Zombi – Cranberrys

These are the personalised follow up emails that can go out every 4 days to your new Distributors. All you need it to add their name & email onto your admin site.

Read below the first 23 letters that go out every 4 days.

Each letter begins with 'Dear' and 'your distributors first name' and always ends with your name, email, telephone number, fax number & address.

At the end of each email they also have the option to ‘remove’ themselves. They click on a link & go online and their name will be automatically deleted from your database (which you can view on your admin) and they will no longer receive any more information from you.

Letter 1

1. What to do first when you receive your International Business Package (IBP).

Welcome to our Herbalife family. We are so excited for you. Have you had a chance to go through everything in your International Business Pack? Take it step by step and always remember this is a fun, simple, magical business.

 To start with we have some administrative things we need to go over.

 In your IBP (International Business Pack) is the Herbalife Application form.

 Remove the card that is attached to the top left of the form. The number that you see on that card is your personal Herbalife identity number, and allows you to deal directly with the Herbalife offices in all the countries!

 Fill out the application form with all your info in all the applicant fields. Please make sure that all your details are filled in 100% correctly, and that the application form is signed and dated. The details of your sponsor and the supervisor should be already filled in when you receive your IBP. However if for some reason the details are not filled in, please contact us to confirm details.

 Send the top 2 copies back to the Herbalife Distribution Centre, keep the bottom blue copy and the card with your ID number on it and send the middle 2 copies on to us.

 My address is: P.O. Box XXXXX

 The sooner you post them back, the quicker you are entered into the Herbalife Worldwide Computer network.

 On the card, write the expiry date as a year from the date on which you sign the agreement ( we renew our distributorships on a yearly basis).


Put the card in a safe place. The number on the card is your unique Herbalife ID number. When you call Herbalife, the first thing they need to know is your Herbalife ID number so they can access your details.

  If you haven't already done so, we suggest that you ask to be added onto Herbalife's email stream. Just email them on SSSSAfrica@ with your name and Herbalife ID number and you will receive all the latest Herbalife information from them. We try not to duplicate these Herbalife Distributor Relations emails so it is very important to have both.

 We are going to be sending you a series of training emails, in which we are going to be discussing the products and everything you need to know to run your Herbalife business.

 So, welcome aboard. We look forward to working with you. Do let us know if there is anything we can do to support you in this exciting venture and do keep in touch.

 Yours sincerely,


Letter 2

2. Product overview

How do you like the products so far? Do you have your box right there? Take all of your products out and line them up in front of you so you can see what you've got. Have a look at the Manuals in the box as it describes the products and how to take them. We would like to go over our favourite products with you.

We have 60 full time Doctors developing our products. You are in safe hands. Our products are have been approved and registered in over 60 Countries in which we operate. We have over 25 million people using our products around the world and we look forward to hearing your results soon.





*      Food - gives the body nutrition in correct balance & makes you feel full, satisfied and energized

*      Scientifically advanced meal replacement with protein and 9 essential amino acids

*      Low in fat - Low in calories - A source of dietary fibre

*      Available in three delicious flavours: Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry and tropical fruit

*      Should be taken in conjunction with the Fibre & Herb tablets



*      "Broom" - cleansers to allow your body to absorb nutrition

*      Carefully balanced mixture of high quality dietary fibres, herbs and papaya for maximum nutritional support

*      Should be taken in conjunction with the Nutritional Protein Drink Mix

*      Available in 140gm bottle containing 180 tablets

Take two tablets three times a day.   





Thermojetics are a unique all natural herbal product containing no preservatives and no animal products.

It further helps to speed up the weight loss and further curbs and controls our appetite, and massively increases energy!

Thermojetics Herbal Concentrate does several things. It gives almost instant energy. This product takes only 1-3 minutes to physically feel it working. It aids in controlling and curbing your appetite and cravings, aids in digestion of your meals and further accelerates the body's ability to eliminate stored fat.

*      Provides sustained extra energy - Speeds up metabolism and weight loss process

*      Available in powder form in 50gm & 100gm bottles, in original flavour or peach, lemon & raspberry

"Gym in a bottle", it took 6 years to develop and carries 8 patents. This can be taken hot, as a tea or cold, as a refreshing daytime drink. It is an acquired taste so if you want you can mix it up in your cordial drink such as lime and water or granadilla and water. Take half to one teaspoon at a time mixed into your drink. You can drink up to 6 glasses a day, with meals or after exercise.





LIPO BOND (cheaters delight)

*      Provides unique blend of additional active fibre that helps maintain the process of elimination of fat

*      Traps up to 30% of saturated fat and passes it out the body

*      Available in 60gm bottle containing 90 tablets

"The Cheater's Delight" - Take one tablet three times a day but if you are going to be having a fatty meal or are going to a party where you will be drinking as well, then take two Lip-Bond tablets. These tablets are to be taken half and hour before your meal if possible, with a glass of water.





*      Assists in reducing the appearance of cellulite

*      Acts as a natural diuretic - Breaks down fat cells

*      Available in 75gm bottle containing 90 tablets

"The Body Shaper" - You take one tablet three times a day. It can be taken together with the other tablets Herbal Complex





*      Pure, wholesome refreshing beverage that helps soothe the digestive system

*      Assists with heartburn, ulcers & indigestion - Assists the natural self cleansing action of the body

*      Speeds up weight loss process

*      Available in 240ml bottle

Aloe contains healing properties, and the acclaimed organic nutrients found in Aloe Vera are captured in this stabilized drink. Mix two to three cap-fulls into a 125ml glass.   





N.R.G., meaning "Nature's Raw Guarana", is 100% organic. It has been used for centuries by the Amazon Indians because of the natural lift it provides. This product provides a tremendous natural lift and aids in mental alertness.

Many parents have reported that N.R.G. has replaced the common prescription drug "RITALIN", in many cases, without any of the side effects produced by Ritalin.

N.R.G. tea offers almost instant energy as it works within two minutes after drinking.

*      No more mid - afternoon letdowns

*      Helps improve concentration and mental alertness

*      Available in power form in a 60gm bottle

Mix half a teaspoon into a 180ml glass of hot or cold water with a little juice to flavour!  





*      Rose - Ox provides anti - oxidants which safeguard cells & tissues & enhance health

*      The first of a new generation of anti - oxidant products

*      Works synergistically with traditional anti - oxidant vitamins A, C and E

*      Helps protect the body's immune system

*      Available in 36gm bottle containing 30 tablets

These are to be taken once a day - one tablet with your main meal. 





Do you feel.

Tired frequently due to excess body weight?

That you need a vitality boost?

That your diet lacks in essential nutrients?

Like making lifestyle changes to improve your eating habits?

You have failed on other diets?

If the answer to any of these is yes, then Thermo complete could be just what you are looking for as part of a weight-loss programm.

Take 1 to 2 tablets twice daily : mid-morning and mid-afternoon.





A targeted product for women designed to alleviate the discomfort associated with Pre-menstrual Syndrome. Tang Kuei increases pelvic blood circulation and relieves uterine spasms and helps regulate and balance hormones throughout the menstrual cycle. Tang Kuei has several other actions including being a Blood cleanser, and muscle relaxant with mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.  General applications of Tang Kuei include the relief of general tension and to help people relax and sleep better. Tang Kuei can be used as an adjunct to pain control. Contra Indication. Do not use during pregnancy.

Usage: 1 to 3 Tablets Daily





The Protein Powder:

Herbalife is a long-time believer in the power of protein. For years, we`ve offered our customers a wide variety of protein-rich products to enhance their weight loss, weight management and nutrition.

Recent scientific studies have created a new understanding of the role protein plays in a healthy diet and in weight loss especially. It`s nothing less than a nutrition revolution, and as always, Herbalife is ready to take you there!

Protein for healthy living

According to the latest statistics, the obesity epidemic continues to grow worldwide and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Those who have adequate amounts of protein in their diet, however, may find they`ve escaped being part of this alarming trend!

That`s because the latest nutritional research indicates that protein has numerous dietary benefits that give a boost to weight-loss efforts. Let`s look at some of the ways you are already benefiting from enhanced protein intake.

One of the principal advantages of protein is that it creates a feeling of fullness and satisfaction in the body that makes overeating much less likely. Besides being filling, protein is a smart addition to any weight-loss or weight management program because of the effect it has on carbohydrate cravings.

As nutritional research has documented, carbohydrates trigger the brain to crave more carbohydrates, leading to a cycle of carbohydrate eating that becomes hard to control. Protein can block that triggering effect in the brain.

Not all proteins are created equal!

As you incorporate protein into your diet, remember that not all protein is equal when it comes to calories. For example, a serving of prime rib has 1,500 calories!

That`s why Herbalife created a variety of healthy protein products to help you get adequate protein in your diet and lose weight. Our meal-replacement shakes offer a combination of heart-healthy soy protein, vitamins and minerals in great-tasting flavours that satisfy your taste buds as well as your appetite.




 Removehere is the LIPOBOND that we nickname 'Cheater's delight' (Take up to 60% fat out of food you eat) Assists in breakdown of fat for digestion process. Adds natural fibre and creates a feeling of fullness.  Specially processed tablets contain a unique blend of natural ingredients that combine with the food you eat so your body absorbs less fat.  Traps up to 30% of saturated fat and passes it out the body. Usage:  1 to 3 tablets taken half an hour before meals with plenty of water. If you are going to be having a fatty meal or are going to a party where you will be drinking as well, then take two Lipo-bond tablets.




 You should also try the Thermojetics Herbal Concentrate, which can be made either hot or cold. (If it tastes bitter, you are making it too strong for your taste.) Nicknamed Gym in a bottle', it took 6 years to develop and carries 8 patents. This can be taken hot, as a tea or cold, as a refreshing daytime drink. It is an acquired taste so if you want you can mix it up in your cordial drink such as lime and water or granadilla and water or soda water. I love it with a squeeze of fresh lemon and sometime with honey. Take half to one teaspoon at a time mixed into your drink. You can drink up to 6 glasses a day, with meals or after exercise.

 It makes your digestive metabolism work harder so you are burning off what you are eating, faster. You can also drink this anytime for an energy boost. Every time you drink it, it burns as many calories as 20 minutes of aerobics!

 Workout in a mug!!

 Be careful not to drink too much herbal concentrate in the late evening hours as you may find yourself cleaning your house at 2 am full of energy! Thermojetics Herbal Concentrate does several things. It gives almost instant energy. This product takes only 1-3 minutes to physically feel it working. (RemoveIt aids in controlling and curbing your appetite and cravings, aids in digestion of your meals and further accelerates the body's ability to eliminate stored fat.) It is fast acting but only stays in your system for one or two hours. Herbal concentrate is excellent for anyone who has trouble controlling his or her cravings between meals, especially sweet cravings. Drink the beverage liberally between and with meals.

 - Provides sustained extra energy, speeds up metabolism and weight loss process.

 - Normalizes the appetite

 - An ideal and refreshing herbal beverage blended from natural botanicals and herbs in support of normal vitality.

 - Each serving is kilojoule free. Perfectly delightful served hot or cold.

 - A complement to your Weight-Management Programme.

 - Available in powder form in 50gm & 100gm bottles.

 - (RemoveThis product works in conjunction with the other herbs to aid in proper digestion and culmination of certain food enzymes. It further helps to speed up the weight loss and further curbs and controls our appetite.)



  ~* Extra weightloss tips:!!*~




  · You should drink 6-8 glasses of water daily (2.5 liters). This helps to boost weight loss, removal of toxic substances from your body and upkeep of water-salt balance.

 · Insufficient intake of water may slow down losing weight and sometimes may result in fatigue, dizziness and constipation.

 · To optimise Weight loss program, use Thermojetics® Herbal Beverage. Dissolve three teaspoonfuls of powder in 1.5 litres of water and drink this beverage during the day. Thermojetics® Herbal Beverage will make you energetic and will boost your weight loss.


 · Don't skip regular meals even if you are not hungry! If you experience hunger between meals, prepare another shake.

 · It is very accommodating  way of losing weight.  If going out or having friends round for a meal in the evening, then you will take a shake in the morning and midday, and a regular meal in the evening. Just cut back.

 · Eat a lot of vegetables, and salads. Try to avoid fatty and fried food, sweets, cakes, alcoholic drinks and beer.

 How do you get a good product result? Use the products consistently and correctly. This is literally the whole foundation upon which your business is built. How you feel about the products is critical. People need a product result to be successful. You don't need a complete result (complete weight loss or gain), just feel a difference with the products so you know they work.

If you are planning to get a visible result, don't forget to take a 'before' photo. It will be easy for you to compare your new appearance to the way you looked before. Also take your weight and measurements and write them down. Remember: lost centimetres/inches are more important than lost kilos/pounds, they are also visible proof that the products are working!

 So if you haven't yet tried the products, don't delay, start now!

 Here's to a healthier and happier you!

 Warm regards


Letter 3 - Subject: Tell me about you

Dear ........

Now I want to learn all about you so we can work out what is the best way we can help you get started. I would like to discuss your goals which will help give you focus. Please could you reply to this email answering the following questions.




 Full Name:

 Spouses name: Children - how many? / age?

 Tel / Fax numbers


When is the best time phone you?

