CURRICULUM VITAE (updated: 2/25/2016)

Name: Howard Giles

Place of birth: Cardiff, Wales

Citizenship: United States of America

Present Position and Career History at UCSB:

Since January 1989, Distinguished Professor at the Dept. of Communication, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4020, USA.

Elected Chair of Department: 1991-98

Honorary Professor in the School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia: December 2015-2018

Appointed (affiliated) Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences, UCSB, 1994-

Professor of Linguistics, UCSB, 1994- & member of East Asia Center 1999-

Graduate Program Director, Communication Dept., Sept. 1990-91, 2002-05, & 2013-16

Affiliate to the Interdisciplinary PhD in Human Development Executive Committee, 2002-05

April 1994-99: Honorary Professor of Psychology, & Professor of Communication, Cardiff University, Wales.

May 1999-2004 Re-appointed Honorary Professor of Communication, Cardiff University,


Founding Executive Director: Center on Police Practices & Community, UCSB, April 2002-2011

Co-Founded (with John Hadja, Music Dept) the “Music as Media Research Focus Group” funded 2005-06 by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center ($500) & renewed for 2006-07 ($1000)

Assistant/Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education: July 1999-October 2002, January 2004-July 2005, January 2006-December 2008

University (& subsequent) Education and Academic Career:

October 1965 - June 1968: Undergraduate at Bangor University, Britain. Obtained B.A. (Hons.) in Psychology.

October 1968 - March 1971: Postgraduate student in Social Psychology at University of Bristol, England. Ph.D. conferred July 1971. Thesis title: "A study of speech patterns in social interaction: Accent evaluation and accent change".

April 1996 awarded D.Sc. Title: "Accommodating and evaluating language varieties".

April 1971 - July 1972: Post-doctoral Research Associate in Social Psychology, University of Bristol.

August 1972 - December 1974: Lecturer in Social Psychology, Cardiff University, Britain.

January 1975 - July 1979: Lecturer in Psychology, University of Bristol.

August 1979 - July 1984: Reader in Social Psychology, University of Bristol.

August 1984 - December 1988: Professor of Social Psychology, University of Bristol, England. Head of Psychology Department: June 1987 - August 1988.

October 1984 – August 1988 Founding Director: Center for the Study of Intergroup Communication

Community Involvement:

Fall 1994 - Graduate of the Citizens Police Academy (Santa Barbara)

August - December 1995 - Certificate of Completion for: Peace Officers' Orientation (P.C. 832) & Reserve Officers' Orientation Level II (Grade "A"). Administration of Justice Dept., Santa Barbara City College.

May - July 1996 Graduate of the SBPD Reserve Police Officers' Academy (96 hours) and subsequent Field Training (110 hours).

June 2006– Sept 2011 (retired)

Reserve Police Officer (5000+ hours: = 15+ full-time/leisure weeks per annum)

For outstanding service to the Santa Barbara Police Department, recipient of the:

1998 & 2004 “Reserve Lieutenant’s Award”

2000 “Reserve Adviser’s Award”

2001, 2003, 2006, & 2007 “Reserve Officer of the Year Award”

2005 “Reserve Corp Coordinator's Award” &

2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, & 2010 “Lt. R. E. Bond Award” (for most hours volunteered)

2008 “Optimist International” for Law Enforcement Award “for distinguished and dedicated service”

2008 California Reserve Peace Officers’ Association Meritorious Service Award

for “especially meritorious service to the department in a duty of great responsibility,”  including outstanding performance of duties, extraordinary level of assistance to the reserve unit and department, extraordinary level of service to the community, training or teaching within the department, and longevity with the department”.


March 1999 – Reserve Sergeant

January 2005 – Reserve Lieutenant

Negotiator: Crisis Negotiation Response Team, 2008-2010

Member of the Board of Directors: The bi-monthly Magazine, Pacific Standard, Miller-McCune Center for Research, Media & Public Policy, 2010-


Intergenerational communication:

Cross-cultural perspectives on age differentiation

Elder abuse and law enforcement

Aging and social identity

Midlife dilemmas

Interpersonal and intergroup communication:

Social prejudice, ethnic identity and language.

Person perception, impression management, and speech style.

Applied communication:

Improving communication about and for the disabled.

Second language acquisition and bilingualism.

Health/social drinking, alcoholism and communication.

Community policing

Intercultural communication:

Beliefs about talk and values.

Perceptions of social structure and language.

Strategies of ethnolinguistic identity


1978 British Psychological Society's "Spearman Medallist" for "published research of outstanding merit" for scholars of no longer than 10 years Graduate Membership.

1989 British Psychological Society's "President's Award" for mid-career achievements in contributing to psychological knowledge (specifically for the study of language and communication in social psychology).

1993 Inaugural “Outstanding Scholar Award” from the International Communication Association’s “Language & Social Interaction” Interest Group for "distinguished intellectual contributions to the study of language".

1995 Inaugural "Scholar of the Year Award" (with Jon Nussbaum) from the Speech Communication of America's "Commission on Communication and Aging" for "outstanding contributions as a teacher, researcher, leader, and mentor in the field of communication and aging". Award thereafter called the "Giles & Nussbaum Distinguished Scholar Award."

2000 Inaugural “Career Productivity Award” from the International Communication Association for “sustained excellence in communication research”, thereafter called the Steve Chaffee Award.

36 NCA/ICA/WSCA/ECA Top Paper Awards (19 designated as THE Top Paper Awards): see Conference section in the main below for: 1986 (R.E. Cooley Memorial Award), ‘87, ’89, ‘92, ‘93, ‘94, ‘95, ‘96, ‘98, ’99, ’01, ’02, ’03, (2004 Milton Dickens Award as best article published in Communication Reports [2001-03]), ’04 (2), ’05 (2), 06 (2), 07 (2), & 08 (02), 2010 (2), 2011 (2), 2012 (3), 2013 (2), 2014, 2015, & 2016.

Distinguished Member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (2004-)

Nominee for Margaret T. Getman Service to Students Award (for exemplary commitment to students and contribution to the quality of life at UCSB), 2005

2005-06 Academic Senate Research Lecturer “recognizes extraordinary scholarly distinction, making it the highest honored bestowed upon UCSB professors by their peers”.

2007 Aubrey Fisher Mentorship Award of the International Communication Association.

This award honors outstanding scholars, teachers, and advisors who serve as role models in those capacities and who have had a major impact on the field of communication. Most importantly, recipients of this award have influenced the discipline through their former students, who themselves are important figures in the communication discipline.

2007 National Communication Association’s Distinguished Scholar Award “for significant lifetime achievements to the discipline.”

2008 Member with Distinction Award of the International Association of Language and Social Psychology “for demonstrating passion, dedication, and deep interest in the continuance and betterment of the Association”.

2009 Mark L. Knapp Award of the National Communication Association for “career contributions to the study of interpersonal communication”

2011 Inaugural Outstanding Article (Seminal Work) Award from the National Communication Association’s Communication and Aging Division

2012 UCSB (campus-wide) Academic Senate Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award

2012 Gerald M. Phillips Award for Distinguished Applied Communication Scholarship from the National Communication Association

2013 UCSB (campus-wide) Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award. Only scholar in UCSB history to be recipient of all 3 campus Awards: Research Lecture, Outstanding Mentor, and Distinguished Teaching Awards

2015 National Communication Association’s Communication and Aging Division’s “Outstanding Book Award”.

Fellowships of Professional Associations (see Memberships below)


Research Grant Awards:

Holder of an S.S.R.C. research grant (January 1973 - December 1974) entitled: "A social evaluation of the speech patterns of an ethnic minority group" ($5,950).

Supervisor of a sub-section of an S.S.R.C. Research Program directed by Henri Tajfel concerned with intergroup relations. This sub-section entitled: "Linguistic correlates of intergroup discriminations" (January 1975 - December 1976) ($6,800). Appointed Co-director with Henri Tajfel and John Turner of the entire Research Programme, June 1976.

Co-holder (with Charles Husband, University of Bradford) of S.S.R.C. grant for establishing workshops on 'Intergroup theory and race relations', 1983-85 ($8,500).

Co-holder (with Louis Young) of a Nuffield small grant (January 1984 - December 1984) entitled: "Key factors in human-computer interaction", ($5,100).

Co-holder (with Karen Henwood) of a Nuffield small grant (October 1984 - December 1984) entitled: "Communication and the elderly" ($5,100).

Co-holder (with Nik Coupland) of an E.S.R.C. Programme grant (April 1985 - March 1989) entitled: "Communication and the elderly: An interdisciplinary approach" ($193,800).

Co-holder (with Nik Coupland & John Wiemann) of a United States/United Kingdom Education (Fulbright) Commission “International Colloquium on Communication, health and the elderly” held at the University of Wales Conference Center, Gregynog Hall, 1988 ($7,500).

Holder of an Academic Senate (UCSB) Grant (July 1991-June 1992) entitled “Intergenerational communication and patronizing speech” ($2,530).

Holder of an Academic Senate (UCSB) Grant (July 1992-June 1993) entitled

“Intergenerational contact: A communication perspective” ($3,000).

Holder of an Academic Senate (UCSB) Grant (July 1993-June 1994) entitled

"The ubiquity of patronizing talk: Connecting to the East" ($2,031).

Holder of a University of California Pacific Rim Program Planning Grant (July 1994-September 1995) entitled "Intergenerational communication across the Pacific Rim" ($10,000).

Holder of an Academic Senate (UCSB) Grant (July 1994-June 1995) entitled "Evaluations to patronizing talk: The Spanish connection" ($2,150).

Co-investigator with Beth Le Poire (UCSB) (P.I.) of a Grant (July 1995-June 1998) from the National Institute of Drug Abuse (10/94) entitled, "Partners' influence on continued chemical dependency" ($497,257).

Holder of a "Pearl Chase Funds" Academic Senate (UCSB) Grant (July 1995-June 1997) entitled:

"Police-community links: Communicating with older adults" ($3,011).

Holder of a University of California Pacific Rim Committee Grant (July1996-98) entitled, "Intergenerational communication around the Pacific Rim" ($25,000)

Co-Holder (with A. Mulac) of an Academic Senate (UCSB) Grant (July 1997-June 1999) entitled, "Instant aging: Health implications of sounding "old" ($2,000).

Holder (with V. Barker) of a Linguistic Minorities Research Institute Grant (July 1999-2000) entitled, “English Only: An analysis of the linguistic landscape and changing perceptions of ethnolinguistic vitality” ($1,231).

Holder of an Academic Senate (UCSB) Grant (July 1999-June 2000) entitled "Intergenerational communication in Central and South America” ($2000).

Holder of a University of California Pacific Rim Committee Grant (July 2000-June 2002) entitled “Agism and the workplace: A cross-cultural perspective” ($30,763).

Co-Holder (with D. Mullin) of an Instructional Improvement Grant (2001-2002: $9,997.27).

Holder (with M.C. Anderson) of a grant (Jan 2002-Dec 2004) to support the Center on Police Practices and Community, UC Santa Barbara ($44,800)

Private donation (April 2006) ($50,000) & Project donations (May 2006 & May 2008) ($5,500)

Fellowship grant from UCSB Police Department (Oct. 2002-) ($25,000).

Co-holder of Institute of Social & Economic Research C-RIG grant on gang activity (Jan-Dec. 2010) ($4,000)

FELLOWSHIPS/Memberships of Learned Societies etc.:

Fellow (elected 1982) of the British Psychological Society (and member of its Social Psychology Section).

Secretary/Treasurer of Welsh Branch of that Society, 1974.

Committee Member of Social Psychology Section of British Psychological Society, 1977-1980.

The Society's representative to the Councils of University College, Swansea (1985-88) and University of Wales Institute of Science of Technology, Cardiff (1985-87), and Examiner for the Society's Graduate Membership (1986-87).

Fellow (elected 1993) of the International Communication Association

Elected Chair of the ICA Fellows (2008-2009)

Life Member; Executive Membership Committee, 1980; nominated for election to Executive Board, 1989; Member of Bye Laws Committee, Language & Social Interaction Interest Group, 1991-92 & Awards Committee, same Interest Group, 1993-95).

Member of ICA Executive Council (1997-2001), ICA Finance Committee (1999-2001), and Chair of ICA Newsletter Task Force (2000-2001).

Member of Council of Communication Associations (1998-99)

President-Elect-Select, October 1996 –May 1997); President-Elect (May 1997-1998), President (July 1998-1999) & Immediate Past President (June 1999-May 2000).

Co-founding Chair (May 2003-04) of new ICA Interest Group on “intergroup communication”

Intergroup Co-Program Chair: ICA New Orleans, 2004

Elected Vice-Chair & Chair of the ICA Intergroup Interest Group, 2012-215

Paper reviewer for ICA Convention Theme (“Communication in the public interest”), New Orleans, 2004

Member of ICA Board of Directors (2003-04; 2013-2015)

Member of ICA Book Award Committee (2004)

Paper reviewer for Intergroup Communication Interest Group ICA Convention, 2007, 2009, 2010-2012

Paper reviewer for Theme Panel, ICA Puerto Rico (2015)

Fellow (elected 1994) of the Gerontological Society of America (and member of its Language & Communication Interest Group).

Fellow (elected 1997) of the American Psychological Association (Division 8: Personality and Social Psychology

Fellow (elected 2005) of the American Psychological Association (Division 20: Psychology & Aging)

Fellow (elected 1997) of the Society for the Study of Personality and Social Psychology.

Charter Fellow (invited 1997) of the International Academy for Intercultural Research

Fellow (elected 2009) of The Society of Experimental Social Psychology

Member of Founders' Working Party to inaugurate the International Association of Social Psychologists of Language (1994-1997).

Executive Committee of International Association for the Study of Language & Social Psychology (May 1997-2002, 2010-)

Fellow (2008-)

President-Elect (May 1997-2000); President (May 2000-2002)

Advisory Planning Committee ICLASP9 (2000-2002)

International Consultant to ICLASP10 (2002-2004)

Awards Committee (2004-)

Chair: James Bradac Scholar Award committee (2010-)

Adviser to the Executive Committee (2010-)

National Communication Association (Life Member).

Dissertation Award Committee (Language & Social Interaction Division, 1996)

NCA Family Communication Division dissertation endowment committee (2005-06)

` Chair and Member of the Diamond Anniversary Book Award committee & Chair (2007-2009)

Vice-Chair-Elect (November 1999-2000), Vice-Chair: Communication & Aging Division (November 2000-2001), and Chair (November 2001-2002)

Giles & Nussbaum Distinguished Scholar Award committee (2002-; Chair 2007-08)

Dissertation Award committee (Chair, 2007-08)

Thesis Award committee (2007-09)

Best book/article award committee (2009-)

Member: Mark L. Knapp Distinguished Interpersonal Communication Career Award (2010-2013)

Member: NCA Task Force on Internationalization (2012-2013).

Western States Communication Association

Member of its Legislative Assembly (1997).

Elected Delegate-at Large to Legislative Assembly (2004-06)

Sandra Petronio Graduate Awards Committee (2005-)

European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (foreign affiliate; elected).

Association for Anthropology & Gerontology

Nonkilling Lingustics Research Committee (Center for Global Nonkilling, University of Hawaii, Honololu; invited)

Journal Editorships:

Assistant Editor: British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology (1978-83).

Editor (elected): Human Communication Research (1992-95).

Founding Co-Editor: Journal of Language and Social Psychology (1982-1992; 1994-).

Journal of Asian Pacific Communication (1990-92; 95-).

Editorial Board/Board of Director Memberships:

Language Sciences (1979-1987).

Communication Monographs (1986-89).

Sociolinguistics Newsletter (1976-79).

International and Intercultural Communication Annual, Vols. 13, 17, & 19 (1989, 1993, & 1995).

Annual Reviews of Communication Research, Vols. 16-21 (1986-97).

Lifespans (ed. G. Breakwell), Andromeda Publishers: Oxford (1989-90).

Communication Research, Vol. 19 (4): Special Issue on “aging” (1992).

British Journal of Social Psychology (1983-86; 1989-94).

British Journal of Psychology (1989-95).

Language Problems and Language Planning (1977-1996).

Journal of Intercultural Studies (1981-96).

Multilingua (1997-2002).

Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts (1986-2000).

Communication Research (1993-97).

Southeast Asia - Multidisciplinary Journal (1999-).

Intergenerational Caring Vol. #8 of the Rosalynn Carter Institute Series (2003-04)

International Journal of Applied Linguistics (1990-2006).

Journal of Sociolinguistics (1995-2006; Member of Honorary Board, 2007-).

Research in Language & Social Interaction (2005-2009).

Journal of Native Aging and Health (2005-09).

Language and Communication (1980-2010)

Media Psychology (2005-2011)

Journal of Communication (1999-2011)

Communication Studies (1985-86, 2004-12)

Simulation and Gaming (1989-1992; 2008-12).

Journal of Intercultural Communication Research (2010-13).

Language, Society, and Culture (1996-2000).

The Review of Communication (2000-03).

Blackwell’s “Communication in the Public Interest” Book Series (2004-12).

Frontiers in Psychological and Behavioral Science (2012-13).

Communication Research Reports (2005-13)

Iranian Journal of Society, Culture, & Language (2012-13).

Journal of Multicultural Discourses (2005-14).

The Open Applied Linguistics Journal (2010-2014)

International Journal of Intercultural Relations (2007-15)

Blackwell/ICA’s International Encyclopedia of Communication (2005-15), Area Editor for “Intergroup and Intercultural Communication”.

Communication Yearbook, Vols. 30- (2004-15).

International Journal of Bilingualism (1996-15).


Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development (1981-).

Human Communication Research (1981-).

Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (1997-).

International Journal of Aging & Human Development (2002-).

Journal of International and Intercultural Communication (2007-).

Anthropology of Aging Quarterly (2007-).

Board of Directors: Pacific Standard (Miller McCune Center for Research, Media & Public Policy, 2007-).

Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism (2012-).

Global Advisory Board: Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (2012-).

International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication (2013-).

International Journal of Society, Culture & Language (2013-).

Journal of Applied Linguistics & Language Research (2014-).

Brill Research Perspectives on Multilingualism and Second Language Acquisition (2014-).

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication (2014-), Associate Editor for Intergroup Communication

Atlantic Journal of Communication (2015-)

General Book Series Editor:

Language and Social Psychology Series, Edward Arnolds, London & Baltimore (1981-86).

Social Psychology and Society Series (with Miles Hewstone), Blackwell, Oxford/ N. York (1985-95).

Intercommunication Series (with Cheris Kramarae), Multilingual Matters, Clevedon & Philadelphia (1981-1990).

Monographs in the Social Psychology of Language Series, Multilingual Matters, Clevedon & Philadelphia (1987-90).

Language & Language Behavior Series, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage (1991-98).

Monographs on Asian Pacific Communication, Multilingual Matters, Clevedon & Philadelphia (1997).


Language as Social Action Series, Peter Lang, New York & Berlin (1999-)

Communicating With and About Society, Editorial Aresta Publishers, Barcelona, Spain (2007-)

Other Reviewing Duties:

Ad hoc referee for following Research Grant Agencies: The British Academy; Economic & Social Research Council (UK); Nuffield Foundation (UK); Leverhulme Foundation (UK); University of Wales (Federal) Research Agency (UK); Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada (now Fond FRAC); National Science Foundation; Guggenheim Foundation; Australian Science Foundation; Fonds FRAC (Canada); Katholieke Universititeit Leuven Research Council (Belgium); United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation; University of Queensland Research Grants; and the University of Cyprus Research Committee. In addition, regular referee for the following publishers: Blackwell; Butterworth-Heinemann; Cambridge University Press; Edward Arnold; Guildford; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; Macmillan; Methuen; Mouton de Gruyter; Multilingual Matters; Routledge/Psychology Press; SAGE; Allyn & Bacon; Wiley & Sons; John Templeton Foundation (Council on Wisdom); Greek Ministry of Education, Life Long Learning & Religious; Israel Science Foundation; the Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO); and the National Science Center, Poland.

