



i) Why Children Need Quality Nutritional Supplementation 2

ii) Vitamins and Minerals 2

iii) Fatty acids 3

iv) Calories, Carbohydrates, Fat, Fibre and Protein 4

v) General Recommendations 6





i) Founder and brief History 12

ii) Scientific Advisory Board 12





i) Why Children Need Quality Nutritional Supplementation

The official view from the medical community remains that our diet should be adequate to fulfil our nutritional requirements. However, consumers are increasingly conscious of the link between nutrition and health and many are concerned about the safety and nutritional value of the food they eat.

Poor dietary habits in children are the norm, not the exception. A large study of over 3000 children appeared in Paediatrics in 1997 and showed that only 1% of these children met the recommendations for the Food Guide Pyramid. The largest pattern of children met none of the recommendations for the Food Guide Pyramid and this group of children was low in vitamin B6, iron, calcium, zinc and fibre.

Children are often picky, and because so many food choices are low in nutritional value, children are often eating the wrong foods. In addition, our children are being raised in a more challenging world - they are exposed to free radicals and oxidative stress daily and in higher amounts than when their parents and grandparents were being raised. Air pollution, water pollution, pesticides, sun exposure, preservatives, radiation, smoke, lack of exercise, fatty foods and stress are factors that raise free radical levels. These free radicals increase risks of degenerative diseases as they cause cellular and tissue damage within the body. There is a great need for diets rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to combat the free radical damage.

We are just starting to understand the role of certain nutrients in improving the health of children. 

ii) Vitamins and Minerals

A balance of vitamins and minerals should be offered to our children. Nutrients work synergistically, which means that certain vitamins and minerals work cooperatively in different metabolic pathways in our cells and tissues. Correcting a deficiency of only one vitamin may cause a deficiency in other areas. For example, excess vitamin B1 can interfere with vitamin B2 and B6 and create deficiencies of these. The following summary gives recommendations for different vitamins and minerals and tells why they are necessary for children:

• Vitamin A: Vitamin A is needed for growth and repair of body tissues, bone, skin, teeth and hair. It is also important in maintaining the immune system. High doses of vitamin A supplementation can be toxic.

• Vitamin C: (Ascorbic acid). Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps with growth and repair of tissue and is needed for healthy gums. It increases the absorption of iron. It works synergistically with vitamin E and these two antioxidants are more powerful together than alone.

• Vitamin D: This aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and helps build bone. It is necessary for normal growth and development of the teeth and bones in children. Most vitamin D comes from sun exposure.

• Vitamin E: Vitamin E is coming to the forefront as an important antioxidant for reducing the risks of cancer and cardiovascular disease. It is necessary for tissue repair and promotes healthy skin, hair, nerves and muscles.

• Thiamine (vitamin B1): Thiamine assists in blood formation, carbohydrate metabolism, and brain function. It is needed for transmission of impulses in the central nervous system.

• Riboflavin (vitamin B2): Riboflavin is used in red blood cell formation, antibody production and aids in the metabolism of all foods. It also helps maintain normal vision.

• Niacin (vitamin B3, niacin amide, nicotinic acid): This is necessary for metabolising food. It aids in the function of the nervous system.

• Pantothenic Acid: (vitamin B5). Known as the "anti-stress vitamin," pantothenic acid is involved in the manufacturing of adrenal hormones, antibodies and neurotransmitters. It also helps in the breakdown and utilization of foods and vitamins.

• Pyridoxine (vitamin B6): Pyridoxine is necessary for the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. It promotes red blood cell formation and is needed for nervous system function.

• Vitamin B12 (cobalamin): Vitamin B12 is required by cells to build the genetic material, DNA and to form red blood cells. It is necessary to prevent anaemia. It is linked to the production of acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter.

• Biotin: Assists in cell growth, fatty acid production and in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is necessary for the utilization of other B vitamins.

• Folic acid (folate folacin): Folic acid functions as a coenzyme in DNA and RNA synthesis, so it is necessary for cell growth and division.

• Calcium: Calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth. It also is important for maintenance of a regular heartbeat and for transmission of nerve impulses. It is needed for muscle growth and contraction. It is critical for bone growth and bone mineralization in children.

• Iodine: A trace amount of iodine is important for a healthy thyroid gland and prevention of goitre. Iodine deficiency in children may cause mental retardation.

• Magnesium: Magnesium is a catalyst in our body's enzyme activity. Magnesium, together with the proper balance of calcium, is necessary to promote bone mineralization. It is important for transmission of nerve and muscle impulses. A deficiency of magnesium affects the metabolism of calcium, potassium and sodium. Magnesium deficiencies have been linked to cardiovascular problems.

• Manganese: Small amounts of manganese are needed for protein, fat and blood sugar metabolism. It is also necessary for healthy nerves and for a healthy immune system.

• Selenium: Selenium is a necessary co-factor for antioxidant enzymes that protect the immune system by neutralizing free radicals. Selenium deficiency has been linked to cancer and heart disease. Studies have also shown that 200 micrograms per day of selenium can significantly reduce the risk of certain cancers. Selenium works with vitamin E and if you are deficient in selenium, the potential harm from vitamin E deficiency is increased. The selenium content in food is dependent on the selenium content of the soil where the food is grown.

• Zinc: Zinc is important for enzyme systems in the body. It promotes a healthy immune system and speeds wound healing. It is needed for normal taste and smell, prostate gland function, growth and sexual maturation. Marginal zinc deficiency in children can cause poor appetite, poor growth and impaired taste. Zinc deficiency is known to impair the immune system and make a person more susceptible to colds and infections.