 What are your first goals? (ie: get a health / weight loss result, earn cash quick

What are your long term goals? (More about this tomorrow)

 Have you sent off your Distributor forms?


What work do you do at the moment?

 What are your hobbies?

 Will you be working your Herbalife business Part Time or Full Time?

 Specify the time commitment you plan to give to your Herbalife business.

 Hours per day.

(RemoveDays and Nights per week.

 Weekends per month)

  Have you started taking the products yet?

 Do you need to lose weight?

 How much do you want to lose?

 Any Questions?

 Thoughts determine what you want. Action determines what you get - Jim Rohn.

 If you fail to plan you plan to fail -  Jim Rohn.

 'Don't set your goals too low. If you don't need much, you won't become much.' Jim Rohn.





 I believe that success begins the minute you start working towards your goals. The actions you take to fulfil your dreams and attain your personal desires makes you a success today, not the end results you get tomorrow.

 While success is in your actions, it is also in the way you choose to act. So decide what is meaningful to you and then pursue it with integrity, virtue, humility and most importantly, good will toward people. I always treat others with the utmost respect they deserve. It does not matter what someone's background is, their job title, where they reside, what car they drive, how much or how little education they have, or the dollar figure they earn. That's not what defines a person, their character does.

 I approach everyone I meet with the same attitude that we are all winners and can make a huge difference in this world. By believing in someone else's qualities and encouraging them to strive for personal excellence, I am helping them start their personal journey to success. I do not think that you can ever be satisfied with your own success unless you teach others how to accomplish it as well. Teaching the gift of action is really teaching someone how to turn dreams into reality. And, our dreams weave the fabric that connects us all together.

 When I was 16 years old, I knew that I wanted to make a difference in the world. I had no idea what it would be or how I would accomplish the task, but I was determined to affect people's lives in a positive way. As a result of a personal tragedy, I became impassioned about nutrition. In 1980, I started Herbalife International and dedicated my life to spreading the message of good health through advanced nutrition around the world. I didn't reach the four corners of the globe in my first day of business, so I got up the next morning and tried again.

 Day after day, week after week, year after year of hard work, commitment and dedication to my dream has turned into a reality, which I am extremely proud of. What I have discovered in 17 years is that every small step I have taken has contributed to the giant strides, I have made in helping vastly improve people's lives.

 Of course I have had my share of business ups and downs, but I have learned to equally appreciate the good and difficult times because both situations offer me the opportunity to do better and greater things. No matter how tough the challenge is before me, I never give up and that's an essential ingredient for personal success. So hang in there. Stay on course.

 Persevere. Carry on. Weather the storm. If you do, you will fully understand the meaning of success!

 Yours very sincerely, MARK HUGHES.




 We hope to help you achieve all your goals.

 Best wishes.

4: Review materials & ask, ask, ask

Dear ....................

Have you started taking the products?

 What did you mix your shake with today?

 Have you taken your before photo & taken your measurements?

 We suggest that you do the following if you haven't already done so...

 >>>>>Read your Distributor Manuals.

 Amongst the items contained in your International Business Pack is a folder with 3 Manuals inside. Book 1 is The International Business Opportunity is a wealth of information. Book 2 is the Success Starter and there you will find a great South African testimonial. Book 3 is the Business Administration. These are basic principles of being a Herbalife Distributor. Please devote time and attention to reviewing the materials in these Manuals but do not expect to understand it all. That comes with time. And a lot of it will be covered at your first training – our Success Training Seminars – STS.

 Make sure you have a pad and pen handy as you go through the books to note any questions, comments, ideas, names of people that come to mind as you read, etc.

 >>>>>>Make a  list of questions.

 Include in this list, questions you had as you reviewed the content of the Distributor Manual, any question you had as you looked through the other contents of your International Business Pack, and any other questions that have passed your mind during this Herbalife introduction.

 Speak to us to review and discuss these questions.

 We would be happy to help.

 Hope to hear from you soon.

5. Registering for an STS

Dear ......

The next important step is to register for the next Success Training Seminar coming up in your area.

 This is a live event where you will see, hear and meet other distributors who successfully work in your country, state, city, or town. You will see all different people doing great things: helping others to improve their health, lose weight, feel better and make more money.

 You will meet people from different ages, professions, family situations, part-time and full-time distributors, and distributors from different levels on the Marketing Plan.

 It will make a huge difference in your business. You are going to be trained by many people that  are all successful in their Herbalife business. They all work their business differently and I guarantee you will hear someone up on the stage doing the training that sounds just like you.

 This full day training is going to teach you everything from A-Z about the business and will give you the kind training I can't give you over the phone. This will catapult your business forward by 3-6 months. Attending your training also tells me how serious you are about the business.

 Of course, you will also see new distributors, who like you, are starting on the road to success.

 Come and spend a couple of days with us and get a bigger picture of the company and the business opportunity.

 Invite your spouse, family members and friends to come along with you and you could get immediate supporters, customers and distributors.


 Take a look of some of the comments of recent STS participants:


 'My first STS opened my eyes to the world of Herbalife. I was amazed by the diversity of people, the enthusiasm and the generosity of everyone. Very excited about the opportunities ahead!' Rob Keenan, New Distributor.

 'I've seen the light - NEXT WEEK GOING SUPERVISOR!' Niall Dawton, Distributor.

 'I was hungry before but now I'm ravenous, everyone was so inspiring. Every testimonial made me think of one more customer that could be helped. Everyone has been so wonderful, friendly and helpful. I am thrilled at finding Herbalife.' Dolores Sanders, Qualifying Supervisor.

 'Informative, motivating and liberating - LET'S GO!' Tania Thomas.

 'STSs just get better and better. I like to see timid people walk in on Saturday and walk out on Sunday changed people.

  They have a new enthusiasm for life and they see they can change their lives. This happened to me.' Ali Cutts

Supervisor.'WOW!' Kevin Wharin, Supervisor.

 'Can these events get any better? They just do! Everything was great, the training was just time stopping, not to mention the party, the delicious food and the great shakes during the day. Thanks so much.' George Price, GET Team Member.

 'I was absolutely blown away. This is my 4th STS and I am continually surprised by how much I am learning every time.' Donna Fischetto, Supervisor.

(Remove 'Excellent! Brilliant speakers. Best yet. Can't wait for free event, I'll bring loads!' Christine Christie, Supervisor.)

 'Had a fantastic weekend and definitely changed my way of thinking - can't wait for the new future!' Catriona McCetter, Distributor.

 'This was the most fantastic, constructive training. Direct, simple, easy to follow!' Sheila Price, GET Team Member.

 'Wonderful, awesome. Friendly people. Great ideas, Seeing how the top people started, and their ideas' Majory Goodall, Distributor.

 'Wonderful inspiring meeting. Humour and positive attitude, very friendly atmosphere were all the special things which made me feel great' Jetyana Ivasio, Distributor.

 'Fantastic Event, Great Food, Brilliant Speakers, amazing energy. Best yet!!..' Fiona MacGregor, GET Team Member.



 If you have emailed S&CSAfrica@ with your name and Herbalife ID number requesting to receive the Herbalife e-stream, you will receive the updated training venues around the country every month.  Email us and ask us for the latest one in the meantime..

 Best wishes.


6. Marketing Tools

 There are incredible Marketing systems and Internet tools, which can assist you in building a large successful Herbalife business. Herbalife is a 'way of life' and with these support systems in place, and with the use of the most recent technology, many areas of your business can be simplified and/or automated so you can have more time enjoying what you want to do.

 We will send you more detailed information about all of these in future emails but Feel free to contact Noel & Gail at HWI support Centre  on 039 695 2478, Fax 039 695 0973 or email hwi@intekom.co.za regarding any inquires.

Removefor now we just want to give you a brief summary of what is available to you to help you in your business.


 Remove1. Mail Order Decision Packages ready made up for you to send to prospects. A tried and tested system to help you find quality people for your business growth.  Packaged in a professional box, the package contains 2 CD, a DVD, 2 Manuals and gives interested people all of the information they will need to make a decision and determine if this business is for them or not.

 remove2. E-Mazing E-Pack (Decision Package on CD-Rom) The entire Mail Order package PLUS MORE onto one CD-Rom. This is comes in a smart case with Brilliant Compensation for your friends and family to take a look and is also obtainable from the HWI Support Centre – details above.



 remove3. HWI Support Centre also has a Decision Package Mail Order Service, which sends out the full personalised Decision Mail Order Package or CD-Rom E-pack for you, direct to your prospect via Speed Services.


remove 4. HWI Support Centre offers the service of posting out IBP's to your new, excited and ready to go 'Distributors To Be' to their nearest post office or to your post office for you to deliver to them personally.)remove



 (Remove5. Recruiting or Retailing Multi-Media 'Pres-card' A dynamic & exciting way to promote Herbalife (the business opportunity, or the products). Fits on a stiffy so that you can hand it out to interested prospects.)


 6. Credit Card Transactions System  wappoint.co.za - Using your Cell Phone or the Internet, they can help you to take Credit Card Payments from your Customers anywhere, 24/7. They can set you up within 48 hours.


 7.   - With this automated system, the customer or prospect will have access 24 hours a day 7 days a week to your information via the telephone, Fax on Demand or fax to email.


 8. Recruiting & Retailing website created in 24 hours on your domain. The websites have personalised auto responders and automatic follow up systems. Go to coronet.co.za for full information or email support@coronet.co.za for more info.


 Order forms and more information on all of these are available on hwisupport.co.za Username: homewealth Password: fortunes. This website has great training, flyers, marketing tips and full information on how to recruit using Mail Order and the Internet.




 Herbalife also provides incredible training on the Internet.

  Go to:

 (Remove not sure if it is there!Or (Username:cyber Password: trainme)

  is another fantastic Herbalife site. For your own personal login details contact Herbalife distributor relations with your name & Herbalife ID number and they will email it to you.

 Also don't forget to email SSSSAfrica@ with your name and Herbalife ID number and you will receive Herbalife's email stream all the latest Herbalife information from them.




 Technology is moving at the speed of thought. (a Bill Gates quote)

 Technology maybe the reason for why many jobs are being lost, but in our Herbalife business, technology is certainly one of the reasons why we are going from strength to strength!

 Here's to your success!

 Best wishes



Some of the HWI support items

Feel free to contact Noel & Gail at HWI support Centre  on 039 695 2478, Fax 039 695 0973 or email hwi@intekom.co.za regarding any of the items below.



Work at Home E-pack CD-Rom

The Multi-Media interactive Work at Home CD is very exciting. On Auto run so it comes up immediately when put into the computer, the movies come up in the middle of the page very quickly and are brilliant with  the SA movie’ Living the Dream’ ( local testimonials) in Step 1 and 2 special button for Gen H in Stage 2 with * why the under '30 are taking Herbalife on by storm. Password is within Stage 1 & 2 & many other changes that will delight you.



Brilliant Compensation Audio CD

Prospects may say “No” simply because they misunderstand the Network marketing business model. It took a Harvard Ph.D., but someone has found the perfect words to describe the awesome advantages of network marketing. Brilliant Compensation, available in CD Audio answers your prospects' every question, and puts them in the perfect frame of mind to receive your message. Tim Sales and Dr. Charles W. King, Professor of Marketing at the University of Illinois in Chicago, and Ph.D. in business from Harvard University, explain in simple and plain language the BRILLIANCE of Network Marketing. Once your prospects understand the industry, they will be ready to learn about Herbalife and our incredible products.



Living The Dream DVD

Powerful testimonials from South African Distributors at various levels. The participators talk business opportunity but you can fast forward it to where Herbalife is introduced and many of these same Distributors talk about what has happened a few years later. It then goes on to Generation H material all on a single DVD. Having it in 2 parts means you can use it as an introduction for your circle of influence. You would lend it to them and tell them to phone you if interested in learning more, you would then be able to tell them to fast forward the DVD with maybe a 3 way call to someone who has been in the business awhile for a live story.



Friendship Package DVD & CD set

Brilliant Compensation Audio CD & Work at Home CD in a dual CD holder with an inspiring label to give to COI, family and friends which will encourage them to seriously consider the business opportunity and joining you.



Generation ‘H’ CD-Rom

Powerful interviews with enthusiastic Generation H ~ folk under the age of 30 who are passionate about the Herbalife business and the difference it is making in their lives.  ((Amazing potential to solve the problem of an estimated 2.4 million matriculants and graduates without jobs where it is easy to understand the growing concern amongst parents and school-leavers alike on what the future holds for them).



Nutrition Clubs SA

Mexico has 23,000 Nutrition Clubs with a retention rate of 70%. They are No. 1 Herbalife country in the World.

By selling I shake and I thermo to 15 customers a day, the Club will do 500vps a month. 5 clubs you are doing 2500vps a month. 40 clubs and you are GET Team. And it all starts with taking the first step and one club.



Total Plan DVD

Total Plan ~ exciting new technique explained by Eli Elimelech – Herbalife International President Team. The Total Plan method gives distributors confidence by helping them to build a customer base and keep them. Covers the following PLUS a demonstration. How to find a customer; How to get the customer results so that they reorder; How to maintain the customer base over long periods of time.