In addition, ad hoc referee for: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology; Language in Society; Journal of Personality & Social Psychology; European Journal of Social Psychology; International Journal of Psychology; Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology; Journal of Nonverbal Behavior; Journal of Peace Studies; Western Journal of Speech Communication; Human Relations; Language in Education; Management Communication Quarterly; Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences; Journal of Pragmatics; Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin; Critical Studies in Mass Communication; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition; Communication Theory; Journal of Social & Personal Relationships; Psychology & Aging; Perceptual & Motor Skills, Psychological Science, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, International Journal of Intercultural Relations; Psychological Reports; Language and Speech; Diversité Urbaine; Personal Relationships; Social Science & Medicine; Developmental Science; Personality & Social Psychology Review; Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology; International Journal of Communication; Western Journal of Nursing; Russian Journal of Communication; Communication Quarterly, & Ethnicities.

Research Consultant & Miscellaneous:

Participant in the Summer School of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Konstanz, West Germany, July 1971.

Visiting Research associate at the Language Research Unit, Department of Psychology, McGill

University, Montreal, Canada, under Wallace E. Lambert, for the following periods: August - November, 1971; June - July, 1972; June - September, 1973.

Title VII Bilingual Program, Madawaska, Maine, U.S.A., September - October, 1971.

Title VII Bilingual Program, Caribou, Maine, U.S.A., July - September, 1973.

Government courses on the education of West Indian Children, January 1975; May 1976.

New Hampshire Ethnic Studies Institute, Manchester, New Hampshire, July 1976.

Center for Puerto Rican Studies, City University of New York, April 1977.

Department of Education, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, August 1977.

Open University Language Development Course, 1978.

English Language Teaching Unit, Chinese University of Hong Kong (1985-1994).

British Council Consultant, University of Fez, Morocco, November 1986.

British Council Consultant, CHICHE Short-term Visitor's Program, Chinese University of Hong Kong, March 1987; January 1988; and February 1989 as Fellow of Shaw College

Sociolinguistics Institute. Catalonian Cultural Committee, June 1989.

(Founding) Director of the "Center for the Study of Communication & Social Relations", University of Bristol, June 1985 - February 1989.

Entries in: "Who's Who in the Universities", "Who's Who in Education", "Who's Who in Psychology", "Who's Who in Gerontology", "Men of Achievement" (14th.-16th eds.), "Who's Who in America: Media & Communications (1st ed.), "Who's Who in the West" (27th. ed.), “Outstanding People of the 20th Century” (1999, & 2nd ed., 2000), “2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th. Century (2nd ed., 2000), “Dictionary of International Biography” (28th. ed., 2000, & 29th. ed., 2001), “2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 20th Century” (2000), “International Man of the Year” (2000/2001), “2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 20th. Century” (2001), “2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st. Century” (2001), Strathmore’s “Who’s Who” (2000-06), “Who’s Who in the 21st. Century” (2001), “2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st. Century” (1st. ed., 2002), “One Thousand Great Intellectuals (1st. ed., 2003), “The Contemporary Who’s Who of Professionals: Who’s Making a Difference” (2003 & 2004/5), “Living Legends” (2004), “2000 Outstanding Academics of the 21st Century” (2004), Who’s Who in Social Sciences Higher Education (2005), International Biographical Center’s “Leading Educators of the World (2005); International Directory of Experts & Expertise (2006); Top 100 Educators (2006); “Men of the Year – A Celebrated Collection of Biographies, 1990-2006 (2006); Dictionary of International Biography, 33rd. ed. (2006); Great Minds of the 21st Century (American Biographical Institute: 2005/06); 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st century (2007); Cambridge Blue Book, 2nd ed. (2007); 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st century (2007); Cambridge Who’s Who Among Executive & Professional Psychologists (Honors Ed., 2006/2007); “International Profiles of Accomplished Leaders (American Biographical Institute, 2008), & 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 2009/10).

Invited Fellow (1989-2006), Advanced Center for Study in the Behavioral Sciences

Consultant for Reda International Inc's "National Institute on Aging Grant on Assessment of doctor-older patient interactions", June 1997

Consultant to the Rand Corporation on research relating to the Cincinnati Police Department, May 2005

January 2006 – Consultant to Ohio Board Regents: Comprehensive Degree Plans

October 2007 – Honorary Associate of The Centre for Research on Group Processes, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

October 2009-12 – International Scholar on Advisory Group for “Engaging senior stakeholders: Positive ageing at the elder organization interface” funded by the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science & Technology ($1.050,000) to Ted Zorn and Mary Simpson and others (University of Waikato, New Zealand)


Invited (externally-funded)/Keynote/Memorial Lecture Addresses:

British Association of Applied Linguistics, Exeter, August 1978.

One Day British Psychological Society Conference on "Social situations and settings", Oxford, November 1979.

6th International Christian University. Symposium on Sociolinguistics, Tokyo, Japan, August 1979.

"Lister Lecture" at the British Association for the Advancement of Science, September 1980.

"Borcher Lecture" at University of Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A., October 1982.

Georgetown Roundtable on Linguistics & Language, Washington, D.C., March 1984.

International Conference on "Social identity", Exeter, July 1987.

I World Basque Conference, San Sebastian, Spain, August 1987.

World Communication Association Annual Conference, Norwich, August 1987.

Annual Lecture of the Social Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, Oxford, September 1987.

First Hong Kong Conference on Language & Society: Eastern & Western Perspectives, Hong Kong, April 1988.

First National Conference on Language and Society, University of Otago, Dunedin, Sept.1988

2nd. Iowa Conference on Personal Relationships, Iowa City, May 1989.

McGill Conference on Bilingualism: A tribute to Wallace Lambert. The Laurentians, Quebec, May 1989.

4th International Conference on Minority Languages, Ljouwert, The Netherlands, June 1989.

President's Lecture Award, Annual British Psychological Society Meeting, Swansea, April 1990.

2nd International Conference on The Maintenance and Loss of Minority Languages, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, September 1992.

Hungarian Academy of Social Sciences Symposium on “Measurement in Sociology”, Budapest, December 1992.

Plenary Chair/Discussant: 2nd International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health, Hamilton, Canada, May 1994.

5th International Conference on Social Psychology and Language, Brisbane, July 1994.

Plenary Discussant in NSF-funded international Workshop on "Stylistic Variation", Stanford University, February 1996

Plenary Chair/Discussant: 3rd International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health, Kansas City, May 1996.

Sociolinguistics 11, Cardiff, Wales, September 5-7, 1996

12th. Annual G.P. Mohrmann Lecture, University of California, Davis, May 1997.

Annual British Psychological Society Conference, Belfast, April 1999.

ICA Presidential Address, 49th. Annual International Communication Association Meeting, San

Francisco, May 1999.

4th. International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health, Brisbane, Australia, July 1999, & Chair of 3 other plenary sessions.

Conference on “Communicating across boundaries: Channels, disciplines, cultures”, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, September 1999.

National Communication Association Annual Meeting, “Spotlighted Scholar” for Communication on Communication and Aging, Chicago, November 1999.

The “Giles Wilkeson Gray Lecture”, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, February 2002.

The Annenberg Colloquium, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, September 2002.

The L. LeRoy Cowperthwaite Lecture, Kent State University, May 2003.

The McClatchy Memorial Colloquium, Stanford University, April 2004.

University of California Annual Advisors’ Conference, Santa Barbara, May 2004.

National Society of Collegiate Scholars (Santa Barbara Chapter) Induction Convocation, October 2004.

International Association for Relationship Research, Indianapolis, July 2005.

4th Annual Canadian Research Symposium on Communication and Social Interaction in Healthy Aging, Banff, February 2006.

33rd. Annual Undergraduate Communication Conference, Fresno State, April 2006 (2 Lectures)

GlobE 2006: “Communicating across age groups: Age, language and society”, Warsaw, September 2006.

6th. Annual Conference of the Association for Anthropology & Gerontology, Penn State University, March 2007

2nd. International Conference on the Social Psychology of Language, Dijon, France, June 2007

7th. Sam Becker Lecture, University of Iowa, Iowa City, October 2007

11th. International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Tucson, AZ, July 2008

6th. Cardiff Roundtable on Language and Communication on “Legal-lay communication”, Gregynog Hall, University of Wales, Montgomeryshire, July 2008.

NWAV 37 (New Ways of Analyzing Variation), Houston, November, 2008

International Conference on “Elder abuse in context”. Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing. Rijnsburgerweg, The Netherlands, March 2011

4th Pan American Congress of the International Association of Gerontology & Geriatrics & the 40th Annual Scientific & Educational Meeting, Ottawa, October 2011

Inaugural Keynote Speaker for the Annual Series of Lectures on Translating Research into Practice Initiative. Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (UIPUI), March 2012.

New York University College of Dentistry/New York Academy of Distinguished Educators March, 2015.

New York State Communication Association, New York, October 2015.

Presentations at national/international conferences:

Fourteen papers delivered at Annual British Psychological Society Conference and Branch Meetings (1970-1982).

Papers delivered at the following Psychological/Linguistic/Communication Conferences in Europe, North America and the Far East:

9th International Conference of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, September 1973, Chicago, U.S.A.

Annual Oregon and Washington States Psychological Association Congress, March 1975, Salishan, U.S.A.

European Association of Experimental Social Psychology Conference, April 1975, Bielefeld, West Germany

2nd International Conference on Methods in Dialectology, August 1975, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

9th International Congress of Applied Linguistics, September 1975, Stuttgart, West Germany.

3rd International Conference of Cross-Cultural Psychology Association, July 1976, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

1st. International Conference on Laughter and Humour, 1976, Cardiff, Wales.

Conference on Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Wales, September 1976, Gregynog, Wales; December 1977, Gregynog, Wales.

Annual International Communications Association Conference. Invited Critic of the "Top 3 Papers" in the Interpersonal Communications Section, San Francisco, May 1984.

Annual American Psychological Association Conference, August 1984, Toronto.

International Congress of Psychology (Cross-cultural Association), Acapulco, Mexico, September 1984.

Annual International Communications Association Conference, Honolulu, May 1985.

International Conference on "Talk and social structure", Santa Barbara, U.S.A., March 1986.

73rd. Annual Speech Communication Association Conference (The Top Paper in Intercultural Division), Chicago, November 1986, gaining the "R.E. Cooley Memorial Award".

Minnesota Linguistic Circle Annual Conference on "Linguistic accommodation and style-shifting", Minneapolis, September 1986.

"Video Analysis" Three-day ESRC Conference, July 1987, Guildford, U.K.

10th International Conference on Political Psychology, July 1987, San Francisco.

74th. Annual Speech Communication Association Conference (The Top Paper in Communication & Aging Commission), Boston, November 1987.

Ethnic Psychology Conference: First Regional North American Conference of IACCP, Kingston, Canada, August 1987.

9th Temple University Conference on Discourse Analysis, Philadelphia, March 1988.

Sociolinguistics Symposium 7, University of York, England, April 1988.

Annual International Communication Association Conference, New Orleans, May 1988.

24th International Congress on Psychology, Sydney, August 1988.

Conference on "Conversation, Discourse, and Conflict" (Research Committee on Sociolinguistics, International Sociological Association), Dublin, March 1989.

76th. Annual Speech Communication Association Meeting (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Commission), November 1989, San Francisco

Annual International Communication Association Meeting (Ranked 4th in Health Communication Division), June 1990, Dublin

Western States Communication Association Annual Meeting, 2 papers, February 1991, Phoenix

Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute’s Special Symposium on “The sociology of language and speakers of other languages: In Honor of Joshua A. Fishman’s 65th Birthday", July 8-11, 1991, Santa Cruz

Annual International Communication Association Meeting, 1 paper & 1 Respondent role, Miami, May 1992.

Annual Gerontological Society of America Meeting, Washington, D.C., Nov., 1992, 2 papers.

78th. Annual Speech Communication Association Meeting (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Commission), November 1992, Chicago.

Annual International Communication Association Meeting, Washington, DC, May 1993, 3 papers.

79th. Annual Speech Communication Association Meeting (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Commission), November 1993, Miami.

Annual Gerontological Society of America Meeting, New Orleans, November 1993.

Annual Meeting of the Western States Communication Association, San Jose, February, 1994.

Annual International Communication Association Meeting, Sydney, July, 1994, 2 papers (paper ranked 4th. in Instruction & Development Division) & Discussant.

80th. Annual Speech Communication Association Meeting (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Commission), November 1994, New Orleans.

Annual Gerontological Association Meeting, Atlanta, November 1994.

Annual International Communication Association Meeting, Albequeque, May 1995, 2 papers.

81st. Annual Speech Communication Association Meeting, San Antonio, 2 papers (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Commission), November 1995.

Annual Fullerton Conference on Intercultural Communication, March 1996.

Annual International Communication Association Meeting, Chicago, May 1996.

3rd. International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health, Kansas City, May 1996.

25th. Annual Meeting of Australasian Social Psychologists, Canberra, May 1996

Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association, Brisbane, July 1996.

82nd. Annual Speech Communication Association Meeting, San Diego (Top Paper in Communication and Aging Commission), November, 1996. In addition, invited Chair of Thematic Session in Interpersonal & Small Group Division, and 2 further papers.

International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychologists' Meeting, Montreal, August 1996

Sociolinguistics Symposium 11, Cardiff, Wales, September 1996

Conference on "Rediscovering the elderly", Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, December 1996.

Annual Western States Communication Association, Monterey, CA, February 1997.

6th. International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication, Tempe, March 1997.

Conference on Individualistic and Collectivistic Perspectives on Communication, CSU Fullerton, March 1997.

6th. International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Ottawa, May 1997, 2 papers.

Annual International Communication Association Meeting, Montreal, May 1997, 2 papers.

Annual Meeting of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, August 1997.

83rd. Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Chicago, November, 1997, 1 paper and Chair of another panel.

24th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, August, 1998

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Jerusalem, July 1998, 1 paper

84th. Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, New York (Top Paper in Communication and Aging Commission), November 1998. In addition, a further paper.

3rd. Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan, August, 1999

85th. Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Chicago (Top Paper in Communication and Aging Commission), November 1999

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Acapulco, June 2000, 2 papers

7th. International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Cardiff, Wales, July 2000, 2 papers.

86th. Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Seattle, November 2000 (1 paper and Top Paper Respondent)

7th. Minority Languages Conference, Bilbao, Spain, December, 2000.

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington DC, May 2001.

17th. Congress of the International Association of Gerontology, Vancouver, July 2001.

5th. International Conference on Language and Development: Defining the

role of language in development. Phnom Penh, Cambodia, September, 2001.

87th. Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Atlanta (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Commission), November 2001, 3 other papers, and Chair of panel session.

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Seoul, July 2001

8th. International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Hong Kong, July 2001. Plenary conference introduction, chair of keynote session, and 1 paper.

88th. Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, New Orleans (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Commission), November 2002, 1 other paper.

Annual Conference of the Gerontological Association of America, Boston, November 2002, 1 paper

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego (Top Paper in Intercultural Communication Division), May 2003, & 2 other papers, and a Respondent role.

89th. Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Miami Beach, November 2003, 1 paper.

25th. Annual College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Conference, University of Guam, March, 2004.

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, New Orleans (Top Paper in Intergroup Communication) May 2004, & 3 other papers & 2 respondent roles.

9th. International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Penn State University, June/July 2004, 1 paper

90th. Annual Conference of the National Communication Association (Top Paper in Communication and Aging Division) November 2004, + another paper.

3rd Annual Hawai’i International Conference on Arts & Humanities, January 2005, 2 papers.

Annual Conference of the Western States Communication Association, San Francisco, February 2005.

“Faces and Masks of Aging: Implications from the lives of Japanese elderly", Stanford University, May 2005.

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, New York (Top Paper in Intergroup Communication) May 2005, & another paper.

Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Boston (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Division) November 2005, & another paper.

Annual Conference of the Eastern Communication Association, Philadelphia (Top Paper in Applied Communication Division, April 2006).

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany, June 2006, 2 papers

10th International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Bonn, Germany, June 2006, 2 papers)

International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies Conference, San Antonio, Texas, August, 2006.

Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, Texas (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Division) November 2006

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Francisco (Top 4 Paper in Intergroup Communication) May 2007, & 2 other papers

Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Chicago (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Division) November 2007

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Montreal (The Top Paper in Intergroup Communication), May 2008, & another paper

Annual Conference of the National Communication Association (Top Paper in Applied Communication), San Diego, November 2008, and 3 other papers

World Congress of Sociology, Barcelona, April 2009

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Chicago, May 2009

International Conference on Public Relations, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2009

MediaCon International Conference, 2009: Media in a fast changing world. Petra Christian University, Kuta, Bali, May, 2009

South-East European Conference on Psychology: Southeastern Europe looking ahead, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2009

Annual Conference of the National Communication Association Chicago, November 2009, 3 papers and participation in Scholars’ Office Hours.

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Top Paper in Intergroup Communication), Singapore, June 2010, and 1 other paper.

International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Brisbane, Australia, June 2010

Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, San Francisco (Top Paper in Communication and Aging Division) and participation in Scholars’ Office Hours, November 2010

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Boston (The Top Paper in Intergroup Communication), May 2011

Annual Conference of the American Psychological Society, Washington DC, May 2011

Annual Conference of the National Communication Association (Top Paper in Communication and Aging Division), New Orleans, Nov 2011, and 4 other papers, with invited participation in Scholars’ Office Hours

European Association of Experimental Social Psychology Small Invited Conference on “Social cognition and communication”, Pecs, Hungary, July 2011

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (The Top Paper in Interpersonal Communication and The Top Paper in Intergroup Division), Phoenix, May 2012

Annual Conference of the National Communication Association (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Division), Orlando, Nov 2012, and 1 other paper

13th International Conference on Law and Language of the International Academy of Linguistic Law, Chang Mai, Thailand

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (The Top Paper in Intergroup Communication), London, UK, June 2013.

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (The Top Paper in Instructional & Development Division), London, UK, June 2013.

International Association of Applied Linguistics Symposium on “Sociocultural Theory & Emergentism“ & Langscape - Interactions of Sociocultural Theory and Emergentism in SLA and Language Education Studies: Conceptual and Interdisciplinary Concerns”. Humboldt, Germany, December, 2013.

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Seattle, May 2014, & Chair, Top Papers (Intergroup).

14th International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Honolulu, June 2014.

Annual Conference of the National Communication Association (The Top Paper in Communication and Aging Division), Chicago, November 2014, and 3 other papers.

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2015, 3 papers & Chair, Top Papers (Intergroup).

9th. GEM&L International Workshop on Management & Language, Alto University School of Business, Helsinki, Finland, June 2015.

Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, (Top Paper in Communication & Social Cognition Division), Las Vegas, November 2015, 1 other paper.

Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Top Paper in Communication and Aging Division), Fukuoka, Japan, June 2016.

15th. International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2016.

Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychological Association, Victoria, June 2016

Symposia Organized (full papers asterisked where presented):

"Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Language" Conference, Convenor/Chair of symposium entitled: "Language and social psychology", Louisville, U.S.A., May 1976.*

Annual Congress of International Communications Association, Convenor/Chair of symposium entitled: "The social significance of speech styles in interpersonal encounters", Berlin, West Germany, May 1977.

9th World Congress of Sociology, Co-Convenor/Chair of Section entitled: "Language and ethnic interaction", Uppsala, Sweden, July 1978.

