Letters as Numbers Table - Hebrew for Christians

[Pages:1]Hebrew for Christians

Letters as Numbers

Letters as Numbers Table










j x z w h d g b a Multiples of 10

jy xy zy zj wj dy gy by ay y 10

jk xk zk wk hk dk gk bk ak k 20

jl xl zl wl hl dl gl bl al l 30

jm xm zm wm hm dm gm bm am m 40

jn xn zn wn hn dn gn bn an n 50

js xs zs ws hs ds gs bs as s 60

j[ x[ z[ w[ h[ d[ g[ b[ a[ [ 70

jp xp zp wp hp dp gp bp ap p 80

jc xc zc wc hc dc gc bc ac c 90

jq xq zq wq hq dq gq bq aq q 100

jr xr zr wr hr dr gr br ar r 200

jX xX zX wX hX dX gX bX aX X 300

jt xt zt wt ht dt gt bt at t 400


? To avoid confusion with words, letters meant as numbers are sometimes marked with geresh (single quote mark) if a single letter is used, or gerashayim (double quote

mark) if more than one. e.g., 'a g''d w''j ? The numbers 15 and 16 are written as y''j and z''j to avoid writing Name of God.

? In the Scriptures, chapters (perekim) and verses (pesukim) are indicated by means of

Hebrew letters, e.g., g:a tXarb (Gen. 1:3); ak:jyq ~ylht (Psalm 119:21) ? Examples: 7 = 'z 19 = j''y 77 = z''[ 121 = ak''q 613 = g''yrt 921 = ak''qtt ? The Hebrew year is often written with an implied 5,000, so: 5781 = a''pXt

by John J. Parsons



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