AAEC Red Mountain High School Biology Syllabus


Teacher: Brittany McQueer 10th -12th grade

bmcqueer@ 1 Credit (.5 credits/semester)

Cell phone: 734.709.7569

Website: missqssciencesource.

::The instructor reserves the right to alter this syllabus as needed::


Description: Biology is designed to teach the Arizona State Standards and the Arizona College and Career Readiness standards for Science and Science Literacy. My goal is to help students understand the structure and properties of life, from the atomic level, through cells, to organisms, ecologies, and the biosphere. Biology is a challenging subject for students, because it requires discipline, organized thinking, a comprehensive grasp of biological vocabulary, and above all critical thinking/problem solving skills. Every new topic in biology builds on previous topics. This course is reading, writing, and math intensive. Be prepared to work hard and learn a lot (

Text: Biology, Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph Levine, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006

Textbooks: If you need to use a textbook outside of class, you are welcome to come in after school and use the book in my classroom or you may check one out. Checked out books are due back the next school day.

Materials: Donations for a class set are greatly APPRECIATED.


Clorox Wipes

Duct Tape

Crayola Markers

Sharpie Markers

Construction paper

Whiteboard markers

Post its

Notecards (any size)

Lined Paper

Graph paper

Supplies needed per student:

1) Set of 5 or more different colored pens (Pilot G-2, Papermate Profile, Bic Cristal Ballpoint, etc)


2) Either:

    a) Graph paper, lined paper AND nice presentation folder (to hold graph paper) 


    b) A corrugated, carbon copy, graph paper notebook (can be found at college book store, Student Lab Notebook)


    c) Graph paper, lined paper AND a 1/2 in binder

3) Planner or Captains Log (bound notebook to keep all pertinent dates/notes/homework/etc)

4) Scientific -or- graphing calculator

5) Box of tissues – highly recommended

Journal: Every student must have an unbound graph paper notebook, so that pages may be removed (and put back in) for grading purposes. This notebook is only for Biology. All notes, labs, and activities will be kept in this journal.

Assignments: Assignments will be given regularly. They will be posted on my website, and in the classroom. To understand the subject well and receive a fair grade, the student must complete ALL assignments.


Assignments: No credit is awarded for missing an assignment deadline. This includes homework, class work, bell work, projects, quizzes/tests, etc. COMPUTER/PRINTER PROBLEMS ARE NOT AN EXCUSE FOR LATE WORK! YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PRINT ASSIGNMENTS IN THE OFFICE!


Coupons: You will be given TWO late coupons for the semester. You may use these to turn in work that is late for full credit. You must preapprove the late assignment with Miss McQueer to use the coupon with it. You must attach your late coupon to your assignment. There will be opportunities throughout the semester to earn additional late coupons. If you lose your late coupons you will not be given new ones. If you do not use your late coupons, but have no missing assignments, you will be given extra credit for them at the end of the semester.

*You do not need a late coupon for assignments that you missed due to absences.

Tests: Tests will cover the reading, homework, notes, class activities, labs, videos, handouts, and class discussions. Tests will consist of vocabulary, multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. Study guides will be given out before the test. If you complete the study guide you will receive 5 extra credit points on the test.

Absences: There is a positive relationship between daily attendance and student success. Therefore, attendance to class every day is expected and required. Whenever possible, please schedule all appointments after the school day. If a student must be absent due to illness or other substantial reasons, the parent must call the office at 480-854-1504. Although the absence may be excused, excessive absences for any reason may negatively impact a student’s standing in the class and may also jeopardize success.

It is the student’s responsibility to contact teachers for any information missed. Students must keep their own up-to-date planner and take the responsibility to find out on their own what assignments they may have missed. Students have one day for each day of excused absence to make up missed assignments. There is no credit for any other late work. Missed quizzes/tests must be made up outside of regular class time by setting an appointment with Miss McQueer.

*Students who have missed assignments due to excused absences, need extra help, or have grades lower than a “C” are encouraged (and in some cases assigned) to attend Community Hours in Miss McQueer’s classroom between 2 and 4 pm.

Tardy Policy: Being prompt is a key to success in life, work, and school. Students are expected to arrive to every class on time and be ready to work when the tardy bell rings. Students are solely responsible for being on time. Excessive tardiness will negatively impact a student’s grade in class. If a student is tardy 3 times to Miss McQueer’s class a detention will be served the day after the 3rd tardy with Miss McQueer. Failure to serve detention will result in further disciplinary action.


Integrity: AAEC-Red Mountain students are expected to observe and maintain the highest academic, ethical, and professional standards of conduct. Any student found guilty of academic misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to the following actions: cheating, academic dishonesty, plagiarism, unauthorized possession of materials, and unauthorized access to academic records. If you are found guilty of academic misconduct, you will receive a zero and will not be allowed to makeup or retake the test/assignment.

*Additionally, parents and students are encouraged to check the grade book portal available online for information on attendance, grades, and assignments. Please check with the front office for your password.