Forum on Interdisciplinary Research, Co-Convenor of Symposium entitled: "Social psychological aspects of language planning", Yucatan, Mexico, December 1981.

Convenor/Chair, Half-Day Symposium on "Communication and Social Relations" at the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Bristol, September 1986.

Co-Organizer, Four-Day, Third International Conference on Social Psychology and Language, Bristol, July 1987.*

Honorary Esperanto Centenary Committee, London, July 1987.

Programme Organizer of "Attitudes and communicative competence" Section at the Conference on the Basque Language, San Sebastian, Spain, August 1987.

Co-Organizer/Chair, Conference theme session Symposium on 'Pacific Rim Communication', Annual Meeting of International Communication Association, San Francisco, May 1989.*

Co-Organizer/Chair, Conference theme session Symposium on "language attitudes and inequality", Annual International Communication Association Meeting, Dublin, June 1990.*

Chair: Masters Sessions for International Communication Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, May 1991.

Co-Organizer/Chair, Session on “Advances in ethnolinguistic vitality”, Annual International Communication Association Meeting, Chicago, May, 1991.*

Organizer of First International Symposium on Communication and Aging Around the Pacific Rim, Hong Kong, August, 1995.

Co-Convenor/Discussant, Panel on "Language, communication, and aging", Annual Gerontological Association of America Meeting, Los Angeles, November, 1995.*

Convenor/Chair/Discussant, Panel on "Language, communication, and social psychology". International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, August, 1996.

Convenor & Chair, Panel on "Language, communication, and age discrimination". 6th International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Ottawa, May, 1997.

Co-Organizer/Chair, Second International Symposium on Communication and Aging Around the Pacific Rim, Ottawa, May, 1997.

Chair: Theme Sessions Committee for the Annual Meeting of the International Communication

Association, Jerusalem, July 1998.

Convenor, Chair, & Discussant, Panel on “The periphery moves to the core: The centrality of language to social psychology & the contribution of British schools”. Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society, Belfast, April, 1999.

Convenor & Chair, Panel on “Law enforcement and the community”. 7th. International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Cardiff, July, 2000.*

Co-Convenor & Discussant, Panel on “Language and culture”. 7th European Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology, San Sebastian, Spain, July 2005.

Conferences Organized/Membership of Organizing Committees (full papers/plenary discussant papers asterisked where presented):

Co-Organizer, (One-Day) British Psychological Society conference on "The social psychology of intergroup behavior", Bristol, November 1978.*

Co-Organizer, (Four-Day) International Conference on "Social psychology and language", Bristol, July 1979.*

Co-Organizer, 2nd International Conference on Social Psychology and Language, Bristol, July 1983.*

Co-Organizer, 3rd International Conference on Social Psychology and Language, Bristol, July 1987.*

Co-Organizer (Three-Day) "Fulbright" International Colloquium (# 8 in Series) on Communication, Health and the Elderly", Gregynog,Wales, December 1988.*

Co-Organizer, 4th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Santa Barbara, August 18-23, 1991.*

Member of the Local Organizing Committee, Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP), Santa Barbara, October 1993.

Member of Conference International Planning Committee, 2nd International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health. Hamilton, Canada, March 1994.*

Member of the International Organizing Committee, 5th International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia, July 1994.*

Member of Conference International Planning Committee, 3rd. International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health. Kansas City, May 1996.*

Member of the International Organizing Committee, 6th International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, University of Ottawa, May 1997*.

Program Chair of the Planning Committee (1997-98) for the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Jerusalem, July 1998.

Member of Conference International Planning Committee, 4th. International Conference on Communication, Aging, and Health. Gold Coast, W. Australia, July 1998.*

Member of the International Organizing Committee, 7th International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Cardiff University, July 2000.*

Member of Conference International Planning Committee, 8th. International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, City University of Hong Kong, June 2002.

Member of Conference International Planning Committee, 9th. International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Penn State University, June/July 2004.

International Consultant, 10th. International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Bonn University, June 2006.

One day conference, Multilingualism and intergroup communication, London, UK, 2013*

Member of Conference International Planning Committee, 15th. International Conference on Language & Social Psychology, Bangkok, June 2016.

Co-Organizer, 1st International Symposium on Race Talk and Silence, London, October 2016

Co-Organizer, 1st International Symposium on Intergroup Communication, Thessaloniki, June 2017.

Invited research seminars/colloquia/distinguished lecturer series/community lectures (1972-) presented at the following institutions in addition to previously-mentioned Posts, Visits and Conference include:-

Southampton (Psych. x2); Oxford (Psych.); Cambridge (Psych. x2); UC Swansea (Psych.); Newcastle upon Tyne (Ling.); Leeds (Phonetics/& Psych.); Bradford (Psych.); Aston (Psych.); Birmingham (Psych.); York (Ling. x2); Exeter (Psych. x2); UC Bangor (Psych. x2); Bath (Psych.); London School of Economics (Psych.); Sussex (Psych.); North East London Poly (Psych.); UWIST (Psych.); Open University Wales (Psych.); UC London (Psych./Education-EFL); Reading (Ling.); Portsmouth Poly (Psych.); Nottingham (Psych.); Kent (Psych. x2); Lancaster (Ling.); Michigan-Ann Arbor (Ling.); Northwestern (Commun.); Southern California (Commun.); Texas-Austin (Commun.); Maryland-Baltimore (Psych.); Wake Forest (Psych.); Florida-Gainesville (Ling.); Monash (Educ.); Geneva (Psych.); Manchester (Psych.); American Institute for Foreign Study, London; University of Hong Kong (Educ.); University of Canterbury (English), Christchurch, NZ; Victoria University of Wellington (Ling.), NZ; Washington-Seattle (Anthropol.Center for Ethnic Studies, May 1989); Arizona State-Tempe (Communication, March 1990); UCSB (Psychology: March 1989/Linguistics: October 1990/Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Human Development: January 2003); University of Oklahoma-Norman (Communication, Jan. 1991); University of Arizona-Tucson (Communication, Nov. 1991); Brigham Young University (Psych., Jan 1992); University of Kansas, Lawrence (Comm., Psychology/ Communication, April 1994); University of Wales Cardiff (Psych. & Comm; March & May 1995); Cardiff Language Circle (March 1995); University of Copenhagen (Institute of Dialectology, May 1995); University of Bristol (Psych., May 1995); Provost 's (Community) Circle, UCSB (February 1996); California Retired Teachers Association, Santa Barbara Chapter (April 1996); Arizona State-Tempe (Interdisciplinary Linguistics, April 1996); Francisco Torres Senior Summer Institute, Santa Barbara (July 1996); SAGE Publishers College, Westlake Village, CA (September, 2000); Sociolinguistics Circle, Copenhagen University (December, 2001); Louisiana State, Baton Rouge (February 2002); University of Southern California (September 2002); Chief’s Staff: Santa Barbara Police Dept. (March 2003); University of Maryland (May 2003), Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital’s Psychiatric community circle (July 2003); Stanford University (Communication, April 2004); Emory University (Psychology & Communication, March 2006); Santa Barbara Yacht Club Lunch Forum (Jan. 2007); Santa Barbara Rotary Club Lunch Forum (March 2007); University of Texas, Austin (April, 2007); University of Texas, San Antonio (April 2007); Senior Activities Program, First Presbyterian Church, Santa Barbara (May 2007); Montecito Rotary Club Lunch Forum (June 2007); University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Sept 2007); Vista Del Monte Retirement Center (March 2008); Crisis Negotiation Response Team of the Santa Barbara Police Department (March 2008); Emory University (March 2009); Old Harris College, Georgia (Sept., 2009); Open University of Catalonia (March, 2010); Clemson University (Feb 2011); Claremont Graduate University (March 2011); University of Colorado, Boulder (August 2012); University of California, Los Angeles (Jan 2016).


Teaching Interests:

Aging and communicating across the lifespan.

Intergroup and intercultural communication.

Language and social behavior.

Crime and communication

Health communication .

External Examiner (UK) for undergraduate taught courses:

for B.Sc. (Hons.) in Social Psychology (University of Bradford) 1980-83, 84-85.

for B.A. (Hons.) in Communication Studies, Polytechnic of Wales, Pontypridd, 1982-83.

for B.Sc. (Hons.) in Psychology, Portsmouth Polytechnic, 1985-87.

for B.Sc. (Hons.) in Psychology, University College, Cardiff, 1986-87.

for M.A. in Communication Studies, Sheffield Polytechnic, 1982-86.

for M.Sc. in Social Psychology, London School of Economics, 1986-87.

(Sole) External Examiner for Graduate Degrees:

For Ph.D./M.Phil. candidates at: University of Auckland, New Zealand; University of Singapore; University College, Bangor; Stirling University; Sheffield University; City University, London; Essex University; Bradford University; Chinese University of Hong Kong; University College, London; University of Queensland, Australia (3 times); and University of Wollongong. In addition, Internal Examiner for Ph.D. at Bristol University for 8 candidates.

Graduate Adviser for:

At University of Bristol:

Richard Bourhis (Ph.D. awarded 1977); Clelia Nascimento (Ph.D. awarded 1977); Philip Smith (Ph.D. awarded 1980); Jitendra Thakerar (Ph.D. awarded 1982); Pat Johnson (Ph.D. awarded 1984); Susan Condor (Ph.D. awarded 1985); Joha Louw (Ph.D. awarded 1986); Caroline Dryden (Ph.D. awarded 1990).

Olwen Elyan (M.Sc. awarded 1981); and Dianah Pritchett-Farrell (M.Phil. awarded 1987).

Also, supervisor of over 120 (UK) Undergraduate Honors research theses (1972-88)


Leadership Exchange & Access (LEAP) Mentorship Program

Jeanette Palkovich (2002)

Mary Neff (2003)

Rebecca Brooks (2004)

Ashley Carey (2005)

Adviser Honors thesis :

Aaron Cargill (awarded 1990)

Lisa Tukey (FRAC fellowship 1996; awarded 1997)

Peter Sansom (President's Fellowship 1996; awarded 1997)

Beatrice Liang (Provost Circle Award for Best Research Proposal in Social Sciences, 1997; awarded 1998)

Anna Penrose (SPUR Award 1998; awarded 1999)

Jessica Ketchum (awarded 2001)

Yardena Zwang-Weissman (URCA Honors Award 2002, awarded 2003; also departmental Chaffee Undergraduate Research Award, 2003)

Mike Quijiano (URCA Honors Award 2003, awarded 2004)

Jamie Lui (URCA Honors Award 2004, awarded 2005)

Mary Shirley (URCA Honors Award 2006, awarded 2007)

Chair of Masters Examination Committees:

Stuart Fujiyama (awarded 1991);

Marianne van Eerden (awarded 1992);

Gabriella Jansson (awarded 1993)

Member of Masters Examination Committees: Allison Morphy (awarded 1990); Catherine Weissenberg (awarded 1991); & Judy Cole (awarded 1991).

Chair of Masters Thesis Committees:

Laura Leets (awarded with Distinction 1991);

Jake Harwood (awarded with Distinction 1991)

Angie Williams (awarded 1992)

Andrea Bodtker (awarded 1992)

Paul Myers (awarded 2007) Departmental “Edwin Schoell TA of the Year” 2007

Jessica Gasiorek (awarded 2010)

Rebecca Speer (awarded 2010)

Doug Bonilla (awarded 2011)

Member of Masters Thesis Committees: Jon Busch (awarded 1990); Susan Fox (awarded 1991); Patsy Wu (awarded 1991); Zixia Han (awarded 1993); Tim Cole (awarded 1993); Jennifer Hallett (awarded 1995); Lila Fiske (Linguistics: awarded 1996); Dawna Ballard (awarded 1997); Margaret Prescott (awarded 1998); Jeff Farrar (awarded 1998), Jennifer Fortman (awarded 2002); Sara Chacko (awarded 2004); Peggy Suding (awarded 2005); Desiree Aldeis (awarded 2009); & Ryan Poland (awarded 2011); Anne Cassie (awarded 2011); Shardé Davis (2013); Alex Sink (2015); Quinten Bernhold (in progress); & Charlotte Rushforth (in progress)

Chair/Co-Chair* of Qualification Exam & Dissertation Committees:

Angie Williams (Ph.D. awarded 1994; Associate Professor, U. of Cardiff, Wales)

Departmental "Bradac Graduate Researcher of the Year," 1992

Jake Harwood (PhD awarded 1994; Professor, U of Arizona)

Departmental "Bradac Graduate Researcher of the Year," 1994 and Editor: Human Communication Research

Susan Fox (PhD awarded 1994; Adjunct Prof., New York U.)

Departmental "Edwin Schoell TA of the Year" 1993.

Laura Leets (PhD awarded 1995; Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University, Washington DC.) Departmental "Edwin Schoell TA of the Year" 1994. James Bradac Outstanding Junior Research Award (International Association of Language & Social Psychology), 2004.

Aaron Cargile (PhD awarded 1996; Professor, CSU, Long Beach)

Departmental "Bradac Graduate Researcher of the Year" 1996

Nancy Niedzielski (Linguistics Dept, PhD awarded 1997; Associate Professor, Rice U.)

Cathy Boggs (PhD awarded 1998; Center Director, University of California, Santa Barbara)

Honorable Mention in the 1998 NCA Language & Social Interaction Division Dissertation Award. UCSB "Teaching Associate of the Year" 1994.

Hiroshi Ota (PhD awarded 2001; Full Professor, Aichi Shukutoku University, Nagoya, Japan) ICA Instructional & Development Division “Dissertation of the Year Award, 2004”

Valerie Barker (PhD awarded 2001; Instructor, San Diego State University)

Co-recipient of Departmental "Bradac Graduate Researcher of the Year," 2001

Chris Hajek (PhD awarded 2003; Associate Professor, University of Texas, San Antonio)

Jessica Abrams (PhD awarded 2003; Full Professor, CSU, Long Beach)

Departmental “Edwin Schoell TA of the Year, 2001” & George D. McCune Dissertation Fellowship, 2002.

Robert McCann (PhD awarded 2003; Professor, University of California, Los Angeles). George D McCune Dissertation Fellowship 2001-02, “Bradac Graduate Researcher of the Year,” 2002, & Brython Davis Fellowship, Winter 2003. Recipient of the National Communication Association’s Communication and Aging Division’s “Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2005”.

Paul Mark Wadleigh (PhD awarded 2003; Adjunct Professor, Washington State University).

Jennifer Molloy (PhD awarded 2004). Professional Writer.

Jennifer Fortman (PhD awarded 2006,”Bradac Graduate Researcher of the Year, 2005.

Carmen Lee (PhD awarded 2007), & Assistant Professor, San Diego State University. Departmental “Edwin Schoell TA of the Year” 2002.

Mika Marlow (PhD awarded 2008); Associate Professor, University of Idaho, Moscow.

“Bradac Graduate Researcher of the Year, 2006.” Recipient of the National Communication Association’s Intercultural Communication Division’s “Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2010”.

Tenzin Dorjee (PhD awarded 2009); Associate Professor, California State University, Fullerton. Outstanding TA from the Office of Residential Life and Residence Hall Association, 2006; & Departmental “Edwin Schoell TA of the Year” 2008).

Charles Choi (PhD awarded 2010). Assistant Professor, Pepperdine University, CA. Recipient of the National Communication Association’s Communication and Aging Division’s “Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2011”.

Jessica Gasiorek (PhD awarded 2013). Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa. "Bradac Graduate Researcher of the Year, 2012". James Bradac Outstanding Junior Research Award (International Association of Language & Social Psychology), 2014.

Marko Dragojevic (PhD awarded 2015). Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky, Lexington. ”Bradac Graduate Researcher of the Year, 2014”

Member of Dissertation/Doctoral Exam Committees: Jon Busch (PhD awarded 1995); Tim Cole (PhD awarded 1996); Robin Gurien (PhD awarded 1997); Dean Krikorian (PhD awarded 1997); Sunwolf (PhD awarded, 1998); Jiro Takai (PhD awarded 2002); Dawna Ballard (PhD awarded 2002); Karen Erlandson (PhD awarded 2002); Jennifer Hallett (PhD awarded 2002); Margaret Prescott (PhD awarded 2002); Carolyn Shepard (PhD awarded 2004); Ashley Duggan (PhD awarded 2004); Carrie Cropley (PhD awarded 2004); Joan O’Connor (PhD awarded 2005); Rene Dailey (PhD awarded 2005); Daisy Lemus (PhD awarded 2006); John Yudelson (PhD awarded 2007), Annie Merrill (PhD awarded 2014); Katlyn Gangi (Co-Chair: ABD 2014, in progress); Samantha Covelski (Co-Chair: ABD 2014, in progress); DaJung Woo (PhD, in progress); Audrey Abeyta (PhD, in progress).

Keith Maddox (Psychology UCSB: PhD awarded, 1998); Elaine Barringer (Education UCSB: PhD awarded, 1999); Tanya Schwader (Psychology, UCSB: PhD awarded 1999), Karen Neddermeyer (Psychology UCSB: Advanced to Candidacy, 1995); & Miriam Meyerhoff (Linguistics, U. of Pennsylvania: PhD awarded, 1997)

Visiting Teaching Appointments:

July 1973: Middlebury College, Vermont, U.S.A.

July - August, 1974: McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

July 1975: McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

August 1975: University of Prince Edward Island, Canada.

July - August, 1976: Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute, State University of New York, Oswego, U.S.A.

April - July, 1977: University of Giessen, West Germany.

July - August, 1979: Brigham Young University, Utah, U.S.A.

August 1979: International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan.

July 1980: McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

September - October 1980: University of Melbourne, Australia.

October - December, 1980: University of Tasmania, Australia.

August - December, 1983: Brittingham Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin, U.S.A.

January - August, 1984: University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.A.

March - May, 1986: University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.A.

November 1986 - April 1988: University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K.

September 1988: University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

June-August 2001: Linguistics Society of America Summer Institute, UCSB

December 2001: Copenhagen University, Denmark

May 2003: Kent State University, Doctoral Honors Seminar

April/May 2005: UCSB Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

May 2007: Wayne State University, Doctoral Honors Seminar Chair

ADMINISTRATIVE Responsibilities have included:

At University of Bristol

Undergraduate Admissions Tutor in Psychology (1975-81).

Postgraduate Admissions (Social Psychology) Tutor (1975-86).

Seminar Organizer (Social Psychology) (1975-85).

Chairperson: Undergraduate Board of Examiners in Psychology (1984-88).

University Academic Staff Appointments Committees in Psychology (4 Searches)

Temporary Head of Department in Psychology (June - September, 1985).

Head of Department in Psychology (June 1987 - August 1988).

Departmental Representative to Social Science Faculty Planning Committee (1986).

Member of University Senate (1985-89).

Member of University Court (1985-86; 87-88).

Member of Committee of Professors of Social Science (1984-89).

Member of Committee of Professors of Science (1984-89).

UCSB Campus Committees, etc.

Member of Faculty Legislature (1989-1991)

Committee on Research (1990-92)

Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors and Prizes (1990-91, 1992-94; Chair: Spring 1993).

Faculty Career and Development Advisory Committee (1990-91)

Undergraduate Awards Selection Committee (1992-94)

Ad hoc Appointment committees: 1990; 4 x 1991 (one Chaired); 1993; 2 x 1994; 1995, 1996, 2 x 1999 (one Chaired), 2 x 2000 (one Chaired), 4 x 2002 (one Chaired), 3 x 2003 (one Chaired), 2 x 2004 (both Chaired), 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, & 2011 (chaired).

Faculty Commencement Marshall (1991, 1993, 1997, & 1999)

Faculty Address: Chancellor's Convocation for New Students (1993)

Global & International Studies Program Committee (1995-99)

Elected Member of Board of Directors: Faculty Club (1996-97, 1998-2000)

Chair: Membership & Image Subcommittee (1996-97)

Member: Board nominating committee (1996-97)

Elected: Vice-President (October 1996-February 1997)

Elected: Treasurer/Auditor (February 1999-March 2000).

