Grassfied High School - Quia

Grassfield High School

Introduction to Business – BUS 6115


Instructor Contact Information

Mrs. Woods Room # 201 Phone: 757 558-4749

Email Address:

Course Description

Students will explore the roles of business and marketing in the free enterprise system and global economy. Students will learn how the American economy operates and how to prepare for decisions as a consumer, wage earner, and citizen.

Course Objectives

♣ Introduction to Business is a course designed to give students the tools to:

• Understand the Role of Economics in a Global Economy

• Explore the Worlds of Business and Marketing

• Develop Communication and Interpersonal Skills

• Make Consumer Choices

• Develop Employability Skills

• Examine All Aspects of Industry

Required Texts and Other Supplies/Supplements

♣ Loose-leaf 3-ring notebook/binder with notebook paper and 3 divider tabs

♣ Textbook: Intro to Business, South-Western Publishing, 6th edition

♣ Optional: Jump drive, calculator

♣ Webpages:

1. – Website designed for my students to study vocabulary words and other concepts covered in class.

2. Desire2Learn – Online learning system designed to give students an online learning experience.


• Major Assessments

• Timed writings, complete special forms and business various correspondence

• Projects: internet safety, workplace safety, cultural diversity, copyrights and patents, and employability


Students will be responsible for maintaining an organized notebook for all completed work. This notebook will serve as a portfolio of completed class assignments. The notebook should be organized into the follo9wing sections: (1) Class work, (2) Test/quiz, and (3) projects. All completed work should include the student’s name, date, and the activity.

Notebooks will be periodically graded for organization. Students should have all 3 sections labeled and all work properly placed within the sections.

♣ Homework

Homework prepares students for success and will be assigned at least once per week.

♣ Class Participation

Daily in-class comments, helpfulness, small group work, preparation for class, on task behaviors will be included in a once per week participation grade.

Grading Policies


♣ Tests/Quizzes/Projects 60%

♣ Class work 30&

▪ Homework 10%

Class Participation:

Students are expected to participate in group projects, smart board learning and will be receive a participation grade for their contributions

♣ Late Work or Missing Work:

Late assignments will be deducted 10% for each late day up to a maximum of three days.

Class Policies

♣ Attendance - See student handbook

♣ Promptness - See student handbook

♣ Passes - One pass per week

♣ Behavior Expectations - Business/office environment

♣ Food/Drink in classroom - None

Note: Class Rules

Academic Support

Students may report to room 201 as early as 8:10 a.m. to make-up assignments or obtain assistance. Please let me know if you plan to come in early because there are a limited number of computers located in room 201.

Calendar of Topics and Assignments

Click on Link or go to D2L to see class calendar

Please review this syllabus with parents and return for a homework grade.

Student Signature __________________________ Parent Signature __________________________[pic][pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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