Leonardtown High School Athletics

School Year 2015-16


|Introduction: |

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|Representing your high school on an athletic team is both a privilege and a commitment. Accompanying with this privilege are rules |

|and expectations. Your behavior reflects on your school, your teammates, your coaches, and your sport. Participants and their |

|parents/guardians must sign this form to show that they have read the rules and agree to abide by them. |

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|Team Goals: To improve participants’ skills, techniques, knowledge, understanding, attitudes and enjoyment of the game as part of a |

|team to the extent whereby superior performance will result in winning the competition in which athletes are participating. |

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|Attendance at Practices and Games: |

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|Commitment to the team is paramount! Players are expected to be at all practices and games. Practices and tournaments may be held |

|over holiday periods. If you are unable to attend for some reason, you must inform your teams’ coach in advance (JV or V). The method|

|of communication between coaches and parent/players is the responsibility of the parent/player once that athlete has made the team. |

|Being tardy or absent from practices/games for whatever reason can affect which team you play for (JV/Varsity); whether you start; |

|the amount of playing time; or your continued membership of the team, due to missed essential skill development, safety procedures, |

|tactical instruction or conditioning. Missing practice for work, another outside sports team, or driver’s education are not |

|acceptable excuses for missing practices. College visits should be made outside your season to avoid missing practice and/or game |

|time. All athletes are required to be in school for half the school day. If a player decides to remove himself/herself from a team, |

|he/she will have 24 hours to reconsider their decision. Although it will be the coach’s discretion to determine if they are allowed |

|to return to the team. |

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|Although we understand that there are unforeseen reasons for missing a practice or game (college visits/dentist appointments), it is |

|still an absence. It is not fair to the other players who are at all the practices/games for a player to start over them. If a |

|player is injured and is at practice, they are still considered to be in attendance. We don’t want players to practice/play if there |

|is an injury. Missing practice during the week of games may result in lack of playing time. |

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|Football, Soccer, Field Hockey, Cheer, Basketball, and Lacrosse. Players may not start and may miss a minimum of one-quarter of the |

|game. |

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|Baseball and Softball. Players may not start and may miss a minimum of the first two innings. |

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|Volleyball- Players may not start and may miss a minimum of the first set. |

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|In other sports such as Cross Country, Indoor Track, Wrestling, Track and Field, and Tennis, you either start or you don’t. If a |

|player misses three (3) practices, the player may miss the next meet/match. |

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|These rules will be applied to everyone. The only exception to these rules is if it would cause a team to forfeit due to lack of |

|players. The Athletic Director can override the rule. |

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|Any player that has 5 unexcused absences may be removed from a team. |

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|Please note: If a student is dismissed from, or quits a team prior to the end of the sports season, he/she is ineligible to |

|participate in athletics until the start of the next season. This ineligibility also applies to out of/pre-season conditioning |

|activities. |

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|Medical Excuses: |

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|Players should make every effort to schedule medical appointments so practices and games are not missed. If you are well enough to be|

|in school you are expected to attend practices and games even if you are unable to play. A doctor’s note is required for extended |

|days of absence if the reason you cannot participate is due to an injury. If excluded from participation indefinitely by a doctor, |

|you must provide a note from that doctor authorizing you to play again. Anyone with a concussion must get a letter from a doctor |

|(using the standard MPSSAA concussion form) before they will allowed to return to practice and they will complete the state |

|requirement program before they will be allowed to play. |

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|Playing Time: |

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|Playing time will be determined by several factors such as attendance and participation at practices; effort and attitude during |

|practice; skill level; physical conditioning; position played; game score; and whether it is a freshman, junior varsity, or varsity |

|contest. Students who are present and actively participating in practices and games may be given preference over those who are not, even|

|if an absence is approved. Equitable playing time should not be an expectation. Coaches will discuss playing time with players, not |

|parents. There are NO Meetings after games. 24 hour meeting rule: If a parent/player wants to discuss anything with a coach. It must be |

|scheduled 24 hours after a game. Emotions are too high after a game. This will give both parties time to think calmly. |

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|ISI and Suspensions |

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|Any player that receives In School Intervention (ISI) is not allowed to participate in practice or a game on the assigned day. They are |

|not allowed to be at the game at all. If a player gets suspended from school they will not be allowed to participate in any after school|

|activities. A suspension is also grounds for being removed from the team. It is up to the discretion of the coach and administration. |

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|Ejections |

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|If a player gets ejected from a game, they will be ineligible to participate in the next scheduled event. In addition, the athlete will |

|not be eligible to play until they complete the free NFHS Sportsmanship course and present a certificate of completion to the Athletic |

|Director. |

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|Dress and Uniform Code: |

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|If team uniforms are worn during the regular school day they must meet the St. Mary’s County Public Schools dress code. This may require|

|additional clothing to be worn under or over the sports uniform. (i.e. wearing sliders/sweats under skirts/kilts if those items are |

|shorter than what is permitted by SMCPS dress code.) |

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|How you present yourself when traveling to other schools reflects on you personally, your team, and your school. Game Day dress will be|

|determined by the coach for the season or on a game to game basis keeping the above regulations in mind. |