College of Letters & Science Re-entry Students Brown Bag Seminar Series Participant (Fall 1996)

Search Committee: Director of Development in the Division of Social Sciences (Fall 1996)

Search Committee: Assistant Director of Visitor’s Center (Fall 2000)

Search Committee: Director of Environmental Health & Safety (Spring/Summer 2002).

Campus UC Pacific Rim Research Agency Committee (1997-98, 99-)

Campus Chair (August 2001-02, 2003- & on the UC Executive; 2001-02)

Summer Orientation Workshops (Summer 1997)

Social Sciences Division Representative to UCSB-University of South Pacific Link (1997-1998)

College of Letters & Science Honors Program Consultative Committee (1997-2000)

College of Letters & Science Undergraduate Mentoring Program (1998-99)

Education Abroad Program Selection Committee [for Australia] (1998-2001)

Campus Special Undergraduate Awards Committee (1999-2001, 2004)

Campus Linguistic Minorities Research Institute Grant-Awarding Committee (1999-)

Campus Committee on Masters in International Affairs Program (1999-)

Campus Committee on Public Safety (2001-02)

Campus Committee on Distinguished Faculty Recruitment (2001-02)

Kirby-Jones Scholarship (2001-06)

Search Committee: Director of Summer Sessions (Spring 2003)

Campus Council on Faculty Affairs and Welfare (Fall 2003)

Faculty-Student Panel on Undergraduate Research (Winter 2003)

Undergraduate Scholarships Committee: Donald A. Strauss Public Service/Truman Scholarships (1999-2002, 2003-06)

Social Sciences Undergraduate Colloquium Selection Committee (2005)

Commencement Speaker Selection Committee (1999-2002, 2003-2008)

Search Committee for Campus Chief of Police (2004-2005)

Isla Vista Commission (Occasional contributor: 2005-2007)

Program Review Panel (PRP), (2006-2008)

ISBER Advisory Committee (2006-2009)

Chair (2007-2008)

Parent/Student Summer Orientation: Dean’s Addresses and faculty-student panel chaired (2006)

Committee on Faculty Lecturer Award (2006-2012)

Faculty Advisor to the Scholars floor in Francisco Torres Hall (2007-2008)

Dean’s Committee on Military Science (2010-)

Chair: Dean’s Ad hoc committee on Exercise & Sports Science Department (Summer 2010)

Campus Committee for Graduate Mentorship Award (2013)

Campus Committee for Distinguished Teaching Award (2014, 2015)

UCSB Department al Committees, etc.

Member of Graduate Studies Committee (April-December 1989, Fall 2000-July 2001)

Communication Dept. Colloquium Organizer (1990-98, 2010-2011, 2012-2013)

Member of following committees (1992-98): Education Abroad; Publicity; & Publications

Graduate Adviser/Director of Graduate Communication Studies (January 1990-July 1991; Fall 2002-Summer 2004; Summer 2013-)

Member Interdisciplinary Human Development PhD Executive Committee (Fall 2001-)

Member of Graduate Committee (2000-02)

Chair: Curriculum and Undergraduate Affairs Committee (Winter 2001) & committee member (Fall 1999-)

Dept. Search Committees: Chair of Organizational Communication Search Committee (Feb/March 1990); Member of Interpersonal Search Committee (Winter 1994); Chair of Intergroup Search Committee (Fall 1999-Winter 2000, & Fall 2000-Spring 2001); Chair of Interpersonal Search Committee (Winter 2006); Member of Interpersonal Search Committee (Fall 2012) and its Chair (Winter 2013); and Chair of Open Search Committee (2013-2014).

Member of External Advisory Committee & Development Committees (1994-98)

Member of Publicity Committee (1995-97)

Entertainments Committee (1996-98)

Member of Space Committee (1996-97, 00-01)

Member of Security Committee (1996-02)

Vice-Chair: Communication Dept. (Sept. 1990 & beyond)

Education Abroad Liaison officer for Dept. (2002)

Chair: Communication Department (July 1, 1991-Dec., 1995; Sept., 1996-Sept., 1998)

Departmental Representative: Interdisciplinary Language &Social Interaction Graduate Program (2013-)

Departmental Representative: Dream Scholar Mentor Program (2013-)

External Review Committees

Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (April 2001)

School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia (August 2001)

Graduate School of Communication, University of Washington, Seattle (October 2001)

School of Communication, Kent State University, Ohio (April 2008)



Giles, H. & Powesland, P.F. Speech Styles and Social Evaluation. London: Academic Press, 1975. Pp 154-170 reprinted as "Accommodation theory" in N. Coupland & A. Jaworski (eds), A Sociolinguistics Reader, pp. 232-239. Macmillan: Basingstoke, England, 1997.

Giles, H. (ed.). Language, Ethnicity and Intergroup Relations. London: Academic Press, 1977.

Giles, H. & St. Clair, R. (eds.). Language and Social Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell & Baltimore: University Park Press, 1979.

Giles, H. & Saint-Jacques, B. (eds.). Language and Ethnic Relations. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1979.

Scherer, K. & Giles, H. (eds.). Social Markers in Speech. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Reprinted as pbk 2012.

Clair, R. & Giles, H. (eds.). The Social and Psychological Contexts of Language. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1980.

Giles, H., Robinson, W.P., & Smith, P.M. (eds.). Language: Social Psychological Perspectives. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1980.

Turner, J.C. & Giles, H. (eds.). Intergroup Behavior. Oxford: Blackwell & Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.

Ryan, E.B. and Giles, H. (eds.). Attitudes toward Language Variation: Social and Applied Contexts. London & Baltimore: Edward Arnold, 1982.

Giles, H. & St. Clair, R. (eds.). Recent Advances in Language, Communication and Social Psychology. London: Erlbaum, 1985.

Giles, H., Coupland, N. & Wiemann, J.M. (eds.). Communication, Health and the Elderly. (Fulbright Commission Series #8). University of Manchester Press/NY: St Martins Press, 1990.

Coupland, N., Giles, H. & Wiemann, J.M. (eds.). "Miscommunication" and Problematic Talk. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1991.

Coupland, N., Coupland, J., & Giles, H. Language, society and the elderly: Discourse, identity and ageing. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991. Recipient of the National Communication Association’s Communication and Aging Division’s 2015 “Outstanding Book Award”.

Giles, H., Coupland, N. & Coupland, J. (eds.). The Contexts of Accommodation: Dimensions in Applied Sociolinguistics. N.Y.: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Reprinted in pbk, 2010.

Giles, H. & Coupland, N. Language: Contexts and consequences. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1991 /Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 1992.

Giles, H. & Robinson, W.P. (eds.). The Handbook of Social Psychology & Language. Chichester & NY: Wiley, 1990. Pbk ed. 1993.

Robinson, W.P. & Giles, H. (eds.) The New Handbook of Language and Social Psychology. Chichester & New York: Wiley, 2001.

Giles, H. (ed.) Law Enforcement, Communication, and the Community. Amsterdam & New York: John Benjamins, 2002.

Harwood, J., & Giles, H. (eds) Intergroup Communication: Multiple Perspectives. Berlin & New York: Peter Lang, 2005.

Giles, H., Reid, S.A., & Harwood, J. (eds) The Dynamics of Intergroup Communication. Berlin & New York: Peter Lang, 2010.

Giles, H. (ed.) The Handbook of Intergroup Communication. New York: Routledge, 2012.

Giles, H. & Watson, B. (eds) The Social Meanings of Language, Accent and Dialect: International Perspectives on Speech Styles. New York: Peter Lang, 2013.

Giles, H., Davis, J., Gasiorek, J., & Giles, J.L. Successful Aging: A Communication Guide to Empowerment. Barcelona: Editorial Aresta, translated into Spanish & Catalan, 2013.

Nussbaum, J.F., Giles, H., & Worthington, A. (eds) Communication at the End of Life. New York: Peter Lang, 2015.

Giles, H., & Maass, A. (eds) Advances in Intergroup Communication. New York: Peter Lang, 2016.

Giles, H. (ed.) Communication Accommodation Theory: Negotiating Personal and Social Identities Across Contexts. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016,

Giles, H., & Harwood, J. (eds) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Intergroup Communication. New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2017.


Giles, H. and Edwards, J.R. (eds.). "Language attitudes in multicultural settings", Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 4 (2 & 3), 81-236, 1983.

Giles, H. (ed.). "The dynamics of speech accommodation", International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 46, 1-155, 1984.

Giles, H. & Ryan, E.B. (eds.). "Language, communication and the elderly", Language and Communication, 6 (1 & 2), 1-145, 1986.

Giles, H., Henwood, K. & Condor, S. (eds.). "Ageing, technology and society", Social Behavior: An International Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 3 (2), 59-196, 1988.

Coupland, N. & Giles, H. (eds.). "Communicative accommodation: Recent developments", Language and Communication, 8 (3 & 4), 175-327, 1988.

Giles, H. & Pierson, H. (eds.). "Asian Pacific language and communication worldwide", Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 1, 1-271, 1990.

Coupland, J., Coupland, N. & Giles, H. (eds.). "Sociolinguistic issues in ageing", Ageing and Society, 11 (2), 99-243, 1991.

Wiemann, J.W. & Giles, H. (eds.). “Using and abusing language“, American Behavioral Scientist, 3 (6), 259-401, 1993.

Ryan, E.B., Giles, H. & Bradac, J.J. (eds.). “Recent studies in language attitudes”, Language and Communication, 14 (3), 211-312, 1994.

Giles, H. (ed.). "Language, communication, and social psychology". Special Thematic Issue for the International Journal of Psycholinguistics, 12 (2), 119-255, 1996.

Giles, H. (ed.). “Applied research in language and intergenerational communication”, Journal of Applied Communication Research, 26 (1), 1-154, 1998.

Giles, H., Gallois, C., & Petronio, S. (eds). "(Mis)communicating across boundaries", Communication Research, 25 (6), 571-720, 1998.

Giles, H., & Bradac, J.J. (eds). “Language, education, and social dynamics: A tribute to W. Peter Robinson”, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 20 (1&2), 1-253, 2001.

Giles, H. (ed) “Communication climates and practices”, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 19 (4), 261-405, 2004.

Reid, S.A, & Giles, H. (eds). “Intergroup relations: Its linguistic and communicative parameters”, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 8 (3), 211-328, 2005.

Giles, H., Hajda, J.M., & Hamilton, D.L. (eds) “Harmony and discord: The music of intergroup relations”, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 12 (3), 291-412, 2009.

Watson, B., Pitts, M., & Giles, H. (eds). “Special Anniversary Issue: A Tribute to the First 30 Years of JLSP Scholarship”, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 30 (4), 355-446, 2012.

Wood, J., & Giles, H. (eds). “ Gangs: Group and intergroup dimensions”, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 17 (6), 701-832, 2014.

Giles, H., Gasiorek, J., & Soliz, J. (eds). “Recent developments in Communication Accommodation Theory: Innovative contexts and applications”, Language and Communication, 41 (1), 1-100, 2015.


Giles, H. Evaluative reactions to accents. Educational Review, 22, 211-227, 1970. Declared a "Citations Classic" by Current Contents in Feb. 1990 and documented as such via: Giles, H. Professor Higgins and Eliza Doolittle revisited. Current Contents, 23 (#46), p. 10/ 13 (#24), p. 16, 1991.

Giles, H. & Oxford, G.S. Towards a multidimensional theory of laughter causation. Bulletin of British Psychological Society, 23, 97-105, 1970.

Giles, H. Ethnocentrism and the evaluation of accented speech. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 10, 187-188, 1971.

Giles, H. Patterns of evaluation in reactions to R.P., South Welsh and Somerset accented speech. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 10, 280-281, 1971.

Giles, H. Teachers' attitudes towards accent usage and change. Educational Review, 24, 11-25, 1972.

Giles, H. Evaluation of personality content from accented speech as a function of listeners' social attitudes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 34, 168-170, 1972.

Giles, H. The effect of stimulus mildness-broadness in the evaluation of accents. Language and Speech, 15, 262-269, 1972.

Giles, H. Communicative effectiveness as a function of accented speech. Speech Monographs, 40, 330-331, 1973.

Giles, H. Accent mobility: A model and some data. Anthropological Linguistics, 15, 87-105, 1973.

Giles H. & Bourhis, R.Y. Dialect perception revisited. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 59, 337-342, 1973.

Giles, H., Taylor, D.M. & Bourhis, R.Y. Towards a theory of interpersonal accommodation through speech: Some Canadian data. Language in Society, 2, 177-192, 1973.

Lawson, E.D. & Giles, H. British semantic differential responses to world powers. European Journal of Social Psychology, 3, 233-240; reprinted in Peace Research Reviews, 6, 25-38, 1973.

Green, W. & Giles, H. Reactions to strangers as a function of dress styles. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 37, 676, 1973.

Bourhis, R.Y., Giles, H. & Tajfel, H. Language as a determinant of Welsh identity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 3, 447-460, 1973.

Rees, D., Williams, L. & Giles, H. Dress style and symbolic meaning. International Journal of Symbology, 5, 1-8, 1974.

Giles, H., Bourhis, R.Y., Trudgill, P. & Lewis, A. The imposed norm hypothesis: A validation. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 60, 405-410, 1974.

Powesland, P.F. & Giles, H. Persuasiveness and accent-message incompatibility. Human Relations, 28, 85-93, 1975.

Giles, H., Jones, S., Horton, M. and Lay, J. Towards a more dynamic social psychology of religion. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 28, 47-50, 1975.

Giles, H. & Chavasse, W. Communication length as a function of dress style and social status. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 40, 961-962, 1975.

Giles, H. and Bourhis, R.Y. Linguistic assimilation: West Indians in Cardiff. Language Sciences, 38, 9-12, 1975.

Bourhis, R.Y. & Giles, H. The effects of knowledge of a speaker's race upon person perception: An addendum. Journal of Psychology, 92, 71-76, 1976.

Lambert, W.E., Giles, H. & Albert, G. Language attitudes in a rural community in Northern Maine. La monda lingvo-problemo, 5, 129-144, 1976.

Giles, H., Taylor, D.M., Lambert, W.E. & Albert, G. Dimensions of ethnic identity: An example from Northern Maine. Journal of Social Psychology, 100, 11-19, 1976.

Giles, H., Bourhis, R.Y. Voice and racial categorization in Britain. Communication Monographs, 43, 108-114, 1976.

Bourhis, R.Y. & Giles, H. The language of co-operation in Wales: A field study. Language Sciences, 42, 13-16, 1976.

Larsen, K. & Giles, H. Survival or courage as human motivation: The development of an attitude scale. Psychological Reports, 39, 299-302, 1976.

Giles, H. & Giles, J.A. Comments on "The effects of the menstrual cycle on speech fluency". Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 19, 187-188, 1976.

Simard, L., Taylor, D.M. & Giles, H. Attribution processes and interpersonal accommodation in a bilingual setting. Language and Speech, 19, 374-387, 1976.

Granfield, A. & Giles, H. Towards an analysis of humour through symbolism. International Journal of Symbology, 6, 17-23, 1976.

Christian, J., Gadfield, N., Giles, H. & Taylor, D.M. The multidimensional and dynamic nature of ethnic identity. International Journal of Psychology, 11, 281-291, 1976; also appeared in revised form as: Giles, H. and Taylor, D.M. National identity in South Wales: Some preliminary data. In G. Williams (ed.): Social and Cultural Change in contemporary Wales. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 132-142, 1978

Larsen, K. & Giles, H. Sociocultural model for hostile intergroup images. Psychological Reports, 39, 282-288, 1976.

Giles, H. & Bourhis, R.Y. Methodological issues in dialect perception: A social psychological perspective. Anthropological Linguistics, 19, 294-304, 1976; reprinted in R. Wilson (ed.): Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Methods of Dialectology, Charlottetown, 1975. University of Western Ontario Press, 1977.

Bourhis, R.Y. & Giles, H. Children's voices and ethnic categorization in Britain. La monda lingvo-problemo, 6, 85-94, 1977.

Giles, H., Taylor, D.M. & Bourhis, R.Y. Dimensions of Welsh identity, European Journal of Social Psychology, 7, 29-39, 1977.

Giles, H. Social psychology and applied linguistics: Towards an integrative approach. I.T.L.: Review of Applied Linguistics, 33, 27-42, 1977.

Williams, J.E., Giles, H., Edwards, J.R., Best, D.L. & Daws, J.T. Sex-trait stereotypes in England, Ireland and the United States. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 16, 303-309, 1977.

Larsen, K., Martin, H. & Giles, H. Anticipated social cost and interpersonal accommodation. Human Communication Research, 3, 303-308, 1977.

Best, D.L., Williams, J.E., Cloud, J.M., Davis, S.M.,Robertson, L.S., Edwards, J.R., Giles, H. & Fowles, J. Development of sex-trait stereotypes among young children in the United States, England and Ireland. Child Development, 48, 1375-1384, 1977.

Friend, P., Kalin, R. & Giles, H. Sex bias in the evaluation of journal articles: Sexism in England. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 18, 77-78, 1979.

Giles, H. & Farrar, K. Some behavioural consequences of accented speech. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 18, 209-210, 1979.

Ros, M. & Giles, H. The language situation in Valencia: An accommodation framework. I.T.L.: Review of Applied Linguistics, 44, 3-24, 1979.

Giles, H. & Marsh, P. Perceived masculinity and accented speech. Language Sciences, 1, 301-315, 1979.

Giles, H., Llado, N., McKirnan, D. & Taylor, D.M. Social identity in Puerto Rico. International Journal of Psychology, 14, 185-201, 1979.

Giles, H. & Williams, J.E. Medical students' descriptions of self and ideal physician. Social Science and Medicine, 13, 813-815, 1979.

Gadfield, N., Giles, H., Bourhis, R.Y. & Tajfel, H. Dynamics of humour in ethnic group relations. Ethnicity, 6, 373-382, 1979; also appeared in revised form as Bourhis, R.Y., Gadfield, N., Giles, H. & Tajfel, H. Context and ethnic humour in intergroup relations. In A.H. Chapman and H. Foot (eds.): It's a Funny Thing, Humour. Oxford, Pergamon Press, pp. 261-266, 1977.

Giles, H., Smith, P.M., Ford, B., Condor, S. & Thakerar, J.N. Speech styles and the fluctuating saliency of sex. Language Sciences, 2, 260-282, 1980.

Giles, H., Wilson, P. & Conway, A. Accent and lexical diversity as determinants of impression formation and employment selection. Language Sciences, 3, 92-103, 1981.

Thakerar, J.N. & Giles, H. They are - so they speak: Non- content speech stereotypes. Language and Communication, 1, 251-255, 1981.

Bourhis, R., Giles, H. & Rosenthal, D. Notes on the construction of a 'Subjective Vitality Questionnaire' for ethnolinguistic groups. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 2, 145-155, 1981.

Giles, H. and Byrne, J. An intergroup model of second language acquisition. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 3, 17-40, 1982; also appeared in translation as: "Approximacion intercomunitaria a la adquisicion de la segunda leguna", Revista de Educacion, 268, 77-103, 1981.

Johnson, P. & Giles, H. Values, language and inter-cultural differentiation: The Welsh-English context. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 3, 103-116, 1982.

Ball, P., Byrne, J., Giles, H., Berechree, P., Griffiths, J., McDonald, H. & McKendrick, I. The retroactive speech stereotype effect: Some Australian data and constraints. Language and Communication, 2, 277-284, 1982.

