László Bruszt


Address: Department of Political Science,

Central European University

Nador u. 9, 1051 Budapest, Hungary



2016- Professor, Department of Political Sciences,

Central European University, Budapest


2017 Habilitation to full professorship in Economic Sociology, Italy MIUR

1994 PhD, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

1978-81 MA, Budapest University, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Department of Sociology

1971-74 BA, College of Finance, Budapest


2004-16 Professor, Chair of Social and Political Change, Department of Social and

Political Sciences, European University Institute, Florence

2010-13 Head of Department, Department of Social and Political Sciences European

University Institute, Florence

2003-04 Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Central European University

1993-03 Associate Professor, Department of Political Sciences, CEU

1996-97 Acting Rector and President, Central European University

1995-97 Pro-Rector of Academic Affairs, Central European University

1991 Visiting Professor, Department of Government, Cornell University

93. Recurring Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, Notre Dame University

1989. Visiting Professor, Sociology Department, New School for Social Research Graduate School

1988. Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law, Budapest University

1987 Lecturer, Karl Marx University of Economics, Budapest

1982- Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences


2015 Bibó István Prize of the Hungarian Political Science Association

2006 Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic - Knight Cross

1999 Award for the best book in Political Economy in 1999 - American Sociological Association, Political Economy of the World System section, (co-authored with David Stark)

1998-99 Lindzey Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford

1997-98 Special Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Budapest Collegium

1991-92 Research Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin

1989 Pro Scientia Prize of the Ministry of Education, Hungarian Republic

1987-88 Jean Monnet Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, European University Institute, Florence

1984. Post-doctoral Fellowship, Soros Foundation, Institute on East-Central Europe, Columbia University, New York

1981 Post-doctoral Fellowship, Institute für Politikwissenschaft, Vienna


2010-13 Member of the Executive Committee, European University Institute

2012-17 Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, East European Politics

2002-09 Member of the Executive Council, Society for the Advancement of Socio Economics (SASE)

2005-08 Member of the Council of Scientists: INTAS (International Association of the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Independent States (NIS) of the Former Soviet Union

2005- Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of International Relations and Development

2005- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Politologicky Casopis – Czech Journal of Political Science

02. Member of the Advisory Board of the Council for European Studies, Columbia University, New York

1997-99 Member of the Eurasia Advisory Committee of the Social Science Research Council, New York

1997-01 Member of the Board of the Research Support Scheme, Open Society Institute, Prague

1995-97 Member, Board of Trustees, Central European University

1995-97 Chair, CEU Press Advisory Board

1995-97 Member, University Senate, Central European University

1993-99 Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Politikatudomanyi Szemle

1989-92 National Secretary, Democratic League of Independent Trade Unions

1988 Co-founder, Democratic League of Independent Trade Unions in Hungary

1981-89 Editor of the journal Medvetánc published by Budapest University



Leveling the Playing Field: Transnational Regulatory Integration and Development. Oxford University Press 2014 (co-editor with Gerald McDermott)

The Transnationalization of States, Economies and Civil Societies. New Modes of Governance in Europe, New York: Springer. (2009) (co-editor with Ronald Holzhacker)

Postsocialist Pathways: Transforming Politics and Property in East Central Europe (co-authored with David Stark). New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Traseele Postsocialiste: Transformarae politicii si a proprietatii in Europa Centrala si de Est. Bucharest: Omega Publishing House, 2001. (Romanian translation of the above book).

Postsocialistcheski traektorii: Transformiraneto na politika i sobstvenosta v iztochna centralna vropa IK Amat-Ah Sofia, 2004 (Bulgarian translation of the above book).

The Trap of Centralization (Savaria University Press, 1995).(In Hungarian)

The Silenced Society (Budapest: Institute of Social Research, 1990), co-authored with János Simon, in Hungarian.