Building Your Network Marketing Business – Jim Rohn (67 Minute CD)

The hottest single audio CD ever created in the Network Marketing Industry! Great to listen to in the car, walkman or on your PC. This is, without a doubt, "The Best of Rohn" and quite possibly the best recording Jim's ever made. This masterpiece is loaded with great Network Marketing information--information every Distributor needs to hear, over and still over again! We listen to it all the time. Mark and Jenny



The O’Connell Mentoring System DVD

Draw on the experiences of Herbalife Chairman’s Club members Kurt & Cindy O’Connell ~ a 4 part training. They went from GET to Chairman’s Club in 3 years by following closely a mentoring system. This system is on HWIsupport.co.za Use name: homeweath, Password: fortunes



The Mark Hughes Collection ~ Master Training DVD

This incredible training series in 3 volumes on one DVD by the founder of Herbalife ~ Mark Hughes. Truly a valuable source of information & inspiration.



RemoveGet connected to Touchfon. And all of touchfon

We highly recommend getting connected to Touchfon.

 Touchfon will help and grow your business for many reason, a few of these are listed below:

 TouchFon is a communications service provider that offers voice mail services effective and efficiently to aid you in operating your Home-based business. Many Herbalife distributors use TouchFon® to help them receive and broadcast training calls and other important information.

It is a system that many have found effective and useful and we therefore offer the link for you to enroll at their website, as well as a link to a TouchFon User guide.




 Benefits of Touchfon Voicemail



 o>>> Your own personal voice mail number.

 (Note: The TouchFON® system requires no additional lines, nor does it interfere with your current phone lines.)

 o>>> Effective communications with others on the system.

 o>>> You are able to send one message to up to 65,000 people at the same time.

 o>>> Effectively manage any lead generation programs.

 o>>> Program your TouchFON system to do your follow up.

 o>>> With TouchFON's intense port capacity, you can receive or send numerous calls simultaneously.

 o>>> Advertise! Advertise! Advertise!




 Benefits of FAX Mail



 o>>> No postal delays (receive the information within seconds).

 o>>> Stay up-to-date on all events, training, newsletters, and promotions.

 o>>> You are able to receive information to any fax machine or fax modem.




 Additional Services



 The basic TouchFON service includes a Voice/Fax mailbox that networks with other TouchFON users. Our system allows everyone to be connected onto a centralized computer system by which you converse and relay information.

 Each TouchFON Mailbox can be equipped with Additional Services.

* Note: Service, options, pricing, and billing are by TouchFon International.




 International Services



 TouchFON is available internationally. TouchFON allows you to communicate with downline in other countries without incurring additional fees for international networking. These numbers are also available as a marketing tool, allowing you to expand your customer base internationally by setting up a virtual office in other countries.


Should all these tips and hints and advice that you receive on Touchfon help you to sell just one Protein Drink in an entire month, you will have more than paid for your entire month's subscription of R80.

 If you are not already a subscriber of Touchfon then what I suggest you do is register immediately on-line.


  Remember, registration will take a few days so the sooner you start the process, the sooner you will start receiving tips and advice.

………………………………………………remove end

 Count on us for support.

Warm wishes


8. Connect to HBN (Herbalife Broadcast Network)

Another fantastic Herbalife tool we recommend that you use is HBN.

 HBN began in 1995 with Mark Hughes' dream of communicating and bringing Herbalife closer to the world.

HBN features an extensive programming mix including live question and answer shows, Distributor training, new product introductions, up-close-and-personal interviews, coverage of Herbalife events, monthly 'Kick Off' broadcasts, and the list goes on. Our programming and production excellence was recognized by the television industry resulting in 3 corporate broadcasting awards in 1999 alone!

Initially the Herbalife Broadcast Network (HBN) was a private satellite network specifically for Herbalife Distributors which were watched on satellite TV. Now past events / shows are watched on the World Wide Web via streaming media technology (live events are watched at regularly scheduled times.) This service makes HBN accessible to a much wider audience, by providing fast, high quality audio and video imaging to anyone with Internet access.

Shown in 8 different languages.

Go to: and choose your country on the bottom right hand corner. This will take you to your own countries website. Click on 'Distributor Updates' at the top of the page. Here you will find the link to HBN site (no www) & latest announcements regarding HBN.

 Imagine the capability of inviting Herbalife customers and other guests into your home, for regularly scheduled Herbalife house parties, conducted by top Herbalife Retailers on your computer! Top Herbalife Retailers will take your guests from product introduction to closing of sales. Bring them all right into your home via HBN.


 Our broadcasts are designed not only to train you but can also help generate sales for you by exposing potential clients to presentations by our top people. This enables you to learn how to make money from the comfort of your own home.

All the best


9. Package your story

How you feel about the products is either going to make you or break you as a distributor?

 When you know the products work, and are all excited about them, it makes the business extremely easy to do. People can tell if you are using the products and believe in what you are doing. It just comes through. When people can see you are all excited about the products, it makes them want what you've got.

 How do you get a good product result?


Use the products consistently and correctly.

 This is literally the whole foundation upon which your business is built.

 People need a product result to be successful. You don't need a complete result (complete weight loss or gain), just feel a difference with the products so you know they work.

 While your story is in progress, you can borrow the stories of the company. We already have over 25 years and 25 million stories to draw from. You have to remember that you are not the issue here, but we'll help you package your story, which validates the facts of the company for you and others. Your own product result makes you more valuable to the market place because it gives you that excitement, confidence and conviction.

 People want what we have because we are a 'look good, feel good' company and there are millions of people out there looking for the same results that you are.

 Once you know the products work, how you feel about the products draws people to you.

 A fast product result will help you get a fast profit result.


 By using the products consistently and correctly. Right now, that's your job. My job is to help you package your story.



How to create a successful 'before' and 'after' story.



 1. You should be trusted always tell the truth. Truth about what was and truth about what is.

 Stress the main health-related problems, e.g. non-ideal weight, feeling bad, extra-weight- and bad-nutrition-related problems.

 Put your story on paper and then ask the people whose opinion you trust to evaluate it and help you make it more impressive.

 'Colour' your story with pictures if you can.

 2. People should want to achieve similar results.

 Remember your desires and formulate them in writing. What did you want when you first decided to give the products a try?

 Did you want to learn more? Find out more details? Check with friends, family or doctor? See proof? Try? Take a risk?

 Change your way of life? Lose weight? Look better? Feel better? Help your friends and relatives? Anything else? Try to remember!

 Tell in your story what parts of this have already come true thanks to Herbalife products.

 They would likely have the same feelings.

 Share your success with others, do it honestly and many people around you will follow in your steps.


 How to create your story.



 1. Tell about yourself (for strangers).

 2. Enumerate your health-related and weight-related problems in a chronological order. E.g., 'For 20 years I've been trying to...', 'Five years ago due to excessive extra weight I started to experience...', etc.

 3. For each problem give:

 >>>·  An obvious reason, if it's known. E.g., injury, extra weight, giving birth, stress, etc (Avoid medical diagnoses - people are afraid of them)

 >>>·  Length. E.g., 'for a period of 15 years'

 >>>·  How often. E.g., twice a week, 5 times a year, annually, after meals, constantly.

 >>>·  How it manifested itself: Describe your feelings and emotions.

 >>>·  How it influenced your life. E.g., 'could not go to the beach', 'suffered from constant fatigue, had no strength', 'could not get married', 'could not eat favourite food'.

 4. How long you have been using the products. E.g., 'two months', '3 years and 4 months', etc.

 5. Describe sincerely your emotions about what happened. E.g., 'what happened profoundly shocked me', 'it changed my life completely', 'and a miracle happened!', 'I still don't believe it happened to me!'

 6. Results as the problems were being solved. E.g., 'On the 5th day...', 'by the end of the 2nd week... Review your story every now and again to ensure it truly says what you want to express. Be willing to make adjustments.

 Make your story lively and sincere, find the appropriate or necessary words.

 Attention: Put your story to paper. Don't be afraid of numerous drafts! Read the final version 100 times!

 Practise it out loud so it becomes second nature to you.

 While telling your story, remember and visualize how it was.

 Remember: people will buy your product if they are impressed by your story or your relatives / customers stories.

 NB Use before/after pictures, especially when you are new and still a little unsure.  Pictures are worth a thousand words.

 Looking forward to hearing your story.

 All the best

10. How to Start Building Your Customer Base and Distributor Organization

Dear name

Even if you only understand the marketing plan a little, you will soon see the importance of building your team quickly and taking advantage of the tremendous opportunity you have been given and the practice you have received, even if you only understand the marketing plan a little at the moment. This will help you to handle the incoming business activity that will enable you to build a financial wall of security around you and your family.

We are going to be doing advertising to get your phone ringing off the hook. You will be talking to different people about the business.

RemoveSo you know how to do this correctly, you need practice partners. You need to find 4 or 5 people to use as practice partners. This is what you can say to them:

'I have just got started in this new business and I need your help. I’ve received a homework assignment from my Supervisor (who is also your Personal Team Leader) to call five of my best friends to practice on them (be sure to tell them this is part of your training and they can’t buy or sign up for anything even if they wanted to).

See the rest of the suggested script at the end of the letter.

Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Write them down so when we talk, you have them handy. Everything is new and there is no stupid question in this business. The question you don’t ask because you think it makes you look silly, may very well be the key to making this business take off for you. Also, if we have gone over something and you still don’t understand it, ask!

Here are the suggested scripts for your practice partners.


Circle of Influence Retailing script


Hi. I have just got started in this new business and I need your help. I’ve received a homework assignment from my Personal Team Leader to call five of my best friends to practice on them (be sure to tell them this is part of your training and they can’t buy or sign up for anything even if they wanted to). THIS IS STRICTLY PRACTICE so I can be trained on the answers to the questions the people will be asking me. It will take about ten minutes of your time and I would really appreciate it. What I’m going to do is tell you about our basic weight loss program and if you could just listen that would be great. Okay, let me tell you the 8 points about our Shapeworks Weight Loss Programme.

1.    Provides optimum nutrition on a daily basis.

2.    Naturally INCREASES your metabolism.

3.    Naturally DECREASES your appetite.

4.    Naturally INCREASES your energy.

5.    You can lose 5 – 10 kgs and up to 60 cm in the first 30 days!

6.    100% safe and natural and 100% guaranteed.

7.    You still eat the foods you love, you’ll just cut back a little.

8.    Helps stop cravings for sweets and fatty foods.

Let me tell you what’s happened to me on the programme.

Well, ______, thank you for your time and for helping me practice. By the way, if you know anyone that might be interested in these products, please let me know. Thanks again!


Other suggested Circle of Influence script


Hi. I have just got started in this new business and I need your help. I thought to practise on 5 of my best friends. THIS IS STRICTLY PRACTICE so I can get used to the questions the people will be asking me. It will take about ten minutes of your time and I would really appreciate it.

Thanks for letting me have a couple of minutes of your time. I am just getting my business started & just wanted to tell you about it in case you know anyone that might be interested.

Have you heard of Herbalife?

Yes? Great! Have you ever taken the products or just heard the name? No? Oh, well let me tell you the facts about Herbalife.

>>>Herbalife is the largest health and nutrition company in the world and our products help people get complete nutrition on a daily basis. By getting complete nutrition we are able to help people with things like blood pressure, cholesterol, allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, diabetes, weight – which is our most popular – but also weight gain and muscle building, any problem that is nutritionally related.

>>> Herbalife has been in business for over 25 years.

>>> We do business in over 60 countries.

>>> We are not only the largest nutrition company, but also the fastest growing. Last year we did 2.5 billion dollars and we are heading for 3 billion in the next couple of years.

Let me tell you what happened with me. (Tell your income story or borrow any of our stories) But the best part was (health result)

So, _______________, if you know anyone who would like to lose weight, gain weight, feel better, have more energy or who would like to make some extra money working from home around their schedules, please send them to me. That would be great thanks.

Best of luck


11. Creating a list of acquaintances.

We at Herbalife do 3 simple things:

 1) We help people to lose weight and improve their health by providing them with the greatest products.

 2) We attract other people to help us to expand our activity and business.

 3) We train them on how to do it best.

 The easiest way to start is to look around and see who needs to lose weight, improve their health and who may be interested in this business opportunity. Of course, this can include members of our family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc.

 Never pre-judge.

 We will be showing you many other ways of building your distributor base (eg using the Internet and advertising), but this is a great place to start.




 Create a 'List of Acquaintances'.

 Network building is a sales activity where an independent distributor retails the company's products, and also attracts into his structure other people who duplicate (copy, repeat) his business model.

 The source of customers and distributors are each distributor's acquaintances, customers and strangers (new acquaintances).

 Duplication is the process of copying (repetition) by the distributor and his down-line organization of the sponsor's business model.

 One of the major components of the successful duplication process is trust between the customer and his/her distributor and between the distributor and their sponsor. Trust towards a distributor or sponsor is 80% dependent on previous personal or kinship ties and their length, i.e. on the people's closeness. People are inclined to trust those they know but they don't trust strangers.

 It is obvious that the major part of customers and distributors, who will follow in our steps, will come from our circle of our relatives, friends, acquaintances and their circle of acquaintances.