Price, S., Fluck, M. & Giles, H. The effects of language of testing on bilingual preadolescents' attitudes towards Welsh and varieties of English. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 4, 149-161, 1983.

Creber, C. & Giles, H. Social context and language attitudes: the role of formality-informality of the setting. Language Sciences, 5, 155-162, 1983.

Giles, H., Harrison, C., Creber, C., Smith, P.M. and Freeman, N.H. Developmental and contextual aspects of British children's language attitudes. Language and Communication, 3, 1-6, 1983.

Giles, H. & Sassoon, C. The effects of speaker's accent, social class background and message style on British listeners' social judgments. Language and Communication, 3, 305-313, 1983.

Hildebrandt, N. & Giles, H. The Japanese as subordinate group: Ethnolinguistic identity theory in a foreign language context. Anthropological Linguistics, 25, 436-466, 1983.

Ball, P., Giles, H., Byrne, J. & Berechree, P. Situational constraints on the evaluative significance of speech accomodation: Some Australian data. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 46, 115-129, 1984.

Giles, H., Scholes, J. & Young, L. Stereotypes of male and female speech: A British study. Central States Speech Journal, 34, 255-256, 1984.

Paltridge, J. & Giles, H. Attitudes towards speakers of regional accents of French: Effects of regionality, age, sex of listeners. Linguistische Berichte, 90, 71-85, 1984.

Giles, H., Rosenthal, D. & Young, L. Perceived ethnolinguistic vitality: The Anglo- and Greek-Australian setting. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 6, 253-269, 1985.

Stewart, M.A., Ryan, E.B. & Giles, H. Accent and social class effects on status and solidarity evaluations. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 11, 98-105, 1985.

Brown, B.L., Giles, H. & Thakerar, J.N. Speaker evaluations as a function of speech rate, accent and context. Language & Communication, 5, 207-222, 1985.

John, C., Young, L., Giles, H. & Hofman, J. Language, values and intercultural differentiation in Israel. Journal of Social Psychology, 125, 527-529, 1985.

Young, L., Pierson, H. & Giles, H. Perceived group vitalities: Effects of language and academic specialization. Linguistische Berichte, 101, 66-73, 1986.

Young, L., Louw-Potgieter, J. & Giles, H. Values as functions of ethnicity and socio-economic status: A cross-national study. Journal of Multicultural & Multilingual Development, 7, 253-267, 1986.

Young, L., Giles, H. & Pierson, H. Sociopolitical change and perceived vitality. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 10, 459-469, 1986.

Giles, H. & Johnson, P. Perceived threat, ethnic commitment, and inter-ethnic language behavior. In Y. Kim (ed.): Interethnic Communication: Recent Research. (10th Intercultural Communication Annual), Newbury Park, CA, Sage, pp. 91-116, 1986.

Punetha, D., Giles, H. & Young, L. Inter-ethnic perceptions and relative deprivation: British data. In Y. Kim and W.B. Gudykunst (eds.): Cross-Cultural Adaptation: Current Theory and Research (11th International and Intercultural Communication Annual), Newbury Park, CA, Sage, pp. 252-266, 1987.

Louw-Potgieter, J. & Giles, H. Afrikaner identity: Diversity among the Right. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 8, 283-292, 1987.

Pierson, H., Giles, H., & Young L. Intergroup vitality perceptions during a period of political uncertainty: The case of Hong Kong. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 8, 451-460, 1987.

Coupland, J., Coupland, N. Giles, H. & Henwood, K. Accommodating the elderly: Invoking and extending a theory. Language in Society, 17, 1-41, 1988.

Young, L., Bell, N. & Giles, H. Perceived vitality and context: A national majority in a minority setting. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 9, 285-289, 1988.

Franklyn-Stokes, A., Harriman, J., Giles, H. & Coupland, N. Information seeking across the lifespan. Journal of Social Psychology, 128, 419-421, 1988.

Larsen, K., Crepeli, G., Dann, H.D., Giles, H., Ommundsen, R., Elder, R. & Long, E. Attitudes toward nuclear disarmament: International comparisons of university students and activists. Journal of Peace Research, 25, 265-271, 1988; Abridged version reprinted In R.C. King and J.K. Collins (eds), Social Applications and Issues in Psychology, Elsevier, The Netherlands, pp. 15-22, 1989. also reprinted in S. Iwawaki, Y. Kashima & K. Leung (eds), Innovations in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Amsterdam, Swets & Zeitlinger, pp. 164-172, 1991.

Coupland, J., Coupland, N., Giles, H., Henwood, K. & Wiemann, J. Elderly self-disclosure: Interactional and intergroup issues. Language and Communication, 8, 109-133, 1988.

Giles, H. & Pierson, H.D. Social inferences from language proficiency in Hong Kong: A re-interpretation of Hui and Yam. British Journal of Social Psychology, 27, 279-281, 1988.

Coupland, N., Coupland, J. & Giles, H. Telling age in later life: Identity and face implications. Text, 9, 129-151, 1989. Reprinted & translated into Russian for the journal, Sociology of Power, in press.

Giles, H., Ball, P., Gasiorek, B., Korytkowska, M. & Young,L. Ethnic identification, language and values: The case of Polish emigres. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 10, 107-116, 1990.

Williams, A., Giles, H., Coupland, N., Dalby, M. & Manasse, H. The communicative contexts of elderly social support and health: A theoretical model. Health Communication, 2, 123-143, 1990.

Giles, H., Leets, L. & Coupland, N. Minority language group status: A theoretical conspexus. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 11, 37-55, 1990.

Dillard, J., Henwood, J., Giles, H., Coupland, N. & Coupland, J. Compliance-gaining young and old: Beliefs about influence in different age groups. Communication Reports, 3, 84-91, 1990.

Coupland, N., Coupland, J., Giles, H. & Henwood, K. Formulating age: Dimensions of age identity in elderly talk. Discourse Processes, 14, 87-106, 1991.

Ng, S.H., Moody, J. & Giles, H. Information-seeking triggered by age. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 33, 269-77, 1991.

Kristiansen, T., Harwood, J. & Giles, H. Ethnolinguistic vitality in ‘The Danish Capital of America’. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 12, 421-448, 1991.

Giles, H., Coupland, N., Coupland, J., Williams, A. & Nussbaum, J. Intergenerational talk and communication with older people. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 34, 271-297, 1991-92.

Giles, H., Henwood, K., Coupland, N., Harriman, J. & Coupland, J. Language attitudes and cognitive mediation. Human Communication Research, 18, 500-527, 1992.

Kristiansen, T. & Giles, H. Compliance-gaining as a function of accent: Public requests in varieties of Danish. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2, 17-35, 1992.

Giles, H., Coupland, N. & Wu, P. “One for the road then?”: Communicative and sociolinguistic parameters of social and problem drinking. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2, 3-29, 1992.

Harwood, J. & Giles, H. “Don’t make me laugh”: Age representations in a humorous context. Discourse & Society, 13, 403-436, 1992.

Giles, H., Fox, S. & Smith, E. Patronizing the elderly: Intergenerational evaluations. Research in Language & Social Interaction, 26, 129-149, 1993.

Harwood, J. & Giles, H. Creating intergenerational distance: Language, communication and middle-age. Language Sciences, 15, 1-24, 1993.

Harwood, J., Giles, H., Fox, S., Ryan, E.B. & Williams, A. Patronizing speech and reactive responses. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 21, 211-226, 1993.

Fox, S. & Giles, H. Accommodating intergenerational contact: A critique and theoretical model. Journal of Aging Studies, 7, 423-451, 1993.

Leets, L. & Giles, H. Does language awareness foster social tolerance? Language Awareness, 2, 159-168, 1993.

Giles, H. & Williams, A. Patronizing the young: Forms and evaluations. International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 39, 33-53, 1994.

Giles, H. & Viladot, A. Ethnolinguistic identity in Catalonia. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 13, 301-312, 1994.

Harwood, J., Giles, H., Pierson, H.D., Clément, R., & Fox, S. Vitality perceptions of age categories in California and Hong Kong. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 15, 311-318, 1994.

Giles, H., Williams, A., Mackie, D.M., & Rosselli, F. Reactions to Anglo- and Hispanic-American accented speakers: Affect, identity, persuasion, and the English-only controversy. Language and Communication, 14, 102-123, 1995.

Leets, L., DeBecker, G., & Giles, H. Fans: Exploring expressed motivations for contacting celebrities. Journal of Language & Social Psychology, 14, 102-123, 1995.

Cargile, A., & Giles, H. Intercultural communication training: A critical review and new theoretical perspective. In B. Burleson (Ed.), Communication Yearbook, 19, 385-423, 1996.

Leets, L., Giles, H., & Clément, R. Explicating ethnicity in theory and communication research. Multilingua, 15, 115-147, 1996.

Mulac, A., & Giles, H. "You're only as old as you sound": Parameters of elderly age attributions. Health Communication, 8, 199-215, 1996.

Fox, S., & Giles, H. Interability communication: Evaluating patronizing encounters Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 15, 265-290, 1996.

Williams, A., & Giles, H. Intergenerational conversations: Young adults' retrospective accounts. Human Communication Research, 23, 220-250, 1996.

Harwood, J., & Giles, H. Reactions to older people being patronized: The roles of response strategies and attributed thoughts. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 15, 395-422, 1996.

Harwood, J., Giles, H., Ota, H., Pierson, H.D., Gallois, C., Ng, S-H., Lim, T-S., & Somera, L-B. College students' trait ratings of three age groups around the Pacific Rim. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 11, 307-317, 1996.

Williams, A., Ota, H., Giles, H., Pierson, H.D., Gallois, C., Ng, S.H., Lim, T-S., Ryan, E.B., Somera, L., Maher, J., & Harwood, J. Young peoples' beliefs about intergenerational communication: An initial cross-cultural comparison. Communication Research, 24, 370-393, 1997.

Ytsma, J., & Giles, H. Reactions to patronizing talk: Some Dutch data. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 1, 259-268, 1997.

Harwood, J., Ryan, E.B., Giles, H., & Tysoski, S. Evaluations of patronizing speech and three response styles in a non-service-providing context. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 25, 170-195, 1997.

Cargile, A.C., & Giles, H. Understanding language attitudes: Exploring listener affect and identity. Language & Communication, 17, 195-218, 1997.

Leets, L., & Giles, H. Words as weapons - when do they wound? Investigations of harmful speech. Human Communication Research, 24, 260-301, 1997.

Cai, D., Giles, H., & Noels, K. Elderly perceptions of communication with older and younger adults in China: Implications for mental health. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 26, 32-51, 1998.

Cargile, A.C., & Giles, H. Language attitudes towards varieties of English: An American-Japanese context. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 26, 338-356, 1998.

Viladot, M.A., & Giles, H. Habla condescendiente y ancianidad: Evaluaciones integeneracionales en Cataluña. Revista de Psicologia Social Aplicada, 8, 29-60, 1998.

Noels, K., Giles, H., Cai, D., & Turay, L. Intergenerational communication and health in the United States and the People's Republic of China. South Pacific Journal of Psychology, 10, 120-134, 1999.

Leets, L., & Giles, H. Harmful speech: An organizing framework for communication research. Communication Yearbook, 22, 90-137, 1999.

Leets, L., Giles, H., Sansom, P., & Noels, K. Attributed harm to racist talk. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 20, 209-215, 1999.

Boggs, C., & Giles, H. “The canary in the cage”: The nonaccommodation cycle in the gendered workplace. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 22, 223-245, 1999.

Giles, H., Noels, K., Ota, H., Ng, S.H., Gallois, C., Ryan, E.B., Williams, A., Lim, T-S., Somera, L., Tao, H., & Sachdev, I. Age vitality across eleven nations. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 21, 308-323, 2000.

Barker, V., Giles, H., Noels, K., Duck, J., Hecht, M., & Clément, R. The English-only movement: A communication perspective. Journal of Communication, 51, 3-37, 2001.

Harwood, J., Giles, H., McCann, R.M., Cai, D., Somera, L, Ng, S-H., Gallois, C., & Noels, K.A. Older adults’ trait ratings of three age-groups around the Pacific Rim. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 16, 157-171, 2001.

Giles, H., Ballard, D., & McCann, R.M. Perceptions of intergenerational communication across cultures: An Italian case. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 95, 583-591, 2002.

Hajek, C. & Giles, H. The old man out: An intergroup analysis of intergenerational communication among gay men. Journal of Communication, 52, 698-714, 2002.

Barker, V. & Giles, H. Who supports the English-only movement?: Evidence for misconceptions about Latino group vitality. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 23, 353-370, 2002.

Ota, H., Giles, H., & Gallois, C. H. Perceptions of younger, middle-aged, and older adults in Australia and Japan: Stereotypes and age group vitality. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 23, 253-266, 2002.

Giles, H., Fortman, J., Honeycutt, J., & Ota, H. Future selves and others: A lifespan and cross-cultural perspective. Communication Reports, 16, 1-22, 2003.

Barker, V. & Giles, H. Integrating the communicative predicament and enhancement of aging models: The case of older Native Americans. Health Communication, 15, 255-275, 2003.

Giles, H., Noels, K., Williams, A., Ota, H., Lim, T-S, Ng, S.H., Ryan, E.B., & Somera, L. Intergenerational communication across cultures: Young people's perceptions of conversations with family elders, non-family elders, and same-age peers. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 18, 1-30, 2003.

Abrams, J., Eveland, W.P. Jr., & Giles, H. The effects of television on group vitality: Can television empower nondominant groups? In P. Kalbfleisch (Ed.): Communication Yearbook, 27, 193-219, 2003.

Giles, H., Kutchukhides, M., Yagmur, K., & Noels, K.A. Age vitality: Perceptions of young Canadian, Turkish, and Georgian urban and rural adults. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 24, 178-183, 2003.

McCann, R.M., Ota, H., Giles, H., & Caraker, R. Accommodation and nonaccommodation across the lifespan: Perspectives from Thailand, Japan, and the United States of America. Communication Reports, 16, 1-23, 2003. Recipient of the Western Speech Communication Association Dickens Award for the best article published in the journal from 2001-2003.

Barker, V., & Giles, H. English-only policies: Perceived support and social limitations. Language and Communication, 24, 77-95, 2003.

Reid, S., Giles, H., & Abrams, J. A social identity model of media usage and effects. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 16, 17-25, 2004.

McCann, R., Kellermann, K., Giles, H., Gallois, C., & Viladot, M.A. Cultural and gender influences on age identification. Communication Studies, 55, 88-105, 2004.

McCann, R.M., Cargile, A., Giles, H., & Cui, B.T. Communication ambivalence towards elders: Data from North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and the USA. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 19, 275-297, 2004.

Le Poire, B.A., Giles, H. & Prescott, M. Stigma-by-association: The role of symbolic and instrumental attitudes. Communication Research Reports, 21, 105-118, 2004.

Giles, H., Zwang-Weissman, Y., & Hajek, C. Patronizing and policing elderly people.  Psychological Reports, 95, 754-756, 2004.

Dailey, R.M., Giles, H., & Jansma, L.L. Language attitudes in an Anglo-Hispanic context: The role of the linguistic landscape. Language and Communication, 25, 27-38, 2005.

Giles, H., & Reid, S. Ageism across the lifespan: Towards a self-categorization model of ageing. Journal of Social Issues, 61, 389-404, 2005.

Dorjee, T., & Giles, H. Cultural identity in Tibetan diasporas. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 26, 138-157, 2005.

Hajek, C., & Giles, H. Intergroup communication schemas: Cognitive representations of talk with gay men. Language & Communication, 25, 1161-182, 2005.

McCann, R.M, Dailey, R., Giles, H., & Ota, H. Beliefs about intergenerational communication across the lifespan: Middle age and the roles of age stereotyping and respect norms. Communication Studies, 56, 293-311, 2005.

Giles, H., Makoni, S., & Dailey, R. M. Intergenerational communication beliefs across the lifespan: Comparative data from West and South Africa. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 20, 191-211, 2005.

McCann, R.M., & Giles, H. Communication with people of different ages in the workplace: Thai and American data. Human Communication Research, 32, 74-108, 2006.

Marlow, M., & Giles, H. From the roots to the shoots: A Hawaiian case study of language revitalization and modes of communication. Communication Yearbook, 30, 343-385, 2006.

Dailey, R., Reid, S.A., Anderson, M.C., & Giles, H. Community review of police conduct: An intergroup perspective. Social Psychological Review, 8, 20-34, 2006.

Hajek, C., Barker, V., Giles, H., Louw, J., Pecchioni, L., Makoni, S., & Myers, P. Communication dynamics of police-civilian encounters: American and African interethnic data. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 35, 161-182, 2006.

Hajek, C., & Giles, H. On communicating pride, crying in movies, and recruiting innocent bystanders: The effect of sex on communication schemas used with gay and heterosexual men. Communication Research Reports, 23, 77-84, 2006.

Giles, H. Re-dressing helping attire: Methodological and interpretive issues. Psychological Reports, 99, 935-937, 2006.

McCann, R.M., & Giles, H. Age differentiated communication in organizations: Perspectives from Thailand and the USA. Communication Research Reports, 24, 1-12, 2007.

Abrams, J., & Giles, H. Ethnic identity gratifications selection and avoidance by African Americans: A group vitality and social identity gratifications perspective. Media Psychology, 9, 115-135, 2007.

Ota, H., Giles, H., & Somera, L. Beliefs about intra- and intergenerational communication in Japan, the Philippines, and the United States: Implications for older adults’ subjective well-being. Communication Studies, 58, 173-188, 2007.

Giles, H., Dailey, R.M., Sarkar, J.M., & Makoni, S. Intergenerational communication beliefs across the lifespan: Comparative data from India. Communication Reports, 20, 75-89, 2007.

Lim, T-S., & Giles, H. Differences in American and Korean evaluations of one-year age differences. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 28, 349-364, 2007.

Presa, M.A.V., Esteban, M., Nadal, J.M., & Giles, H. Identidad, percepción de vitalidad etnolingüística y comunicación intergrupal en Catalunya (España). Revista de Psicología Social Aplicada, 17, 223-247, 2007.

Barker, V., Giles, H., Hajek, C., Ota, H., Noels, K.A., Lim, T-S., & Somera, L. Police-Civilian interaction, compliance, accommodation, and trust in an intergroup context: International data. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 1, 93-112, 2008.

Hajek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Demirtas-Madran, A., Pecchioni, L., & Choi, C. Perceptions of trust, compliance, and officer accommodation in police-civilian intergroup encounters: A Russian, Turkish, and American cross-national analysis. Russian Journal of Communication, 1, 127-148, 2008.

Dixon, T.L., Schell, T., Giles, H. & Drogos, K. The influence of race in police-civilian interactions: A content analysis of videotaped interactions taken during Cincinnati police traffic stops. Journal of Communication, 58, 530-549, 2008.

Marlow, M., & Giles, H. “Who you tink You, talkin propah?” Hawaiian Pidgin demarginalized. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 2, 53-69, 2008.

Giles, H., Ryan, E.B., & Anas, A.P. Perceptions of intergenerational communication by young, middle-aged, and older Canadian adults. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 40, 121-130, 2008.

Hajek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Lin, M-C., Zhang, Y.B., & Hummert, M.L. Expressed trust and compliance in police-civilian encounters: The role of communication accommodation in Chinese and American settings. Chinese Journal of Communication, 1, 168-180, 2008.

Hajek, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., Makoni, S., & Choi. Reported compliance in police-civilian encounters: The roles of accommodation and trust in Zimbabwe and the United States. Communicatio: South African Journal of Communication Theory and Research, 34, 173-187, 2008.

Myers, P., Giles, H., Reid S. A., & Nabi, R. Law enforcement encounters: The effects of officer accommodativeness and crime severity on interpersonal attributions are mediated by intergroup sensitivity. Communication Studies, 59, 1-15, 2008.

