gentiles,” for He has had His eye on the lineage of that remnant since He had to divorce them and scatter them out of His land as their ultimate punishment for their horrendous sins against Him. How awesome is that!!!

The army of Revelation 19:19 is at Megiddo. Yochanan says: “And I saw the beast, and the Kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to fight Him who sat on the horse, and His army.”

Zephaniah 3:8: “`Therefore wait for Me,’ declares Yahuweh, `until the day I rise up for plunder. For My judgment is to gather nations, to assemble kingdoms, to pour out on them my rage, all My burning wrath. For the fire of My jealousy all the earth shall be consumed.’ ”

Zechariah 13:2-3: “`And I shall gather all the gentiles to battle against Jerusalem’…and Yahuweh shall go forth, and He shall fight against those gentiles, as He fights in the day of battle”.

Isaiah 34:1-3: “Come near you gentiles, to hear. And listen, you people! Let the earth hear, and all that is in it, the world and all of its offspring. For the displeasure of Yahuweh is against all the gentiles, and His wrath against all their divisions. He shall put them under the ban. He shall give them over to the slaughter, and their slain be thrown out, and the stench rise from their corpses. And mountains shall be melted with their blood.”

Revelation 14:19-20: “And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of Elohim. And the winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress up to the bridles of the horses, for above three hundred kilometers”.

This will happen at MEGIDDO. The blood of King Josiah will be avenged. Messiah will pick up where he left off in his purging out of the evil from the land of Israel. No gentile will be left—those pagans, heathen, barbarians, strangers, aliens and foreigners from the covenant of Yahuweh.

Yoshiyahu cleansed the area (about 600 BCE) where the Assyrians brought in their people, after the dispersion of the ten northern tribes. There were about 136 years between the scattered of the house of Israel and the captivity of Judah in Babylon. Therefore, in his cleansing of the Land, he also cleansed it of Assyrian gods.

Before Passover, we are to cleanse out the leaven, which pictures sin, from our homes and from our hearts (I Corinthians 5:7-8; Exodus 12).

Josiah cleansed the “leaven” from the whole land of Israel before he celebrated the Passover, as per Leviticus. (Exodus 12:1-24) Messiah will cleanse the whole earth of all that defiles, before He, the Passover Lamb, sets up His Kingdom on earth. BUT, Messiah comes not only as the Passover Lamb, but as the spotless Lamb of Yom Kippur – the Lamb for the Nation! As High Priest, He will declare “all Israel saved!”

Messiah became our Passover Lamb in 28 CE, when He sacrificed Himself in our place, taking our sin upon Him. (II Corinthians 5:21)

We celebrate Passover, which begins the week of “Unleavened Bread.”

I Corinthians 5:7-8: Sha’ul admonishes us to get rid of the “leaven” in our own lives, repenting of sin, before we receive the Passover Lamb. Yahushua’s salvation is for the whole House of Ya’cob, and all who would receive Him by faith. John 1:29: “Behold the Lamb of Elohim, who takes away the sin of the world.”

In Messiah all the tribes are united, and all who want to join the House of Ya’cob can come to Him through faith in His shed blood and resurrection from the dead.

What began in Exodus 12 was completed on the stake in 28 CE.

When Messiah returns our Passover Festivals will be days of praise and thanksgiving for what He for us. He paid the penalty we owed Yahuweh for our breaking of His Torah. “Sin is the transgression of the Torah.” (I John 3:4) “Transgression” means “revolt, rebellion, and apostasy” against the Torah of Yahuweh.

In Exodus 12, not only were the tribes of Ya’cob included in the deliverance of the blood of the Lamb, but also the “gentiles”--the ones who came out of Egypt with them--joined themselves to the house of Ya’cob by applying the blood to their doorposts and by being circumcised. (Exodus 12:48-49) Once they joined the House of Ya’cob by faith in the shed blood of the lamb, they were grafted into the House of Ya’cob by faith.

Revelation 5:9, 12: “You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals, because You were slain, and have redeemed us to Elohim by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation…Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches and wisdom, and strength and glory and blessing.”

As mentioned above, in 1918, Lord Allenby, declared himself “Lord Allenby of Megiddo.” He fought there against the Turks and won. Why would he dub himself with such a title? Was he a friend of Lord Rothschild and the Rockefellers? Did he have knowledge of the Mazzini/Pike Plan of 1871? Did he know that Megiddo would be the confrontation place between Satan and Yahuweh? How much did Lord Allenby know?

Today, as back then, Megiddo is a gateway, a portal. It is a portal into the dimension, the realm, of Satan and his fallen angels. It must, by proclamation-intercession, be opened for righteousness to return to earth and end the reign of Satan. We call “Come Yahushua Come.”

We proclaim: “We give You thanks, O Yahuweh El Shaddai, the One who is and who was and who is coming, because You have taken Your great power and have reigned.” (Revelation 11:15-19) In calling for the coming of Yahushua Messiah, we call for the reign of justice and peace to come to earth; we close all portals to the demonic realm, sending them to their judgment in the lake of fire.