Grading: Grades are awarded based on a points system. All assignments have a point value given to them;

Homework ~10pts

Labs ~ 30pts

Tests ~ 100 pts Projects ~ 200 pts

Final grade:

Your points /

Total possible points x 100 = %

Grade Scale:

A 90 % - 100 %

B 80 % - 89 %

C 70 % - 79 %

F 69 % or less

*AAEC-RM is an “Early College High School” and does not accept any grade lower than a “C”.  Students who are enrolled in any class and earn a letter grade lower than a “C” (or withdraw from a college course) will not receive credit for the class and will not be allowed to enroll in any college classes next semester. 


Fair: The science fair is an integral part of chemistry this year. Students will be expected to work either alone or with a group, no bigger than 3. This is a yearlong project and there will be no in class time given to the project except for a peer review of their lab write ups close to the time of the event. Students will receive a packet of information detailing the assignment and will be expected to complete the assignment according to the rubric.

Book Club: This year we will be reading at least one novel for class. Book Clubs will be formed in class and will be held on Fridays. Students will pick a novel, obtain the novel, and decide how they want to divide the reading. Students will be reflecting on their weekly reading at the book club meetings. Read will be conducted outside of class. You can easily find these books used online or at Half Priced books or Bookman’s. Some good novel choices are The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Silent Spring, The Disappearing Spoon, and Frankenstein’s Cat.

Remind: This feature allows me to communicate with students in a mass format via text message. Details of how to sign up are located on my website. Parents are encouraged to sign up as well.


Calendar: The calendars on my website are live calendars. They continuously update. The class calendars are linked with assignments, homework, lessons from the day, etc. This is the place to find all assignments, new and old. All documents are attached to the event in the calendar. Simply click on the assignment and then click details to view the attachment. I encourage students and parents to add the calendar to their Gmail accounts to keep up to date. You can do this by clicking “add calendar” in the lower right corner of the calendar. The system will prompt you from there.



Vue: Maintaining good communication between the school and home is important to student success. Therefore, students and parents are encouraged to check the grade book portal available online for information on student grades, attendance, and assignments. Parents may stop by the office to receive their login information/password and get access to the portal. Students will receive their access information during the first few days of school in their classrooms. Additionally, Parent/Student/Teacher/Administrator conferences may be scheduled through the front office. If you are trying to reach me, please email me at: bmcqueer@


Participation: Parents are highly encouraged to participate in our class. Any good speakers, experienced scientist in the field, donations, volunteer to help, volunteer to visit, tax donations, etc are much appreciated. We will try to have at least one field trip this year. I would like to take the Biology students to the Human Genome lab

*Parents please fill out the following questionnaire upon returning the syllabus.

1) What are your interests or what hobbies do you have?

2) Do you have any experience in the scientific community?

3) Is there anything you would be willing to offer/donate/volunteer to our class?

Expectations: I expect you to come to class prepared, listen when others are speaking, keep up with the reading, respect yourself and others, put forth your best effort, and ask for help when you need it. You can expect me to be prepared, respect you, be fair, listen to you, and help you when you need it. As a class we will develop norms for our classroom environment, record them in the syllabus, and then sign agreement to comply with them. Consequences for not meeting expectations follow.


for not meeting


First Offense- Verbal warning

Second Offense- Parents are called and I one day of after school detention will be served. Preferably, the day of detention will be the same day or one day after the incident.

Third Offense- A meeting with the teacher, family, principal and student will take place to try to resolve the behavioral issues. It will be up to the group as to what procedure will be implemented to resolve the issue.

Classroom Norms Contract

If any of the above expectations are broken the following will be the resulted action:

First Offense: a simple verbal warning will be given to me.

Second Offense: my parents will be called and I will receive one day of after school detention to reflect on my behavior and what ways it can improve.

Third Offense: A meeting with the teacher, my parents, the principal and I will take place to try to resolve the behavioral issues. It will be up to the group as to what my punishment is.

I am aware of the rules and expectations of the class. I understand that these expectations are in place to provide a safe, secure and engaging atmosphere. If I abide by these rules I can ensure to gain the maximum learning experience from the class.

Student’s Signature Date

Parent’s Signature Date

Teacher’s Signature Date


Please sign the bottom of this page and have the student return it to the teacher.




STUDENT NAME: _________________________________________________________________________

COURSE NAME/PERIOD: ___________________________________________________________________


SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________________________

DATE: ______________________________________________


EMAIL: _____________________________________________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: _________________________________________________________________


SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________________________________

DATE: _____________________________________________


EMAIL: _____________________________________________________________________

Miscellaneous Parental Permission

Video Clips

Occasionally, throughout the school year, I may show movies and video clips that tie in with the curriculum your student is learning. I always preview the movies prior to showing, and I will only show age-appropriate material (G to PG-13 rated). Please indicate consent for your student to watch these movies by signing below. Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns.

Parent/ Guardian Signature:________________________________________________



The science department will occasionally post pictures and videos of students working in the classroom on Miss Q’s website. Accordingly, parental consent for students under the age of 18 is required. By signing below, I grant the science department permission to use my student’s name and/or picture on the schools website.

Parent/ Guardian Signature:________________________________________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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