
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Elia Anchondo E-mail: eancho02@

Classroom: A 307

Conference: 4th Period (10:57 AM – 11:47 AM)

Dear Students,

I am delighted to have you in my class this year. I am looking forward to a very successful year, and I know you are too. I have high expectations for you, and I will be doing all I can to help you achieve these expectations.


1st 9 weeks: Science Safety, Ecology, Biochemistry of life, Structure of cells.

2nd 9 weeks: Cellular processes; Photosynthesis and respiration, the cell cycle and protein synthesis.

3rd 9 weeks: Genetics and heredity, Evolution, Classification of living things

4th 9 weeks: Viruses and Bacteria, Plant structures and adaptations, Body systems

Students should expect a demanding daily work load as well as projects, quizzes, tests, and laboratory write-ups.

TEXTBOOK Biology, The Dynamics of Life

The students will not receive textbooks at registration but I strongly recommend you to request one at the book room to take home; it will be helpful to do homework and review lectures. We will keep books in the classroom to work in daily assignments or to consult after school, also you can take advantage of supplemental resources.

Supplemental Resources: SISD is working to give the students the option of having access to textbooks online and we will provide that information later

• Videos related to science topics.

• Biology Books

• Guest speakers may be invited (Subject to approval).

• Lessons utilized will ensure that objectives are taught to prepare students for College entry level.

• The course outline is subject to change throughout the marking periods.


Daily Grades …………………..50%

Test and Projects…………….40%

Final Test or Project………..10%


At the end of the school year their final grade will be based off 85% of their class grade and 15% will be their EOC (state) exam grade.

All assignments, homework and projects must have your name, your class period and date. Any assignment submitted without a name will receive a zero.

Notice that PARTICIPATION will be graded and this is very important. You are expected to pay attention, cooperate in group work and to participate every day.

MAKE-UP WORK: It is the student responsibility to make up assignments as soon as they return from an authorized (planned) or excused absence to obtain full credit. Students need to check the assignment list to find out what they are missing and they have one day to work for every day they were absent. If a student is absent only one day, student has only one day to make up the assignment. If the make-up work is not completed within the allotted time, student will receive a zero (0).

While student may make up work for an unexcused absence, will receive a maximum grade of 70 for that work.

TESTS AND QUIZZES : If student is absent on a day that a test was scheduled, must present test the day student return to class; test might be different than the original, oral or essay. Make arrangements with me and for after school transportation.

PROJECTS/PRESENTATIONS: If absent on a day that a project or presentation was due, these MUST be turned in or presented in the day student return to class.

Tests, projects, and presentations not turned in due to an absence will be graded as follow:

Excused absence with proper documentation: Maximum grade: 100;

Unexcused absence: Maximum grade: 70 Initials: ____

No make-up for projects or presentations. Initials: _____


All work is due on the designated date; students are responsible for their own assignments. Late work will be graded as follow:

One day late: Maximum grade 70

Two days late: Maximum grade 60


Re-testing will take place upon student failure and student request. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the teacher of her/his option to retest (No re-test for semester exams). The Teacher determines the time and test for all re-tests. At Montwood High School, re-testing must occur within 5 school days after the student has received the failing score (except under extenuating circumstances as determined by the assistant principal or principal). Initials: _____


Re-Teaching is defined as another presentation of content, usually to provide additional opportunity to the student to learn. Re-teaching will be an integral part of the lesson cycle and may occur in different situations. Some examples include: direct teaching, guided practice, independent practice, cooperative learning activities before class, during class and/or after school. The teacher will determine the appropriate time for re-teaching based on student performance.


Students are expected to be on time and attend class every day. If arrival to classroom is after the bell student will be marked tardy. If arrival is after 10 minutes, student will be marked absent. Refer to student handbook. Initials: _____

MATERIALS NEEDED See supplies list for specifications

Contact me if additional time to bring supplies is needed

For additional material, notification in advance will be given

You are going to use a 3 ring binder with dividers as a notebook (just for this class) and to keep your syllabus, hand-outs, exams, and etcetera. Have ready 5 to 10 sheets of loose leaf paper. You must write a daily log of the activities for the day to keep track of the assignments. It may be graded and in that case I may keep it for more than one day.