Herbalife’s “PROTEIN DRINK MIX” provides the following % RDA per 26 g serving:

Vitamin A 37%, Vitamin D 50%, Vitamin E 34%, Vitamin C 25%, Thiamin 27%, Riboflavin 55%, Niacin 31%, Vitamin B6 25%, Folic Acid 30%, Vitamin B12 150%, Biotin 25%, Pantothenic Acid 42%, Calcium 52%, Iron 37%, Phosphorus 52%, Magnesium 18%, Zinc 31%, Iodine 27%, Potassium 520mg, Copper 0,5mg, Selenium 20ug and Manganese 0,3mg.

iii) Fatty acids

Despite all the concern about fat in our diet, the body does require fat to function. The problem is that most people are getting the wrong kinds of fats in their diet and are lacking the good fats in their diets. There are two types of fats:

• The bad guys: Saturated fats are the type that can clog arteries. These fats are solid at room temperature and are found in meat, milk and poultry. High intakes of these fats have a correlation with an increased incidence of heart disease and strokes in later life. Trans fats, often listed as hydrogenated oils are found in margarines, vegetable shortening and many processed foods such as in peanut butter, cakes, cookies and crackers. Although listed as an unsaturated fat in Nutrition Facts labels, they are part of the bad guys.

• The good guys: Unsaturated fatty acids are liquid or soft at room temperature. Oils such as corn, fish, peanut, safflower, sesame, soybean, sunflower and olive fall into this category. Fatty acids that are essential for the body, but cannot be made by the body are called essential fatty acids (EFA). Essential fatty acids are part of the good fats that have been researched and found to have numerous health benefits. Essential fatty acids help build nervous system tissue and help with the transmission of nerve impulses. They are also used by the body for the production of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances, which regulate various processes.

There are two major categories of EFA, which are both considered polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). These are omega-3 (the major source is alpha-linolenic acid) and omega-6 (the major source is linoleic acid). Omega-3 EFA is found in fresh oily fish (canning causes some loss of EFA) like herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna and anchovy. Omega-3 EFA is also found in fish oil, flaxseed oil, canola oil and walnut oil. Omega-6 oils include corn oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, borage oil, grape seed oil and primrose oil. Good sources of both omega-3 and omega-6 are Great Northern beans, kidney beans, navy beans, soybeans and soybean oil.

Getting an adequate amount of essential fatty acids may present a challenge. The Western diet has moved away from a fish diet and most of the fats in processed foods are the bad fats. Also consider that if your child does not get adequate amounts of the basic vitamins and minerals, their body may not process the EFA that is consumed. In order for EFA to be used correctly, they need certain co-factors like vitamin A, C, E, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and copper.

The primary problem is that the Western diet tends to be too high in omega-6 and too low in omega-3 fatty acid consumption. The typical American diet has a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 of around 15 to 1. Diets with a ratio of about 4 to 1 have been shown to be healthier in research studies.

If everything is working correctly, EFA along with their co-factors will become metabolised into prostaglandins in the body. These are important in the function of the immune system. Too much saturated fat can block the conversion of EFA to the desirable prostaglandins. A malfunctioning immune system can lead to illness and it also plays a role in allergies and autoimmune diseases (diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, juvenile diabetes and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis).

Essential fatty acids are important in the production of myelin that is being laid down in the brain. Myelin sheaths cover the brain cells, which are being laid down in the first couple years of a child's life.

Herbalife’s “HERBALIFELINE” provides 550mg Marine Liquid Complex per tablet, providing 90mg EPA and 60mg DHA.

iv) Calories, Carbohydrates, Fat, Fibre and Protein

According to the National Academy of Sciences a preschooler’s diet must consist of 40% carbohydrates, 35% fats, 20% protein and 5% fibre.

The diet of school-age children should consist of 55% carbohydrates, 30% fats and 15% protein.


A calorie is a unit of heat used for energy for our body’s metabolism, or simply, how our body burns food to get energy. If you consume more calories than you need, your body stores the extra energy as fat.

Suggested energy intake for moderately active children:

1 – 3 years 1300Kcal

4 – 6 years 1800Kcal

7 – 10 years 2000Kcal

Herbalife’s “PROTEIN DRINK MIX” provides 356Kcal (1502kj) per 100g or 217Kcal per 26g serving.


Carbohydrates are dietary nutrients, which include sugars, starches and fibres and are the body’s main source of energy. Carbohydrates are transformed by the body into a substance called glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar that is carried into the blood and transported to the cells for energy. Any glucose not used is either converted into glycogen or converted to body fat.

There are two types of carbohydrates:

1) Simple carbohydrates: which are sugars – sucrose, glucose, fructose, honey, lactose, maltose and dextrose.

2) Complex carbohydrates:

starches - flour, bread, rice, corn, oats, barley, potatoes and legumes

fibre - Insoluble: whole-wheat bread and cereals, wheat bran, cabbage, beets, carrots, brussels sprouts, turnips, cauliflower and apple skin

- Soluble: oat bran, oats, legumes, citrus fruits, strawberries, apple pulp, rice bran and barley

Although both simple and complex carbohydrates contain the exact same number of calories as protein, which is four calories per gram, foods high in complex carbohydrates usually contain nutritional extras like vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Health authorities recommend that care should be taken that children obtain a generous amount of complex carbohydrates. 50 to 55% of children’s calories should come from complex carbohydrates.

The Herbalife “PROTEIN DRINK MIX” provides 34,6g (per 100g) or 22g carbohydrates (per 26g serving, with 250 ml semi-skimmed milk).


Children under two should not restrict fat in their diets.

The American academy of Paediatrics, National Academy of Sciences and American Heart Association agree that fat should not account for more than 30% of the calorie intake of children over the age of two and saturated fat should account for under 10%. Since fat intake is important for growth, development of the brain and regulation of body temperature, experts also caution that fat intake should not be lowered to under 25% of daily calorie intake. Preschooler’s fat requirements are not as high as that of infants but they still require more fat and fewer carbohydrates than adults.

