AFJROTC 300 INSTRUCTORS: Lt Col Brewington and CMSgt Pigford REQUIRED TEXTS:Aerospace Science 300 - Management of Cadets Aerospace Cultural StudiesDrill and Ceremonies (Text & Workbook)South Johnston High School Air Force JROTC Cadet HandbookSJHS Student Remote Learning Guide: OBJECTIVES: MANAGEMENT OF CADETSThe AS-300 cadets manage the entire corps in the JROTC program with hands-on experience that affords the cadets the opportunity to put the theories of previous leadership courses into practice. All the planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, controlling, and decision-making will be done by the cadets. They practice their communication, decision-making, personal-interaction, managerial, and organizational skills.Apply the theories and techniques learned in previous leadership courses.Know how to develop leadership and management competency through participation.Apply strengthened organizational skills through active incorporation.Know how to develop confidence in ability by exercising decision-making skills.Apply Air Force standards, discipline, and conduct.COURSE OBJECTIVES: CULTURAL STUDIESComprehend how global cultures and interactions impact relationships between different cultural groupsKnow the significance of global economics, trade, and marketsKnow how the effects of global growth raise environmental concerns over natural resourcesComprehend how ethics, religion, poverty, wealth, and views of human rights influence peopleKnow how changes in technology and education influence the competition for jobsThis course will consist of: Europe in TransitionEast Asia in TransitionSouth Asia in TransitionCOURSE OBJECTIVE: DRILL AND CEREMONY The Drill and Ceremonies course provides an in-depth introduction to drill and ceremonies. The course concentrates on the elements of military drill, and describes individual and group precision movements, procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies, reviews, parades, and development of the command voice. There is a Drill and Ceremonies Instructional DVD available to aid in teaching drill. 1. Know the importance of drill and ceremonies.2. Know basic commands and characteristics of the command voice.3. Perform basic drill positions and movements.4. Perform parade movements as a flight.5. Perform drill movements as a squadron.COURSE OBJECTIVE: PHYSICAL TRAINING (PT)/WELLNESSCadets will meet once weekly to perform physical training activities. The Wellness curriculum is an exercise program to help cadets develop to meet individualized training goals. The program is comprised of 3 exercises designed to develop all muscle groups and provide sufficient anaerobic intensity. The exercises are: Sit-ups; Push-ups, One-Mile Run. A typical class exercise class may go as follows:Warm-up/StretchPick 6 or more exercises to perform depending on timeEnsure proper form and techniqueStudents will strive to complete the number of repetitions according to plan Cool/Down/StretchCOURSE REQUIREMENTS: The Cadet Handbook establishes Aerospace Science course enrollment standards, curriculum, and academic requirement. It outlines the cadet’s responsibilities, conduct, uniform and personal appearance standards, the cadet corps’ organization, operations, and extracurricular activities. Once students return to school, all cadets will maintain a copy of it, know its contents, and comply with its standards to satisfactorily meet AFJROTC course training objectives.COURSE EVALUATION:Each individual evaluation grade scale is as follows:A—90 and AboveB—80 – 89C—70 – 79D—60 – 69F—59 and belowLeadership Education (Drill & Ceremony)/*When cadets return to school, we will begin Uniform Inspections—wear uniform and personal appearance (40%).NOTE: Failure to wear the uniform will cause a cadet to automatically fail this course. If the cadet fails to wear the uniform on (3) three “unexcused” uniform days during the semester, he/she hasn’t met the standards set forth by the program and will fail.Academics in Aerospace Science/classroom participation (40%).Physical Fitness (PT)—Extreme Excellence Challenge (E2C) program (20%). Final evaluation will consist of the three exercises, 1-mile run, push-ups, and sit-ups as counted by AFJROTC.JROTC 300 SYLLABUS/CALENDAR SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022The cadet calendar may change due to assemblies, pep rallies, field trips and other events. Updates to this document are expected to occur throughout the school year.Academic CurriculumPhysical Training (PT)MondayAcademics/ManagementTuesday/WednesdayMilitary Drill & CeremonyThursdayAssignments due/makeup dayFridayEvents & ActivitiesRaleigh Road-Highway Clean-upBy semester*Benson Mule Day ParadeSeptFundraiser(s)Sep-MayClayton Ironman CompetitionOct*JROTC County-wide Field Day CompetitionMarch-April*Veterans Day ActivityNovember Fall Trip-Ft. Bragg TripNovember*Christmas ParadesDecemberAnnual Blood DriveMarchMilitary BallMarch-April*Annual Awards BanquetMarch-April*Spring Trip—SJAFB AprilCadet Summer Leadership SchoolJuneNOTE: (*) These events may be attended by parent(s) and are highly encouraged.MATERIALS: Plain notebook paper, ink pen and pencil available for notes every class.Uniforms issued by AFJROTC must be clean and ready for wear and inspection every Thursday. Cadets will not be issued a grade until all “Uniform Fees” are paid.Shoes: Comfortable but stable shoes such as tennis shoes for drill. Loose fitting sandals don’t normally work well and can result in tripping while outside on the drill pad. Athletic shoes for Physical Fitness.PT uniform issued by JROTC (dependent on availability) worn on Mondays plus comfortable athletic shoes (sneakers or running shoes) for Physical Fitness.INSTRUCTOR CONTACTParents are always welcome to contact either Lieutenant Colonel Brewington or CMSGT Pigford by telephone at 919-894-3146, ext 5534. Also, we can be reached by email at and FOR ACADEMIC GRADINGAttendance policy: Cadets are expected to attend class. Unless a cadet has identified a valid excuse from the Front Office for missing class, they will be marked absent. Two tardies will result in the cadet having to attend a Power tutorial and follow in accordance with the JOCO Policy Code: 4400 Attendance. Electronic devices are only allowed to be out only when the Instructor requires it or gives permission for a cadet to answer a family emergency. Late work: When an instructor does not have an assignment turned in by a student, a “zero” will be put into PowerSchool so that average reflects the actual grade. If a cadet meets the assigned Power tutorial, no points will be deducted. Five points will be deducted from the assignment grade each school day it is late. If an assignment is fully correct when submitted after two school weeks, 10 days, the maximum score a cadet will earn is a 60%. Unless a cadet has made arrangements with the instructors prior to the due date, assignments turned in are considered “late.” Make up work will be due one week before the end of that same quarter. Instructors will have the grades posted within 10 days of being submitted. Tests and quizzes can be made up without penalty. Food and drink: No food or drink is allowed unless the instructor approves before the drink and/or food are consumed. If there is a special medical condition for a cadet, it must be identified at the beginning of the semester. POWER tutorials (with the use of FlexTime Manager) will be utilized to provide additional time to support cadet understanding of content so that you will not fall behind in your understanding of the assignment.I have read and reviewed my classroom syllabus, and acknowledge the syllabus and expectations of my respective syllabus.____________________________________________________Cadet Name____________________________________________________Cadet SignatureDate___________________________________________________Parent SignatureDate ................

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