Core Periphery Relations in Europe – Special Issue of Studies in Comparative International Development 2018, Volume 53, Issue 2 (co-editor with Visnja Vikov)


“Governing market integration and development – lessons from Europe’s Eastern and Southern peripheries” Introduction to the Special Issue on Core Periphery Relations in Europe co-edited with Visnja Vukov); Studies in Comparative International Development 2018 Volume 53, Issue 2, pp 153–168 (co-authored with Visnja Vukov)

“Making states for the single market: European integration and the reshaping of economic states in the Southern and Eastern peripheries of Europe” West European Politics 2017 Vol 40 N.4 pp. 663-687 (co-authored with Visnja Vukov)

“Varieties of dis-embedded liberalism. EU integration strategies in the Eastern peripheries of Europe” Journal of European Public Policy 2017 pp 297-315 (co-authored with Julia Langbein)

“Regional Normalization and National Deviations - EU Integration and the Backsliding of Democracy in Europe's Eastern Periphery” Global Policy Journal Volume 6. 2015 pp 38-45)

‘Transnationalizing States in Europe’s Peripheries: European Integration and the Evolution of Economic State Capacities in the Southern and Eastern Peripheries of Europe” Journal of Comparative Economic Studies 2015 Vol. 10, pp 69-93 (co-authored with Visnja Vukov)

“Integrating Rule Takers: Transnational Integration Regimes Shaping Institutional Change in Emerging Market Democracies”. Review of International Political Economy 2013 Vol. 12. N5 pp. 742-778 (Co-authored with Gerald McDermott)

“Associating, Mobilizing, Politicizing - Local developmental agency from without” Theory and Society, 2013, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 1-23 (co-authored with Balazs Vedres)

“Le promozione dello sviluppo dall’esterno. Le agenzie per lo sviluppo locale nell’Europa centrale e orientale”. Stato e Mercato N 8 Augosto 2010 pp. 189-219. (co-authored with Balazs Vedres)

Transnationalization, Social Integration, and Capitalist Diversity in the East and the South", Studies in Comparative International Development, 2009 Vol 44: 411–4. (co-authored with Béla Greskovits).

Also published as Transnacionalización, integración social y diversidades de capitalismo en el este y en el sur Revista de Sociologia, Nº 26 (2011) pp. 61-88

“The Politics of Civic Combinations” (co-authored with Vedres, Balazs) Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit, Volume 19, Number 2 / June, 2008) 140-160

Also published in Victor Perez Diaz (ed.) Markets and Civil Society. Berghahn Books, New York.

“Multi-Level Governance – The Eastern Versions: Emerging Patterns of Regional Developmental Governance in the New Member States” in Regional and Federal Studies 2008 18:5,607 — 627

Also published in Polish as ‘Wielopoziomowy system rządzenia - Przykłady wschodnie’.in Zarzadzanie Publiczne

“Rooted Transnational Publics: Integrating Foreign Ties and Civic Activism” (with Stark, David and Balazs Vedres) Theory and Society vol 35, no. 3 (2006), pp. 323-349.

Also published in Russian «Укорененные транснациональные сообщества: интегрируя зарубежные связи и гражданскую активность». Перевод под ред. В.В. Радаева. Журнал «Экономическая социология» (Старк Д., Ведреш Б.).

“Shaping the Web of Civic Participation: Civil Society Websites in Eastern Europe.” (with Balázs Vedres, and David Stark.) Journal of Public Policy, 2006 25(1):149-163.

“A technológiák szervezése és a szervezés technológiái: az online civil szerveződés főbb műfaji formái Kelet-Európában” (co-authored with Balázs Vedres, and David Stark) Információs Társadalom, 2005/1.

“Organizing Technologies:Genre Forms of Online Civic Association in Eastern Europe” in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science; 2005/1, pp. 171-188. (co-authored with Vedres, Balazs and David Stark)

“Who Counts? Supranational Norms and Societal Needs” (co-authored with Stark, David) East European Politics and Societies 2003/1, pp. 74-82.

“Market Making as State Making - Constitutions and Economic Development in Postcommunist Eastern Europe” in Constitutional Political Economy, 2002/1, vol. 15: 53-72.

“One Way or Multiple Paths? For a Comparative Sociology of East European

Capitalism” (co-authored with Stark, David) American Journal of Sociology 2001 Vol 106 N.4. January pp. 1129-38.

“Postcommunist Networking: Secret Agents, Mafiosi, and Sociologists” (co-authored with Stark, David) in Eastern European Constitutional Review Vol. 9.N.1/2 Winter/Spring 2000 pp. 115-20.

“Markets and States” Beszélő, 2000 May pp.47-64. (in Hungarian).

