West Hills High School

West Hills High School

Football Booster Club, Inc.


Article I. Name

The name of this non-profit organization shall be West Hills High School Football Booster Club, Inc.

Article II. Principal Office

The principal office for the Booster Club shall be located at West Hills High School, 8756 Mast Boulevard, Santee, CA 92071.

Article III. Mission

The mission of the Booster Club is to provide moral and financial support for the activities of the West Hills High School Football programs, through fundraising, appropriate allocation of funds, and offering volunteer services.

Article IV. Rules and Regulations

Robert’s Rules of Order shall be accepted parliamentary law, in all cases not specifically provided for within the By-Laws.

The policies and regulations of the Grossmont Union High School District shall be observed by the Booster Club. The Assistant Vice Principal in charge of athletics and/or the Athletic Director shall serve as liaison between the administration and the Booster Club and shall provide information to keep the club within the school and district guidelines.

Article V. Organization and Administration

Membership in the Booster Club shall be open to relatives and guardians of current and former students of the West Hills High School Football programs. Families that which to support the football programs through monetary contributions rather than through service will not be considered members of the booster club but can participate at one of the following levels:

Gold Contributor - $100.00

Contributor receives Spirit Gear valued at $50.00 and a $10.00 snack bar voucher

Silver Contributor - $50.00

Contributor receives Spirit Gear valued at $20.00 and a $5.00 snack bar voucher

Bronze Contributor - $25.00

Includes a $5.00 snack bar voucher

The Booster Club shall consist of no fewer than eight (8) and no more than fifteen (15) elected positions five (5) of which shall be executive level positions. The elected positions of the Booster Club shall consist of:

Executive Level

1. President

2. Vice President

3. Secretary

4. Treasurer

5. Head Varsity Football Coach (School appointed)

Administrative Positions and Sub Committees

1. Webmaster

2. Historian

3. Coordinator of Printed Programs (Subcommittee, up to two (2) members)

4. Coordinator of Concessions (Subcommittee, up to three (3) members)

5. Coordinator of Fundraising (Subcommittee, up to three (3) members)

A Nominating Committee appointed by the executive level booster club members shall nominate one or more candidates for each position. Notification of the open positions will be posted on the Football Club website. The Nominating Committee will present the slate of officers to the Executive Board at the February meeting each year. The nominees must be approved by a simple majority of the executive members and then ratified by a simple majority of the entire membership at the annual meeting each year. Voting by proxy is not permitted. Booster Club members who are ratified will officially assume their positions within the club in April of each year.

The Nominating Committee shall also be empowered to nominate candidates for executive level positions throughout the year to fill vacancies. The nominees shall also be subject to approval by a simple majority of the executive level members and shall be entitled to serve in the capacity as nominated until a simple majority of the full membership can ratify them at the next annual meeting.

The term of office for all positions is two (2) years. In order to mitigate potential turnover of all executive level positions simultaneously, at least two (2) of the executive positions should be elected to serve for an odd number of years as needed, thus creating alternating expirations of terms for the executive level positions.

The maximum term for any one executive level position shall be two terms. The executive level board positions, upon a simple majority vote, can propose extending the term limit as needed.

The Booster Club members shall receive no compensation for their services except reasonable reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their regular duties.

No member of the Booster Club shall be personally liable for the debts, liabilities or obligations of the organization. All Booster Club members will complete a conflict of interest questionnaire annually in compliance with United States Corporate Governance regulations.

Executive level members may be removed by a super majority (75%) of the remaining members.

The entire membership will review, nominate, second and approve motions with a simple majority required for approval for the general governance of the Booster Club except as specified above. A quorum must be present in order to vote on matters affecting the Booster Club in compliance with these By-Laws.

No two executive level positions shall be held by members of the same family and no one person can hold two executive level positions simultaneously.

Article VI. Responsibilities of the Booster Club Members

A. Duties of the President – The President shall preside over all meetings of the Booster Club, schedule all guests and visitors at the meetings, monitor the other members in the performance of their duties, and ensure that the By-Laws are faithfully executed. The President shall oversee all fundraising activities, excluding concessions, and will work closely with the Fundraising Coordinator and their committee.