 Acquaintances are people we know and have been in touch with during our lifetime. Acquaintances form a much wider circle than relatives and friends. Very often people can't imagine how wide their circle of acquaintances is. If you ask a distributor how many acquaintances he/she has, the answer sometimes is, '15-20'. You might then come to a conclusion that this person has just come out of the maternity ward or has fallen from the Moon.

 So let's enumerate all the groups of people, places and circumstances in which we meet acquaintances at various stages of our life:

 Childhood and adolescence:



 1. Relatives: parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc.

 2. Kindergarten: teachers, children and their parents.

 3. Neighbourhood: friends and their parents.

 4. School: teachers, classmates and their parents, acquaintances from other grades.

 5. Sports activities: coaches, team-mates, opposing team and their parents or relatives.

 6. Extracurricular activities (music lessons, art school, etc): teachers, classmates and their parents.

 7. Summer vacations: neighbours, camp roommates, etc.

 8. Hiking and trips: members of tour groups, guides.

 9. Hospitals (if applicable): medical personnel, ward neighbours.

 10. Children's Paediatrician, nurse, children's dentist.

 11. Hobby acquaintances: stamps, stickers, cars, etc.

 12. Professional training: teachers and classmates.




 13. Army: commanding officers, subordinates,colleagues.

 14. College or University: teachers, classmates, other students.

 15. Roommates, dorm mates.

 16. Student theatre or drama club, professional study groups.

 17. Acquaintances through extracurricular activities.

 18. Sports clubs.

 19. Other institutes.

 20. Leisure: disco, gym, pool, etc.

 Mature age:



 21. All work places: employers, colleagues, subordinates.

 22. their sisters, brothers, cousins, etc.

 23. Services: hairdressers, manicurist, pedicurist, beautician, postman, shoemaker, tailor, masseuse, plumber, electrician, cleaners, salesmen from the nearest shops, computer technician, (fridge, washing machine, microwave, iron) repair persons, drycleaner, TV repair man, bank teller, book keeper or accountant, etc.

24. Father's, mother's, brother's, sister's, aunt's, uncle's friends.

 25. Spouse's relatives.

 26. Spouse's friends.

 27. Wedding best man, maid of honour and bridesmaids.

 28. Wedding guests.

 29. Former spouse, his/her relatives and friends.

 30. Family doctor.

 31. Gynaecologist.

 32. Dietician.

 33. Maternity ward staff.

 34. Paediatrician.

 35. Parents of children in the kindergarten and school.

 36. Parent's Retirement home, colleagues and staff.

 37. Notary, lawyer, financial adviser.

 38. Garage's mechanics, receptionist, etc.

 39. Children's nanny or baby sitters and their relatives.

 40. Housekeeper.

 41. Insurance people.

 42. Children's teachers.

 43. Acquaintances from sports activities (hunting, fishing, leisure).

 44. Librarian.

 45. Car dealer.

 You get the picture.




 Doubts that prevent us from approaching acquaintances:

 1. I don't want to pressure my friends.

 2. They have no money.

 3. They have too much money.

 4. They/I are/am too young/old.

5. They are all thin.

 6. I don't know what to say to them.

 7. We haven't been in touch in 10 years.

 8. I will be unable to answer their questions.

 9. They will laugh.

 10. They won't believe/be interested.

 Arguments why you SHOULD turn to them:

 1. To offer them products to prolong and improve their life.

 2. Help them become financially independent.

 3. So that you could work together.

 4. Turn to them .. it won't cost you money.

 5. 95% of your acquaintances won't change anything in their life in the next five years.

 6. Anyone could approach and advise them about Herbalife products or business. Why can't it be you?

 7. 75% of our organization consists of your acquaintances anyway.

 8. We already know them. It's easier to start a conversation with them.

 9. They know other people who need our products or the business opportunity.

 10. If we leave them 'on the side of the road' now, in three years they will feel offended.

 11. Don't be a coward. Just DO IT!





 Most people we have come in touch with during our lifetime, are erased from our 'operative' memory but remain passively remembered. So in order to remember all of them and enter them into the list of acquaintances, you will have to do some work:

 1. Get all your old contact books, address lists, membership and employee directories, etc. out.

 2. All the pictures, photo albums and yearbooks.

 3. While meeting your friends, try to find out whom they remember.

 4. Visit places of your former life: suburbs, schools, universities, apartment buildings, neighbourhoods, former work places, etc.

 5. Alumna (former college / University friends)  and school reunions.

 Give it a try, you will be surprised what you come up with.

 Wishing you a Herbalively day



12. Qualify For The Next Level


Here we want to tell you about next step: SUPERVISOR!

 If you have already become a Supervisor, then CONGRATULATIONS.  If not, here are some great reasons to think seriously about this important step.

 >>>Some people want to do Herbalife Part-time....that's fine, we have a plan and will support you.

>>>Some people want to just be a discount customer...that's fine, we have a plan and will support you in your decision. BUT

 >>>Some people want to really move and become seriously wealthy in the shortest possible time.

 These are the people we want to talk to right now!

 Supervisor level is for the movers and shakers and for anyone who wants to earn double the profit for the same work.  Please carefully consider all the reasons outlined below so you can make a well-informed decision.

 There are many more reasons why you should be a Supervisor (4000vp order), but let me assure you, it is the best way to start YOUR Herbalife business, if you are serious about developing an International Financial Fortress around you and your family.

 Many of the Successful Distributors in Herbalife qualified as Supervisor straight away or as soon as possible. And we hope you will be the next one!




 Why?  For all these reasons....

 Being a Supervisor puts you in the best position to earn the most money possible for your efforts.

 It is the fastest start.

 ** RemoveOnly Supervisors can become part of THE ELITE FOCUS GROUP.

 ** Only Supervisors can move up to the Tab Team and earn BONUSES to  infinite depth.

 ** This Bonus potentially amounts to an increase of 40%, 80% and 120% additional income.

 ** Only Supervisors earn a permanent 50% profit. (Make double the profit for the same work.)

 When you complete your Supervisor qualifications, you then have the potential to receive:

 1. Permanent 50% buying privileges

 2. 50% Retail profits

 3. Up to 25% wholesale profits

 4. Royalty Overrides

5. Production Bonuses

 6. You become eligible to attend all Supervisor trainings.




 Let's explore.


 1. Permanent 50% buying privileges:

 This means that if a customer is paying $100 for any type of product or program, you can purchase these products for $50. We use Dollars as world wide, 1$ equates to I volume point so it keeps it simple.

 You can enjoy this personal discount for your personal or family use, which makes your cost to use the products, very low.


 2. 50% Retail profits:

 When you sell $100 worth of products to any customer, your profit is 50%. This means that if you purchase these products for $50 and you earn $50 it means your immediate return on investment is 100% which is amazing! Share this information with your Financial Advisor, you will probably recruit him immediately as a Distributor.


 3. Up to 25% wholesale profits:

 When your Distributors purchase products from the Company with their discounts of 25%-42%, you will automatically get the difference between their discount percentage and your 50% This can result in 8%-25% of wholesale profit. You will receive this in the form of a cheque together with your Distributor's Activity Report, directly from Herbalife to your mailbox.


 4. Royalty Overrides:

 When your Distributors become Supervisors the Company begins to pay you up to 5% Royalty Overrides on all your Organizational Volume produced by your Supervisors and their Distributors. As your group grows so does your Royalty cheque! The first cheque can be just a few tens or hundreds of dollars, but if you keep consistently building and developing your group your Royalty cheque can reach thousands and tens of thousands of dollars each month. The larger your Royalty cheque the higher your position within the Marketing Plan. The higher your position within the Marketing Plan the more Production Bonuses you will be paid. Leading Distributors in Herbalife earn hundreds of thousands of dollars each month and so could you. It takes consistency, self-belief, hard work and good attitude.


 5. Production Bonus:

 Once your Royalty Override reaches US$1,000  / Royalty Override Points you become part of the Global Expansion Team. At this level you receive an extra 2% on all your downline supervisors activity, who are not yet at the Global Expansion Team level themselves, no matter how deep or wide your Organisation goes anywhere in the world.

 Once your Royalty Override is US$4,000  / Royalty Override Points you qualify for the Millionaire Team. Here you earn an extra 2% - 4% profit on your Supervisors activity, who are at or below the Global Team Bonus level, no matter how deep your down line goes, no matter where in the world.

 When your Royalty Override is $10,000 Dollars / Royalty Override Points you qualify for the President's Team. As a President's Team member you receive an extra 2% - 4% - 6% on your Supervisors who are at or below the Millionaire Team level, no matter how deep it goes; 10, 20+ levels.


 6. You become eligible to attend all Supervisor trainings.

 This means that you are eligible to learn from the best distributors within the Company who are coming to your area and sharing with all Supervisors their knowledge and incredible experience, which they have accumulated throughout the 25 years of Company history. Don't miss your next Supervisor Training!




 How do I Qualify to the Supervisor Level?

 1. Accumulate 4,000 Volume Points during one calendar month.

 2. Accumulate 2,500 Volume Points in each of two consecutive months.

 3. Together with your Distributor or Up-line Sponsor (not yet qualified as Supervisor) accumulate 5,000 Volume Points or 2,500 each in one calendar month and you both qualify to become Supervisors.




 Because you will need products to sell to your customers, 4,000 volume points can easily be accumulated by getting 5 to 8 Long Term Customers.

 Contact your Up-line Supervisor or Tab Team Member to prepare and place your Supervisor qualifying order. When you place your order, we suggest you add an order for 6 International Business Packs or feel free to contact Noel & Gail at HWI support Centre  on 039 695 2478, Fax 039 695 0973 or email hwi@intekom.co.za for their speedy delivery system of International Business Packs. This will allow you to start building your Organization immediately.

 Any questions don't hesitate to ask. We will be only to happy to assist you.

 Yours sincerely,


13. Establishing Payment Options

Dear name

You have now become a legitimate business owner, and you must therefore have a system set up to receive the money! To do so, we suggest you open a separate account at your local bank, as this will allow you to keep business funds separate from your private financial activities. This is not necessary, but is always a healthy practice.\n In your marketing campaigns and retail sales, it helps if you can accept credit card payments. \n\n If you do not have you own credit card, it is not a problem as you can accept credit card payments using a company called Wappoint. Go to: for more information.

Using your Cell Phone or the Internet, they can help you to take Credit Card Payments from your Customers anywhere, 24/7. They can set you up within 48 hours.

They accept the following Credit Cards - Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Dinersclub.

How do you become a WAPPoint Merchant in 48 Hrs?

Complete the On-Line Application on

They will contact you to discuss your specific requirements and send you the necessary documents to complete. Prepare your Cell Phone (if applicable) for the SMS solution, you will need a 32k MTN SIM Card and an MTN Contract. They offer to help you to do this as they are an MTN Solution Provider as well.

Fax documentation and a copy of your ID or Company Registration back to them - they need the signatures.

Pay your Setup and Subscription Fees. Collect Credit Card Vouchers from their office or ask them to post them to you, you need a Customer signature that matches the Credit Card for every Transaction.

How much will it cost to join WAPPoint?

There is a R100 setup fee if you take a years contract or R150 if you take a 3 month contract. The monthly subscription fees depend on what terminals you want to use. It costs R60 a month to process cards through cell, voice terminal and web terminal. Or pay R20 a month to process cards through web terminal only. (info below on the terminals)

NB - these fees may change, please check the latest fees on their website.

What is the Merchant Service Transaction Fee? based on Minimum Monthly Turnover \

5.5% Initial \n 5.0% > R10000

4.5% > R20000

4.0% > R30000

There are 3 terminals to choose from.

Cell terminal: SMS Technology using 32K SIM Card on an MTN Contract. All new SIM Cards are 32K. The Application is downloaded onto your SIM Card by entering a simple code on your Cell Phone - you can download this yourself. The whole Transaction is done by completing a set of questions on your Cell Phone. When finished, an SMS is sent to our Authorisation Centre. A few seconds later your Approval / Declined message is sent back via SMS.(They rent SIM Cards out as well!!!)

Voice Terminal: Call into an Interactive Voice Response Call Centre and type the Transaction into your Phone Keypad. The Transaction is Authorised while you respond to the questions. A few seconds later your Approval / Declined message is sent back via SMS.

Web terminal: Transact from their Website. The Approval / Declined message is sent back while you wait.

Keep well.

Yours sincerely,






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14 The fastest growing industry

Dear .......

Here is an extract from “The Next Trillion” by Paul Z. Pilzer. This shows how you have definitely joined Herbalife at the right time. (You can get a copy of his video from HWI on CD-Rom – read more about that at the end of the email.)

“64% of the U.S. population and about 50% of Europeans are overweight and in ill-health. Many of them are hopeless and have no idea where to turn for help. These figures have grown by 10% as compared to the period between 1994-1999, while obesity has almost doubled since the 1970’s. Take a moment to think of this figure in terms of human suffering – as an example, take the 77 million Americans who are now clinically obese, and 184 million who are overweight and unhealthy - because they lack the resources, information and motivation, to safeguard their most precious asset: their wellness. When a person is fat , it is hard to find a job, a relationship, or the energy to stay on top of the everyday demands of even a simple life.