The Herbalife “PROTEIN DRINK MIX” provides 8,8g (per 100g) or 6,5g fat (per 26g serving with 250ml semi-skimmed milk), thereof saturated fatty acids 1,9g (per 100g) or 3,1g (per 26g serving with semi-skimmed milk) and unsaturated fatty acids 7,0g (per 100g) or 3,1g (per 26g serving with semi-skimmed milk).


Dietary fibre is a kind of plant cell polysaccharides that is not absorbed by the human body, but still plays an important role in our health.

Dietary fibre can be divided into soluble and insoluble form. Soluble fibre is found mostly in bean products, oatmeal and fruit. It combines with fat and passes through the body and in that way helps to lower the body’s serum cholesterol levels and keep blood sugar at a normal level.

Insoluble fibre comes mostly from wheat husk and vegetables. After absorbing water it expands and becomes soft, aid the movement of bowels and acts as an intestinal cleanser.

The recommendations for dietary fibre for children older than two years is to increase dietary intake to an amount equal to their age, plus 5 grams per day, for example the dietary fibre requirement for a five year old child is 5+5=10 grams. For preschool children, introduction of fibre should be done gradually. Too much fibre can make a young child’s diet so bulky, that they become full before they have eaten sufficient food to satisfy their need for essential vitamins, minerals and energy.

The Herbalife “PROTEIN DRINK MIX” provides 9,6g (per 100g) or 2,5g dietary fibre (per 26g serving with semi-skimmed milk).

The Herbalife “FIBRE AND HERB” tablets provide 232 mg dietary fibre per tablet.


Protein is a nutrient made up of nine essential amino acids – body chemicals needed for nourishment that must be supplied through the diet. These amino acids are the building blocks of our bodies that assist in tissue repair and the growth and development of new cells. We can’t store protein, so children need a new supply of proteins daily.

In most cases protein is obtained from animal-based sources. These sources may not be the best choice, because they also contain saturated fat – a fat that stays solid at room temperature. For this reason many dieticians recommend that children get some of the protein they need from other food sources such as vegetables, beans, cheese, eggs, milk and soy.

Children between 1 and 3 years of age need 16 grams of protein daily. This increases to 24 grams for 4 to 6 years old and rises to 28 grams for youngsters between 7 and 10.

Herbalife “PROTEIN DRINK MIX” provides 34,6g (per 100g) or 17,5g protein (per 26g serving with 250ml semi-skimmed milk)

v) General Recommendations

Another element that needs to be restricted in children’s diets is the intake of sodium through salted foods. Sodium has been closely linked to hypertension, which increases a person’s risk of heart disease and strokes. The National Academy of Sciences recommends limiting sodium intake to 2400mg daily – if possible 1800mg. However the average two year old already consumes more than five times that amount. The best way to reduce the amount of salt in children’s diets is to reduce their consumption of processed foods and increase the proportion of daily calorie intake from natural foods like fruit, vegetables and grains.

Findings from the Healthy People 2000 report indicate that low calcium intake is common among many children. Calcium intake increases children’s bone mineral density. To increase bone mass, weight-bearing exercises such as walking, running and jumping rope are encouraged rather than non-weight bearing exercises such as swimming.

Iron deficiency is another problem, especially for children aged 1 to 2. Iron stores of full term infants generally meet iron needs for approximately the first 6 months of life. However, after iron stores are depleted, it is difficult to accumulate iron, even when iron intake is adequate, because of the high iron requirements relate to rapid growth. In the Unite States 95% of toddlers aged 1 to 2 and 9% of adolescent girls aged 12 to 15 years are iron deficient. Therefore, ensuring adequate iron status in children and adolescents is not only important for their growth and development, but may also play a role in long-term health.


A daily intake of vitamins, minerals and nutrients is essential to good health and energy. In an ideal world, we would obtain a correct balance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from the food we eat. But with today’s hectic lifestyle and our eating habits, this is often impractical, resulting in a lower level of nutrition than desirable. Weight problems and nutritional deficiencies are widespread in our society, mainly due to bad eating habits such as overeating, skipping meals and “yo-yo” dieting. Stress, medication, smoking, alcohol and poor eating habits all lead to a decrease in nutrient absorption.

Herbalife is essentially based upon a fundamental nutritional principle – the principle of cellular nutrition, or cellular level nutrition. Today we know that health and disease are cellular processes.

What we know today is that if the nutrition you take into your body – what you eat – is not getting to the cells, the nutrition is ineffective. And we have conditions today where people are overfed and undernourished. You see it particularly in obesity, but you see it in many other conditions around the world. Why would it be that you could eat and still not get nourished?  

If you start thinking about nutrition, not just from a dietetics point of view, not just from a food point of view, but from the point of view of the body, you begin to understand that the body must break all food down into basic nutrients. What does that mean? We don’t eat chemicals. We’re not artificial beings - we live on food… we enjoy food. Food contains the building blocks of life. Our bodies are composed of trillions of tiny building blocks – living cells that grow, die and are replaced many times over during our lifetime. As all nutrition is absorbed at this level, our bodies need good nutrition to perform their vital functions of metabolism, growth, repair, detoxification and reproduction. Nutrition contains the proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and the various types of carbohydrates for energy.

But when we look at food, we don’t see these components. We see carrots, milk, vegetables, meat etc. We see the whole food. The body must break down that food, be able to absorb the breakdown products (nutrients) and distribute them to the blood. The blood must take them to the cells and the cells must be healthy enough to take the nutrients in, to use it to rebuild life.