B. Duties of the Vice President – The Vice President shall assume all the duties of the President in their absence. The Vice President shall oversee the concession stands operations and will work closely with the Concessions Coordinator and their committee. The Vice President shall be responsible for coordinating on field activities such as Teacher Appreciation Night, Senior Night, and other home game events as scheduled by the head coach.

C. Duties of the Secretary – The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the Booster Club meetings, including the names of those present, handle all correspondence, and file all minutes with the President. The Secretary will be in charge of the membership drive and keep a current list of all the active and non-active members. All committee reports and minutes must be filed with the Secretary at the next scheduled Booster Club meeting.

D. Duties of the Treasurer – The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing the annual budget and managing the finances of the Booster Club. The budget must be presented to the administrative liaison of the school to ensure support and approval of club activities. The Treasurer will work with the Finance office of the school in order to maintain the account of the Booster Club in good standing and will present a financial report at each meeting. The Treasurer will be present at all fundraising events to protect the integrity of cash receipts and to ensure that the deposit for the Finance Office is prepared within the guidelines of both these By-Laws and the administrative requirements of West Hills High School. The Treasurer will make arrangements for the cash receipts to remain on campus during non-school days, and will coordinate the delivery of these receipts to the Finance Office on the first available following the fundraising event.

E. Duties of the Webmaster – The Webmaster will keep the Football Club website updated with information provided to them by the football Coaching staff and the Booster Club Executive Board. Materials presented on the website will follow all school and district guidelines for appropriateness.

F. Duties of the Historian – The Historian shall be responsible for maintaining an archive of pictures and records of the West Hills High School Football program activities to include Booster Club activities. The dates of the activities should be documented along with references to team level and game results. If the archive of records is displayed in a public forum, no names of students are to be used without an acceptable use policy and signed authorization by the parent or guardian of the student.

G. Duties of the Coordinator of Printed Programs and their subcommittee – The Coordinator of the production of the Printed Programs will prepare the layout of the programs, sell advertising space, identify a printer to produce the programs and schedule volunteers to assist with selling the programs at home games. Should the Coordinator decide to work with a third party vendor to provide some or all of the steps of producing the programs, they will still be responsible for coordinating volunteers to sell the programs at our home games.

H. Duties of the Coordinator of Concessions and their subcommittee – The Coordinator of Concessions, with the assistance of the members of their subcommittee shall be responsible for the management of the snack bars during any event when the snack bar is operational. The members of this subcommittee will keep an inventory of supplies in approximate bag or box quantity and provide a report to the Treasurer when requesting additional purchases. The subcommittee will obtain volunteers to adequately man each snack bar during events and ensure proper management of funds.

I. Duties of the Coordinator of Fundraising and their subcommittee – The Coordinator of Fundraising, with the assistance of the members of their subcommittee and working closely with the President, will organize fundraising activities in order to support the Booster Club budget and funding requirements of the Football program. The Coordinator of Fundraising will schedule the dates of the fundraising events and notify the Executive Board so that the Webmaster can post the information appropriately. The annual budget will dictate the fundraising events planned for the club’s fiscal year, but these events typically include:

• Purchase of Spirit Gear merchandise and coordinating sales opportunities at home games, parent night etc.

• Spring Jamboree

• Car Washes

• Golf Tournament

• Restaurant Nights

Some of these events may require the formation of additional subcommittees, the members of which might not be voting members of the Booster Club.

Article VII. Benefits of Booster Club Membership

Members of the Booster Club will be recognized for their volunteer efforts in the following ways:

• Free admission plus one to home games

• Personalized Booster Club merchandise valued at $50

• Personalized Board Sweatshirt

• Designated seating at home games

• Recognition on website and in printed programs

• Free admission plus one to team banquet

Article VIII. Budget

An annual budget shall be prepared by the Treasurer and presented to the Booster Club at the March meeting. The Booster Club must approve the budget by the June meeting as the fiscal year begins on July 1 each year. The budget should detail proposed expenses based on historic events of the club and in the event a new line item is being proposed, a full accounting of estimated income and expense should be prepared by the Treasurer. This pro-forma Income and Expense statement for the new event should be presented to school administration for appropriate approvals prior to being presented to the Booster Club for approval.