I have been a watchman and a gatekeeper for many years. I was sent in 1996 to Mongolia to open the gate for the Good News to be brought to the whole country. He did it! I was sent to Russia, not only to help Jews return to Israel but to call for the door to be opened to the Chinese Jews to return to Israel at Blagoveshchensk, where China and Russia are only separated by the Amur River. I was sent to Patmos to open the gate for the entrance of the broken scroll’s seven seals (Revelation 6:1). I was sent to Milford Haven, Wales, to open the gates of that seaport for the exit of His people. In 2006, I was sent to Alaska to open gates for the Jews of Far East Russia to have a place of escape. That same year, He sent me to all main ports along the Gulf of Mexico to open gates for His fleeing people in the days to come. He sent me to the borders of Jordan, from the Red Sea all along the Israeli border, the Egyptian border, and the Saudi Arabia border, to the Port of Aqaba on the Red Sea, and to all the borders and seaports of Israel, border areas. In 2010, He sent me to seven places of ancient demonic strongholds to open doors for His entrance. He has sent me here and there to open doors for Him that man has shut. I am thankful that at times I had another righteous intercessor go to with me. He must have one of His intercessors to open doors for His entrance into the earth--doors that man, who follow the dictates of “flesh” and of demons, have shut.

His people shut the doors after King Josiah was killed. The doors have been closed, except to a very small righteous remnant, ever since. Now, the doors must be opened wide, as “the Spirit and the Bride call: “Come Messiah Yahushua, Come!”

The true Hebrew Names of the Father and His Son must again be brought into the earth. The names and titles of pagan gods have been used to mask the true names and titles through the centuries.

King Josiah was the last righteous King to use the Name YAHUWEH. Messiah brought His Name into the earth and “gave it” to His disciples. (John 17) It was for the use of His Father’s Name that He was sent by the High Priest of the Pharisees to Pilate for execution. (Matthew 27:63-68) In His day, saying His Father’s Name was called “blasphemy.” Today the use of His proper Name is illegal for Jews to say. Thus they break the third Commandment of the Ten Commandments, and many other commandments, by following the traditions of the rabbis from the 2nd century. Now, it is illegal for Roman Catholics to say “Yahweh,” and, in general, for anyone to say His Name by international law. Who has made His Name illegal to say, and His Son’s name? – The servants of Lucifer, of course.

In Zechariah 3:2, Yahuweh (YaHUweh) used His own Name in rebuking Satan. There is no more powerful Name in the universe, and Satan/Lucifer has done a good job of distorting it from the days of the Greeks and Romans. Messiah came in His Father’s Name--YAHU-SHUA, which means “Yahuweh is salvation.” “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Yahuweh.” (Psalm 118:26; Matthew 23:39)

“And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of Yahuweh shall be saved.” (Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21)

Messiah descends with the wrath of His Father. (Isaiah 34, 63:1-6; Revelation 11:15-18, 19:7-19)

Josiah displayed the righteous zeal of Phenihas, son of Aaron when he purged Israel of sin. The Zadok priesthood through Phenihas was established forever because of what he did (Numbers 25) in his zeal for righteousness. Messiah goes forth with the jealousy and zeal of Yahuweh. Messiah is called the righteous king – the Melek Zadok.

Why did I go to the ruins of the ancient city of Jezre’el to intercede? Jezre’el is a place of confrontation also. I have been there twice to do intercession, to proclaim His Word, like Psalm 9, over the valley above where Ahab and Jezebel did so much evil.

The Valley of Jezre’el is a huge plain. It is the most perfect launching pad against Jerusalem. Megiddo is a perfect launching pad for weapons of mass destruction--for it is high. Further south are the mountains of Ephraim. That area is rocky and hilly. In the Valley of Jezre’el millions of soldiers can come with a clear view to the south.

As the armies of the earth come to confront Yahushua, the defiance of Jeroboam against Yahuweh will be wiped away in a nano-second. (Revelation 19)

Out of fear that the millions of Israelites would go to Jerusalem and be swayed by King Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, Jeroboam created a whole new religion saying: “You don’t have to go to Jerusalem.” (I Kings chapters 11 and 12) Greco/Roman Christianity speaks against the guarding of Yahuweh’s Torah. The Roman Empire, and its Roman Catholic Church, did all they could to stamp out anything Hebrew, calling the guarders of the Torah “heretics.” The Vatican launched the Inquisition and the Crusades, and united with Hitler to kill 6 million Jews and true believers in Messiah that would not bow to the pope. It is a matter of recorded history. Constantine was a second Jeroboam, but much more ruthless, for the onslaught of the Roman Catholic Church against Jews and true believers worldwide has continued through the Jesuits to this day. The Jesuits have led the murder of more Jews and believers than have died in all the wars of history.