As long as the food we take in is nutritious, as long as we are healthy and as long as we are active, everything is fine. But as we all know, there has been a gradual deterioration in the food chain. If nothing else, there has been a concentration of the kinds of foods that we eat. We have changed the way we eat. We tend to be caught up in the modern lifestyle. We don’t spend our time cooking food and we don’t spend our time preparing food – it’s prepared for us. And little by little we are taking food out of the food chain, just eating fast foods.

But in addition, our lifestyle itself has an impact on our ability to eat and absorb food. How many of us sit after a meal, digest, read the paper, or take a walk? In a fast-paced life, you eat, and then you’re on the run. This stress does not allow the body to digest food completely and the result is a lower absorption of nutrients.

If your body’s been ill, if you’ve been taking medication, if you have any kind of a health problem (any kind of digestive problem, constipation problems, diarrhoea problems, indigestion, ulcer problems) you can be certain your body is not digesting or absorbing your food completely. The result is, that even if it looks like we’ve got the best food supply in the world, even though we certainly get enough calories, many of us are, systematically starving ourselves of fundamental nutrition at the cellular level.

And the result is that we get progressive diseases of nutritional imbalance. And most of the major health problems we talk about here all arise from nutritional imbalances. When we talk about the major cardiovascular problems, heart disease and circulation problems, nutritional imbalances, overweight conditions, many of the cancers we talk about - are a result, in part, of poor nutrition and dietary imbalances. Many of the little problems we feel from day to day - the fatigue, the tiredness, the aches, the pain and asthma – all of these conditions have a nutritional component. Today it is considered that more than 95% of all health conditions will respond in some way to proper nutrition. So if there was ever a time of importance to understand the physiology of nutrition - now is the time, because the pressures of civilization are increasing and the food industry is moving toward faster, quicker and less healthy food. The responsibility lies with us to make proper choices.


What are the mechanics of Herbalife, to make it work? This involves three crucial nutrition sciences - food technology, micro-nutritional supplementation and the science of herbs.

The first is food technology. In Herbalife it is called the “PROTEIN DRINK MIX”- the food substance. 5 years of research and study went into the original formula and there have been two upgrades since the fifth generation protein shake. It contains a high quality soy protein as a basis. Soy, as many people know, is one of the most amazing foods in the world. The Japanese population that has a high soy diet has the lowest incidence of breast cancer among women and prostate cancer among men of any other civilization or any other country in the world. It is believed to be due to soy. The more soy you put in the diet, the more protective your diet becomes. It’s also been shown that high soy diets not only can help women through menopause because there are botanical factors in soy itself, but it can actually have a positive effect on blood pressure, the blood, the heart and even cholesterol.

The Protein Drink Mix is built around the highest quality of soy in the world. As the quality of soy improves and the refining technology becomes better, the purification product becomes better, we can make soy that is not only more concentrated, not only easier to digest, but even easier for the body to absorb. When soy shakes were brought into the world over 20 years ago, you couldn’t eat soy. People not just had problems with allergies to soy, but it was such an indigestible food that people would actually get sick from soy. Today soy is the best thing you can make your shake out of. And all of the major companies that are making high protein shakes are looking to use high quality soy. Herbalife has been doing that for a long, long time.

We began with food technology, but we need to talk about the other building blocks of life – the vitamins, minerals and so forth. You must be able to supplement your diet in a scientific way. Vitamin and mineral supplementation, or as we say, micro nutrition – the second nutritional science, is not a hit and miss thing. Too little is no good, too much is no good. You can actually take too much of certain vitamins – most people know that. Some mega dosing is safe for short periods of time and can be used by doctors. But you have to know exactly what the safe range is that the body can absorb. You can’t take a lot of one without unbalancing the others.

The quality of the materials you use to create micro-nutritional supplementation, whether it’s in the form of the shake, or whether it’s in the form of tablets, must be a technology that gives you a biologically useful, or a nature equivalent form of nutrient. Because there are many forms of vitamin-like substances that the body can’t use - you can supplement all day but be wasting your time, your money, and you can get sick on them. So you must use biologically active, or what is called a nature equivalent form of nutrient and you must use it in precise balancing and precise quantities and relationships. This nature equivalent form of nutrient in precise balancing quantities and relationships is to be found in the Herbalife ”PROTEIN DRINK MIX” - a scientifically balanced and easily absorbed source of quality nutrition. 

Each serving of this formula (derived from Soy Protein Isolate) provides the dietary amino acids important for good nutrition, including the nine essential amino acids which the body cannot produce on it’s own. It provides approximately 17 grams of protein and 217 kcal, if made with 250 ml semi-skimmed milk. It is low in saturated (1,9g) and unsaturated (7,0) fat and provides a combination of slow-release and quick-release carbohydrates (22g) to help regulate blood sugar highs and lows, while maintaining energy levels. It also provides a high quality of dietary fibre (2,5g) and sodium (0,28). It uses calcium caseinate, a protein source that may be more suitable for those with lactose intolerance. It contains the following Vitamins: Vitamin A, D, E, C, B6, B12, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folic Acid, Biotin and Pantothenic Acid and Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Iodine, Potassium, Copper, Selenium and Manganese.

It comes in four flavours: Vanilla, Strawberry, Tropical and Chocolate

But to really create what we call cellular nutrition, we must go beyond that. We must go beyond food, we must go beyond nutritional supplementation and we must move into the area that is undoubtedly the most exciting area in nutrition today - that is the amazing world of herbs - the third nutritional science. 

Herb gardens have been around for a long time. Herbs have been used for healing. Herbs have been used for boosting nutrition. But what we know about herbs today is that they contain active ingredients that support or go beyond the power of basic nutrition to enhance health, to help extend life, to help the body heal from disease and to prevent various disease processes. They have sources of certain natural forms of vitamins and minerals. Herbs contain fibre – the only source of useful fibre for the body. It used to be that we spoke in very simple concepts about herbs, but today, we can begin to talk about a whole new area of herbal science and particularly herbal nutritional science, that is simply mind-blowing. The more we understand, the more we can put together our knowledge, to create more powerful products like the Herbalife “FIBRE AND HERB” tablets.