Article IX. Management of Funds

Funds raised in support of the Booster Clubs mission must be properly managed and regularly reported to ensure the utmost integrity of the club. At the end of every fundraising event when monies are collected during such event, two members of the Booster Club, one of whom should be the Treasurer, will count the monies and notate the totals on the appropriate deposit slip as provided by the Finance office.

The funds raised will be secured on campus during non-school days and will be turned into the Finance office on the first school day following the event and a copy of the deposit slip and checks deposited will be retained by the Treasurer and presented along with the monthly financial report.

Expenses presented on the budget which receive approval from the Booster Club do not require additional approvals during the fiscal year, unless the estimated expense exceeds the originally estimated amount in excess of 25%. Authorization to expend not previously approved funds shall require a simple majority vote of the executive level positions. The Booster Club shall spend its funds in conjunction with providing for the Football Program in compliance with these By-Laws.

Given the nature of the activities of the club, certain purchase order needs are known well in advance of funding requirements. These needs should be appropriately estimated, presented to the head coach for approval and turned into the Finance office in advance when possible. When prior planning of expenses does not meet the actual requirements of the event, members of the Booster Club will have to pay these expenses from their own personal funds and then submit receipts to the head coach for his approval. Once this step has been completed, a check requisition can be completed and turned into the Finance Office for reimbursement. The Treasurer should be made aware of these requests both for budgetary purposes and to ensure prompt reimbursement by the Finance office staff.

Article X. Meetings

Booster Club meetings will be held the second Tuesday of each month at a time to be determined by the President and Head Coach. All guests are welcome to attend any of the monthly meetings, but may be excused to allow the Booster Club to conduct business matters of the club.

The schedule of the Booster Club meetings shall be posted on the Football Program website. From time to time it may be necessary to change the scheduled date of the meetings, which is allowed, as long as the schedule change is posted in advance on the website.

The Annual General meeting will be held in March, at which time the nominated slate of Booster Club members will be presented for the general membership to vote on and approve.

A quorum of the Booster Club members is necessary at every meeting in order to vote on any action items. Voting can also be accomplished through an e-mail correspondence held at a time other than the scheduled meetings. If there are eight (8) seated Booster Club members, a quorum is five (5) members. Fifteen (15) seated members, then a quorum shall be eight (8).

At the Annual General meeting, a simple majority of the membership present shall be sufficient to elect the slate of Booster Club members.

Article XI. Community

The West Hills High School Football Booster Club will make a forthright effort to maintain a cooperative and positive working relationship with the community of Santee and shall represent the school and the football program in the highest regard. Where possible, in-kind sponsorships will be established with community businesses to help offset the expense to the program and to advertise and promote our community partners.

Article XII. Ratification and Amendments to the By-Laws

These By-Laws shall be ratified by a simple majority vote cast by the active membership present at the Annual General Meeting held each March.

Amendments may be made to the By-Laws with a super majority (65%) vote of the Executive level members. An Executive level member must first present any proposed amendment to the President as a planned agenda item at least one full calendar month prior to the next scheduled Booster Club meeting. All Booster Club members must be notified of the proposed change prior to the meeting with a timeline of at least two weeks to review and/or investigate proposal prior to voting.

The sponsor of the proposed amendment will be responsible for presenting specific wording to be changed in the By-Laws, any cost impacts to the club that may result from the change and the risks versus benefits of the change.

Article XIII. Limitations and Dissolution

Political Limitations Clause – No substantial part of this organization shall consist of carrying propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislations, and the organization shall not participate to intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statement) on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Dedication/Dissolution Clause – The property of this organization is irrevocably dedicated to charitable purposes and no part of the net income or assets of this organization shall ever inure to the benefit of any director, officer or member thereof or to the benefit of any private persons.

Upon the dissolution of the organization, the assets remaining after payment or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this organization shall be distributed to the West Hills Football Trust Fund.


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