Barker, V., Choi, C., Giles, H., & Hajek, C. Reported compliance with police in Mongolia and the United States. The Mongolian Journal of International Affairs, 15-16, 176-201, 2008-2009.

Abrams, J.R., Barker, V., & Giles, H. An examination of the validity of the Subjective Vitality Questionnaire. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 30, 59-72, 2009.

Abrams, J.R, & Giles, H. Hispanic American television activity: Is it related to vitality perceptions? Communication Research Reports, 26, 247-252, 2009.

Stoitsova, T., Choi, C., Giles, H., Barker, V., & Hajek, C. Reported compliance in police-civilian encounters: The roles of accommodation and trust in Bulgaria and the United States. Journal of Psychological Research, 1, 99-116, 2009.

Giles, H., Hajek, C., Stoitsova, T., & Choi, C. Intergenerational communication satisfaction and age estimates in Bulgaria and the USA. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 25. 133-147, 2010.

Marlow, M., & Giles, H. “We won’t get ahead speaking like that!”: Expressing and managing language criticism in Hawai’i. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Communication, 31, 237-251, 2010.

Giles, H., McIlrath, M., Mulac, A., & McCann, R.M. Expressing age salience: Three generations’ reported events, frequencies, and valences. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 206, 73-91, 2010.

Giles, H., & Marlow, M. Theorizing language attitudes: Existing frameworks, an integrative model, and new directions. In C. Salmon (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 35, 161-197, 2011.

Dorjee, T., Giles, H., & Barker, V. Diasporic Communication: Cultural deviance and accommodation among Tibetan exiles in India. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 32, 343-359, 2011.

Patterson, M.L., Giles, H., & Teske, M. The decline of behavioral research? Examining language and communication journals. Journal of Language & Social Psychology, 30, 326-340, 2011.

Pearce, K., Giles, H., Hajek, C., Barker, V., & Choi, C. The roles of communication and trust in reported compliance with police in Armenia and the United States. Armenian Review, 52, 41-64, 2011.

Fuertes, J.N., Gottdiener, W., Martin, H., Tracey, C., Gilbert, T.C., & Giles, H. A meta-analysis of the effects of speakers’ accents on social evaluations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 120-133, 2012.

Gasiorek, J., & Giles, H. Effects of inferred motive on evaluations of nonaccommodative communication. Human Communication Research, 38, 309-332, 2012.

Viladot, M. A. & Giles, H. Desenvolupament person per un envelliment satisfactory: El paper de la Communicacio. (Personal development and successful aging: The role of communication.) Llengua, societat i comunicació, 10, 1-7, 2012.

Choi, C., Giles, H., & Hajek, C. Young adults’ perceptions of communication with intra- and intergenerational targets across the lifespan: A cross-cultural comparison between the U.S. and Mongolia. Anthropology and Aging Quarterly, 33, 74-86, 2012.

Giles, H., Linz, D., Bonilla, D., & Gomez, M. L. Police stops of and interactions with Latino and White (Non-Latino) drivers: Extensive policing and communication accommodation. Communication Monographs, 79, 407-427, 2012.

Giles, H., Khajavy, H., & Choi, C.W. Intergenerational communication satisfaction and age boundaries: Comparative Middle Eastern data. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 27, 357-371, 2012.

Viladot, M.A., Giles, H., Gasiorek, J., & Esteban-Guitart, M. Vitalidad etnolingüística, medios de comunicación e identidad étnica. Un estudio con grupos indígenas de Chiapas (Mexico). [Ethnolinguistic vitality, mass media and ethnic identity. A study with indigenous groups in the Chiapas (Mexico)]. Sociolinguistic Studies, 6, 471-490, 2012.

Mulac, A., Giles, H., Bradac, J.J., & Palomares, N. Explaining the Gender-Linked Language Effect: An empirical test of a general process model. Language Sciences, 38, 22-31, 2013.

Viladot, M.A., Giles, H., Bolaños, L.F., & Esteban-Guitart, M. (2013). Identidad nacional, vitalidad etnolingüística e indigenismo en Chiapas (México). (National identity, ethnolinguistic vitality, and indegenism in Chiapas (Mexico)). Estudios de Psicologia (Psychology Studies), 34, 89-93, 2013.

Speer, R. B., Giles, H., & Denes, A. Investigating stepparent-stepchild interactions: The role of communication accommodation. Journal of Family Communication, 13, 1-24, 2013.

Lin, M-C., & Giles, H. The dark side of family relationships: A communication model of elder abuse. International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 1275-1290, 2013.

Choi, C., Khajavy, H., Giles, H., & Hajek, C. Intergenerational communication and age boundaries in Mongolia and the United States. Communication Reports, 26, 73-87, 2013.

Gasiorek, J., & Giles, H. Volunteering as a communicative process. International Journal of Communication, 7, 1-20, 2013.

Giles, H., Ota, H., & Foley, M. Tourism: An intergroup communication model with Russian inflections. Russian Journal of Communication, 5, 229-243, 2013.

Dragojevic, M., & Giles, H. The Reference Frame Effect: An intergroup perspective on language attitudes. Human Communication Research, 40, 91-111, 2014.

Soliz, J., & Giles, H. Relational and identity processes in communication: A contextual and meta-analytical review of Communication Accommodation Theory. In E. Cohen (Ed.), Communication yearbook 38, 106-143, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2014.

Goldman, L., Giles, H., & Hogg, M.A. Going to extremes: The forces behind gang membership. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 17, 831-832, 2014.

Esteban-Guitart, M., Viladot, M. A., & Giles, H. Perceived institutional support among young indigenous and mestizos from Chiapas (México). A group vitality approach. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 36, 124-135, 2015.

Farzadnia, S., & Giles, H. Patient-provider care: A communication accommodation theory perspective. International Journal of Society, Culture and Language, 3, 17-34, 2015.

Gasiorek, J., Fowler, C., & Giles, H. Communication and successful aging:

Profiling middle-aged and older adults. Human Communication Research, 41, 577-602, 2015.

Fowler, C., Gasiorek, J., & Giles, H. The role of communication in aging well:

Introducing the communicative ecology model of successful aging. Communication Monographs, 82, 431-457, 2015.

Gasiorek, J., & Giles, H. The role of inferred motive in processing and evaluating nonaccommodation. Western Journal of Communication, 79, 456-471, 2015.

Dragojevic, M., Mastro, D., Giles, H., & Sink, A. Silencing nonstandard speakers: A content analysis of accent portrayals on American primetime television. Language in Society, 45, 59-85, 2016.

Denes, A., Giles, H., & Gasiorek, J. “Don’t touch that dial”: Accommodating musical preferences in interpersonal relationships”. Psychology of Music, in press.

Keaton, S.A., McCann, R.M., & Giles, H. The role of communication in the mental health of elderly individuals: Views from Thailand and the USA. Health Communication, in press.

Dragojevic, M., & Giles, H. I don’t like you because you’re hard to understand: The role of processing fluency in the language attitudes process. Human Communication Research, in press.

Dunbar, N. E., Gangi, K., Coveleski, S., Adams, A., Bernhold, Q., & Giles, H. When is it Acceptable to Lie? Interpersonal and intergroup perspectives on deception. Communication Studies, in press.

Keaton, S.A., & Giles, H. Subjective health, language, and aging: An integrative model of intergenerational communication. International Journal of Society, Language, & Culture, 4, in press


Giles, H. & Bourhis, R.Y. Black speakers with white speech - a real problem? in G. Nickel (ed.): Proceedings of 4th International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 1, pp. 575-584, Stuttgart, 1975. Stuttgart, Hochschulverlag, 1976.

Williams, J.E., Giles, H. & Edwards, J.R. Comparative analyses of sex-trait stereotypes in the United States, England and Ireland. In Y. Poortinga (ed.): Basic Problems in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Amsterdam, Swets and Zeitlinger, pp. 241-246, 1977.

Trudgill, P. & Giles, H. Sociolinguistics and linguistic value and judgements; Correctness, adequacy and aesthetics. In F. Coppierters and D. Goyvaerts (eds.): Functional Studies in Language and Literature. Ghent, E. Story-Scientia, pp. 167-190, 1978: reprinted as a chapter in P. Trudgill: On dialect. Oxford, Blackwell, pp. 201-225, 1982.

Giles, H., Bourhis, R.Y. & Davies, A. Prestige speech styles: The imposed norm hypothesis. In W.C. McCormack and S. Wurm (eds.): Language and Society: Anthropological Issues. The Hague, Houton, pp. 589-596, 1979.

Best, D.L., Williams, J.E., Edwards, J.R. & Giles, H. Masculinity-femininity in self and ideal self- descriptions in Canada, England and the United States. In R. Diaz-Guerrero (ed.): Cross-Cultural and National Studies in Social Psychology. Amsterdam: North Holland, pp. 181-190, 1985.

Giles, H., Coupland, N. & Wiemann, J.M. "Talk is cheap" but "My word is my bond": Beliefs about talk. In K. Bolton & H. Kwok (eds.), Sociolinguistics Today: International Perspectives. London, Routledge, pp. 218-243, 1992.

Giles, H. Current and future directions in sociolinguistics: A social psychological contribution. In K. Bolton & H. Kwok (eds.), Sociolinguistics Today: International Perspectives. London, Routledge, pp. 361-67, 1992.

Gallois, C., Giles, H., Ota, H., Pierson, H.D., Ng, S.H., Lim, T-S., Maher, J., Somera, L., Ryan, E.B., & Harwood, J. Intergenerational communication across the Pacific Rim: The impact of filial piety. In J-C. Lasry, J. Adair, & K. Dion (Eds.), Latest contributions to cross-cultural psychology (pp. 192-211). Lisse, The Netherland: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1999.


Giles, H. & Oxford, G.S. Laughter: A reply. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 23, 317-320, 1970.

Lambert, W.E., Giles, H. & Picard, O. Language attitudes in a French American community. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 4, 127-152, 1975.

Giles, H., Baker, S. & Fielding, G. Communication length as a function of accent prejudice. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 6, 73-81, 1975.

Bourhis, R.Y., Giles, H. & Lambert, W.E. Social consequences of accommodation one's style of speech: A cross-national investigation. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 6, 55-72, 1975.

Giles, H. A new theory of the dynamics of speech. Diogenes, 106, 119-136, 1979.

Giles, H. and Bourhis, R.Y. A reply to a Note on "Voice and racial categorization in Britain". Social Behaviour and Personality, 10, 249-251, 1982.

Giles, H. & Hewstone, M. Cognitive structures, speech and social situations: Two integrative models. Language Sciences, 4, 187-219, 1982; reprinted in A. Furnham (ed.): Social Behaviour in Context. Boston, Allyn & Bacon, 240-269, 1986, translated into Japanese, 1988.

Giles, H., Hewstone, M. & Ball, P. Language attitudes in multilingual settings: Prologue and priorities. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 4, 81-100, 1983.

Johnson, P., Giles, H. & Bourhis, R.Y. The viability of ethnolinguistic vitality: A reply to Husband and Khan. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 4, 255-269, 1983.

Giles, H. The second Bristol conference: A personal assessment. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 2, 301-341, 1983.

Beebe, L. & Giles, H. Speech accommodation theories: A discussion in terms of second language acquisition. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 46, 5-32, 1984.

Coupland, N., Giles, H. & Benn, W. Language, communication and the blind: Cuelessness and beyond. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 5, 52-63. 1986.

Ryan, E.B., Giles, H., Bartolucci, G. & Henwood, K. Psycholinguistic and social psychological components of communication by and with older adults. Language and Communication, 6, 1-22, 1986.

Giles, H. & Johnson, P. Ethnolinguistic identity theory: A social psychological approach to language maintenance. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 68, 69-99, 1987.

Punetha, D., Giles, H. & Young, L. Ethnicity and immigrant values: Religion and language choice. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 7, 229-242, 1987; reprinted in W.B. Gudykunst (ed.): Language and ethnic identity, Multilingual Matters Ltd., Clevedon, pp. 73-86, 1988.

Louw-Potgieter, J. & Giles, H. Imposed identity and linguistic strategies. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 7, 261-286, 1987; reprinted in W.B. Gudykunst (ed.): Language and ethnic identity, Multilingual Matters Ltd., Clevedon, pp. 105-130, 1988.

Giles, H. & Condor, S. Ageing, technology, and society: An introduction and future priorities. Social Behaviour: An International Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 3, 59-70, 1988.

Coupland, N. & Giles, H. Introduction: The communicative contexts of accommodation. Language and Communication, 8, 175-182, 1988.

Williams, A., Giles, H. & Pierson, H.D. Asian Pacific language and communication: Foundations, issues, and directions. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 1, 1-25, 1990.

Giles, H. "Gosh, you don't look it!": A sociolinguistics of ageing. The Psychologist, 4, 99-106, 1991.

Williams, A. & Giles, H. Sociopsychological perspectives on older people’s language and communication. Ageing & Society, 11, 103-126, 1991.

Bradac, J.J. & Giles, H. Social and educational consequences of language attitudes. Moderna Språk, 85, 1-11, 1991.

Williams, A. & Giles, H. Prejudice-reduction simulations: Social cognition, intergroup theory, and ethics. Simulation and Gaming, 23, 472-484, 1992.

Giles, H. & Williams, A. Accommodating hypercorrection: A communication model. Language and Communication, 12, 343-356, 1992.

Giles, H. & Wiemann, J.M. Social psychological studies of language: Current trends and prospects. American Behavioral Scientist, 36, 262-270, 1993.

Giles, H. Empowering and ‘disempowering’. Language & Communication, 13, 105-107, 1993.

Cargile, A., Giles, H., Ryan, E.B., & Bradac, J.J. Language attitudes as a social process: A conceptual model and new directions. Language and Communication, 14, 211-236, 1994.

Ytsma, J., Viladot, A. & Giles, H. Ethnolinguistic vitality and ethnic identity: Some Catalan and Frisian data. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 108, 63-78, 1994.

Harwood, J., Giles, H. & Bourhis, R.Y. The genesis of vitality theory: Historical patterns and discoursal dimensions. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 108, 168-206, 1994.

Levin, H., Giles, H. & Garrett, P. The effects of message formality and accent on trait attributions. Language & Communication, 14, 265-274, 1994.

Giles, H. Prologue. International Journal of Psycholinguistics, 12, 119-126, 1996.

Edwards, H., & Giles, H. Prologue on two dimensions: The risk and management of intergenerational communication. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 26, 1-12, 1998.

Petronio, S., Ellemers, N., Giles, H., & Gallois, C. (Mis)communicating across boundaries: Interpersonal and intergroup considerations. Communication Research, 25, 571-595, 1998.

Abrams, J., & Giles, H. Epilogue: Intergenerational contact as intergroup communication. Child and Youth Services, 20, 203-217, 1999. Co-produced simultaneously in V.S. Kuehne (ed.) Intergenerational programs: Understanding what we have created. New York: Haworth Press, pp. 203-217, 1999.

Giles, H. Managing dilemmas in the “silent revolution”: A call to arms! Journal of Communication, 49, 170-182, 1999.

Winn, L.L., Giles, H., Bradac, J.J. Language, truth, and social reality in the work of W. Peter Robinson: A prologue. Journal of Language & Social Psychology, 20, 6-23, 2001.

Giles, H., Liang, B., Noels, K., & McCann, R. Communicating across and within generations: Taiwanese, Chinese-Americans, and Euro-Americans’ perceptions of communication. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 11, 161-178, 2001.

Giles, H., & Dorjee, T. Communication climates and prospects for cross-cultural gerontology. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 19, 261-274, 2004.

Reid, S. A., & Giles, H. Intergroup relations: Its linguistic and communicative parameters. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 8, 211-214, 2005.

Giles, H., Katz, V., & Myers, P. Language attitudes and the role of communication infrastructures. Moderna Språk (special centennial issue), 100, 38-54, 2006.

Giles, H. Accommodating translational research. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 36, 121-127, 2008.

Giles, H., Denes, A., Hamilton, D.L, & Hajda, J.M. Striking a chord: Prelude to music and intergroup relations research. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 12, 291-301, 2009.

Giles, H. Language attitudes: The role of motivated information management. (In a special Issue on “The quiet evolution of language and cultural relations”). Canadian Issues, Fall, 28-34, 2011.

Gasiorek, J., Giles, H., Holtgraves, T., & Robbins, S. Celebrating thirty years of the JLSP: Analyses and prospects. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 31, 361-375, 2012.

Giles, H. Taking stock after thirty years: Genesis and prologue. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 31, 355-360, 2012.

Gasiorek, J., & Giles, H. Accommodating the interactional dynamics of conflict management. International Journal of Society, Culture, and Language, 1, 10-21, 2013.

Wood, J., & Giles, H. Group and intergroup parameters of gang activities: An introduction and research agenda. Group and Intergroup Processes, 17, 704-709, 2014.

Gasiorek, J., Giles, H., & Soliz, J. Accommodating new vistas. Language and Communication, 41, 1-5, 2015.


a indicates empirically-based chapters

Giles, H., Bourhis, R.Y., Gadfield, N., Davies, G. & Davies, A. Cognitive aspects of humour in social interaction: A model and some linguistic data. In A.J. Chapman and H. Foot (eds.): Humour and Laughter: Theory, Research and Applications, London and New York, Wiley and Sons, pp. 139-154, 1976.a

Elyan, O., Smith, P.M., Giles, H. & Bourhis, R.Y. R.P. - female accented speech. The voice of androgyny? in P. Trudgill (ed.): Sociolinguistic Patterns of British English. London, Edward Arnold, pp. 122-131, 1978.a

Williams, J.A. & Giles, H. The changing status of women in society: An intergroup perspective. In H. Tajfel (ed.): Differentiation Between Social Groups: Studies in the Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations. London, Academic Press, pp. 431-436, 1978.

Giles, H. Linguistic differentiation between ethnic groups. In H. Tajfel (ed.): Differentiation Between Social Groups: Studies in the Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations. London, Academic Press, pp. 361-393, 1978.c

Fishman, J.A. & Giles, H. Language in society. In H. Tajfel and C. Fraser (eds.): Introducing Social Psychology. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Penguin Books, pp. 380-400, 1978.

Giles, H. Accommodation theory: Some new directions. In S. De Silva (ed.): Aspects of Linguistic Behaviour: A Festschrift in Honour of Robert Le Page. York, England, University of York Press, pp. 105-136, 1980; also appeared in translation as: "Interpersonale Akkomodation in der vokalen Kommunikation." In K.R. Scherer (Hrsg.), Vokale Kommunikation. Weinheim and Basel, Beltz Verlag, pp. 253-278, 1982.

Thakerar, J.N., Giles, H. & Cheshire, J. The psychological and linguistic parameters of speech accommodation theory. In C. Fraser and K.R. Scherer (eds.): Advances in the Social Psychology of Language. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 205-255, 1982.a

Ball, P. & Giles, H. Speech styles and employment selection: Use of the matched-guise technique. In G. Breakwell, H. Foot and R. Gilmour (eds.): Social Psychology: A Practical Manual. London, British Psychological Society and Macmillan, pp. 101-122, 1982; Revised for vol. retitled Doing Social Psychology. Cambridge & New York; Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Smith, P.M., Giles, H. & Hewstone, M. New horizons in the study of speech and social situations. In B. Bain (ed.): The Sociogenesis of Language and Human Conduct. New York, Plenum, pp. 297-310, 1982.

Street, R. & Giles, H. Speech accommodation theory: A social cognitive model of speech behaviour. In M. Roloff and C.R. Berger (eds.): Social Cognition and Communication. Beverly Hills, Sage, pp. 193-226, 1982.

