Summative Assessment 2013


This year, we have been discussing the concept of the hero. We began with Joseph Campbell’s “hero cycle” as a framework for all of the stories we have encountered throughout the year. From Herakles, Icarus, Phaeton, Xavier and Elijah, to the fallen heroes in Romeo and Juliet. Now let us reflect on the concept of the hero and Joseph Campbell’s theory.

PART ONE: Hero Cycle Graphic Story (60 Marks)

You will create a story in graphic novel style (using Bitstrips or Comic Life) where the main character goes through the stages of the Hero Cycle. Demonstrate your understanding narrative structure and the stages of the hero cycle by incorporating them into your own innovative story. With images and some text, tell the hero’s story in an effective and creative way. This will count in the media strand.


PART TWO: Oral Reflection (60 Marks)

You will be asked to relate and reflect on the theme of the hero by creating an audio podcast with your reactions to ONE of the following quotations. Think of this as an oral essay. Use evidence from the literature studied, and your own experience. This will count towards the oral strand.

We have supped full with heroes, they waste their deaths on us. (C. D. Andrews)

1. My heroes are the ones who survived doing it wrong, who made mistakes, but recovered from them. (Bono)

2. The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else. (Umberto Eco)

3. Heroes are created by popular demand, sometimes out of the scantiest materials. (Gerald W. Johnson)

4. The opportunities for heroism are limited in this kind of world: the most people can do is sometimes not to be as weak as they've been at other times. (Angus Wilson)

Graphic Story Proposal


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|Setting | |

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|Plot Summary | |

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|Genre (Style) & Target | |

|Audience | |

|The call to adventure | |

|(Refusal of the call) | |

|Supernatural aid | |

|Crossing the first threshold | |

|The meeting with the goddess | |

|The road of trials | |

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|Temptation away from the true| |

|path | |

|Atonement with the Father | |

|Apotheosis (becoming | |

|god-like) | |

|The ultimate boon (The | |

|reward) | |

|Crossing the return threshold| |

|(Refusal of the return) | |

|Rescue from helper? | |

|Two Worlds (mundane and | |

|special) | |

|The Mentor | |

| |Other Common Mythic Elements you might consider |

| |Unusual birth (Something different about the way they are born) |

| |The Oracle (Predictor of the future) |

| |The Prophecy (Fortune – something that will happen to the hero) |

| |Failed Hero (Someone who failed but maybe could have been the Hero) |

| |Wearing the Enemy's Skin (Having to enter the enemy’s territory) |

| |Shapeshifter (the Hero isn't sure if he can trust this character) |

Graphic Novel Rubric

Name: Class: Date:

|Achievement Categories |Weight |Level 0 (0-49%) |Level 1 (50-59%) |Level 2 (60-69%) |Level 3 (70-79%) |Level 4 (80-100%) |

| |Assigned | | | | | |

|Knowledge/Understanding |_____/10 |Shows very limited understanding|Shows limited understanding of |Shows some understanding of |Shows considerable understanding|Shows insightful understanding |

|Demonstrates understanding of | |of narrative elements. |narrative elements. |narrative elements. |of narrative elements. |of narrative elements. |

|narrative elements (theme, plot | | | | | | |

|structure and effective | | | | | | |

|setting).ing erstanding of the | | | | | | |

|concepts and elements of the hero| | | | | | |

|cycle. | | | | | | |

|Thinking/Inquiry |_____/5 |Uses creative thinking skills |Uses creative thinking skills |Uses creative thinking skills |Uses creative thinking skills |Uses creative thinking skills |

|Creative thinking. | |with very limited effectiveness.|with limited effectiveness. |with some effectiveness. |with considerable effectiveness.|with a high degree of |

|Appeal of images used. | | | | | |effectiveness. |

|Understanding of the hero cycle. | | | | | | |

|Development of tension and | | | | | | |

|struggle and conflict. | | | | | | |

|Effective character development. | | | | | | |

| |_____/5 |Incorporates images that have |Incorporates images that have |Incorporates images that have |Incorporates images that have |Incorporates images that have a |

| | |very limited appeal for the |limited appeal for the intended |some appeal for the intended |considerable appeal for the |high degree of appeal for the |

| | |intended audience. |audience. |audience. |intended audience. |intended audience. |

| |_____/10 |Demonstrates very limited |Demonstrates limited |Demonstrates some understanding |Demonstrates a considerable |Demonstrates a thorough |

| | |understanding of the concepts |understanding of the concepts |of the concepts and elements of |understanding of the concepts |understanding of the concepts |

| | |and elements of the hero cycle. |and elements of the hero cycle. |the hero cycle. |and elements of the hero cycle. |and elements of the hero cycle. |

| |_____/5 |Struggle and tension lack |Struggle and tension is somewhat|Struggle and tension is evident.|Struggle and tension is clearly |Struggle and tension is |

| | |clarity and development. |clear. | |developed. |thoroughly developed. |

| |_____/5 |Characters are one dimensional |Characters lack clear distinct |Characters are somewhat distinct|Characters are logical, |Characters are believable, |

| | |and lack development. Offers |voices. Offers little insight |voices. Offers some insight |believable and have clear |thoroughly, clearly, logically |

| | |very little insight into the |into the character’s feelings |into the character’s feelings |distinct voices. Offers |and consistently developed. |

| | |character’s feelings and |and motivations. |and motivations. |considerable insight into the |Offers thorough insight into the|

| | |motivations. | | |character’s feelings and |character’s feelings and |

| | | | | |motivations. |motivations |

|Communication |_____/5 |Writing lacks organization, |Focuses and organizes material |Focuses and organizes material |Focuses and organizes material |Focuses and organizes material |

