ELKHORN AREA HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER AIDE APPLICATIONSTUDENT GUIDELINES EASD DEFINITION OF A TEACHER’S AIDEThe Teacher Aide (TA) program will focus on assisting teachers in a classroom by tutoring students and actively becoming a part of the educational process for one period per day. Student TA’s can work with teachers at West Side, Jackson, Tibbets, EAMS, EAHS, or Lakeland School. The experience can be for one semester or for an entire year.Student ResponsibilitiesOnce a student has been accepted as a TA, the following requirements must be maintained for the duration of their placement:Students are expected to demonstrate professionalism and responsibility throughout the entirety of their TA assignment. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:Attendance – Students are expected to demonstrate near-perfect to perfect attendance at their respective assignments. Cooperating teachers plan for and rely on students to be present each day to help with their previously planned activities. If a student is going to be absent, they must follow EAHS attendance policies and procedures. In addition, students are required to notify the office of their assigned building if they are absolutely unable to attend their assignment on any given day. For instance, if a student is excused from school due to an illness, he/she is responsible to contact the assigned building secretary as soon as possible that morning. If an absence is anticipated in the future, the student is expected to notify the building secretary and cooperating teacher as soon as possible.Behavior – Students are expected to model appropriate respectful behavior, especially when working directly with students. Additionally, students must follow all EASD policies and procedures.Appearance – Students are expected to model appropriate attire and grooming at their respective assignments, consistent with the EAHS dress code. Students are not allowed to use cell phones during their assignment.Students at placements outside of EAHS are required to sign out of the EAHS attendance office prior to leaving for their assignment and sign in at their placement building’s office upon their arrival and before departure.Students are required to complete the Teacher’s Aide Reflection Form and submit it to their cooperating teacher the Friday before the end of each participating semester. Please note that it is a privilege to be a TA. Failure to follow the TA guidelines, student responsibilities, or EASD policies and procedures may result in loss of placement and all privileges associated with being a TA, including credit.Teacher’s Aide Reflection FormPlease complete the Teacher’s Aide Reflection Form and submit it to your cooperating teacher the Friday before the end of each participating semester. The following questions should be answered in complete sentences in paragraph form using Step Up to Writing. You may either handwrite your responses in the space provided or attach type-written responses for credit.How has your participation in the EAHS Teacher’s Aide Program impacted the students at your placement?How has your experiences in the EAHS Teacher’s Aide Program impacted your post high school plans?What insights have you gained from your cooperating teacher?ELKHORN AREA HIGH SCHOOL – TEACHER’S AIDE PROGRAMSTUDENT APPLICATION FORMThe EAHS Teacher’s Aide program application form and letter must be submitted to your appointed counselor prior to May 15th for the upcoming fall semester or December 15th for the following spring semester. No student will be granted a TA position without the proper paperwork turned in by the aforementioned deadlines.Student name:____________________________________Date:_____________CHECK THE FOLLOWING IF THEY APPLY:?_____ My cumulative Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) is at least 2.0._____ I have taken or am currently taking Child Development or have been granted instructor’s (cooperating teacher’s) consent, as evident by their signature below.I am on track to graduate high school, and I am currently a:_____ Junior applying for a 1st or 2nd semester TA assignment. I currently have at least 12 cumulative credits and will have 15 credits by the end of 1st semester and 18 credits by the end of 2nd semester._____ Senior applying for a 1st or 2nd semester TA assignment. I currently have at least 18 cumulative credits and will have 21 credits by the end of 1st semester and will be graduating in June!Assigned Counselor: _____________________________________________________Assigned Counselor’s Signature/Date: _______________________________________Semester student will TA: _____________________ Period:______________TEACHER’S AIDE PREFERENCEFor high school positions: To obtain an EAHS teacher’s aide position requires Child Development as a pre-requisite or instructor’s (cooperating teacher’s) consent. Before a student can report as a teacher’s aide, they must first be accepted in the program and have their cooperating teacher’s sign the application form indicating they would like the TA during the semester/period above. Cooperating teachers may sign below.Teacher’s signatureDate For an alternate building placement: To obtain a teacher’s aide placement outside EAHS requires Child Development. For an alternate building assignment, please rank in numerical order your building preference 1-3 (1 being your number 1 choice, 2 being your second choice, and 3 being your third choice for placement). My building preference is: ___ Jackson Elementary___ West Side Elementary ___ EAMS___ Tibbets Elementary ___ Lakeland School By signing below, students and parents/guardians acknowledge and/or agree to the following:I meet prerequisite eligibility requirement(s) to be a Teacher’s Aide.Teacher’s Aide will be graded Pass (P) or Fail (F).Students are responsible for their own transportation if their Teacher’s Aide assignment is in a building other than the high school.Students must complete the Teacher’s Aide Reflection Form and submit it to their cooperating teacher the Friday before the end of each participating semester.My parent(s)/guardian(s) support my application to be a Teacher’s Aide.________________________________________________________________Student SignatureDateParent Signature Date************************************************************************For office use onlyThe teacher’s aide application has been (circle one):ApprovedDenied_______________________________________EAHS Administrative SignatureDateAs building principal of an alternative location, I APPROVE/ DENY (please circle) this Teacher’s Aide application for the semester(s)/time(s) listed above. ____________________________________________Alternate Placement Building Principal’s Signature DateIf you would like your TA to report to their assignment on a date other than the first day of the semester, please let us know by writing the date below. Please note, students will report on their first day of assignment to the main office to be designated a cooperating teacher. ................

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