The same can be said of Europe, Japan and most other industrially developed countries.

By the year 2010, an additional 1 trillion of the U.S. economy will be devoted to the yet-unnamed “wellness” business - defined in the dictionary as “THE QUALITY OR STATE OF BEING IN GOOD HEALTH ESPECIALLY AS AN ACTIVELY SOUGHT GOAL”

The wellness industry is pro-active –people voluntarily become customers; either to feel healthier, to look better, to slow the effects of ageing, or to prevent diseases from developing in the first place.

In the next ten years alone, the U.S. population will increase its spending on existing wellness-based services from approximately 200 billion today to 1 trillion or more. Hundreds, if not thousands, of improved wellness related products and services are coming out of laboratories in the next ten years.

Wellness products and services represent perhaps the only sector of consumer spending that does not take time to enjoy. Money spent to make a person feel stronger, smile better, look younger, or feel healthier yield rewards that are enjoyed every moment of every day – on the job, at home and every moment in between.

One of the fastest growing sectors of the wellness industry today is the vitamin and nutritional supplement business.

Today, many people take some sort of nutritional supplement as shown by the industry sales for these products. The figures exceed 70 billion! Yet the vitamin and mineral industry has only scratched the surface of what is possible, as we are only just beginning to understand the biochemistry that explains how vitamins, minerals and other supplements work. Every satisfied wellness customer is just beginning a lifetime of consumption of products and services that have the potential to improve every aspect of their life for every moment of their life.

Herbalife Int. is the leader in the weight loss and good nutrition industry.

The goal of Herbalife and its Distributors is to help as many people as possible, worldwide to:

· feel better

· look better

· change their eating habits

· lose weight and learn to control their weight.

Our Distributors provide the best service, and this favorably distinguishes Herbalife from numerous diet products, which can be found in retail outlets.

Changing eating habits is a long process of 90-120 days and is the crucial factor for success in losing and maintaining weight.

During this period our Distributors are always ready to help the customers correct mistakes and achieve the desired results, and will accompany them throughout the period while they are using the products.

(Remove all following no longer in stockHWI Support Centre has a fantastic CD-Rom with a 7 minute Wellness Revolution video which shows THE NEXT BIG THING........the 1 Trillion Wellness industry, as predicted by world renowned economist, Paul Zane Pilzer in his best-selling book, “The Next Trillion”.

You may have seen it on the screen at an STS.

HWI sells it as part of their ‘Power Pack’ CD-Roms, which will now be included as part of HWI's Welcome Pack in each IBP ordered from HWI. The video is also on their ‘E-pack’ (Decision Package on CD-Rom).

The video explains that with Baby Boomers striving to feel better and live longer, healthier, and more active lifestyles, they're going to spend money--LOTS OF IT--on Wellness products and services. The video presents and explains the options on HOW TO PROFIT from this new Wellness marketplace, and ceates an urgent CALL TO ACTION to start a network marketing business NOW!

An IDEAL PROSPECTING video for your Wellness business. Perfect to use "as is."

HWI’s Power Pack is an incredible combination of 2 CD-Roms. Powerful information at your fingertips.

Power Pack 1 CD-Rom: This contains two videos in a special presentation format.

Video 1: A superb live presentation of the Herbalife Marketing Plan by John Tartol and Leslie Stanford ~ International Chairman's Club Members.

Video 2: The Revolution of the Wellness Industry! Exciting facts, figures and predictions for the future of the Wellness Industry.

Please note that Power Pack 1 CD-Rom will now be included as part of HWI's Welcome Pack in each IBP ordered from HWI ~ see attached order form.

Power Pack 2 CD-Rom. This contains three very special Video Clips & One Very Special Power Point Presentation.

Video 1 Your opportunity to meet Herbalife's brand new "Out Of The Box" Chief Executive Officer ~ Michael Johnson, interviewed by Frank Lutz, International President Team Member (with Herbalife since 1980). Hear Michael Johnson discussing his exciting new plans, strategies, goals, for Herbalife over the coming years.

Video 2: The Revolution of the Wellness Industry! Exciting facts, figures and predictions for the future of the Wellness Industry.

Video 3: )

What a privilege to be able to live in an era that someone like Mark Hughes has graced with his vision, ideas and his company. Take a walk through the dedication ceremony and the incredible laboratory at the University of California, USA, which is committed to Cellular & Molecular Nutrition and is set to take humanity into the 22nd Century. Included in the video are VIP Speakers including:

Dr David Heber ~ Founding Director, UCLA Center for Human Nutrition "......the Mark Hughes Cellular & Molecular Nutrition Center will be the first laboratory of its kind to do profiling of herbs sold in the commercial market place...."

Dr Gerald Levy ~ Dean, UCLA Medical School "..........donation and equipment for the Mark Hughes laboratory will enable herbal compounds to be fingerprinted and to define them chemically and biologically........"

Peter Castleman ~ Chairman of the Board "......world blessed by a visionary and that was Mark Hughes ......."

Dr Jamie McManus ~ Senior Vice President Medical Affairs & Education "............ an incredible event for Distributors ~ it really validates what Mark believed in. He knew that nutrition & herbs blended together ~ modern science with ancient wisdom of herbs could really make a difference in people's lives........."

John Tartol ~ Chairmans Club "..........now have the scientific world behind us (Herbalife) .......... what does it mean for the future ~ its going to push the business way faster 3/5/10 Billion Dollars right there on the horizon ........"

RemoveAnd a Special Feature ~ The STS (Success Training Seminar) Power Point Presentation.

If you want a copy you can either get the order form off coronet.co.za - under the Training & then ‘Marketing Tools’ links or email hwi@intekom.co.za .

Best wishes


15. Safe Weight Loss and Long-Term Result Maintenance

Dear name

Here are some safe weight loss and long-term result maintenance tips for you and your customers.

The major reasons for weight gain and obesity are:

· overeating

· unbalanced eating

· bad eating habits

· hypo dynamics

· metabolism violations

· genetic predisposition

To lose weight safely and maintain the achieved results the following factors should be taken into account:

1. Be patient. It takes many years to gain weight. It also takes many years for the eating habits to be formed, so you need to be patient: you will need several months to achieve your goal to lose the weight and maintain the results.

2. Changing eating habits. Customers often cherish an idea of “attacking the extra weight”. Such attacks usually start on Monday and are over by Friday and have nothing in common with such deep processes as changing the eating habits and metabolism. To change eating habits you need to strictly follow the weight loss program for a period of between 90 and 120 days. During this period you “work” together with your consultant, this is the key to your success.

3. The consultant’s help. The majority of people willing to lose weight and maintain the results, require the help of a specialist or consultant. Lack of such support results in their quitting the diet.

4. The length of the weight loss period. Optimal average monthly weight loss is 3-5 kg. If you have 30 kg of extra weight, you will have to use the weight loss program for at least 6 months.

5. The length of the weight maintenance period. After you have lost weight, you need to learn how to control it. To do this, you have to use the weight maintenance program for another 6 months without getting back to your old eating habits. Weigh yourself weekly and be in touch with your consultant. The weight maintenance program will allow your body to “forget” its old weight and “remember” the new weight and the new eating habits.

6. The success formula. To lose all the extra weight successfully and keep the results, you need to be patient and use the following formula:

Excess weight divided by 5 kilos a month = the number of months required of following the weight loss program.

The same period of time is necessary for keeping your results, by using the weight management program.

Example: you have 20 kilos of extra weight. You need an average of four months to lose your extra weight and another 4 months to maintain your results.

These recommendations will assist you in losing extra weight, in changing your eating habits, in learning how to control your weight and in the ability to feel great and never gain weight again.

Yours sincerely,


16 Working with your customer and how to set the right priorities

Dear name

Here is some great advice on working with your customers and how to set the Right Priorities

How many customers do you need?

The first month of using the weight loss program is the most important, as the customer starts changing his/her eating habits. This is when she/he needs maximum attention. So the optimal number of new customers is from 5 to 8 per month.

What is our mission?

Our goal is not to sell the products, but to help customers achieve desired results, make them forever your friends, and Herbalife products’ advocates.

Tell your customers the truth

It takes tens of years to develop eating habits. During this period, people gain weight. They shouldn’t think that 1 or 2 months are enough to change this reality. From the very beginning you should tell them the truth that we lose 3-5 kilos a month, on average, and we need the same period of time to follow the weight maintenance program for the body to ‘forget’ the old weight and ‘get used’ to the new one.

Customers need support

It is not enough to just give the customer the products for them to achieve their desired results. You should provide care and support. It is especially important during the first 3 months when one’s eating habits undergo changes. Very often, customers have questions and it is important to keep in touch with each one (see Customer Care Journal).

Satisfied customers are our main value

The customer who didn’t understand the concept of weight loss and weight maintenance, who wasn’t given proper customer care and, as a result, failed to achieve the desired outcome, will be a source of negative influence for other customers. This will create negative public opinion about our Company and our products.

On the other hand, a satisfied customer, who has achieved great results, who lost weight, improved his/her well being and looks, will be a ‘walking advertisement’ of our great products, will bring you many new customers, and may become a motivated distributor.

The image of the Company and its products in your town is the major priority.

Whatever you do, your main priority should be the Company’s image, the public opinion about the products, distributors’ reputation and the level of customer care. Thus you will lay the foundation for a successful business of many distributors in your town and country.

Yours sincerely,






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17 Successful Business-Building Tips for Distributors

Hi name

Here are some business-building tips for your Herbalife business.

1. Be an example for duplication for your customers and distributors – don’t be overweight, look great, smell terrific and be well-dressed.

2. Use as many of the Herbalife products as you can. Only your personal results and permanent product use will give you strength and motivation to succeed in your business. First of all, you should become the best Herbalife customer.

3. Always be honest with your customer and act in compliance with his/her interests.

4. Be polite and punctual, always inform of any necessary schedule changes well in advance.

5. Be readily available . Your customers and distributors should be able to reach you any time. You should have a mobile phone.

6. Show a positive and constructive attitude towards everything – always try to help and to find solutions, refuse to accept problems – see them as challenges to be overcome.

7. If circumstances don’t allow you to provide proper care of a customer, let your sponsor or your experienced downline distributor do this. Do so as tactfully as possible.

8. Open a page for each customer in a special book for reference. Be very careful about keeping records and don’t forget to call customers on set days. By missing calls (especially during the first 3 months) you run the risk of losing your customer.

9. Don’t try to sign up your customer immediately and turn him/her into a distributor, if she/he is not interested in the business opportunity. Don’t start offering discounts – your customer is mostly interested in the quality of the products and of the customer care. Even if you lose a significant part of your retail profit, you still have to provide first class customer care. Therefore, she/he is not a distributor as such, but you have to work with him/her during the whole period of using the products as with any customer, although you lost the biggest part of your retail profit.

10. It is important to earn full retail profit and to be highly motivated to provide customer care during the entire period of product use. However, you can reward customers for referrals and repeat orders. The best reward is not a discount on a product, but the products themselves – luckily, we have a large variety.

11. If your customer achieved good results and you see him/her as a potential distributor, don’t mention discounts but tell him/her about business opportunities. Tell the customer about the Company and the Marketing Plan. If this customer is interested in a Herbalife business she/he will become a good distributor as she/he has the main working tool – product results.

12. Care for your reputation. Remember: it takes years to create a good reputation but it may be destroyed in a second.

13. Take part in weekly retail trainings and constantly improve your professional level as a distributor. Make sure that all the distributors of your town maintain a good image of an Herbalife distributor. This will minimize the number of unsatisfied customers in your town.

14. If you meet another distributor’s customer show interest in his/her success. If you believe you can improve or change his/her program don’t tell him/her about this, but call his/her distributor and share your viewpoint. Don’t tell somebody else’s customer about discounts and business opportunities – this isn’t your customer. Comply with ethical norms – treat other distributors’ customers the same way you’d like them to treat yours.

15. If you meet a former unsatisfied customer who is not keeping in touch with his/her distributor don’t pass him/her by, but try to change his opinion, turn him into an Herbalife customer once again and be a success with this customer.

16. Keep retail prices in your town (country) at the same level, as different retail prices confuse a customer and make him/her look for lower prices instead of high-quality customer service. What commonly happens is that the lower the prices, the lower the quality of customer care!

17. If your customer decides to stop using the products, try to positively and constructively help him/her to change his/her mind and stay on a program. If you fail to do so, return the money in a nice manner and part as good friends. The worst thing happens when the customer is dissatisfied with both the products and the distributor.

18. Keep in constant touch with your customer:

· Congratulate him/her and his/her close relatives on birthdays and holidays

· Send frequent letters of encouragement. (Remove YOuu can use the samples in the Customer Care Journal)

· Organize Customer’s Days.

19. Be attentive to your customers: first of all, they are the people with the life stories. Be a good listener – and you will learn a lot of interesting things.

20. Know everything about the customers of your new distributors and always be ready to help them out. Very often, new distributors lack the necessary experience, while the customer has paid for the products and is expecting results. Have all the necessary information about your new distributors’ customers and pay a lot of attention to training new distributors.

21. Provide your customers with all the available literature material about our products.

22. Organize your customer e-mail address database. This will help strengthen relationships with your customers and you can email your customers new information on new products.

