Expressive Essay Help Sheet - Culloden Academy Art and ...

Expressive Essay Help Sheet

Please note: the best work uses books rather than just the internet. The department has a huge amount of books to use. I don’t want to see wikipedia as a sole reference. Wikipedia might be a starting point but is not a good quality source! Don’t cut and paste. Own words only please – I will know.


In your introduction you should include the artists you will be researching and also refer to the movements (if any) and time to which they belong.

Main Section

Begin by referring in more detail to your first (earliest) selected artist:

• When was he/she born?

• Give some more detail – at least a paragraph – on the movement to which he/she belonged. What were the important characteristics of the movement – what were they interested in – describe the general style of the movement. What were they doing that was different and new for the time? Describe how the art world felt about the type of work at the time (if relevant) and about your artist in particular. If anything important was happening in history at the time which affected or influenced the artist, then write about this.

• Now refer to your selected work by the artist - title and date included. A copy and paste in of the painting would be helpful.

• CONTENT -Describe what you see. What is happening in it ? Is it a clear representation or is it quite abstract – exaggerated or distorted - does it use symbols to convey meanings or messages? Describe the style?

• FORM – How is the work composed? Does it look balanced to you? How has colour been used? Describe shapes, lines, textures, patterns, repeated shapes.

• PROCESS – How was the work made? What materials, tools, processes, techniques has the artist used? What great skills does the artist demonstrate? Does it look like it was rapidly made or was it done in painstaking detail over a long period of time?

• MOOD – How would you describe the mood created by the work? Is there a certain atmosphere created? What do you think that the artist was trying to convey or say or communicate when he/she produced this work?

Now You are ready to bring in your second artist to compare to the first. You need to select an artist and a work of theirs which uses the same theme as the first. For example, If you chose a portrait for the first then it should be a portrait for the second. Go through the same layout as with the first (as above) but try to make clear comparisons as you go along to your first artist. Try to refer back and compare how both treat the different elements (content, form, process, mood). You may identify differences and similarities.

Your first choice artist should be the one who came along earliest in history.

Your second artist may even have been influenced by your first artist and would demonstrate a strong link between your two selected artists. For example – Van Gogh was strongly influenced by Millais. Or Lucian Freud was greatly influenced by the Impressionists (such as Manet).They should be from different movements though – i.e. not two impressionists. If you can make links like this between your two chosen artists then this is really what markers are looking for.


Bring in clearly both artists and make a final point about the main comparisons which you have made. Perhaps main differences in approach and also perhaps main similar elements in approach. This should be a summary – no more than a paragraph.

Don’t use any words which you don’t understand. Find out their meaning with a dictionary or ask me if you are not sure. Some helpful vocabulary:

Abstract Metaphor Symbol Texture Symmetrical

Balanced Expressive Figurative Harmonious Complementary

Delicate Serene Peaceful Juxtaposed Technique

Contrasting Clashing Contour Construction Medium

Simplistic Minimalist Monochrome Perspective Realistic

Exaggerated Distorted Tone Avant-garde Surrealist


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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