These tablets combine oat bran and selected herbs, which work together to help encourage the efficient elimination of waste products from the food we eat. A cleaner digestive system can function more effectively and also help to ensure better absorption of essential nutrients from our food. Our modern diet contains a high proportion of highly processed and often fibre-deficient foods. This lack of fibre hampers the effectiveness of the digestive tract, rendering it less able to absorb all the nutrients from foods. The tablet contains 232 mg dietary fibre.

FIBRE AND HERB Key ingredient properties:

Oat fibre: (soluble)

Oats are beneficial to the colon and good for flatulence and upset stomach. Research shows that regular inclusion of oat husk in the diet is highly effective in suppressing blood cholesterol. It also helps to keep the blood sugar and insulin levels steady. Oat fibre increases faecal bulk, benefiting the colon in many ways, including alleviating constipation.

Black sesame: Seeds are nutritious and contain Vit E, folic acid, nicotinic acid and minerals (especially calcium) – thus a general tonic.

Mung beans: This Asian bean plant is a good source of protease inhibitors.

Fennel: Herbalists regard fennel as a digestive aid and it helps prevent the build up of wastes in the body.

Chamomile: Good for assisting the natural digestive process and known for its calming effect on smooth muscle tissue.

Mint: Reputed to lessen the amount of time food spends in the stomach, by stimulating the gastric lining.

Parsley: Rich source of Vit C. and a good tonic where the digestion is sluggish.

Orange Blossom: Soothing properties.

Hibiscus Flower: A useful tonic.

Papaya Fruit: Contains proteolytic enzymes that break down protein. Good for relieving indigestion.

Herbalife’s “N.R.G.”, meaning “Nature’s Raw Guarana”, and is 100% organic. It has been used for centuries by the Amazon Indians because of the natural lift it provides. The herbal beverage naturally stimulates your adrenal glands, which in turn releases adrenaline and gives you natural energy. Some of our body’s most common uses of adrenaline are to check haemorrhaging of wounds, to relieve asthma by allowing more oxygen into the bloodstream through increased circulation, and to counteract the effects of hypoglycaemia (an abnormally low level of glucose in the blood).

“N.R.G.” does contain approximately 4% naturally occurring caffeine, which is much different from the caffeine found in coffee, chocolate and soft drinks. A regular cup of coffee would contain approximately 150 milligrams of caffeine, where one teaspoon of N.R.G. would contain only 15 milligrams. Very few people react or respond to the small amount of caffeine in the powder, largely because it is naturally occurring. Naturally occurring caffeine is processed from commercial caffeine. It enters and leaves the body more slowly and leaves no residues in the liver. Naturally occurring caffeine is not isolated like caffeine found in coffee, chocolate and soft drinks, therefore does not cause the side effects of consuming caffeine, i.e., headaches, nausea, nervousness and insomnia. This product does however provide a tremendous natural lift and further aids in mental alertness.

“ N.R.G.” is also used to reduce hyper-activity especially in children who show signs of having ADD or ADHD. In most cases adrenaline works a reverse role in hyperactive children. It literally slows them down instead of speeding them up and further boosts their mental well being and alertness. Many parents have reported that “N.R.G.” has replaced the common prescription drug “Ritalin”, in many cases, without any of the side effects produced by Ritalin.  

Ingredients: Maltodextin, guarana seed extract, orange pekoe tea extract, lemon peel extract.    

Herbalife has combined the best of nature and science to create a family of products that enhance our nutritional fitness, vitality and well being. Each new product is the result of extensive research by leading scientists, nutritionists, doctors and cosmetologists. We provide good nutrition in an easily digestible form so our bodies can absorb them, even when there has been a history of poor eating, excessive dieting or illness. The key difference Herbalife makes with their products is the inclusion of a group of herbs and micronutrients which support optimum nutrition to further assist overall good health and vitality. Our cellular Nutrition Program - the “PROTEIN DRINK MIX” and “FIBRE AND HERB” tablets - actually addresses the underlying problem we’re experiencing by giving the body what it needs on a daily basis, hence allowing the body to do what it does best: heal itself.

In our small intestine lives tiny microscopic finger-like protrusions called villi. The villi are where our bodies absorb the nutrients from the food and supplements we consume. However, these villi become damaged or energetically impaired. As a result they retain little surface area for them to work. Factors that damage villi are stress, smoking, alcohol, airborne toxins, medication, preservatives, fat, additives and drugs. As the villi break down, the body absorbs less and less of the nutrients from the food we eat. This is one reason our bodies begin to break down and we feel worse as time goes on. When our bodies cannot absorb the nutrients from our food and supplements, we often times find ourselves eating more. We crave fats and sugars because they are easiest for our body to absorb. We then become more tired and fatigued because our bodies are not getting the proper nutrition it needs. By starting the Cellular Nutrition Program the body will begin to repair and rebuild the villi.

Another aspect we need to look at is fatty acids.

Foods containing polyunsaturated fats provide us with Omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) that is the “good” components of fat. Omega-3 EFAs are essential, because we need them to maintain health. The body cannot produce them independently and must obtain them from dietary sources. Marine food (including salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines) is the main source of Omega-3 EFAs. Unfortunately Omega-3 EFAs are often lacking in the modern diet. At least 3 portions of marine food weekly is the recommended amount indicated by nutritional experts. Many of the oils we use in our diet are plant based (vegetable or sunflower oil) and these provide a good supply of Omega-6 EFAs.