Jeroboam re-built Megiddo and other cities of the Jezre’el Valley. There were millions of Israelites in the northern Kingdom. The whole Valley was defiled with sun god worship, and idols, and the sacrifice of children to the gods of the Canaanites and Moabites.

When Messiah comes, at Megiddo, gentile rule is over! The gods of the pagans are judged. Human sacrifice to gods of Satanism will end forever.

At Megiddo I prayed and proclaimed for the restoration of the tribes of Israel back together in the Land under Messiah. I prayed and proclaimed the Word for the restoration of Torah rule over Israel. I prayed and proclaimed an end to pagan rule, and for the return of the righteous King, Messiah Yahushua. I prayed for Him to take up where Josiah left off, and purge the Land, restoring the United Kingdom under Himself as Priest and King.

At the town of Jezre’el, I prayed that the remnant who has died, is dying, and will die, will be vindicated and avenged by a righteous Judge. The earth is being filled with a whole company of Jezebels, with the spirit of the anaconda python, crushing the life out of the true believers who honor Yahushua and guard the Torah of Yahuweh.

The poor of the Third World being killed for their faith, (one every nine seconds it is estimated) are like Naboth--they have little but they are true believers. Naboth was a righteous man, and Yahuweh saw. I prayed for the end of the rule of Ahab and Jezebel--who represent the Luciferic world system. Father vindicated and avenged the murder of Naboth! He was a righteous man who was murdered by the evil Queen Jezebel.

Ahab represents the world system of politics and economics, commerce and money. Jezebel represents the religious whore of Revelation 17. The whore rides the beast—the religious whore rides the political and economic world government. The whore encourages the murder of the righteous ones. Thus now, the Vatican, the king of murder--the Jesuit Order--which was founded on murder of the righteous, is the great whore who will go after the Naboths of the earth under the world ruler. But, the example at Jezre’el shows us that Elijah once again will prophesy into the earth as a “witness” (Revelation 11), announcing the destruction of both the house of Ahab and Jezebel.

Religion uses the military might of the earth to kill off its enemies. From its inception, Constantine fashioned his sword in the shape of a “cross,” as his foundation for murdering Jews and Torah-observant believes. It is the great anti-messiah counterfeit religion. Thus the foundation of Christianity is rejection of the Torah of Yahuweh and obedience to the Jewish Messiah.

The spirits of Ahab and Jezebel have overtaken the entire earth. The set-apart ones with Elijah’s spirit are targets for the spirit of Jezebel. Jezebel worshipped Baal and Ashteroth. These represent the sun god and his consort the Queen of Heaven who also gave birth to Baal. This mother-god cult began with Nimrod and Semaramis and Tammuz. It is continued today under Roman Catholicism. Baal is a name of a sun god, but it is also a generic name for other sun gods of different nations. Thus the god of Constantine’s Church is not the Messiah of Israel, but is a Baal, with his mother “the Queen of Heaven”, Mary. (I Kings 18:46-19:3)

I urge you to read the documented classic by Alexander Hylop-- The Two Babylons, c 1850s. Also, for a short version that uses cartoon drawings and presents the truth well, I suggest Babylon Religion by David W. Daniels.

Elijah confronted the sin of the House of Israel on Mt. Carmel. The leader of this “religion” was Jezebel with her 450 prophets of Ba’al and prophets of Asteroth. She lost. But, once in the nations, it was the house of Israel who embraced “Christianity,” both “Iesous” (Jesus), and “Mother Mary.” She is worshipped by Muslims, Hindus, New Age believers, and Christians. This mother-child cult is in all nations—even China and India.

[Refer to: “Exposing the Real Agenda of Mary Worship”/April 10, 2013 and “Exposing the Identity of the Roman Catholic Mary and the Baby She Holds”/August 27, 2013]

Elijah commanded that the house of Israel take sides—either worship Baal, or Yahuweh, the Elohim of Israel. Christianity blends these two together. To understand thoroughly I urge you to read my exhaustive study The Foundation of Deception, published on Amazon Kindle, or available on my website

It is like the ancient Hebrews who danced around the golden calf, and said, “tomorrow is a feast to Yahuweh” (Exodus 32).

Like Josiah, Messiah comes to purge the earth of this mixture! (Revelation 3:14-16) Elohim hates a mixture!

Psalm 10:12-14, in the Tehillim: “Arise Yahuweh! Elohim, raise Your hand! Do not forget the humble! Why does the wicked man blaspheme Elohim? Because he says in his heart `You will not avenge.’ BUT YOU DO SEE!”

Never forget that! He sees… and He will avenge His set-apart ones!

I want to thank my dear sister-friend from Tiberias who was with me in intercession over Megiddo, over the ruins of the ancient city of Jezre’el, and several other places in north Israel! She remains a great blessing in my life!

Shalom, written His love,


First edition: February 1, 2007

Re-written: May 4, 2014,

Re-written and sent for posting on ,

December 11th, 2015


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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