“State Incapacities” Mozgó Világ, 2000/12 pp.91-98 (in Hungarian).

“Enabling Constraints, Institutional Sources of Policy Coherence” Revista Brasiliena 1998/2 co-authored with David Stark.

Reprinted in Hungarian in Miszlivetz Ferenc (ed) Közép-Európai Változások, Savaria University Press, 1998 pp. 171-213.

Also published in Spanish in Desarrollo Economico, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Vol. 39 Julio-setiembre 1999, N154 pp. 163-194.

“Why on Earth Would Eastern Europeans Support Capitalism?” Politikatudományi Szemle, (l 995: 3), in Hungarian.

Also published in Spanish as

¿Por qué razón habrían de apoyar los europeos orientales el capitalismo? Democracia,

capitalismo y opinión pública? in Zona Abierta, 72-73 (1995) pp 107-144

Also published in Portuguese as “Por que raiso os leste-europeus apiaram o capitalismo?” Democracia, Capitalismo e Opinao Publica” in Opiniao Publica Publica Vol 5. N2. Pp. 55-76

“The Development of Party Preferences before the Campaign,” Tarsadalmi Szemle (1994: 4), pp. 67-76, co-authored with János Simon, in Hungarian.

“After the Antall-Era—Before the Elections,” Politikai Evkony 1994, pp. 774-802, co-authored with Janos Simon, in Hungarian.

“Transformative Politics: Social Costs and Social Peace in East Central Europe,” in Eastern European Politics and Societies, Vol.6, No. 1 (Winter 1992, pp. 55-72).

Also reprinted in Italian, Stato e Mercato, No. 34 (AprilApril 1992).

Also reprinted in Sisyphus, 1992, vol. 1 n. 8.4.

“The Great Transformation: Changing views about Capitalism and Democracy in Hungary,” Politikatudomany, (l 992: 1, pp. 41-70), co-authored with János Simon, in Hungarian.

“Remaking the Political Field in Hungary: From the Politics of Confrontation to the Politics of Competition,” (with David Stark). Journal of International Affairs, vol. 45, no. 1, Summer 1991, pp. 201-245.

An expanded version of the above paper is published in Ivo Banac (ed.). Eastern Europe in Revolution, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 1992, pp. 13-55.

Spanish translation of the above article appears in Vias a la democracia en Europa: este y oeste, edited by J.R. Montero, J.M. Maravall and J.M. Colomer. Barcelona, Spain.

“A la recherche des clivages occultes - un conflit universitaire en Hongrie,” Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, N.86/87 (Mars 1991, pp. 58-69), co-authored with Ivan Bajomi.

A Hungarian version appeared as “Rejtett valasztovonalak nyomaban” Iskolakultura, 2007, 17, 2, 93-108.

“Post-Authoritarian Political Orientations in Hungary,” Political Yearbook of Hungary, Budapest (1990), in Hungarian.

“The Negotiated Revolution in Hungary” Social Research 57:(2) 1990. Pp.365-387.

“Zwei WahlenWahlen in Ungarn in 1989,” Südost-Europa (1990/1), co-authored with JaJanos Simon.

“Ungheria—Transizione alla democrazia liberale,” Relazioni Internazionali (1990 Marzo), pp. 52-60.

“The Economic Dilemmas of the Transition to Democracy,” Südost-Europa, No. 4, (1989).

“The Traps of the Strike Law,” Parlamenti Tudósitások, No. 3 (1989), pp. 7-15, in Hungarian.

“Without us but for us—Political Orientation in the Period of Late-Paternalism in Hungary,” Social Research (Spring/Summer 1988), pp. 43-77.

“The Fall of the Monopolies of Interest Representation,” Political Yearbook of Hungary 1988, Budapest, (1989), in Hungarian.

“The Traps of Centralization,” Medvetánc (1988: 1), pp. 171-197, in Hungarian.

“Towards a polyphonic political system,” Valóság (1987: 5), pp. 71-8 1, in Hungarian.

“The Political Organization of Business Interests in Hungary,” European University Institute Colloquium Papers, Florence,1987.

“The commodified free time,” Társadalomkutatás, No. 3-4 (1986), pp. 82-100, co-authored with Lilli Róbert, in Hungarian.