Edwards, J.R. & Giles, H. Applications of the social psychology of language: Sociolinguistics and education. In P. Trudgill (ed.): Applied Sociolinguistics. London, Academic Press, pp. 119-158, 1984.

Ryan, E.B., Hewstone, M. & Giles, H. Language and intergroup attitudes. In J.R. Eiser (ed.): Attitudinal Judgment. New York, Springer Verlag, pp. 135-160, 1984.

Hewstone, M. & Giles, H. Intergroup conflict. In A. Gale and A.J. Chapman (eds.): Psychology and Social Problems. London, Wiley and Sons, pp. 275-296, 1984.

Giles, H. & Fitzpatrick, M.A. Personal, group and couple identities: Towards a relational context for the study of language attitudes and linguistic forms. In D. Schiffrin (ed.): Meaning, Form, and Use in Context: Linguistic Applications. Washington D.C., Georgetown University Press, pp. 253-277, 1984.a

Giles, H. & Street, R.L. Jr. Communicator characteristics and behaviour: A review, generalizations, and model. In M. Knapp and G. Miller (eds.): The Handbook of Interpersonal Communication, Beverly Hills, Sage, pp. 205-262, 1985. Revised for 2nd Edition (1994), pp. 103-161.

Hewstone, M. & Giles, H. Social groups and social stereotypes in intergroup communication: Review and model of intergroup communication breakdown. In W.B. Gudykunst (ed.): Intergroup Communication, London, Arnold, pp. 10-26, 1986. Pp. 10-20 reprinted as "Social groups and social stereotypes" in N. Coupland & A. Jaworski (eds), A Sociolinguistics Reader, pp. 270-283. Macmillan: Basingstoke, England, 1997.

Bradac, J.J., Friedman, E. & Giles, H. A social approach to propositional communication: Speakers lie to hearers. In G. McGregor (ed.): Language for Hearers. Oxford, Pergamon. pp. 127-151, 1986.

Dryden, C. & Giles, H. Language, social identity, and health. In H. Beloff and A. Colman (eds.): Psychology Survey, 6, Leicester, British Psychological Society Press, pp. 115-139, 1987.

Giles, H. & Wiemann, J.M. Language, social comparison and power. In S. Chafee and C.R. Berger (eds.): The Handbook of Communication Science. Newbury Park, CA, Sage, pp. 350-384, 1987.

Giles, H., Hewstone, M., Ryan, E.B. & Johnson, P. Research in language attitudes. In U. Ammon, N. Dittmar and K.J. Mattheier (eds.): Sociolinguistics: An Interdisciplinary Handbook of the Science of Language, Berlin, de Gruyter, Vol I, pp. 585-597, 1987.

Wiemann, J. & Giles, H. Interpersonal Communication. In M. Hewstone, G. Stephenson, J.P. Codol and W. Stroebe (eds.): Social Psychology: A European Text, Oxford, Blackwell, pp. 199-221, 1988. Revised for 2nd. Edition as: Communication in interpersonal and social relationships, pp. 316-344, 1996 & translated into German edition In W. Stroebe, M. Hewstone, & G.M. Stephenson (eds), Sozialpsychologie: Eine Einfuhrung, Berlin, Springer, pp. 331-362, 1996.

Ryan, E.B., Giles, H. & Hewstone, M. The measurement of language attitudes. In U. Ammon, N. Dittmar and K.J. Mattheier (eds.): Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook of the Science of Language, Berlin, de Gruyter, Vol. II, pp. 1068-1081, 1988.

Gallois, C., Franklyn-Stokes, A., Giles, H. & Coupland, N. Communication accommodation theory in intercultural encounters. In Y. Kim and W.B. Gudykunst (eds.): Theories in Intercultural Communication, (12th International and Intercultural Annual), Newbury Park, CA, Sage, pp. 157-185, 1988.

Giles, H., Garrett, P. & Coupland, N. Language acquisition in the Basque country: Invoking and extending the intergroup model. In Proceedings of the Conference on the Basque Language, Vol. 2., pp. 297-310. San Sebastian: Central Publishing Services of the Basque Government, 1988.

Garrett, P., Giles, H. & Coupland, N. The contexts of language learning: Extending the intergroup model of second language acquisition: In S. Ting-Toomey & F. Korzenny (eds.): Language, Communication and Culture (13th International and Intercultural Communication Annual), Newbury Park, CA, Sage, pp. 201-221, 1989.

Giles, H. & Franklyn-Stokes, A. Communicator characteristics. In M.K. Asante and W.B. Gudykunst (eds.): The Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication, Newbury Park, CA, Sage,pp. 117-144, 1989.

Giles, H., Mulac, A., Bradac, J.J. & Johnson, P. Speech accommodation theory: The first decade and beyond. In M. McLaughlin (ed.): Communication Yearbook, 10, Newbury Park, CA, Sage, pp. 13-48, 1987. Reprinted in abridged form: In W.B. Gudykunst & Y.Y. Kim (eds), Readings on communication with strangers. Philadelphia, McGraw-Hill, pp. 257-271, 1992.

Giles, H. Social meanings of Welsh-English, In N. Coupland (ed.): English in Wales: Diversity, conflict, and change, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd., pp. 258-282, 1990.

Giles, H., Coupland, N., Henwood, K., Harriman, J. & Coupland, J. The social meaning of R.P.: An intergenerational perspective. In S.M. Ramsaran (ed.), Studies in the Pronunciation of English: A Commemorative Volume in Honor of A.C. Gimson, London, Routledge, pp.191-221, 1990.a

Coupland, N., Henwood, K., Coupland, J. & Giles, H. Accommodating troubles-talk: The management of elderly self-disclosure. In G. McGregor (ed.): Reception and Response: Hearer Creativity and the Analysis of Spoken and Written Texts, London, Croom Helm, pp. 112-144, 1990.a

Giles, H., Coupland, N., Williams, A. & Leets, L. Integrating theory in the study of minority languages. In R. Cooper and B. Spolsky (eds.), The Influence of Language on Culture and Thought: Essays in Honour of Joshua A. Fishman's 65th. Birthday, pp. 117-140. Berlin, de Gruyter, 1991.

Giles, H. & Coupland, N. Language attitudes: Discursive, contextual and gerontological considerations. In A.G. Reynolds (ed.), Bilingualism, Multiculturalism, and Second Language Learning: The McGill Conference in Honor of Wallace E. Lambert, pp 21-42. Hillsdale, NJ, Erlbaum, 1991.

Coupland, N., Coupland, J., Giles, H. & Henwood, K. Intergenerational talk: Goal consonance and intergroup dissonance. In K. Tracy (ed.), Understanding Face-to-Face Interaction: Linking Goals and Discourse, pp. 79-100. Hillsdale, NJ, Erlbaum, 1991.a

Henwood, K., Giles, H., Coupland, N., & Coupland, J. Stereotyping and affect in discourse: Interpreting the meaning of elderly painful self-disclosure. In D. M. Mackie and D. L. Hamilton (eds.), Affect, Cognition, and Stereotyping: Interactive Processes in Group Perception, San Diego, Academic Press, pp. 269-296, 1993.a

Clément, R. & Giles, H. Deconstructing the “Big Picture”: Perspectives and layers of interethnic communication. In S. Deetz (ed.), Communication Yearbook, 17, 539-550. Newbury Park, Sage, 1993.

Giles, H., Fox, S., Harwood, J., & Williams, A. Talking age and aging talk: Communication through the life-span. In M.L. Hummert, J.M. Wiemann & J. Nussbaum (eds), Interpersonal Communication and Older Adults. Thousand Oaks, SAGE, pp. 130-161, 1994.

Gallois, C., Giles, H., Jones, E., Cargile, A., & Ota, H. Accommodating intercultural encounters: Elaborations and extensions. In R. Wiseman (ed.), Theories of Intercultural Communication (19th. International and Intercultural Communication Annual). Thousand Oaks, SAGE, pp. 115-147, 1995.

Harwood, J., Giles, H., & Ryan, E.B. Aging, communication, and intergroup theory: Social identity and intergenerational communication. In J. Nussbaum & J. Coupland (eds), Handbook of Communication and Aging Research. Hillsdale, N.J., Erlbaum, pp. 133-159, 1995.

Leets, L. & Giles, H. Intergroup cognitions and communication climates: New dimensions of minority language maintenance. In W. Fase, K. Jaspaert, & S. Kroon (eds.), The State of Minority Languages: International Perspectives on Survival and Decline. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, pp. 37-74, 1995.a

Cargile, A, Giles, H., & Clément, R. The role of language in ethnic conflict. In J. Gittler (Ed.), Racial and Ethnic Conflict: Perspectives from the Social Disciplines. Greenwich, CT: PAI Press, pp. 189-208, 1996.

Fox, S., & Giles, H. "Let the wheelchair through!": An intergroup approach to interability communication. In W.P. Robinson (Ed.), Social groups and identities: Developing legacy of Henri Tajfel. Heinemann: Oxford. pp. 215-248, 1996.

Niedzielski, N. & Giles, H. Linguistic accommodation. In H. Goebl, P.H. Nelde, Z. Stary & W. Wolck (eds.), Contact linguistics: An international handbook of contemporary research. Berlin, de Gruyter, pp. 332-342, 1996.

Giles, H. & Harwood, J. Managing intergroup communication: lifespan issues and consequences. In S. Eliasson & E. Jahr (Eds.), Language and its ecology: Essays in memory of Einar Haugen. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 105-130, 1997.

Giles, H., & Noels, K. Communication accommodation in intercultural encounters. In J. Martin, T. Nakayama, & L. Flores (eds.), Readings in cultural contexts. Mountain View: Mayfield, pp. 139-149, 1998. Reprinted in 2nd Ed., 2001. Reprinted in L. Chen (Ed.), Culture, cultures and intercultural communication: A cross disciplinary reader. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, pp. 434-450, 2011.

Giles, H. Language attitudes and language cognitions: Future prospects for Hong Kong In M. Pennington (ed.), Language in Hong Kong: Into the 21st century. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pp. 425-435, 1998.

Williams, A., & Giles, H. Communication of ageism. In In M. L. Hecht & J. Baldwin (Eds.), Communicating prejudice: Tolerance and intolerance. Thousand Oaks: SAGE, pp. 136-160, 1998.

Gallois, C., & Giles, H. Accommodating mutual influence. In M. Palmer & G.A. Barnett (eds.), Mutual influence in interpersonal communication: Theory and research in cognition, affect, and behavior. New York: Ablex, pp. 135-162, 1998.

Le Poire, B. A., Hallett, J. S., & Giles, H. Codependence: The paradoxical nature of the functional-afflicted relationship. In B. Spitzberg & W. Cupach (eds.), The dark side of relationships II. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, NJ, pp. 153-176, 1998.

Giles, H., & Niedzielski, N. German sounds awful, but Italian is beautiful. In L. Bauer & P. Trudgill (eds), Language myths. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, pp. 85-93, 1998. Reprinted & translated into Japanese by Kenkyusha Press: Tokyo, pp. 131-145, 2003.

Giles, H., Harwood, J., Pierson, H. B., Clément, R., & Fox, S. Stereotypes of the elderly and evaluations of patronizing speech: A cross-cultural foray. In R. K. Agnihotri, A. L. Khanna, & I. Sachdev (eds), Social psychological perspectives on second language learning. (Research in applied linguistics series: IV). New Delhi: SAGE, pp. 151-186, 1998a

Giles, H., & Wadleigh, P.M. Accommodating nonverbally. In L.K. Guerrero, J.A. DeVito, & M.L. Hecht (Eds), The nonverbal communication reader: Classic and contemporary readings (2nd. Ed.). Prospect Heights, IL, Waveland Press, pp. 425-436, 1999. Revised for the Guerrero & Hecht 3rd Ed., pp. 491-502, 2008.

Fox, S., Giles, H., Orne, M., & Bourhis, R.Y. Interability communication: Theoretical perspectives. In D. Braithwaite & T. Thompson (eds.), Handbook of communication and disability. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 193-222, 2000.

Giles, H. Sociopsychological parameters of style shifting. In P. Eckert & J. Rickford (eds), Style and sociolinguistic variation. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 211-219, 2001.

Noels, K., Giles, H., Gallois, C., & Ng, S.H. Intergenerational communication and health across the Pacific Rim. In M.L. Hummert & J.F. Nussbaum (eds), Communication, aging, and health: Multidisciplinary perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 249-278, 2001.a

Abrams, J., O’Connor, J., & Giles, H. Identity and intergroup communication. In W.B. Gudykunst & B. Mody (ed.), 3rd Handbook of intercultural communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 225-240, 2001. Reprinted in W.B. Gudykunst (Ed.), Cross-cultural and intercultural communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 209-224, 2003.

McCann, R., & Giles, H. Ageism and the workplace: A communication perspective. In T. Nelson (Ed.), Ageism. Cambridge, MIT Press, pp. 163-199, 2002.

Giles, H., McCann, R., Ota, H., & Noels, K. Challenging intergenerational stereotypes across Eastern and Western cultures. In M.S. Kaplan, N.Z. Henkin, & A.T. Kusano (eds), Linking lifetimes: A global view of intergenerational exchange. Honolulu: University Press of America, Inc., pp. 13-28, 2002. Translated and reprinted in: Kaplan, M., Henken, N., Kusano, A. (2008).Guroubarukajidai wo ikiru sedaikan kouryu [Linking lifetimes: A global view of international exchange] (S. Kato, Trans). Tokyo: Akashishoten.

Molloy, J., & Giles, H. Communication, language, and law enforcement: An intergroup communication approach. In Glenn, P., LeBaron, C., & Mandelbaum, J. (eds), Studies in language and social interaction. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 327-340, 2002.

Hajek, C., & Giles, H. Intercultural communication competence. A critique and alternative model. In B. Burleson & J. Greene (eds), Handbook of communication and social interaction skills. Mahwah, NJ: LEA, pp. 935-957, 2003.

Noels, K., Giles, H., & Le Poire, B. Language and communication. In M.A. Hogg & J. Cooper (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of social psychology, Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 232-257, 2003.

Giles, H., & Billings, A. Language attitudes. In A. Davies & E. Elder (Eds.), The Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 187-209, 2004.

Sachdev, I., & Giles, H. Bilingual speech accommodation. In Tej K. Bhatia & W.C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 353-378, 2004. 2005. Reprinted and translated (Portuguese): Acomodação bilíngüe. In S.C. Kurtz dos Santos & I. Mozzillo (Eds.), Cultura e Diversidade (Culture and Diversity). Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Editora Universitária UFPel, pp. 139-182, 2008.

Barker, V., Giles, H., & Harwood, J. Intra- and intergroup perspectives on intergenerational communication. In J.F. Nussbaum & J. Coupland (Ed.), Handbook of communication and aging research, 2nd ed. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 139-165, 2004.

Bradac, J.J., & Giles, H. Language and social psychology: Conceptual niceties, complexities, curiosities, monstrosities, and how it all works In K. Fitch & R. Sanders (Eds.), Handbook of language and social interaction, Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 201-230, 2004.

Abrams, J.R., & Giles, H. An intergroup approach to communicating stigma: Gays and lesbians. In Ng, S.H., Candlin, C.N., & Chiu, C.Y. (Eds.):  Language matters: Communication, identity, and culture. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 27-61, 2004. 

Giles, H., & Fortman, J. The social psychology of language. In U. Ammon, N. Dittmar, K.J. Mattheier, & P. Trudgill (Ed.), Handbook of Sociolinguistics, 2nd Edition, Vol. 1. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 99-108, 2005.

Gallois, C., Ogay, T., & Giles, H. Communication accommodation theory: A look back and a look ahead.  In W. Gudykunst (Ed.), Theorizing about intercultural communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 121-148, 2005.

Fortman, J., & Giles, H. Communicating culture. In J. Baldwin, S. Faulkner, M. Hecht, & S.L. Lindsley (Eds.), Redefining culture: Perspectives across the disciplines. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 91-102, 2006.

Giles, H., & Le Poire, B.A. The ubiquity and social meaningfulness of nonverbal nommunication: An introduction. In V. Manusov & M. Patterson (Eds.), Handbook of nonverbal behavior. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. xv-xxvii, 2006.

Giles, H., & Ogay, T. Communication accommodation theory. In B. Whaley & W. Samter (Eds.),

Explaining communication: Contemporary theories and exemplars. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 293-310, 2007.

Giles, H., Fortman, J., Dailey, R., Barker, V., Hajek, C., Anderson, M.C., & Rule, N.O. Communication accommodation: Law enforcement and the public. In R. M. Dailey & B. A. Le Poire (Eds.), Applied interpersonal communication matters: Family, health, and community relations. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 241-269, 2006.

Giles, H., Willemyns, M., Gallois, C. & Anderson, M.C. Accommodating a new frontier: The context of law enforcement. In K. Fiedler (Ed.), Social communication. New York: Psychology Press, pp. 129-162, 2007.

Giles, H., Hajek, C., Barker, V., Chen, M-L., Zhang, B.Y., Hummert, M.L., & Anderson, M.C. Accommodation and institutional talk: Communicative dimensions of police-civilian interactions. In A. Weatherall, B. Watson, & Gallois, G. (Eds.), Language, discourse and social psychology. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 131-158, 2007.

Giles, H. Communication accommodation theory: “When in Rome…” or not! In L. A. Baxter & D. O. Braithewaite (Eds.), Engaging theories in interpersonal communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 161-173, 2008.

Pitts, M., & Giles, H. Social psychology and personal relationships: Accommodation and relational influence across time and contexts. In E. Ventola & G. Antos (Eds.), The handbook of interpersonal communication. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 15-31, 2008.

Soliz, J., & Giles, H. Language and communication. In C. R. Berger, M. E. Roloff, & D. Rosko-Ewolsen (Eds.), Handbook of communication science (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 75-91, 2009.

Giles, H. The process of communication accommodation. N. Coupland & A. Jaworksi (Eds), The new reader in sociolinguistics. Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan, pp. 276-286, 2009.

Mulac, A., Bradac, J.J., Palomares, N.A., & Giles, H. Exploring subjectivity in the gender-linked language effect: A process model. In M. Maegaard, F. Gregersen, P. Quist, & J. N. Jørgensen (Eds.), Language attitudes, standardization and language change. Oslo: Novus, pp. 61-75, 2009.

Dorjee, T., & Giles, H. Accommodating deviance: Tibetan exiles in India. In S. K. Singh (Ed.), Rethinking multilingualism: Issues and Problems. Guwahati, India: Eastern House Publications, pp. 27-60, 2009.

Giles, H., & Speer, R. Exploring the efficacy of the pro-/anti-social communicative divide: An Epilogue. In T. A. Kenny & M. Porhola (Eds.), Current advances in anti- & pro-social communication: An examination of theories, methods, and applications. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 183-196, 2009.

Anderson, G., & Giles, H. Communicating empathies in interpersonal relationships. In E. Cuyler & M. Ackhard (Eds.), Psychology of interpersonal relations. New York: Nova Science, pp. 1-34, 2009.

Marlow, M., & Giles, H. The politics of disaster: Crises, communication, and marginalization in the United States. In S. Kleinman (Ed.), The culture of inefficiency. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 245-265, 2009.

Noels, K. A., & Giles, H. Social identity and language learning. In T. K. Bhatia & W. C. Ritchie (Eds), Elsevier new handbook of second language acquisition. Leeds, England: Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 647-670, 2009.

McCann, R.M., Giles, H., & Goenawan, F. (2009). Toward an understanding of age salience across generations: The role of media, interpersonal, and physical triggers. In T.J. Riyanto, L.S. Limanta, & D. Setiawan (Eds.), Media in a fast-changing world (pp. 138-150). Siwalankertio, Indonesia: Petra Christian University Press, 2009.