Yours sincerely,


18 Advertising Campaigns

Hi there again

 Here are some advertising tips to get that phone ringing and the orders coming in:

 1. First of all, turn to your acquaintances. Create a list of acquaintances interested in losing weight or improving their general well-being. Don't make decisions for anybody, try to call/email or meet each of them.

 2. One of the major sources of new customers are referrals by satisfied customers. The Total Plan works so well here and do ask how to do this and go to any trainings on the subject.

 3. Invest money into an advertising campaign: ads, flyers, surveys, and other literature. The advertising campaign spending may reach up to 10-20% of your estimated income.

 4. An advertising campaign should lead to 1-2 sales per week to customers who start weight-loss programs. Based on this assumption, you should make/receive an adequate number of calls and set up an adequate number of meetings.

 5. Have the right working tools: -mobile phone, daily organizer, Pitch book, business cards, flyers, ads, brochures.

 6. Be honest, don't promise more than a 3-5 kilo weight loss per month. Tell the customers about the entire period of using products: how to lose weight safely and learn to maintain the results.

 Business Management

 1. Keep records of your and your customers' products. Keep constant records of your stock, know beforehand what products you might need in order to service your customers on time.

 2. Have your own stock and do not procrastinate. Based on the forecast of your next 6 months sales (see example in the next page), take care to keep enough products in your home warehouse. Never spend your capital outlay from your turnover.

  Re-invest this 'seed' money into products again and again as your product requirements will increase very rapidly in this business.

 90 Day Plan

 Choose three or four items from the following to get your phone ringing and commit to a 90 day plan.




 WEAR THE BUTTON! The 'Lose Weight Now Ask Me How' button came with your business pack. Try to wear this when out and about as this is your shop front. We are all very proud of what we do and show it by wearing the button.

       Some people say, “Oh, I feel so foolish wearing a button. 1 just can't do that”. However, when you first came into this business, you were asked if you were teachable. You said you were! You were asked if you are willing to duplicate successful people's actions. You said you were. WEAR THE BUTTON! It gets easier to do with every sale you make that was generated by wearing that silly old button. Think of it this way. It's not just a button. It is a R30,000 a year button. Because that is the business than can be generated just by wearing the silly old button. You must also learn to lead by example. If you have a new distributor with very limited resources, you would advise them to do all the cost-free methods of getting business. How could you possibly understand the power of the button if you are not experiencing it for yourself? Wear The Button!!!

     Although there are many buttons you can choose from that are very effective, the 'Lose Weight Now, Ask Me How' button, will bring you the most leads. (removeuouis GUARANTEED to get you lots of names and phone numbers every day). This is the BEST way to get people to talk with EVERY DAY! It gives someone an excuse to ask you about the products.


      What do you do when someone asks you HOW? out of the blue? Most people's first response is, Huh?, because they usually forget that they are wearing the button! Over time, they get used to it and are able to respond a little bit more intelligently.

 Your response should be automatic. There are two approaches you can take:

 1.      The Fast Response (you only have a minute or so). In your own words, say something along the lines of, 'Oh, it's so easy!' I lost x kgs in x days and my energy went through the roof! Why don't you write down your name and telephone number and I will be glad to call you and explain it.  What is a good time to reach you? (If you do not have a weight loss story, tell someone else's short testimonial). When you get home, simply call the person and follow the retail script.

 2.      The Longer Response (you have a little more time to chat) 'Are you serious about losing weight? How much do you want to lose? Why do you want to lose the weight right now?' Then tell your own story and one other that they can relate to. From there you can either arrange to call them or meet with them or if you have products in your car, bag etc, make a sale on the spot.

 3.      Another suggested response - You put the powder in the juice, take the tablets, and eat the pizza! And I know it works because (I lost, he lost, she lost ... give 2-3 testimonials) and it's worked for over 20 years, on millions of people in over 50 countries. We are now the #1 Health and Nutrition company in the world Are you SERIOUS about losing weight?

 If they say yes ... and you both have a few minutes ... ask these questions:

 ·   How much weight do you want to lose?

 ·        What have you tried before?

 .       Why do you think it didn't work?

 Then: Pull out your Everybody's Doing It brochure or product catalogue and explain the programs. You're going to love our program because you will lose weight and inches while you are giving your body all the nutrients it needs on a daily basis. You will feel great and the best part is ... (respond to their answer to: why the other programs/diets didn't work for them, and how our program is different).

 When would you like to get started?

  If the timing isn't right, exchange phone numbers and make a phone appointment. Call them at that time and use the phone script provided in this manual.

 CENTRE OF INFLUENCE (people you know)

 Make a list of everyone you can think of that needs to lose weight, gain weight, have more energy or improve their health. Work with your mentor on the best way to approach each of these people. Some you may want to show the 'Results Speak for Themselves' video and ask for their opinion and show them the presentation book.




 The key to successful flyering is not only to do it massively, but also to do it consistently. Once you have targeted the number of flyers you need to distribute in a week or a month, break that down to a per day number. There is a pipeline effect when you distribute flyers -we have had calls from people who held onto a flyer for three months before calling! Compare advertising to a garden hose - when you first turn it on it takes a little time for the water to come out the other end. That is the pipeline effect. If you are consistent with your flyers, you will see your response numbers increase over a period of time, even though you continue to distribute the same amount each day.

 As an example, say that you have determined that you need to distribute 10,000 flyers per month to generate the call volume you desire. Assume four weeks to the month and 20 working days. You will see a much better response by distributing 500 flyers for each of those 20 days than you will by distributing 2500 flyers one day per week. If you can only do 500 flyers per week, distribute them 100 per day for each of the five days rather than 500 just once a week. Keep in mind that lower numbers will take longer for you to see a response, so do not get discouraged - keep going and stay consistent! It will pay off in the long run. As a guideline we like to see 500 - 1000 flyers distributed per day in order to generate a reasonable response.

 ### Where to distribute flyers ###

 Flyers can go just about anywhere you do! Full page or quarter page flyers can be rolled up and put on house doors and town home garages. Business card flyers on heavier card stock are great for cars. A tip here: Do not mess with car windshields - slip the business card flyer into the weather stripping of the driver's side door with the writing facing inside. It's faster, and the car owner will appreciate not having to get back out of his/her car to remove a flyer from the windshield.

 Keep your eyes open for large parking lots. With a good lot, you can easily do 100 flyers in about 15to 20 minutes. You will be amazed at how soon you look at parking lots in a whole new light! Also, as you are running your day-to-day errands, park at the far end of the parking lot. Flyer one row as you go into the grocery store and another when you come out.

 Believe it or not, public restrooms are another great flyer location. Keep flyers with you at all times and flyer the restrooms in office buildings, restaurants, airports, etc. We know people that have even left flyers tucked into the airline magazines so that they  can be found. Once you become aware of it, you will find places to flyer that you never thought of before.

RemoveFinally, keep a supply of the Work From Home booklets with you to use in place of a flyer when the situation warrants it. How many times do you hear people complain about their jobs, boss, co-workers, stress levels, etc.? That is a perfect opportunity to hand them a booklet and simply say, 'Well, I love what I'm doing - why don't you read this booklet and, if you're interested, call the number in the back. It can help you out of the situation you're in.'

 A note of caution when distributing flyers: make sure that you are not violating any posted regulations or littering. The last thing you want is to have to go and clean up a couple hundred flyers that you have just put out, so use your common sense when deciding where to distribute them.

 There are great samples of flyers that you can print on hwisupport.co.za Username: homewealth Password: fortunes. Whether you decide to do 100 flyers a day or 1000 flyers a day, remember that you are better off doing 500 flyers a day, every day than putting out 2500 flyers one day per week.




 Pull-tabs are simply a larger flyer with fringed tabs that people can tear off and take with them. Picture a bulletin board that you have seen and chances are it had a pull-tab that someone put up to sell a TV, car, etc. Pull-tabs can be done much the same as flyers - just about anywhere you go. A good general rule is to tear off at least one or two tabs before posting it because nobody likes to be the first one. This also creates a sense of urgency in a potential customer because they see that tabs are already missing.

 When you are cutting your Pull-tabs, also punch a hole in the top center. This comes in handy if you are doing bathroom stalls and there is a hook. Some basic supplies to take with you when distributing pull-tabs are tape, stapler and a small container of pushpins, thumbtacks or glue sticks.

 ####Where to Distribute Pull-tabs####

 Following is a sample list of places we have found to put pull-tabs. Use your imagination and creativity to expand this list.

 - Bulletin Boards (college campuses, apartment complexes, laundry rooms, grocery store)

 - Mail stations at apartment complexes

 - Bathroom stalls (it's pretty much a captive audience)

 - Office buildings (bathroom stalls, break rooms)

 - Telephone booths, Bus stops and kiosks. In general, anywhere that people either stand or walk by


 RemoveSigns & Posters


 Signs and posters are a great, inexpensive way to advertise in your local area. Herbalife does NOT allow signs and posters to be put up in public places.

 So where do you put your Posters:

 Public bulletin boards, such as those found in grocery stores, restaurants, libraries and community centers. Use 8.5 x 11 or 9 x 12.

 Be sure that your posters are bright, to make them eye-catching and easy to read. Colors such as a very bright yellow work well because it will draw the eye while still being legible. Another good rule of thumb for posters is fewer words in a larger typeface rather than too much information that people cannot read. Always make the phone number as large as possible. Be sure to print your posters on a heavy card stock so that they will stand up to staples, nails, tape, wind, etc. If you can afford to laminate them, so much the better))


 Newspaper Advertising


 Place small, inexpensive advertisements in little weekly newspapers. Following are the guidelines for selecting the newspapers and placing the ads. If you choose to advertise this way, be sure to work closely with your mentor for the first campaign. Plan your newspapers first and have your mentor review them BEFORE you place your ads. Do a 3-way call with your mentor to place the first ad or two so that you pick up any nuances used in screening the papers. Finally, and above all else, TRACK YOUR RESPONSES!

 1. Ask if there have been any other similar ads recently in the paper or running now. If there have been, make a judgment call if your ad should be placed. We recommend NOT running the ad if there is a similar one running now or in the last two or three weeks.

 2. Keep track of the leads and sales from each paper.

 3. Renew ads that are generating a good response - one more sale for each rand the ad costs.




 Surveys are a great way to generate qualified leads. Surveys, display boxes and other support materials can all be ordered directly from Herbalife

 Common places to do surveys are health clubs, grocery store entrances, flea markets, and even street corners if you are feeling bold. It is a good idea to get the Management's approval before approaching people entering or exiting a place of business.

 Surveys are also a great way to softly approach your center of influence. Simply call everyone on your list, explain that you have just involved with a great Health and Nutrition Company that is offering a $10,000.00 grand prize in a sweepstakes and all that they have to do to enter is answer a health and lifestyle survey. This is a terrific, no-pressure approach to getting business from people you know. Talk to people who call using the retail script.


 Try to always put on your email and website address on your flyers, posters and adverts. For more information on websites for your Herbalife business, go to: coronet.co.za

 Yours sincerely,



19. Meeting with your customer

Dear name

Dear 11Febnewdistr

 Here are some tips for a meeting that you have made with a prospective customer.

 1. Confirm the meeting ahead of time.

 Return all calls promptly. The sooner you can return a prospective customer's call, the better your chances of making a sale. If it takes you two or three days to get back to them, you have already given them the impression that their business is not important to you and you lose credibility. On the other hand, if you are quick to respond to them, they will believe you when you tell them you will be following up to ensure their success. This is another good example of how actions speak louder than words.

 be on time, but if you must be late, make sure to call and notify immediately.

Following is a basic guideline to follow when doing a face-to-face appointment. Do your best to follow it and practice first on a friend or family members so that you will feel more comfortable when it's time to meet with a potential customer. (Practicing on people you know can also bring you some of your best customers!) It is recommended that you invite the potential customer to your home office and do the presentation there, but you can also adapt this for visiting a customer's home or office.


Before your prospect arrives, have your table set up for the presentation. This is absolutely critical for the success of your sale. Or take it with you.

 Have with you:

 * Pitch book, before & after photos

 * Ultimate weight loss program and targeted nutritional products

 * Measuring tape

 * Scale

 * Camera

 * Product Brochure

( Remove* New Customer Guide

 * Customer Care Journal)

 * It is advised that you leave the products in the car or inside a bag. Don't focus the customer's attention on the products you brought.

 Look great, smell great and be well dressed.

 Questions for discussion with a customer (open a note-book and jot everything down, show interest):

 * First of all, please help me clear some details by answering some questions:

 * How many kilos do you want to lose?

 * How tall are you? What is your weight?

 * How have you tried to lose weight until now?

 * How long did you use these programs?

 * What was the result?

 * For how long did you maintain the results?

 * Why do you want to lose weight now? (try tactfully to find out the real reason). You might need to go back to this question several times.

 History of gaining weight chart.

 RemoveHelp your customer to find out his optimal weight by using the chart on page. Then complete the chart, 'History of gaining weight' together with him/her.


 Questions Your Customers may ask:


 Q: A friend of mine used the products of your company and she didn't get the results (or she lost weight and then put it back on).