Herbalife has developed a premium grade marine lipid complex supplement, called “HERBALIFELINE”. It provides a rich source of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), which are converted by the body into prostaglandins. These hormone-like substances are considered to be essential for proper brain function, affecting vision, mood and learning ability. They also help maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, thus helping to control blood pressure, help maintain the immune system and mediate inflammation. This supplement has been formulated to help maintain supple joints and to support the natural function of the heart and circulation. The ingredients can also help us maintain a healthier looking skin.

It also contains 3 essential oils – thyme, peppermint and clove, which help keep the fish oil fresh and reduces any fishy aftertaste.

To conclude:

• Only 1 in 100 people can absorb & assimilate food properly.

• 70% of all disease, i.e., heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, etc., is directly related to poor nutrition & our own inability to absorb & assimilate food properly.

• 70% of all doctor visits are related to poor nutrition.

• 50% of all deaths can be related to poor nutrition.


• Gives the body 100% of all essential vitamins, minerals, herbs, micro nutrients and trace elements needed daily.

• Allows the body to absorb and assimilate nutrition consumed from the products on a cellular level.


The Labelling Law asks the question ‘Who can take this product?”. If the product is not suitable for everyone, it must carry a warning on the label. Herbalife products carry no such warning – because it is safe for everyone, including children.


Herbalife Nutritional Shake = meal replacement. Remember – Herbalife is just food, that means you cannot ‘overdose’ on Herbalife products. The same way children need less food than adults, the same way they need less Herbalife than adults.

A 12 year old child is considered being an adult. If a child is younger than 12 years is overweight, the same principles as for adult weight-loss program counts - two shakes per day, two healthy snacks and one healthy, balanced meal.

Children (0-1yrs):

Nutritional Shake Mix 1 serving = 5-7ml R2.56 per meal

Children (1-4yrs):

Nutritional Shake Mix 1 serving = 10ml R3.68 per meal

Children (4-8yrs):

Nutritional Shake Mix 1 serving = 15ml R5.52 per meal

Fibre and Herb 1 tablet per day 66c per day

Herbalifeline 1 tablet per day R3.41 per day

N.R.G. 2 x servings of 1.25ml per day R1.65 per serving (R3.30pd)

Children (8-12yrs):

Nutritional Shake Mix 1 serving=20ml R7.36 per meal

Protein Powder 1 serving = 15ml R5.85 per meal

Fibre and Herb 1 tablets 2 x per day 66c per tablet (R1.32pd)

MultiVitamin 1 tablet 2 x per day R1.48 per tablet (R2.95pd)

Herbalifeline 1 tablet 2 x per day R3.41 per tablet (R6.82pd)

N.R.G. 2 x servings of 2.5ml per day R3.30 per serving (R6.60pd)

Older than 12 yrs (adult dosage):

Protein Dink Mix R287 for 550g (780ml) R11 per meal

Personalised Protein R234 for 240g (600ml) R5.85 per meal

Fibre and Herb R119 for 180 tablets 66c per tablet (1x3pd=R1.98pd)

Multi Vitamin R133 for 90 tablets R1.48 per tablet (1x3pd=R4.43pd)

Herbalifeline R307 for 90 tablets R3.41 per tablet (1x3pd=R10.23pd)

N.R.G. R152 for 60g R3.30 per serving (1x2pd=R6.60pd)


i) Founder and brief History

When Founder Mark Hughes was only eighteen, his mother died of an accidental overdose of prescription diet pills. Mark transformed the personal tragedy into fuel for a higher purpose. He vowed to develop an organization that would put the kind of reliable information and safe, effective products (that his mother never had), into the hands of millions. It became his life's ambition.

After substantial research Mark launched Herbalife in 1980, in conjunction with D&F Industries, the company who manufactures all the nutritional supplements for the NASA space program.

In Marks’s first month he sold US $ 23 000 worth of products and by the end of the first year Herbalife had achieved an astounding US $ 2 Million in sales. By 1996 the company had reached its first Billion Dollars in sales for the year and during the next 4 years, the company grew by another Billion Dollars per annum. In 1997 Mark Hughes won the USA “Entrepreneur of the Year” award.

Today Herbalife International is a 3.6Billion Dollar-plus per annum company that produces the best weight-management, nutritional and personal care products in the world, operating in 66 countries, with millions satisfied customers.

The prestigious Los Angeles Times rated Herbalife No1 on its list of the Best Performing companies in California.

98% of all companies fail in the first year. 95% of all Network Marketing Companies fail in the first 3 years. Herbalife is still growing, and in fact, is outpacing the industry growth by 20% per year. Herbalife was born only months after the famous decision, in which the FTC ruled that Network Marketing compensation plans were a legal and proper business model. With a legal precedent of legitimacy stamped on the MLM model, a new generation of network marketing companies burst onto the scene. And no company came to epitomize that new generation better than Herbalife.

Today, two decades later, Herbalife is one of the mature giants of the industry, both trendsetter and pacesetter. And it shows no sign of slowing:

Actual sales for: 1995 - $932 million; 1996 - $1.2 Billion; 1997 - $1.5 Billion; 1999 - $ 1.8 Billion; 2007 3.2 Billion; 2010 – 4.3 Billion with a growth target of $10 billion in the next ten years.

Herbalife has the highest retention rate of clients and distributors of any company in the industry according to the Direct Marketing Association.

Devotion to superb products is the bottom line at Herbalife, and the core to the success of an empire.

ii) Scientific Advisory Board

Herbalife’s Scientific Advisory Board, in conjunction with other leading nutritionists and scientist, is a respected body of health professional that guide and direct Herbalife’s leading edge innovations, scientific research and testing.


Providing adequate energy and nutrients to ensure adequate growth and development remains the most important consideration in the nutrition of children. Preschoolers are still growing and their weight increases by about 12% between the ages of 3 to 5. Growth patterns and energy needs during preschool years are highly variable and marked individuality exists during this stage.