Giles, H., & Helmle, J. Elder abuse and neglect: A communicative framework. In A. Duszak & U. Okulska (Eds), Language, culture and the dynamics of age (pp. 223-252). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2011.

Ota, H., & Giles, H. A good story is not enough: Unmasking and accommodating the social meanings of aging in Japan. In Y. Matsumoto (Ed.), Faces of Aging: The lived experiences of the elderly in Japan (pp. 238-262). Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011.

Giles, H., & Gasiorek, J. Intergenerational communication practices. In K. W. Schaie & S. Willis (Eds.), Handbook of the psychology of aging (7th. ed., pp. 231-245). New York: Elsevier, 2011.

McGlone, M.S, & Giles, H. Language and interpersonal communication. In M.L. Knapp & J.A. Daly (Eds.), Handbook of interpersonal communication (4th ed., pp. 201-237). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011.

Giles, H. Parler du grand age et vieiller e’en parler [“Talking about age and aging talk”]. In P. Castel, E. Sales-Wuillemin & M-F. Lacassagne (Eds), Psychologie sociale, langage, communication : de la théorie aux applications. [“Social psychology, communication, and language: From theory to practice.”] (pp. 401-425). Paris & Liège: De Boek Press, 2011.

Giles, H., Bonilla, D., & Speer, R.B. Acculturating intergroup vitalities, accommodation and contact. In J. Jackson (Ed.), Routledge handbook of intercultural communication (pp. 244-259). London: Routledge, 2012.

Giles, H., & Giles, J. L. Ingroups and outgroups communicating. In A. Kurylo (Ed.), Inter/cultural communication: Representation and construction of culture in everyday interaction (pp. 141-162). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2012.

Sachdev, I., Giles, H., & Pauwels, A. Accommodating multilinguality. In T. K. Bhatia & W.C. Ritchie (Eds.), The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (pp. 391-416). Oxford: Blackwell, 2012.

Giles, H., & Gasiorek, J. Parameters of non-accommodation: Refining and elaborating communication accommodation theory. In J. Forgas, J. László , & V. Orsolya Vincze (Eds.), Social cognition and communication (pp. 155-172) New York: Psychology Press, 2013.

Marlow, M., & Giles, H. Uncertainty management among Chinese immigrant women seeking healthcare in the United States. In F. Sharifian & M. Jamarani (Eds), Intercultural communication in the New Era (pp. 245-262). New York: Routledge, 2013.

Dragojevic, M., & Giles, H. Language and interpersonal communication: Their intergroup dynamics. In C.R. Berger (Ed.), Handbook of interpersonal communication Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 29-51, 2014.

Giles, H., & Rakić, T. Language attitudes: Social determinants and consequences of language variation. In T. Holtgraves (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of language and social psychology. New York: Oxford University Press (pp. 11-26), 2014.

Giles, H., & Soliz, J. Communication accommodation theory: A situated framework for interpersonal, family, and intergroup dynamics. In D. Braithewaite & P. Schrodt (Eds), Engaging interpersonal theories, 2nd. Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 157-169, 2014.

Giles, H., Thai, C., & Prestin, A. End-of-life interactions. In J. F. Nussbaum (Ed.), The handbook of lifespan communication, pp. 405-423. New York: Peter Lang, 2014.

Burgoon, J., Dunbar, N. E., & Giles, H. Interaction coordination and adaptation. In A. Vinciarelli, M. Pantic, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, & J. Burgoon (eds), Social signal processing. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, in press.

Woo, D.J., Giles, H., Hogg, M.A., & Goldman, L. Social psychology of gangs: An intergroup communication perspective. In S. H. Decker & D. C. Pyrooz (eds), Handbook of gangs, pp. 136-156. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.

Gasiorek, J., Fowler, C., & Giles, H. Communication and successful aging. In J.F. Nussbaum (ed.), Communication across the lifespan: ICA theme book, pp. 35-50. New York: Peter Lang, 2016.

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Giles, H., Scherer, K. & Taylor, D.M. Speech markers in social interaction. In K. Scherer and H. Giles (eds.): Social Markers in Speech. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 343-381, 1979.

Giles, H. Ethnicity markers in speech. In K.R. Scherer and H. Giles (eds.): Social Markers in Speech. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 251-289, 1979.

St. Clair, R. & Giles, H. Introduction. In R. St. Clair and H. Giles (eds.): The Social and Psychological Contexts of Language. Hillsdale, N.J., Erlbaum, pp. 1-10, 1980.

Smith, P.M., Giles, H. & Hewstone, M. Sociolinguistics: A social psychological perspective. In R. St. Clair & H. Giles (eds.): The Social and Psychological Contexts of Language. Hillsdale, N.J., Erlbaum, pp. 283-298, 1980.

Giles, H., Smith, P.M. & Robinson, W.P. Introduction. In H. Giles, W.P. Robinson and P.M. Smith (eds.): Language: Social Psychological Perspectives. Oxford, Pergamon Press, pp. 1-7, 1980.

Robinson, W.P., Giles, H. & Smith, P.M. Epilogue. In H. Giles, W.P. Robinson and P.M. Smith (eds.): Language: Social Psychological Perspectives. Oxford, Pergamon Press, pp. 425-430, 1980.

Turner, J.C. & Giles, H. Social psychology and intergroup behaviour: An introduction. In J.C. Turner and H. Giles (eds.): Intergroup Behaviour. Oxford, Blackwell, pp. 1-30, 1981.

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Ryan, E.B., Giles, H. & Sebastian, R. An integrative perspective for the study of attitudes towards language variation. In E.B. Ryan and H. Giles (eds.): Attitudes towards Language Variation: Social and Applied Contexts. London, Edward Arnold, pp. 1-19, 1982.

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Coupland, J., Coupland, N., Giles, H. & Wiemann, J. My life in your hands: Processes of self-disclosure in intergenerational talk. In N. Coupland (ed.): Styles of Discourse, London, Routledge, Kegan Paul, pp. 201-253, 1988.

Robinson, W.P. and Giles, H. Prologue. In H. Giles & W.P. Robinson (eds.), The Handbook of Language and Social Psychology, London, Wiley, pp. 1-8, 1990

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Giles, H., Williams, A. & Coupland, N. Communication, health and the elderly: Frameworks, agenda and a model. In H. Giles, N. Coupland & J. Wiemann (eds.), Communication, Health and the Elderly (Fulbright Collquium Series 8). NY, St. Martins Press, pp.1-28, 1990.

Coupland, N., Wiemann, J.M. & Giles, H. Talk as "problem" and communication as "miscommunication": An integrative analysis. In N. Coupland, H. Giles & J.M. Wiemann (eds), "Miscommunication" and Problematic Talk, pp. 1-17. Newbury Park, CA, Sage, 1991.

Giles, H., Coupland, N. & Coupland, J. Accommodation theory: Communication, context, and consequence. In H. Giles, J. Coupland & N. Coupland (eds.), The Contexts of Accommodation: Developments in Applied Sociolinguistics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-68, 1991.

Shepard, C., Giles, H., & LePoire, B. Communication accommodation theory. In W.P. Robinson & H. Giles (eds), The new handbook of language and social psychology, Chichester, Wiley, pp. 33-56, 2001.

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Harwood, J., Giles, H., & Palomares, N. A. Intergroup theory and communication processes. In J. Harwood & H. Giles (eds), Intergroup communication: Multiple perspectives. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 1-17, 2005.

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Giles, H., Choi, C.W., & Dixon, T. L. Police-civilian encounters. In H. Giles, S.A. Reid, & J. Harwood (eds), The dynamics of intergroup communication. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 65-76, 2010.

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Reid, S., Zhang, J., Giles, H., & Harwood, J. An evolutionary perspective on social identity and intergroup communication. In H. Giles, S. A. Reid, & J. Harwood (eds), The dynamics of intergroup communication. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 277-290, 2010.

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Palomares, N., Soliz, J., Gallois, C., & Giles, H. Intergroup accommodation, social categories, and identities. In Giles, H. (ed.) Communication accommodation theory: Negotiating personal and social identities across contexts. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 123-151, 2016.

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Gallois, C., Soliz, J., Gasiorek, J., & Giles, H. CAT Integrations and new framework developments. In Giles, H. (ed.) Communication accommodation theory: Negotiating personal and social identities across contexts. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 192-210, 2016.

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Giles, H. The social origins of CAT. In Giles, H. (ed.) Communication accommodation theory: Negotiating personal and social identities across contexts. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-12, 2016.


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Giles, H. Ethnolinguistic vitality. In R. Mesthrie (Ed.), Concise Encyclopaedia of Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 472-473, 2001.

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Giles, H. Communication in later life. In S.W. Littlejohn & K.A. Foss (Eds.), Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 132-135, 2009.

Giles, H. "Intergroup reconciliation, Processes of." The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Donsbach, W. (ed). Blackwell Publishing, 2008. Blackwell Reference Online. /tocnode?id=g9781405131995_chunk_g978140513199514_ss99-1. 2009.

Giles, H., & Edwards, J.R. Attitudes to language: Past, present, and future. In K. Malmkjaer (Ed.), The Routledge Linguistics Encyclopedia (3rd ed.). London: Routledge, pp. 35-40, 2010; Revised for pbk ed., 2013.

Reid, S.A., & Giles, H. Ethnolinguistic vitality. In J.M. Levine & M.A. Hogg (Eds), Encyclopedia of Group Process and Intergroup Relations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 252-255, 2010.

Giles, H. Intergenerational communication satisfaction-dissatisfaction across cultures. In A.C. Michalos (ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 3300-3303, 2014.

Giles, H. Communication accommodation theory. In T.L. Thompson (ed.), SAGE Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 208-210, 2014.

Giles, H. Cross-generational health communication. In T.L. Thompson (ed.), SAGE Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, pp. 273-275, 2014.

Baker, S.., & Giles, H. Communication accommodation theory. In W. Donsbach (ed.), Concise encyclopedia of communication. New York: Blackwell/Wiley, pp. 70-71, 2015.

Watson, B.M., & Giles, H. Intercultural and intergroup communication. In W. Donsbach (ed.), Concise encyclopedia of communication. New York: Blackwell/Wiley, pp. 271-273, 2015.

Giles, H. Intergroup reconciliation. In W. Donsbach (ed.), Concise encyclopedia of communication, pp. 278-279. New York: Blackwell/Wiley, 2015.

Gallois, C., & Giles, H. Communication accommodation theory. In K. Tracy (ed.), Encyclopedia of language and social interaction. New York: Blackwell/Wiley, 159-176, 2015.

Dragojevic, M., Gasiorek, J., & Giles, H. Communication accommodation theory. In C. R. Berger & M. L. Roloff (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell/Wiley, vol. 1, 176-196, 2016

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Giles, H. Review of Susan Ervin-Tripp's "Essays on language acquisition and communicative choice". Stanford University Press, 1973. Language in Society, 3, 145-146, 1974.

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Giles, H. Accosting aggression. Review of K. Larsen's "Aggression: Myths and models". Chicago, Nelson/Hall, 1976. Contemporary Psychology, 23, 437-439, 1978.

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Giles, H. Review of T. Kochman's "Black and White styles in conflict". Chicago University Press, 1981. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 3, 336-338, 1982.

Brown, J. & Giles H. Review of J. Potter, P. Stringer and M. Wetherell. "Texts and social context". London, Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1984. Journal of Literary Semantics, 14, 133-142, 1985.

Coupland, N. & Giles, H. Beyond cuelessness. Review of D. Rutter's "Looking and Seeing". Chichester, Wiley, 1984. Journal of Communication, 36, 164-168, 1986.

Giles, H. Social Forces. The Times Higher Educational Supplement, July 10, 1987, p. 21.

Giles, H. & Coupland, N. Discourse: Realignment or revolution? Review Essay of J. Potter and M. Wetherell. "Discourse and social psychology". Newbury Park, CA, Sage, 1987. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 8, 63-68, 1989.

Williams, A. & Giles, H. Review Essay of T.L. Albrecht and M.B. Adelman (eds.): "Communicating social support". Newbury Park, CA, Sage, 1987. Language in Society, 19, 564-568, 1990.

Giles, H. Review of C. Baker “Attitudes to language”. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd., 1992. Language in Society, 23, 559-564, 1993.

Giles, H. Review of G. Semin and K. Fiedler (eds) “Language, interaction and social cognition”. London, Sage, 1992. British Journal of Psychology, 86, 305-06, 1995.

Giles, H. Review of C. Gallois and V. Callan (eds) "Communication and culture: A guide for practice". Chichester Wiley, 1997. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 73, 261-263, 2000.

Giles, H. Review of I. Paoletti “Being an older woman.” Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1998. Language in Society, 29, 597-600, 2000.

Giles, H. & Barker, V. Review of A. Williams & J.F. Nussbaum “Intergenerational communication across the lifespan”. Mahwah, NJ: LEA, 2001. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 5, 428-433, 2001.

Giles, H. & Barker, V. Review of J. Crawford “At war with diversity: US language policy in an age of anxiety”, Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters Ltd., 2000. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 22, 433-435, 2001.

Giles, H. Review of D. D. Perlmutter “Policing the media: Street cops and public perceptions of law enforcement.” Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2000. Review of Communication, 1, 258-261, 2001.

Giles, H. Review of M. Wetherell, S. Taylor, and S. J. Yates (Eds) “Discourse as data: A guide for analysis”. London: Sage, 2001. European Bulletin of Social Psychology, 14, 3-7, 2002.

Giles, H. & Abrams, J. Review of M.P. Lewis “K’iche’: A study in the sociology of language”. Dallas, TX: SIL International, 2001. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 23, 318-319, 2002.

Giles, H., & Anderson, M.C. Liability, stress, and community: Communicative issues in policing. Review Essay of Morash, M., & Ford, J.K. (Eds), “The move to community policing: Making change happen”. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003; Toch, H. “Stress in policing”. Washington DC: American Psychological Association, 2003; & Payne, D.M. “Police liability: Lawsuits against the police”. Chapel Hill, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2002. Journal of Communication, 53, 545-550, 2003

Giles, H. & Dailey, R. Communicating police misconduct: Alleged, variably reported, and/or real? Review of R. G. Lawrence, “The politics of force: Media and the construction of police brutality”. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2000 & J. I. Ross, “Making news of police violence: A comparative study of Toronto and New York City”. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. Review of Communication, 3, 384-391, 2003.

Giles, H. Review of Cameron, D. & Kulik, D. “Language and sexuality”. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 23, 234-236, 2004.

Giles, H. Review of Garrett, P., Coupland, N., & Williams, A. “Investigating language attitudes: Social meaning of dialect, ethnicity and performance”. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2003. Southern Journal of Communication, 7, 447, 2004.

Anderson, M. C. & Giles, H. Review of Skogan, W. & K. Frydle (Eds), “Fairness and effectiveness in policing: The evidence”. National Research Council Committee to Review Research on Police Policy and Practices. Committee on Law and Justice, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press, 2004. Journal of Communication, 55, 872-874, 2005.

Giles, H. Review of Solan, L.M. & Tiersma, P.M. “Speaking of crime: The language of criminal justice”. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 25, 469-471, 2006.

Giles, H. Review of D. Ellis ( 2006). “Transforming conflict: Communication and ethnopolitical conflict.” New York: Rowman & Littlefield. Journal of Communication, 57, 413-414, 2007.

Giles, H. Review of Baars, J. & Visser H. (Eds.), Aging and time: Multidisciplinary perspectives. Baywood Publishers, 2007. Journal of Communication, 58, 396-397, 2008.

Giles, H. Preface. In and translated for Brenes, M. (2009). Intergenerational Communication in Costa Rica. San José: Psychological Research Institute, University of Costa Rica, 2009.

Giles, H. Review of Bozeman, J.M. “The common language of homicide and suicide: Evidence of the value of Durkheim’s typologies”. El Paso, TX: LFB Scholarly Publishing, 2014. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 35, 241-243, 2016.


Giles, H. Our reactions to accents. New Society, 18, 713-715, 1971; Reprinted in A.K. Pugh, V.J. Lee and J. Swann (eds.): Language and language use, Reader in O.U. Courses E262 & E263, London, Heinmann, and also Language and education, course E20. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters Ltd., 1986.

Bourhis, R.Y. & Giles, H. Welsh is beautiful. New Society, 21, 15-16, 1974.

Giles, H. & Bourhis, R.Y. The social psychology of speech styles. Sociolinguistics Newsletter, 6, 10-11, 1975.

Giles, H. If you say tomato, I'll say tomato. Psychology Today, 2, 12-16, 1976.

Hildebrandt, N. & Giles, H. The English language in Japan: A social psychological approach. Journal of Japanese Association of Language Teachers, 2, 63-88, 1980.

Giles, H. & Thakerar, J.N. Language attitudes, speech accommodation and intergroup behaviour: Educational implications. Language Arts, 22, 671-679, 1980.

Ball, P. & Giles, H. Do I choose to master your language? Ethnolinguistic identity theory and the intergroup model of second language acquisition. Polycom, 30, 2-6, 1982.

Giles, H. (1982). Obituary: Henri Tajfel. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 1, 87-89.

Kristiansen, T., Harwood, J. & Giles, H. Danes for dollars. Language International, 4 (6), 29-31, 1992.

Anderson, C. M. & Giles, H. Research on policing will benefit society. Santa Barbara NewsPress, G1 & G3, September 29, 2002.

Giles, H., & Reid, S. New Interest Group fills need for intergroup researchers. International Communication Association Newsletter, 31 (6), 3-4, 2003.

Giles, H. James J. Bradac (1944-2004). Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 23, 239-243, 2004. Abridged version also: Giles, H. James J. Bradac. Research in Language and Social Interaction, 38, 219-220, 2005.

Anderson, C. M. & Giles, H. Survey gives UCSB, Santa Barbara police high marks. Santa Barbara NewsPress, G1 & G4, February 13, 2005.

Anderson, C. M. & Giles, H. Avoidable errors and their victims. Santa Barbara NewsPress, A6 (Letters to Editor), Thursday May 11, 2006.

Barker, V., Giles, H., Hajek, C., Ota, H., Noels, Lim, T-S., & Somera, L. Police communication: Why does it matter? Communication Currents, 3 (3), June 2008.

Giles, H. One of our most treasured possessions: Wallace E. Lambert (1922-2009). International Association of Language and Social Psychology (IALSP) Newsletter (online), Winter, 2009.

Giles, H. “Do you know why I’ve stopped you?” Traffic stops’ forms and outcomes unpacked.

Communication Currents, 7 (6), December 2012.

Fowler, C., Gasiorek, J., & Giles, H. “Don’t talk yourself into an early grave! The role of communication in aging well.” Communication Currents, 10 (6), 2015.


Rushforth, C., & Giles, H. Ageism. In H. Giles & J. Harwood (eds,), Oxford encyclopedia of intergroup communication. New York: Oxford University Press.

Giles, H., & Harwood, J. Intergroup communication: An overview. In H. Giles & J. Harwood (eds), Oxford encyclopedia of intergroup communication. New York: Oxford University Press.

Keblusek, L., & Giles, H. Intergroup communication, dress, fashion, and appearance. In H. Giles & J. Harwood (eds), Oxford encyclopedia of intergroup communication. New York: Oxford University Press.

Smith, B., Giles, H. & Ehala, M. Group vitality. In H. Giles & J. Harwood (eds), Oxford encyclopedia of intergroup communication. New York: Oxford University Press.

Pines, R., & Giles, H. Intergroup communication and dance. In H. Giles & J. Harwood (eds), Oxford encyclopedia of intergroup communication. New York: Oxford University Press.

Rice, R., & Giles, H. Language and the communication of science. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, upcoming

Giles, H., & Maass, A. Language and intergroup communication. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. upcoming


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