“Corporatism—an essay on a paradigm,” Politikatudomány (1986: 4), pp. 105-115, in Hungarian.

“Systems of interest mediation in capitalist societies,” Szociológia (1987: 2), pp. 107-124, in Hungarian.

“Theories of Corporatism,” Medvetánc, No. 3-4 (1984), pp. 88-115, in Hungarian.

“Consent and Stability - The case of Austrian Social Partnership,” Valóság, No. 11 (1983), pp. 16-32, in Hungarian.


“EU integration and the evolution of economic state capacities in the Southern and Eastern Peripheries of Europe in” Le Gales, P. and King, D. (eds.) Reconfiguring the European State Oxford University Press 2017. Pp. 158-79 (Co-authored with Visnja Vukov)

“Regional Development Governance” in Borzel, T; Risse, T. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism Oxford University Press 2016 pp 374-405 (co-authored with Stefano Palestini Cespedes)

“The Governance of Transnational Regulatory Integration and Development” (2014) In Bruszt, L. and Mcdermott, G. (eds.) Leveling the Playing Field: Transnational Regulatory Integration and Development Oxford University Press (co-authored with Gerald McDermott)

“Strategies of Regulatory Integration via Development The integration of the Polish and Romanian dairy industries into the EU single market” (2014) in Bruszt, L. and Mcdermott, G. (eds.) Leveling the Playing Field: Transnational Regulatory Integration and Development Oxford University Press (co-authored with Julia Langbein)

“The State of the Market: The Market Reform Debate and Post-Communist

Diversity.” (2013) in Douglas Chalmers and Scott Mainwaring (eds.) Institutions and

Democracy: Essays in Honor of Alfred Stepan Notre Dame University Press

“Political Regime Types and Varieties of Post-Socialist Capitalism in the Era of Globalization” in Masanobu, Ido (ed) Varieties of Capitalism, Types of Democracy and Globalization (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy) 2012. Pp.193-216

Also published in RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, 2016, vol. 56, issue 4

“Civil Society, Institutional Change and the Politics of Reform: The Great Transition.

with G.Roland, N. Campos and J. Fidrmuc, in Gerard Roland (ed.) Economies in

Transition The Long-Run View Studies in Development Economics and Policy Palgrave

Macmillan 2011

“Three converging literatures of transnationalization and the varieties of

transnationalization” in Laszlo Bruszt and Ronald Holzhacker, (eds.), The

Transnationalization of Economies, States and Civil Societies New Challenges for

Governance in Europe. New York: Springer Political Science Series 2009

“Transnational Integration Regimes as Development Programs” in Laszlo Bruszt and Ronald

Holzhacker, (eds.), The Transnationalization of Economies, States and Civil Societies

New Challenges for Governance in Europe. New York: Springer Political Science

Series 2009

“Making Capitalism Compatible with Democracy – Tentative Reflections from the East” in Crouch, Colin and Wolfgang Streeck (eds.) The diversity of democracy. A tribute to Philippe C. Schmitter, 2006 Edward Elgar.

“Causes, national costs, and timing of reforms” in Fanelli, Jose Maria and Gary McMahon (eds), Understanding Reform, Volume 1: Philosophy, Politics and Stakeholders, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, pp.113-152.(co-authored with Liew, L.H., and L. He)

“Making Markets and Eastern Enlargement: Diverging Convergence?” in Peter Mair and Jan Zielonka (eds.) The Enlarged European Union: Diversity and Adaptation Frank Cass: London, Portland, 2002 pp. 121-41.

Also appeared in West European Politics 25 (2), 121-140, April 2002.

“Heterarchies and Developmental Traps” in Karl Hinrichs, Herbert Kitschelt and Helmut Wiesenthal (Hg.) Kontingenz und Krise – Institutionenpolitik in kapitalistischen und postsozialistischen Gesellschaften – Claus Offe zu seinem 60.Geburstag

(Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York 2000) pp. 119-41.

Reprinted in Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, 2001/1, pp. 37-57.

“Constituting Markets: The case of Russia and the Czech Republic” in Michel Dobry (ed). Democratic and Capitalist Transition in Eastern Europe, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2000, pp. 197-221.

