White Plains High School Chemistry Syllabus

White Plains High School Chemistry Syllabus

Mrs. Spoon

Course Description:

This class will examine basic chemistry concepts associated with structure, form, change, availability, and use of matter and energy. Students will use critical thinking skills and scientific strategies to make intelligent decisions and solve practical problems in chemistry.

This is an advanced science class, and it will be taught as such. If you are taking this class, you will need to actively participate in class and do all your work to succeed.


Classroom Rules:

1. Be in your seat, with all your materials, when the bell rings.

2. Respect all other people in the classroom --- and their belongings. (If it isn’t yours, leave it alone!)

3. Remain in your seat unless permission is given otherwise.

4. Raise your hand and wait for permission to talk --- don’t talk over me or others.

5. Follow instructions the first time they are given.

ALL rules of the Calhoun County Code of Conduct and White Plains High School will be followed in the classroom. We will do many labs and activities, and safety rules will be strictly enforced.

Materials Needed:

• 3-ring binder (will probably need 1 ½”), notebook paper, scientific calculator, pencil, blue or black pen (NO COLORED PENS, PLEASE! I grade in colored pens, so leave the colors for me, so you can see any helpful comments I make to you)

• There is a lab fee of $15 for this class. Please pay this fee quickly so I can order supplies for lab and other activities.

• The student will need to purchase a lab notebook from me for $3. (You actually get it cheaper through me than from a store.) They will begin using it immediately!



• Tests and quizzes = 60% of grade

• Lab participation and notebook = 20% of grade

• Class work/homework and projects = 20% of grade


Contact Info:

• Work: 256-741-7836; Text: 256-310-2855. I will only be able to return your call between 12:20 and 1:00 p.m. or after work.

• Email: rspoon.wp@calhoun.k12.al.us – the easiest way to reach me during school hours

• Teacher website: calhoun.k12.al.us, Teacher ID# 791

The teacher website is your best source for current information on class work, homework, and upcoming tests and projects. This is an excellent resource for you and your student. You can even get caught up when you’re absent, before you return to school!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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