Persuasive Essay Pointers

Persuasive Essay Pointers

“Persuasive writing attempts to convince the reader that the point of view or course of action recommended by the writer is valid. To accomplish this, the writer must develop a topic which has more than one side. It is important that the author understand other sides of the position so that the strongest information to counter the others can be presented. In the essay, only one side of the issue is presented.”

Use these ideas to help you write your 5-paragraph persuasive essay:

• The topic sentence cannot be a fact, as facts cannot be debated. It should be a statement of position. That position must be clear and direct. This statement directs the readers to follow along with your logic towards the specific stated conclusion that you want them to support. You CANNOT not make it personal so do NOT use personal pronouns. Make it definitive.

• Then, in the same introductory paragraph, state the three best reasons that you have to support your position as the remainder of the opening paragraph. These reasons become the topics of each of the three supporting paragraphs. Again, be sure they are able to be supported with additional separate facts. Read the “Writing Situation” and in your own first paragraph, rephrase the question being asked.

• In the body of the essay, the writer uses specific evidence, examples, and statistics and not broad generalizations or personal opinions to persuade the reader that the stated position is a valid one. Each topic sentence for the support paragraphs have been introduced in the beginning paragraph. Each additional sentence must closely relate to the topic and the sentence that came before it. This way, the logic of the argument is easy to follow. Point out some obvious counter-arguments that your reader will have. Present a reasonable solution to it.

• Be sure to use adequate transitions between paragraphs as they make it easy for the reader to follow the logic of the presentation.

• As you close the essay, it is most important to clearly redefine the topic and restate the most compelling evidence. Remember, this is the last chance to remind the reader (your teacher) and convince him/her to accept the writer's position. Do not introduce new material in the conclusion.

• Take risks by providing alternate solutions in your conclusion if applicable.

• Whether or not you actually believe in your argument is not the purpose – choose a “side” that you have the most logical and reasonable arguments for! It may turn out that you believe the opposite of what you support in your essay!

Quick Tips:

1. Take a stand and defend it with reasonable and logical arguments

2. Read the “Writing Situation” and in your own first paragraph, rephrase the question being asked.

3. Be sure to have at least 3 points for your reader to consider.

4. Point out some obvious counter-arguments that your reader will have and present a reasonable solution to it.

5. Take risks by providing alternate solutions in your conclusion.

6. Whether or not you actually believe in your argument is not the purpose – choose a “side” that you have the most logical and reasonable arguments for! It may turn out that you believe the opposite of what you support in your essay!

Ideas from: The Five Paragraph Essay Wizard. 8/21/2006. .

When given a writing prompt, or a writing situation, it is best to restate some of the information. Not only will this help you with a starting point to your essay, but it will also help you clearly and definitely take a side and show your stance on the issue:

Writing Situation

A frequently debated issue is whether or not violence in the media including video games, movies, songs, etc. has negative effects on young adults. Some people believe that there is a need for censorship and the elimination of many products while others believe it is unnecessary to ban potentially violent media and media products. Your school newspaper decided to devote an upcoming issue to this controversial topic. 

You decide to write a letter to the editor of your school newspaper expressing your views about the effects of violence in the media.


Write a letter to the editor of your school newspaper supporting or opposing whether violence in the media has negative effects on young adults. Support your position with reasons, examples, facts, and/or other evidence. Convince your readers to take your position seriously.

Example of an opening paragraph:

To whom it may concern (or – Dear Editor) :

It is my understanding that a frequently debated issue is whether or not violence in various media has a negative effect on young adults. There are groups of people who believe that there is a need to censor many of the products in stores today including video games, movies, songs, etc. On the other hand, many others believe that it is unnecessary to ban potentially violent media products. After considering both sides of this argument, it is my belief that we should censor these products before they reach the hands of innocent children.

Transition Words: Use Transition words to MOVE your essay! Your writing won’t “go” anywhere without using transitions to help you flow between ideas.

|addition / continuation: |additionally |including |

| |afterwards |initially |

| |again |later |

| |also |likewise |

| |and |meanwhile moreover |

| |as was previously stated |next |

| |at last |overall |

| |at length |presently |

| |at the same time |previously |

| |besides |second |

| |embracing |since |

| |encompassing |soon |

| |eventually |subsequently |

| |extending |supplementing |

| |first |then |

| |furthermore |to begin with |

| |in addition |while |

| |in conclusion | |

|contrast: |although |nevertheless |

| |but |nonetheless |

| |conversely |not withstanding |

| |despite |on the other hand |

| |however |on the contrary |

| |in contrast |regardless |

| |indeed |still |

| |in spite of |though |

| |instead |yet |

| |namely |while |

|exemplification / illustration: |as an illustration |in other words |

| |for example |in particular |

| |for instance |that is |

|conclusion / result: |as a consequence |then |

| |as a result |therefore |

| |consequently |thus |

| |hence | |

|similarity: |again |furthermore |

| |also |likewise |

| |and |in a like manner |

| |as a matter of fact |in addition |

| |as well |in the same way |

| |besides |in a similar case |

| |for example |similarly |


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