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|Uniforms/Equipment |

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|Team members will be issued team uniforms and certain equipment as required by the sport. Each team member is responsible for his/her |

|equipment. For presentation and hygienic reasons the uniform should be kept clean. All equipment must be returned at the close of the |

|season to the coach (items left in a locker are the athletes responsibility and not consider turned in) or you will be responsible for |

|the replacement cost of any missing items. Note: These costs can be extremely high because uniforms are custom made and the cost of |

|replacing a special ordered numbered shirt and/or shorts can far exceed the original cost because schools generally purchase items at a |

|discounted quantity cost. |

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|Coaches expectations for players in regards to having personal equipment ie: special equipment, practice clothing, warm ups or team |

|shoes etc. will be conveyed to the parent/athlete in a timely manner so that accommodations may be made. |

|Players are expected to wear all required regulation gear that would be mandatory while in play per the NFHS guidelines. |

|Transportation: |

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|Team members are expected to travel as a team. This means that students must ride the bus to and from away contests. Should it be |

|absolutely necessary for a student to leave with a parent/guardian from an away game, prior approval must have been obtained from the |

|Athletic Director 24 hours prior to the event. It must be signed by the coach before it goes to the Athletic Director. Traveling with |

|the team is a condition of being on the team. Student athletes must be picked up no later than thirty minutes after returning to their |

|home school. Any student/athlete who doesn’t follow the transportation policy may be ineligible for the next game/event. The form that |

|is used can be found on the link below: |

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|Respect the Game: |

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|The Maryland Public Secondary School Athletic Association (MPSSAA) has adopted a sportsmanship initiative entitled “Respect The Game” |

|which speaks to the heart of sportsmanship. The message is simple and direct.  Let all of our actions be guided by respect.  To achieve |

|that goal, everyone is targeted in a way that relates to their individual circumstances yet collectively achieves a common goal. Players|

|are expected to treat opponents, coaches, game officials, administrators, and fans with respect. Another important aspect of sports is |

|being a positive teammate. Bullying and harassment will not be part of Athletics and may result in prompt and immediate dismissal. |

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|Role of Team Captain(s): |

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|The responsibilities of being a Team Captain should not be taken lightly. The minimum responsibilities of a captain in a sport are: |

|The Essence of Leadership |

|"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of |

|others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of his actions and the integrity of his intent." (adapted |

|from “Successories”) |

|Qualities of a Good Leader: |

|Leads by example |

|Keeps the team moving in the right direction |

|Motivates team members to want to get better, pursue team goals |

|Strong willed, not afraid to stand up for what is right |

|Loyalty |

|Able to Relate |

|Player-Coach liaison |

|Always Put Team Goals First |

|Lead By Example On And Off The playing surface |

|Communications with Coaches/Team |

|Awards: |

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|An athlete may be eligible for certain awards at the school and/or conference level provided he/she completes the season in good |

|standing and adheres to team rules. Awards may include receiving a Certificate of Participation; a MPSSAA Minds in Motion Certificate; |

|being named to conference teams; or achieving lettering status. Additional awards for team spirit, most improved athlete, etc. may also |

|be awarded. Lettering status is ultimately left to the discretion of the coaching staff. |

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|Valuables: Due to the number of teams sharing facilities and the possibility that locked rooms may not always be available, team members|

|are advised to not bring valuables to practices or games. If you must bring a cell phone it may only be used prior to the beginning or |

|after the competition is completed. |

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|Eligibility: |

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|Continued participation is contingent on academic eligibility and adherence to both school and team rules. If you have a change of |

|address during the season you must notify the coach. To be eligible for a team you must reside with your legal parent/guardian in this |

|school district unless you have special permission granted by SMCPS. |

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|Any concerns or questions: |

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|If you or your parent/guardian need to speak with the coaching staff please wait 24 hours after the event and then contact the staff in |

|the manner described on page 1. |

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|In St. Mary’s County public high schools, the following chain of command is in effect: |

|If there are any questions or issues concerning our athletic program, the athletes should first contact the appropriate coach. If there |

|is no resolution, he or she should then go to the head coach, etc. |

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|Student athletes |

|Junior Varsity Coach |

|Varsity Head Coach |

|Athletic Director |

|Assistant Principal |

|Principal |

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|Risk of Injury and/or Illness: |

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|Parent(s)/guardian(s) should be aware that various injuries may occur while students are participating in athletics. Although the risks |

|of sustaining a more serious injury may be greater in contact sports, no sport should be considered to be risk-free. Concussions may |

|occur in any sport and an athlete with a suspected concussion should be treated by a licensed health care provider, knowledgeable in |

|concussion management. Information on concussion recognition and treatment is included in the “Guide for Student Athletes and Parents”. |

|Parents(s)/guardian(s) should contact the coaching staff with any concerns. Staph infections should not be taken lightly and information|

|on Staph infections is distributed with these rules. Please be sure to read through the information before signing the document below. |