 A: It happened because your friend didn't complete the program.

 Q: Can I give it a one-month try and then make a decision?

 A: The thing is, imagine you want to do a major cleanup in your house. Usually you start at 9 a.m. and finish at 5 p.m. By analogy with our case you won't see the results of your work at 10 a.m. Can you imagine how your house will look like at 10 a.m. while the work is in full swing?

 Q: If I decide to quit the program, will I be able to do so?

 A: No problem. We'll return your money for all unused products.

 Q: How long will I have to take it?

 A: Let us get the weight off first, then decide.

 Q: One of my acquaintances offers these products at lower prices.

 A: No problem. But are you sure that these products:

 * Have been produced by our company?

 * Are not expired?

 * Have been properly stored?

 * And the most important: will your friend follow up with you for 10 months to help ensure that you achieve the desired results? Or is she/he going to do it for free since his/her products are so cheap?

 Q: I heard that if I sign the contract with the company, will I be able to buy products at lower prices?

 A: If you want to become a distributor, i.e. sell our product, I'll be happy to tell you about our business opportunities. You will become a distributor, removewill attend our seminars and trainings. You will be enjoying the following distributor benefits: you will earn retail income, buying products with a discount, and you can choose whether to remain a discount customer, or become a ‘volume producer’ or a ‘business builder’ where you will start to build your distributor organization. I will still help you with your weight loss results as if you were a customer. If you prefer to remain a customer and not register with Herbalife, then I can show you our customer price-list. The prices include the cost of the products and customer care service during the entire period while you are using the products. You have to decide what you would like to be a customer or a distributor. I will be happy to help you with either of your choices.

 Overcoming Objections (O):

 O:  Too expensive

 A: Compared with what? What did you spend on lunch / snacks today? And then work out what they spend a month and compare the nutritional value & discuss the value of a healthy body.

 No problem. You can go fly by first class, business or economy class. You can also fly in the luggage compartment. What is important is to be on board the plane and reach your destination. If you have no money for any of our programs, let's start with the simplest and least costly, the Basic program.

 O: Shouldn't I talk to my doctor first

 A: No problem. All the ingredients are on the container so you can show your doctor. Also, is there any kind of FOOD you cannot eat? Because that is what this is - FOOD.

 O: I can't take 'pills'

 A: No problem. There is a tablet crusher available so that you can mix your tablets right in your food or shake.

 O: I'm on medication

 A:  No problem. You will want to have your doctor monitor you in case it is diet related and your medication may need to be lowered as you lose weight. Just keep in touch with your doctor.

 O: If they are focusing too much on guarantee (keeps coming back to it)

 A: We have no problem refunding you. The products are guaranteed because they work if you follow instructions. You seem overly concerned, so I need to know... are you looking to get your money back or looking to lose weight?

 Q: Need to think about it.

  A: No problem, what questions haven't I answered?

 Q: I have to talk to my husband

  A: You probably will not remember everything I told you, so let's set up a time when I can talk with him, too. Does he need to lose or gain weight, or need more energy or better health? I have many families who start a program together and I offer a special discount for them.

 Warm wishes


20 After the Sale and Customer Care


Once your customer has placed their order then we advise that you do the following:

 1. Give your customer a Customer Guide / Personal Workbook. Show his/her weight gain history program in the chart. Enter the information about the products he/she purchased into the Customer Guide.

 2. Present your customer with:

 ** Tape Measure (available from Herbalife International)

 Remove** Results Speak for Themselves Video (will instruct and UPGRADE your customer Available from HWI) Give it on loan so you can pick it up & give it to someone else.

 **  Small Tablet Box (if desired), powder container, mini mixer (available from Herbalife)

 ** Voucher with discount offered on purchase of next order.

 **  Order form and  Product Information Guide

 3. Give thorough instructions on how to use the program.

 4. Prepare a shake together with your customer.

 5. Take a picture, measure and weigh your customer with his/her permission.

 6. Keep records of your customers. ( removein Customer Care Journal and complete the appropriate pages.) Keeping a progress chart on your customer accomplishes a couple of things.

First, it is the most effective way for you to know when and if a programme needs adjusting and how your customer is doing. Always be quick to point out their successes.

Secondly, it helps keep your customer accountable - the customer who knows you are also tracking their progress is the customer who will tend to be more consistent in their product usage. (removeHerbalife's Customer Care program includes a Personal workbook for your customer as well as one for you to keep on each person (1 packet services 30 customers).

 7. Explain how you are going to work with your customer, taking into account your customer's ideas and wishes.


RemoveThe recommended follow up schedule is right on the progress chart. Use the script provided in this section to know what you are looking for on each call (this information also in the Customer Care Guide from Herbalife).

Set up an actual follow up appointment to talk to your customer by phone. Follow up is easier and more successful if you set a specific time to talk - AND KEEP THE APPOINTMENT - than if you leave it vague and waste time playing phone tag. The most important part of building credibility with your customers is to call them when you say you will (or be available when you have told them to call).

 Customer Care

 Immediately after the sale, send your customer a 'Welcome to Herbalife' letter or put their name and email onto your admin on your retail website and they will immediately start receiving follow-up emails. Go to CoroNet.co.za for your retail site or email Nic at support@CoroNet.co.za with any questions on this.

 Customer care is a key factor of success in our business. Customers pay money and they expect to achieve results. As you know, the products work only when they are properly used for a certain period of time. And this happens when a professional and careful distributor is near, whose main priority is the customer's results.

 Building A Base Of Satisfied Customers

 A recent study revealed that people buy one particular brand over another, or shop at one particular store, mainly because of one reason: SATISFACTION! Satisfaction with the company, its staff, products, service and attention. Price was not a major issue. People like to buy where they are treated with respect and where the promises and expectations they have about the products and service are fulfilled.

 Ask for referrals.

 Most customers do not think to offer referrals unless you ask. The sooner you start this in their follow up, the better. A good guideline is that the minute they start to see a result, ask who else they know that you might help together to lose weight. Some people offer a referral incentive with a time limit built in. For example, you may let your new customer know right at the start that you have a referral program that can save them money. If they give you five referrals within their first three weeks on the program, you could give them a free program that equals the average of the referrals. Another option is to offer a 10% referral credit towards their next order, again with a time limit in place.

 The main principles that will cause your business to grow, flourish and be successful are:


 · Herbalife Distributors are in an enviable position, you can provide good customer service that other traditional businesses just don't or can't provide.

 · Your customer is the most important person in the whole world!

 · A satisfied purchaser will become your permanent customer, bringing you many other customers as well as becoming a source of positive information about your products.

 · Repeat sales to a satisfied customer are 10 times easier than to a new one.

 · This is because your customer already knows you, knows how good your products are and believes in them.

 · Good customers lead to other good customers

 · When your customer gets good results with your help, he/she is delighted to help you. All you have to do is ask, 'Who do you know who can benefit from these products?' Arrange to contact them and set up a home party demonstration.

 · Thanks to the great results they achieved with your help, many customers may also decide to join you as Herbalife distributors. Show them the business opportunity.

 From a chance buyer to an advocate of your products.

 Start by establishing good relations with your customer.

 Successful retailers do not simply aim for the greatest number of one-time sales, hoping that sales volume alone will lead to growth. What they do is cultivate and nurture relationships with their customers, leading to repeat sales and a lifetime of loyal buying habits. This holds true whether the product is weight management programs, nutritional or personal care products. The better the customer feels about you, the more loyal he/she will become.

 A sale is a sale, but a customer is a long-term asset!

 'If you make a sale, you can make a living. If you make an investment of time and good service in a customer, you can make a fortune!' Jim Rohn.

 Best wishes


21. Keeping in Touch with your customer

Dear name

It is a good idea to keep in touch with your customer as much as possible.

 The first three months are the most important, especially the first month, as it's the time when the customer starts changing his nutritional notions which had been taking shape for dozens of years. Your task is to know everything happening to the customer, as he believes in you, has paid, and is expecting a result. The same applies to the customers of your new distributors, as they often lack the necessary experience which you already have.

 Learn everything about your new distributors' customers and be always ready to help.

 Create a database 'Customers of my new distributors'

 Ask your customer when is the best time to call him, write it down in the Customer profile and stick to this schedule.

 During the first month call on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 13th, 19th, 25th and 31st days.

 If it's necessary to be in touch more often to be sure that everything is O.K., don't hesitate: call. During the second month and afterwards be in touch weekly or more often if the necessity arises.

 Make sure the customer started out using the program correctly.

 Key issues to be discussed with the customer:

 1. How have you used the program today?

 2. How have you prepared your shake?

 3. What beverages (how much of each beverage) are you drinking during the day?

 4. Do you feel hungry?

 5. What snacks have you had between meals?

 6. How do you feel in general?

 7. What are your recent weight and measurements?

 8. How do your relatives feel about your success?

 9. Is there anybody we could help lose weight or improve health?

 If during the sale the customer tells you about some specific health-related problems, then you should ask him from time to time about his general well-being. For example, 'You told me at the very beginning that for the last 7 years you've been suffering from headaches and fatigue which returned 2-3 times a week. In the three weeks of using the program have you noticed any changes for the better?'

 During the sale, while completing the Customer Profile, avoid making any statements about relieving or curing any diseases. On one hand, it's against the law, as our products are for nutrition and are not meant to treat diseases. On the other hand, the customer could have unfounded expectations. Speak about an opportunity to improve health and general well-being thanks to proper nutrition.

 When talking to a customer, always be positive and kind hearted. Try to do your best to help the customer achieve the desired results.


 Follow up is literally the 'GOLD' in our business. This is what leads directly to referrals, which leads to increased business for you without increased advertising costs.

  Basically, if you take good care of your customers, they will have no hesitation in sending their friends and family to you. (RemoveWe recommend using Herbalife's Customer Care program - it has everything you need to do excellent follow up with 30 customers (charts, scripts, troubleshooting, etc.).

 Warm wishes



22. Follow-up your customer - Trouble-Shooting

Dear ............

When you are following up on your new customer, they might have a few questions  that you can assist them with.

 Appetite and Hunger

 Q: What can I do if I am hungry during  the day?

 A: The reason for feeling hungry is either because you are not eating regularly or you  are not making yourself really satisfying shakes. If you were a heavy eater before starting the  program, you may feel hungry for a few weeks until your stomach adjusts to your new eating  habits.

 To prevent yourself feeling too hungry, here are some tips:

 1) Don't miss shakes.

 2) Be  generous when making your shakes - prepare them in a blender (removeusing about 12 fl oz. of liquid)  using juice or low-fat milk if not lactose intolerant – otherwise use soya milk and add fruit or yoghurt and ice.

3) Add more fresh vegetables and salads to your diet - they are filling without adding many  calories.

 4) When you feel you can't last without having something to eat, take a third shake  and tablets during the day, and don't fill up on snacks and sweets.

 5) To help with hunger  pangs and cravings, drink plenty of water and Thermojetics Beverage.

 6) Boost your energy  rather than your appetite by taking 2 Thermo Complete tablets at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m..  Thermo  Complete become the second most popular product second to our Herbalife famous Nutritional  Shake, in a very short time.It really works on those cravings.

 Q: How can I cope with feeling  hungry at night?

 A: This is a very common problem while dieting, so here are a few tips:

 1)  Make sure you don't miss your evening shake, if you are not eating your main meal at night.

 (2)  Removeno longer sell it gTake 2 or 3 tablets of Thermojetics Yellow together with your evening meal.)

 2) Ensure that you  drink plenty of water during the day.

 3) If you are unbearably tempted to eat late at night, have a half-sized shake. You will find it easily digestible and it will stop you from binge eating.

 Health Problems

 Q: Should I  consult my doctor before starting the programme?

 A: It is suggested that you should consult a doctor before starting any diet. If you would like  to ask your doctor about our products, we suggest you take them to the doctor, so that he can  read the list of ingredients and express his opinion.

 Q: What can I do if I find it difficult to take tablets?

 A: Some people find it difficult to  swallow the tablets at first. Try swallowing a tablet mixed with a spoonful of liquid such as  your shake or yogurt. Usually the problem will disappear if you persevere but, if all else fails,  you can crush the tablets into a powder form and mix them with your shake.

 Q: Is the program  safe for diabetics to use?

 A: The products are quite safe for diabetics as long as they are  under the supervision of a doctor for their diabetes. We have lots of diabetics using the program  and many doctors who recommend the program for their diabetic patients.

(Remove to be safe not approved in SA for thisve Q: Is the program  safe for use by pregnant or lactating women?

 A: Yes, our nutrition products are certainly safe  for use during pregnancy but it is not advisable for pregnant women to lose weight during  pregnancy. The notice on the Protein drink label concerning pregnant and lactating women  consulting their physicians before using the products is a result of a concern that pregnant  women not be on a weight loss program during pregnancy. Nutritional Protein Drink is part of our  weight management product line and, therefore, can be used for weight loss, weight gain or just  nutritional supplementation.

 * Pregnancy is a time when the focus should be on the health of  the mother and the health of the baby. Prenatal vitamins and a healthy diet are an extremely  important basis of prenatal care.