|Focus and Organization. | |focus and clarity. |with limited clarity and logic. |with some clarity and logic. |with considerable clarity and |with a high degree of clarity, |

| | | | | |logic. |logic, and effectiveness. |

|Application |_____/10 |Choice and arrangements of |Choice and arrangements of |Choice and arrangements of |Choice and arrangements of |Choice and arrangements of |

|Choice and Arrangements of text | |images and text (if any) show |images and text (if any) show |images and text (if any) show |images and text (if any) show |images and text (if any) show |

|and visuals. | |limited command of visual |very limited command of visual |some command of visual elements.|considerable command of visual |thorough command of visual |

|Language Conventions. | |elements. |elements. | |elements. |elements of design. |

| |_____/5 |Applies grammar usage, spelling,|Applies grammar usage, spelling,|Applies grammar usage, spelling,|Applies grammar, usage, |Applies grammar, usage, |

| | |and punctuation with very |and punctuation with limited |and punctuation with some |spelling, and punctuation with |spelling, and punctuation with a|

| | |limited accuracy and |accuracy and effectiveness. |accuracy and effectiveness. |considerable accuracy and |high degree of accuracy and |

| | |effectiveness. | | |effectiveness. |effectiveness. |

|Overall Mark |/60 |

Oral Reflection Rubric

Name: Class: Date:

|Achievement Categories |Weighting |Level 0 (0-49%) |Level 1 (50-59%) |Level 2 (60-69%) |Level 3 (70-79%) |Level 4 (80-100%) |

| |Assigned | | | | | |

|Knowledge/ Understanding |_____/10 |Offers no insight into key |Shows limited insights into key |Shows some insights into key |Shows considerable insights into|Shows a high degree of insights |

|Controlling ideas and insight | |issues. |issues. |issues. |key issues. |into key issues. |

|into topic. | | | | | | |

|Supporting facts, information, | | | | | | |

|and development of ideas. | | | | | | |

| |_____/5 |Provides almost no relevant, |Provides a few relevant, |Provides some relevant, specific|Provides most relevant, specific|Provides all or almost all |

| | |specific facts, little |specific facts, limited |facts, some information and |facts, sufficient information |relevant, specific facts, a lot |

| | |information and few ideas to |information and few ideas to |ideas to develop the topic. |and ideas to develop the topic. |of information and ideas to |

| | |develop the topic. |develop the topic. | | |develop the topic. |

|Thinking/Inquiry |_____/10 |Does not provide any evidence to|Provides limited relevant |Provides some relevant evidence |Provides considerable well |Provides highly effective, |

|Use of evidence. | |support claims. |evidence to support ideas and |to support ideas and arguments. |chosen relevant evidence to |well-chosen relevant evidence to|

|Connecting learning to course | | |arguments. | |support ideas and arguments. |support ideas and arguments. |

|work. | | | | | | |

|Demonstrates critical thinking | | | | | | |

|skills (with a focus on | | | | | | |

|formulating logical arguments). | | | | | | |

| |_____/5 |Makes almost no connection |Makes limited connection between|Makes some connection between |Makes complete connection |Makes thorough connection |

| | |between their learning and |their learning and course work. |their learning and course work. |between their learning and |between their learning and |

| | |course work. | | |course work. |course work. |

| |_____/5 |Formulates almost no logical |Formulates and presents |Formulates and presents |Formulates and presents |Formulates and presents |

| | |arguments. |arguments unclearly and |arguments somewhat clearly and |thoughtful arguments clearly and|insightful arguments clearly, |

| | | |illogically. |logically. |logically. |logically, and convincingly. |

|Communication |_____/5 |Thoughts and presentation of |Material is focused and |Material organized with some |Presentation of ideas and |Material is organized with a |

|Focus and Organization of ideas. | |ideas lack organization, focus |organized with limited clarity |clarity and logic. Remains on |thoughts are considerably clear |high degree of clarity, logic, |

|Uses media tools effective to | |and clarity. Strays off topic. |and logic. |topic somewhat. |and logical. |and effectiveness. Remains on |

|create a quality product. | | | | | |topic. |

| |_____/10 |Tools and techniques are used |Tools and techniques are used |Tools and techniques are used |Tools and techniques are used |Tools and techniques are used |

| | |with very limited effectiveness.|with limited effectiveness. |with some effectiveness. Some |effectively. Demonstrates basic|effectively to a high degree. |

| | |Major errors in basic skills of |Major error in basic skills of |minor errors in basic skills, |skills in taping and editing. No|Production values enhance the |

| | |audio and/or editing that |audio and/or editing that |but don’t significantly detract |problems in sound. Editing is |delivery of the message. Goes |

| | |detract from the message. Sound|detract from the message. |from communicating the message. |clean and tight. |beyond basic skills in producing|

| | |is uneven, low, or inconsistent | | | |and capturing sound and basic |

| | |volume. | | | |editing. |

|Application |_____/10 |Uses oral communication |Uses oral communication |Uses oral communication |Uses oral communication |Uses oral communication |

|Speaking techniques: volume, | |techniques with very limited |techniques with limited |techniques with some |techniques with considerable |techniques with a high degree of|

|tone, pace/ clarity and | |effectiveness and with |effectiveness and with |effectiveness and with |effectiveness and with |effectiveness and with |

|expression with consideration for| |consideration for audience and |consideration for audience and |consideration for audience and |consideration for audience and |consideration for audience and |

|audience and purpose. | |purpose. |purpose. |purpose. |purpose. |purpose. |

|Overall Mark |/60 |


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