Preschool children are dependent upon their caregivers for their food selection. As a result family dietary patterns will have a strong influence on food choices. With the proliferation of fast food restaurants, the number of junk food commercials on television and the increasing trend toward eating out, it is more difficult than ever for parents to ensure that their children maintain a nutritious diet. One argument for introducing a recommended diet in early childhood is that it will help to promote good food habits in adulthood.

Preschoolers still can’t eat enough at three meals a day to meet their nutritional needs and therefore nutritious snacks in between are very important, however they should not spend most of the day eating – which prevent them from being hungry at mealtime and can encourage the development of obesity in later years.

Obesity is increasing in the preschool age group. In America the prevalence of overweight among children has increased from 8% in 1976-1980 to 11% in 1988-1991 and 14% in 1988-1994. More than 10% of 4- and 5 year old girls were overweight in 1988 –1994, compared with 6% in 1971 -1974. In 1993, a joint working group of the Canadian Paediatric Society recommended that children should gradually make a transition from the higher fat diet of infancy to a diet that includes no more than 30% of energy as fat and no more than 10% of energy as saturated fat. Treatment for overweight children consists of an age-appropriate behavioural modification, nutrition counselling and increased physical activity. However prevention of childhood obesity is the best weight control option.

The amount of refined sugar in children’s diets – typically accounting for 14% of calorie intake by adolescence - is a cause for concern. Although sugar is known to cause tooth decay, it also may be associated with behaviour problems. The greatest danger in consuming foods high in added sugar is that these “empty calories” will replace the more nutritious food that children need in order to maintain good health. Soft drinks are one of the biggest culprits in this respect.

Food patterns that emphasize variety, complex carbohydrates and lower fat choices are appropriate and desirable for children. Physical activity and healthy eating habits are important lifestyle habits that children must learn in preschool years.


Referring back to the need for nutritional supplements in children in terms of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, calories, carbohydrates, fibre and protein it is evident that Herbalife products meet the requirements to be implemented in a nutritional program for preschoolers:

• The Protein Drink Mix provides balanced nutrition:

Created with advanced food technology the specially formulated, unique blend of ingredients provides easily absorbed, high-quality soy proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre.

The Protein Drink Mix can be used as a shake - in either fruit juice or semi-skimmed milk. The choice in flavours (Vanilla, Strawberry, Tropical, Cookies & Cream and Chocolate) provides an interesting variety for children. The shake is a sure favourite with children!

As an alternative it can also be used in low-fat yoghurt, in porridge or in fruit salad.

• The Fibre and Herb tablets combine oat bran and selected herbs that work together to help encourage the efficient elimination of waste products and help to prevent build-up of fat deposits. It acts as a “broom “ to cleanse the system to allow perfect absorption of nutrients from food.

The tablets can be crashed with the Herbalife tablet crusher and added to the Protein Drink Mix Shake – a solution for children having problems with swallowing tablets.

• N.R.G. one of nature’s most energizing herbs gives energy and an invigorating lift during the day, enhances performance and increases concentration. It is considered to be “brain food” or “food for the mind”. Relief of asthma is reported in the use of N.R.G. It is easily absorbed and gets to work quickly.

In winter the N.R.G. can be used as a hot herbal tea. In summer it can be added to water of fruit juice as a cold beverage.

• Herbalifeline enables you to benefit from the fruits of the sea – formulated to help maintain supple joints, support the natural function of the heart and circulation. It supplies the Omega-3 Essential Fatty acids that the body cannot produce.

The easy-to-swallow soft gel capsules have a low reflux formula that helps to minimize the fish oil taste during digestion – ideal for children.



Herbalife is safe for all ages. We have had fabulous weight loss & health results with children on the Herbalife products. Not only is it a quick, fun and easy way of making sure your child is getting all the nutrition they need, it is also helping a lot of parents find solutions to problems they are having with their children.

Please note - Herbalife products are not medication, but food. They have been designed by a team of the world’s top Medical Doctors / Scientists and are safe for everyone to use, as the product labels do not contain any warnings whatsoever. Good nutrition is the starting point for any health program, because, without an adequate intake of essential nutrients, the body cannot repair itself physically, and the mind cannot properly function psychologically or emotionally.

Included are a number of testimonials about children and the positive results on Herbalife products. Formula 1 referred to in articles is the Protein Drink Mix and Formula 2 is the Fibre and Herb tablets.

Owain Gardner

My son, Owain, is 22 months old and was recently diagnosed with diabetes type 1. After drinking Herbalife shake in his bottle twice a day, his blood sugar is now much more stable and his insulin requirements have now halved. He's only been on the products for 2 weeks and we saw results within the first 2 days.

Tonya McWhirt

My 4-year-old son Trace had problems with weight gain. He is 42 inches tall and now weighs 35 lbs. Before I put him on Formula 1, 3, and the Dinomins he weighed 32 lbs. He has gained 3 lbs in two weeks and we haven't changed his diet any other way. He has been a happier child and more calm. He is not nearly as hyper. He was so skinny that at 4 years old was sensitive about his weight. I don't want any other child to have a complex about being "too skinny" so I hope that my son's story will help many other little guys and gals!

Robert Erva

My 9-year-old son RJ was born 9 weeks premature with a birth weight of 2 lbs. 13oz. He grew up with many medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart trouble, and chronic otitis media, resulting in 8 surgeries and scarred tissue damage in the ears. He also had poor nutrition due to lack of motor sensory skills, along with other delays. He most recently was diagnosed with ADHD and asthma. We decided Ritalin wasn't an option, however the medications for the asthma were making Robert very hyper. In May 1999 Robert was put on the general nutrition from Herbalife along with Schizandra, RoseOx, and NRG. Within 6 weeks he was off his medications and has been inhaler and antibiotic free.