A shorter version of it appeared as “A Market Economy Needs and Effective State” in The Transition Newsletter The World Bank Group Vol. 11, Number 3-4, May/June/July 2000.

“Dancing on the Mine-Field” in Michael. D. Kennedy and Brian Porter (eds.) Negotiating Radical Change – Understanding and Extending the Lessons of the Polish Round Table Talks (The Regents of the University of Michigan, 2000).

“The Politics of Patience: Support for Capitalism” in Samuel Barnes and Janos Simon (eds.) The Postcommunist Citizen, New European Studies, Erasmus Foundation and IPS of HAS, Budapest, 1998, pp. 165-195.

“Restructurer les réseaux dans le post-socialisme: la proprieté‚ inter-enterprises en Hongrie et en République tchéque” in Robert Delorme (ed.) A L’Est Du Nouveau Changement Institutionnel et Transformations Economiques (L’Harmattan Collection

“Pays de l’Est, Paris 1996).

“Le reti di imprese nella trasformazione post-socialista”. Italian translation of the above article in Stato e Mercato nr. 46, aprile 1996, pp. 77-122.

“Sieci restrukturyzacyne w przeksztalceniach gospodarczych krajów postsocjalistycznych.” Polish translation of the above article in Narodziny Demokratycznych Instytucji: Studia nad Systemem Reprezentacji Interesów, edited by Jerzy Hausner. Cracow: Academy of Economics Press, 1995, pp. 75-108.

“Vállaltközi tulajdonosi hálózatok a kelet-európai kapitalizmusban.” Hungarian translation of the above article in Közgazdasági Szemle vol. 63, no. 3, March 1996, pp. 183-203.

“Reforming Alliances: Labor, Management, and State Bureaucracy in Hungary’s Economic Transformation,” in Jerzy Hausner,Bob Jessop and Klaus Nielsen (eds.), Strategic Choice and Path Dependency in Post-Socialism: Institutional Dynamics in the

Transformation Process (London: Edward Elgar)) 1995, pp. 261-287.

“The Antall Government and the Economic Interest Associations,” in Gombar et. al., Kormany a merlegen (Budapest:Korridor Politikai Kutatási Központ, 1994), in Hungarian.

Also published in English in Béla Király (ed.) Lawful Revolution in Hungary 1989-94 (Social Science Monographs, Boulder Colorado), 1995, pp. 369-395.

“Paths of extrication and possibilities of transformation” ,in Janos Kovacs Matyas (ed.) Transition to capitalism? : The Communist Legacy in Eastern Europe, New Brunswick, N.J, Transaction Publishers, 1994 (co-authored with David Stark).

“The Great Transformation - Theoretical Conceptions and Public Opinion on Democracy and Capitalism in Eastern Europe,” in Gy. Szoboszlai (ed), Flying Blind (Budapest: Institute of Political Science, 1993), co-authored with János Simon, pp. 177-204.

“Workers, Managers and State Bureaucrats and the Economic Transformation in Hungary,” in Jody Jensen and Ferenc Miszlivetz (eds), Paradoxes of Transition (Savaria University Press, 1993), pp. 135-159.

“Hungary’s Negotiated Revolution,” in A. Bozoki, A. Korossenyi, Gy. Schöpflin (eds.) Post-Communist Transition in Hungary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992).

“The Rise and Expected Fall of Functional Corruption,” in R. Nick, M. Philp, and M. Pinto-Duschinsky (eds.), Political Corruption and Scandals (Vienna: Innovation VWGO Publishers, 1989) co-authored with Tamás Réti.

Reprinted in R.O. Pohoryles at al (eds.) European Transformations, Five Decisive Years at the Turn of The Century, ICCR Publications 1994.

“Sur la voie d’un Etat constitutionnel?” in P. Gremion and P. Hassner, Vents d’Est-Vers l’Europe des États de droit? (Paris: Collection Recherches politiques), pp. 71-92.

“The Stages of Paternalism - a report on the study of the political orientations of the Hungarians,” in Radnóti-Szalai, Arat a magyar (Budapest: Institute of Sociology, 1989, pp. 171-194), in Hungarian.

“Latent pluralism and relative autonomy of the state in Hungary,” in Yearbook of the Institute of Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1987).


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