The First page of the notebook will be the COVER page which will include the following centered information Name


Teacher’s Name

Room Number

Second page: Course syllabus

Third Page: Laboratory Safety Rules

Notebook Dividers: 1. Daily assignments organized in chronological order

2. Handouts

3. Tests/quizzes


1. TAKE CARE OF RESTROOM AND WATER STOPS BEFORE COMING TO CLASS. Restroom passes will not be given during the first and last 10 minutes of class and will be limited unless a medical condition is on file.

2. If tardy, but within 10 minutes of bell, you will need a tardy slip issued from the school.

3. Place your backpack/purse/personal belongings on the cabinet located at the entrance or at the front of the classroom. Turn off your cell phone/E-device before class starts. You may leave your cellular phone and E-devices inside your backpack or in the cell phones holder. Take to your laboratory table/desk only your supplies for this class (pen, pencil, journal, binder, pencil colors, etc.).

4. Be on time at your assigned seat

5. Bring required materials and assignments to class daily.

6. Follow directions precisely the first time given and comply with deadlines.

7. Display physical, emotional, and social safety at all times.

8. Raise your hand when you need my help, or for permission to speak.

Always wait to be acknowledged

9. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

10. Mutual RESPECT, Mutual COURTESY:

Do not interrupt when someone else is speaking

No swearing, cussing, teasing, yelling, bullying will be allowed. ZERO TOLERANCE

11. No Electronic devices: phone, radio, camera, iPod, MP3, PDA, iPad, walkman, earphones, Bluetooth, electronic games, laptops, netbook or any other communication/electronic/entertainment device.

Items will be send to the administration and parents will be contacted.

12. Do your personal grooming before or after class not during class. Personal grooming examples are: looking yourself in a personal mirror, applying make-up, brushing your hair, applying perfume, etc.) No sunglasses allowed in class.

13. TEACHER DISMISSES THE CLASS. Students need to be seated when the bell rings to be dismissed. Exit through the front door only.


15. Keep your Student Information Form updated. Notify me if phone number changes.

16. No permission to leave the classroom will be granted unless front office asks.



18. If I am out and you have a Substitute Teacher:

Complete the assignment given: I made the assignment not the substitute and I will grade it. Remain in your assigned seat. Show respect and discipline.

19. Please tell your friends that visitors are not welcome during class.

If a counselor, teacher, assistant principal, nurse or any other member of the faculty staff requires your presence during my class period, they will give you an official pass or they will call. No official pass, no permission.

CONSEQUENCES (not necessarily in order)

1. Verbal/Written warning

2. Student-Teacher Conference

3. Detention during lunch, before or after school (Parent/Guardian Notification)

4. Student-Parent-Teacher Conference

5. Administration Referral for further discipline.*

6. In some cases, Security will be called.

*If a serious offense, behavior/ discipline problem may incur, Consequence Number 5 or 6 will be implemented immediately.

**In addition to these rules/expectations, rules in the SISD Student Handbook and Montwood High School rules will be followed in this class. It is the Student’s Responsibility to know them and follow them.

Instructor reserves the right to make changes in the syllabus as deemed necessary. Students will be notified of any and all changes.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Print your name and your Parents/Guardians names

Sign this and the following page. Ask your parents to sign both pages.


Return the next page to me; it will be kept in the classroom as part of your record.

I have read and understand this syllabus; all my questions were answered by Mrs. Anchondo

I am aware of the Classroom expectations (rules) and Consequences.

Student’s Name (Print): _________________________ ID# _______ Class Period: ___


[pic] [pic]

Phone Number where Parents/Guardians may be contacted:____________________

E-mail address: _____________________

Return this page to Mrs. Anchondo



These are the items that you need to bring to class every day for your personal use.

1. One 3-rings binder 1 1/2” to 2” to be used as your notebook and keep your syllabus, hand-outs, exams, etcetera with dividers (or you make your own). Have ready 5 to 10 sheets of loose leaf paper. You must write a daily log of the activities for the day to keep track of the assignments. It will be graded and I may keep it for more than one day.

2. One red ink pen, one black ink pen

3. Yellow highlighters

4. Two #2 lead Pencils, erasers, and one ruler

5. One set of at least 12 colored pencils and sharpener; you will use them frequently.

6. One large glue stick

7. One package of 100 white/ruled index cards

These are items that you will need to use for laboratory activities (you will leave them at the classroom)

1. One 8 FL Oz (236ml) bottle of hand liquid soap

2. One large box of facial tissue

3. One roll of kitchen paper towels

4. One bottle of disinfecting wipes

Be prepared to acquire materials for 3-D models


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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