Mitchel Nekvasil

My son Mitchel is 10 years old, he is 4'11 and weight was 124lbs. He has been on Formula 1,2 and 3 for just over 2 weeks, he has lost 8lbs and would still like to loose another 6lbs. Everyone including his teacher has noticed a difference. By the end of school this year we expect not to hear the word 'fatty' any longer.

Jody O’Connor

My son, Jody O’Connor is 13 years old. From the time that Jody was born he was difficult. He slept very little and most of the time he just screamed. We put him on one drug after another.

At the end of 1996 we had him tested at a Child Psychologist and he was diagnosed with ADHD. (Attention Deficit – Hyperactive Disorder) and he was prescribed medication that had adverse effects and Jody did not improve. We then sent him for psychological therapy, also without any real benefit that we could see. We started 1998 with trepidation as Jody was now in Grade 4 and two years behind his peers with no guarantee for the future. At the end of the 2nd term we removed Jody from a mainstream school and placed him in a school catering to the needs of ADHD children. His initial assessment placed him into Grade 5. He was still taking medication twice daily, which has its own problems; loss of appetite -never eating breakfast and only eating the first time at 3pm each day, lowered resistance, mood swings and terrible headaches (including migraines).

In July 1998 we were introduced to Herbalife and its range of incredible products. We started taking the Protein Drink and Fibre & Herb tablets, and of course, Jody did too. The first thing that we were delighted about was that Jody was now having a meal each morning and his weight started increasing. We then started giving him NRG in his shake each morning and Rose-Ox. (an anti-oxidant to help eliminate all the build-up of toxins in his body). We started seeing a difference. At the end of 1998, Jody was promoted to Grade 7 having skipped Grade 6 altogether. Well the results were outstanding. All him marks doubled. Even the school wanted to know what we were doing differently. We are overjoyed and we thank Mark Hughes and Herbalife for making such a wonderful product available to us.

Barry and Marinda

Our daughter Marilize, is 8 years and hade concentration problems etc. The School advised us last year 1999 that various problems are busy surfacing .It cost us a fortune with various doctors and everyone had a different perception. It was recommended at one stage that we place her in a special School on the East Rand to which I objected. We attended a Herbalife Function at Sun City and while listening to all testimonies of other people we decided to put her on NRG and Protein Drink Mix.

The results after two days was as follow:

1.She stopped crying about everything & you could  start reasoning with her

2.She started going to bed on her own at night

3.No more fighting with her sisters 

4.No more fights getting her to school

5.Her headaches stopped

Marilize is not yet over her problem but the improvement since we started giving her NRG and

Protein Drink Mix is tremendous. Her Schoolwork improved a lot.

Fran de Villier’s Family Results

My name is Fran de Villiers, and I have been on the products for a little more than a year.  I have lost 12kg and have kept it of for nearly a year now.  My husband has suffered from high blood pressure, and his feet were swollen. He has lost 9kg and his blood pressure has normalised and his swelling has completely disappeared.

But my best story is about my two sons.  They are both clever, but did not achieve the marks they ought to, because they never wanted to learn, or it was just too much effort to do anything. I first started my youngest son, David on NRG, because he came home with a history class assignment for which he got 17%.  Since he started on NRG his average has increased from to 81%, and at the end of last year (Gr. 7), he had 83% average.  He was so proud of himself!  He has changed completely, and is a much easier child to live with, as he always was very negative.  This has changed a lot.

My eldest son, Francois, then said he also wanted NRG, as he did not do too well in his first term in Gr.10.  Since he started using NRG, his average has also increased with 10%, and he has received his academic colours for the 3rd year last year.  He says he can immediately see the change in his handwriting when he has drunk NRG.

Shelly’s story

My 10-year-old son Zac has had several different diagnoses in his young life. We tried all sorts of medication & he had some horrible reactions.  It has been a non-stop, ongoing heartache trying to help this child. We have never been able to enjoy him for just being who he is. We've been so wrapped up in "finding answers", we've missed the "wonder years". We had a beautiful 10-year-old boy who supposedly was Autistic, Epileptic, ADHD, OCD, with Tourette's.

It looked like we were facing a life of one medication after the next, with the doctors doing nothing but prescribing new drugs. From there I went to work... I pretty much lived at the library and read everything I could get my hands on about herbs and alternative methods of treatment. I made a list of symptoms that I wanted to improve with Zac, then went after the herbs that dealt with those issues. I saw where I could find those specific herbs in the Herbalife products and started a plan of action.

The first month we started on Protein Drink Mix, Fibre and Herb, Herbalifeline and NRG and noticed a big improvement. The second month we did the same plan, but he was now free of medication. He slept like a baby. The dark circles that were always a part of his face were visibly lighter. He was eating like a teenager. We added Tang Kuei, tics decreased dramatically, he had gained 4kg.

3rd month we introduced Rose Ox. His teacher and principal were amazed at the improvement. The attention and focus was right on track and he was making social strides every day. He is now able to be involved in team sports and absolutely loves it! He has now caught up the 9kg that he was lacking and has shot up 8cm. 

He has not "ticked" in over 2 months and for all intents and purposes is enjoying a normal healthy childhood. The biggest thing I think is that I've been reacquainted with my boy. I forgot what his true personality was- the cute little things about him that were masked by drugs. Now I'm reminded of the little boy before medication. The little boy who was lost, that Herbalife helped me find again. I will always and forever be eternally grateful for these products.


Disclaimer: No medical claims of any nature are made or intended in any of the stories submitted. The experiences of the parties concerned are their own personal experiences and the results obtained are due to the body receiving complete and properly absorbed nutrition on a daily basis.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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