 * Herbalife nutrition products and the targeted nutrition  products are not only safe for use during pregnancy, but are used by many pregnant women around  the world as a source of great, healthy, nutritional supplementation in addition to a healthy  diet.

 * We do not recommend the use of Thermojetics Original Green and Beige and Thermojetics Herbal  Concentrate during pregnancy again primarily because we do not recommend a weight loss program  during pregnancy.)

 Q: Can people who suffer lactose intolerance use this programme?

 A:  Herbalife products are lactose-free with the exception of one of the Nutritional Protein Drink  (Tropical Fruit). The other flavours are lactose-free. The protein source is soy protein isolate.  If you suffer from lactose intolerance don't mix your shake with milk or dairy products, or  substitute lactose-free milk or soya milk.

 Weight Loss too Slow

 Q: What should I do if I am losing  weight too slowly?

 A: Everyone has their own unique metabolism, and will lose weight in a  different manner. Here are some of the factors that might influence the rate of weight loss:

 *  When you say, 'I am losing weight too slowly', what do you have in mind? Do you mean today, the  past week, or the past three, six, or nine months? Do you mean pounds or inches? There's a big  difference.

 * Excess weight can consist of various components: retained fluid, recently  accumulated fat and fat put on in past years. Depending on the ratio of these, the rate of weight  loss is different. It's relatively easy to lose fluids, recently accumulated fat is slower and  old fat is much slower.

 * Are you sure you are sticking to your programme exactly as you are  supposed to?

 * Are you skipping some of your shakes? If you feel hungry because of this, do you  start eating everything that comes your way?

 * Are you eating in between meals without paying  any attention to it? Do you 'taste' the food several times while preparing meals?

 * Do you  consume snack foods while watching television?

 * Do you regularly allow yourself to eat a small  chocolate bar or cake and then forgive yourself?

* The problem is that you can accumulate 1000-1500 calories a day on top of your regular meal  without really feeling hungry. It is difficult to lose weight without getting rid of those  habits, so what you need is discipline.

 * Do you drink enough water? If not, the weight loss  process is slowed down very significantly. You should aim to drink 8 glasses every day.


Q: I started losing weight, but the process has stopped. Why?

 a: In any weight loss program  involving a significant amount of weight, there will be periods when the body has to consolidate  the positive changes that have happened to it, by slowing down or even stopping the weight loss  process.

 * This can happen even while you are doing your best and keeping strictly to your  program. Don't worry. You just have to bear with this period while your metabolic rate is  changing. This process may sometimes take up to several weeks. Keep taking your measurements (removeand  entering them into your weight loss planner.) Soon you will see the results of your  perseverance.

 * You need to realize that excess weight accumulated over years and decades,  cannot disappear in a couple of months. Sometimes it's a long-term project, which demands a  really serious commitment, because in the end you will become slim and change your life for the  better.

 * Don't forget: you've got the best weight loss support system in the world in front of  you.

 Possible reasons:

 1. Not measuring.

 Some people lose inches first and weight second.  It is important to measure inches before starting the program and keep doing it and entering the  measurements into the chart. Lost inches are a true indication. It often happens that you lose  many cms and very few kgs. Draw the customer's attention to the lost cms. If you add all the lost  cms and divide them by the days on the program, you will see how many cms he/she is losing daily.  Tell him/her about it, and the customer will be more serious about every passing day.

 2.  Cheating.

 GUESS WHAT? People cheat on diets, often without knowing it. Some people drink  non-diet sodas and juice all day at 200 calories each. They excessively eat non-fat foods loaded  with calories. They have one to three snacks a day, which they forget to tell you about. One  double cheeseburger is at least 800 calories. Each potato chip is about 10 calories. Five large  pretzels are 100 calories. Even healthy snacks should not be eaten excessively. Remember, a piece  of fruit is about 80 calories each. One way to find out is to ask them to write down everything  that they eat for three days. ( removeThen use the Advanced Energy Guide to figure out how many extra  calories they are consuming). Pay special attention to their habit of chewing in front of TV or  eating at night.

 3. Not following the programme as directed.

 Remember, the program calls for  two shakes and one balanced meal per day with tablets as directed. Skipping meals can starve the  body and slow down metabolism. This can weaken the diet and lead to poor nutrition, which can  also sabotage the diet. On the other hand, some customers believe that the less you eat the more  weight you lose and skip their shakes. Sometimes you can hear, I was not hungry, so I skipped  my evening shake. Tell your customer from the very start that he/she should not skip shakes as  hunger will follow and result in an extra thousand calories. Bring this issue to their attention  over and over again.

 Various Problems

 Q: What if I cannot drink milk?

 A: Experience shows that some people have  trouble drinking milk. Around 40% of people over 25 cannot successfully digest lactose, the sugar  naturally present in milk. This may result in diarrhea and sometimes in constipation and excessive mucus.

 You can  make delicious shakes using fruit juices or other liquids, such as soya milk instead of milk or  shop around for lactose free milk.

 If you have no problems with milk and you drink it or use it  in your shakes, then use low fat or fat free milk.

 Q: What can I do if I have diarrhea?

 A:  Diarrhea is usually the result of using whole milk to mix the shake.

 What to do: Stop using  milk and substitute fruit juices or other liquids.

 At the start of your program, diarrhea can  be simply a result of the change in dietary habits and will be short-lived. If you simply persist  with your program, you will soon find that your digestive system will adjust.

 Q: How can I  cope with  constipation?

 A: Don't worry. It often happens when you make changes to your diet,  especially with people inclined to constipation. What you should do is drink more water and  include more fibre in your diet (whole grains, vegetables, fruit and fresh salads). It is also  advised to use dried fruit like prunes or other natural means, which can be found in drug  stores.

 Q: Why should I drink so much water?

 A: Metabolization takes place in a water  environment. That's why it is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day when you  are using the weight loss program. Remember: if you are not drinking enough water, this may  result in the following side effects:





  removelateaus in the weight loss process.

In extreme cases, there may be a decrease in the amount of blood in circulation and a drop in  blood pressure. So drink more fresh water. Always carry about a one-litre bottle of clean water  or Thermo beverage with you.

 Q: I am bored with the shakes and miss eating my regular food, so what can I do?

 A: Please go to our recipes section for plenty of suggestions to make your shakes really  delicious. If you are not finding your shakes satisfying, increase the volume of liquid and shake  formula you are using and add fruits and yogurt to make them more substantial.

 Q: How do I control my weight after I reach my desired weight?

 A: Learning how to control your weight is a major part of the support system. After you have  reached your desired weight, we recommend going over to the weight maintenance program. It's a  very simple program: one shake and tablets in the morning, instead of a regular morning meal and  two regular meals each day. You should also drink Thermojetics beverages instead of coffee during  the day, and you have every chance to keep your weight down.

 You should continue to take your  weight and measurements regularly. remove and enter them into your weight loss planner. If you see  yourself regaining a little, go back to the weight loss programme. After you have lost a couple of  kgs, return to the weight control program. In all cases we recommend using the weight maintenance  programme for at least the same period of time as you used the weight loss programme. This will allow  your body to leave the weight loss programme without any stress and prevent you gaining back the  weight you have lost.

 Q: What does it mean if I get headaches or dizziness in the first 3-4 days after starting the  program?

 A: The cause of these symptoms during the first few days (up to a week) of starting the program  is that toxins, which are stored along with body fat in the fat cells of your body, are released  into the bloodstream and lymphatic system. This comes about when the accelerated metabolism  causes fat to be released from cells where it has been stored for years and the accumulated waste  products enter the circulatory system. Stay on the program and drink as much clear water as you  can, to accelerate the process. Your body must remove the toxins that have accumulated there for  years. We call this process detoxification.

 Q: I am having some nausea, indigestion and intestinal cramps. What can I do?

 A: This could be a sign of detoxification.  Herbal Aloe Concentrate and Tang Kuei will also help  with these symptoms.

 Be sure to follow the program as directed and drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

 Q: I am experiencing headaches. Why is this.

Repeated headaches can arise from low blood sugar or dehydration. It can also be as a result of  detoxifications.  Be sure to follow the program as directed and drink at least eight glasses of  water a day.


 Q: Are the vitamin levels like Vitamin A high? Are they safe?


A: The levels of vitamins and minerals in all Herbalife formulas are carefully designed to assure  that individuals consuming them will develop neither deficiencies nor excesses. All of our  formulas are created to assure that individuals, regardless of their nutritional needs, receive  optimum nutrition. Studies demonstrate there is no 'buildup' of vitamins or minerals associated  with use of Herbalife products including Vitamin A. In formulating Herbalife products we have  taken special care to assure that Vitamin A and Vitamin B6 levels are completely safe and never  lead to accumulation even when consumed together with a diet rich in these or other vitamins.

 Q: What causes the feeling of increased energy? Is it caffeine?

A: The energy-enhancing effects of Herbalife are the result of its scientifically-balanced  nutritional formula and are not due to added caffeine or any natural or synthetic stimulants.  Herbalife's Thermojetics Instant Herbal Beverage contains a small amount of naturally occurring  caffeine. This is about the same amount as a cola drink or a cup of brewed tea. There is  absolutely no synthetic or added caffeine in any of the Herablife products.

 Q: Are all the ingredients in each product listed on the label?

 A: All ingredients are listed on the label of each product in accordance with country specific  laws. Quantities as well as sources of some ingredients are considered proprietary information.

 Q: Can we heat the Nutritional Protein Drink?

 A: In general, the Nutritional Protein Drink Mix can be mixed with lukewarm or cold liquids.  However, it should not be heated to boiling or baked. High temperatures can destroy the potency  and nutritional quality of various vitamins.

Warm wishes



23 Shake Parties or Grand Openings

Hi ..........

Shake parties or Grand Openings are lots of FUN! They are also seriously effective! More and more distributors  around South Africa are sharing their success sales using this marketing method. You just cannot  ignore the snow-ball effect your sales will have.

( RemoveYou can use the 'Results Speak for Themselves' Video at your shake party.  You just have to sit  them down, put on the video & let the video do the work for you.)

 The best way to start is to make a list of everyone you can think of.

 Call them, be very enthusiastic, and tell them you have gone into business. As a part of your 'on the job training', you could hold at least 7 parties in your first four weeks.

 Say, would there be any reason you couldn't ask some of your friends and neighbours in so I can  share the product with them and complete my initial 7 party requirements?

 Have your calendar in front of you and have an X beside each time for the next three weeks you  can hold a party. Give her choices of times and decide on a definite date. Share with her, but  don't tell her too much. Keep her curiosity about your product high. Keep on booking until you  have called everyone you can think of. The more bookings to begin with, the better!

 Also, self host a couple of parties. You invite your close friends and neighbours over to your  house. Call them and explain you have to do some, on the job training,  and on that (date) and  (time) you will be holding a party at your house. From this type of party, book future parties.

 After the initial parties, go back to the hostess to thank her and to offer her an incentive to  continue hosting parties for you. Explain the Business Opportunity and then add that if she would  like to just start with parties, you will offer her say, a 10% commission on all products sold at  her parties. She'll actually line up bookings for you once she understands how they will benefit  her. She may even decide to become a distributor herself once she starts earning a substantial  income.

 Outline for shake parties.

 Before the guests show up:

 1. Set up one of everything for display.

 2. Mix Thermojetics STRONG, prepare lemon + sugar  or the new flavours are great.

 3. Or make a Thermo punch, mix with some fruit juice, chopped fruit & some mint leaves &  ice.

 4. Spray room with a man's fragrance (women LOVE this).

 5. Always sit in a relaxed circle, not cinema style.

 6. Be sure you have a few testimonials / pictures (stories) to pass around.

 7. RemoveHave the 'Results Speak for Themselves' Video ready to roll)

Have fun and enjoy yourself!

 8. You, the presenter, should ideally sit, not stand.

 9. Have product on hand to sell on the spot.

 10. Crush Lipobond tablets and practise the Lipobond demonstrations (see example in no. 10  below)

 As guests arrive:

 1. Hand each guest a cup of Thermo tea / punch and tell them there is lemon/sugar if they need it.

 2. When all guests are seated, have hostess introduce you and tell your story.

 3. Tell brief company history. Be enthusiastic, informal but INFORMATIVE.

( 4. Remove Show the 'Results Speak for Themselves video' ) Always have a great attitude.

 5. Ask how many guests are there to lose weight, gain weight or maintain good health.

 6. Have your hostess in the kitchen now mixing 2-3 flavours of shakes (mix 1 in low fat  milk, 1 in juice and 1 in yoghurt to show the variety.)

 7. Tell about products & explain how to lose, maintain and gain weight on these products.

 8. Serve small cups of the shake, giving each one's mix preference. Ask them how they taste?

 9. Ask them if they feel any different from the thermo tea? benefits (use if you know you  are in for a long day, or slip it into husbands drink when he thinks he is too tired to take you  out)

 10. Do the Lipobond demonstration. (Take a clear glass, ill with tepid water, add a teaspoon  of oil, take the crushed Lipobond tablet and sprinkle over oil. Watch it grap the oil and sink to the bottom.

 11. Keep the chatter going so people in the room do not have a chance for any negative  thoughts!

 Good luck, have fun and enjoy it! Warm wishes



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