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|Participation with outside teams: |

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| A member of the school team may participate with an outside team provided that it does not interfere with school practices or |

|games. The high school team must come first. If the athlete plays a position that has weekly conference limitations such as pitcher in|

|baseball the athlete must seek permission from his/her coach prior to participating in that position with the outside team. |

|Adherence to policies and rules: |

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|Student athletes may not literally or constructively use, possess or distribute drugs, alcohol or controlled paraphernalia at any |

|time. Reference the Student Code of Conduct violation number 201,203, 205, which result in an expulsion conference, this will cause |

|removal from the team following a due process hearing. An athlete is a student leader and represents their High School in |

|competition. There is no place for drugs and alcohol in athletics. Student athletes who find themselves in this position will be |

|supported in seeking assistance through our guidance department and school administration. |

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|Athletes who violate adherence rule #1 above, or those rules set by the coach, could forfeit their right to playing time, any post |

|season awards, and/or could be suspended or removed from the team. |

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|Any student athlete who is disrespectful to another player, coach, and/or administration could forfeit their right to playing time, |

|any post season awards, and/or could be suspended or removed from the team. |

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|The coaching staff reserves the right to adjust these team rules if needed. |

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|Residency/Insurance/Medical changes |

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|Important: If there is a change in student residency, insurance, or medical status during the sports season/current school year, |

|parent(s)/guardian(s) must notify the athletic director immediately and update the parental permission form. Player eligibility, as |

|defined by the Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association, is affected by these factors and playing while ineligible can |

|result in player suspension and game forfeitures which affect the entire team. (Parental permission forms may be obtained from the |

|Athletic Director or at . |

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Specific LHS Boys Lacrosse Rules

Players, managers, score keepers, announcers and statisticians are expected to maintain a respectable level of conduct both on and off the field. Your behavior directly reflects upon you, your team, and coaches. Any faculty or staff member informing the coaches of any misconduct will result in consequences. The coaches reserve the right to set consequences relative to the misconduct. (Make sure you review the schools policies regarding players’ rights.)

All members of the lacrosse team will be expected to follow rules set by the National Federation of State High School (NFHS) and US Men’s Lacrosse rules and guidelines. Consecutive and conscious breaking of a rule will result in removal from the game. Arguments with officials will result in removal from the game by the coaching staff.

Arriving unlawfully late to practice will result in consequences. Coaches will determine the consequences based on the extent of the unlawful lateness.

To arrive lawfully late to practice you must have a pass from a teacher indicating the time you were with them (i.e. makeup work) otherwise, you should be on time. No Teacher pass = consequences

Leaving early from practice will detrimentally effect your playing time. If you have to leave early and it is a lawful reason, then inform the coaches prior to the expected departure. Leaving early unlawfully will be treated as an unlawful late arrival to practice and will be treated accordingly. EMERGENCIES will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Any injuries, regardless of how minor must be reported to Coach McKinney for Varsity or Coach David for Junior Varsity. Also, please inform Coach McKinney for Varsity or Coach David for JV of any pre-existing health conditions that may require special attention in cases of injury.

Players are required to have the following for all practices (players must be prepared for indoor and outdoor practice at all times):

a. Cleats and sneakers b. Lacrosse Stick (2 is highly recommended) c. Colored mouth guard d. Helmet e. Gloves f. Shoulder Pads g. Elbow Pads h. Rib Pads (optional) i. Blue Shorts j. Gray, Blue, Black or White Under Shirt k. Practice Reversible l. Gray or Black Sweatpants and Sweatshirts (required when temperature is below 50 degrees, coaches determination)

Players are required to have the following for all games:

a. All of the above items needed for practice (Black Sweats for Games)

b. Clean game uniform and equipment

c. Sneakers for the bus for away games

Third quarter grades need to be shown to Coach McKinney the day they are given to the players. Please clear any debts immediately. You will not practice or play if you are ineligible or on the debt list. The coaches reserve the right to require team members to fill out progress reports especially in the cases of those near ineligibility. If you are having problems with ANY classes please see Coach McKinney and inform him regarding your issues. Help and support will be provided. Academics are a priority!

Points of Contact:

|Varsity: Neal McKinney, neal.mckinney5@, 240-925-9339 |

|Junior Varsity: Alex David, amdavid@, 301-481-0546 |

This page should be completed, signed (by both athlete and parent) and returned to the head coach prior to the start of tryouts. They cannot tryout without turning in this form.

We have read and understand the team rules. We understand that adherence to the rules is a requirement of being on the team.

Sport _____________________ School Year ________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________

Student Name (printed) Parent/Guardian Name (printed)

___________________________________ ____________________________________

Signature Signature

___________________________________ ____________________________________

Date Date


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