Skyline High School - BMIT Magnet Website

Skyline High School Ms. Michelle Wargo - C205/207

Marketing A

Course Syllabus Mr. Craig Jobe


Class Website: bmitclasses.

Course Information

Marketing A is a one-trimester course where the student earns 0.5 credits toward graduation as an elective course. The course has no prerequisites and is offered to all grade levels. Students will continue with Marketing B the following trimester.

Teaching & Learning Philosophy

Teaching and learning strategies are based on solid personal relationships, steeped in rigor, and relevant to the learner’s world. Teaching methods are based on the experiences of the most successful students in high performing high schools. In this course students will:

1. Establish relevance to the skills needed to be a helpful and contributing member in their community and workplace.

2. Investigate and reflect about what is important in working as a team, decision-making, and goal setting.

3. Make decisions about business ethics and business careers.

4. Act on decisions and communicate the results to a wide audience by presenting to the class about business skills and career awareness.

5. Mastery of content. Mastery learning is a method of teaching and learning that assures that a student reaches a level of predetermined mastery on a unit of instruction. In this course, students are given specific feedback about their learning progress, as well as learning support as needed, at regular intervals throughout the instructional period.

Course Overview

In this course, students will learn core-marketing fundamentals. The students will be provided an opportunity to do market research, determine what goods need to be purchased for the school store, advertising and promotional activities, pricing, merchandising, how to improve interpersonal skills, sales, and learn how to market themselves to improve their job seeking skills.

Learning Goals

We will explore the following themed-units and essential questions:

Marketing Fundamentals

▪ What is the difference between goods vs. services?

▪ What is the purpose of marketing?

▪ How is money received and used?

▪ What are the components of the marketing mix?

Market Research and Analysis

▪ What is the difference between a market and a target market?

▪ What are the various methods you can use to conduct market research?

▪ What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis?

Understanding Economics and How It Affects Marketing

▪ Know the difference between capitalism, socialism, and communism?

▪ What is the difference between supply and demand?

▪ How can marketing increase demand for goods and services?

Merchandising and Store Layout

▪ What is a planogram used for in a retail setting?

▪ What are the key components of effective merchandising?

Advertising and Promotional Concepts

▪ What are the main motivational factors that influence consumer behavior?

▪ What are the different types of media that may be used to market goods/services?

Personal Selling

▪ What are the essential steps in the sales process?

▪ How does body language influence the sales message?

▪ What is an effective way to close a sale?

Price Planning

▪ What are some techniques for pricing goods/services?

▪ What does odd/even pricing mean?

Customer Service Skills in the Marketing Profession

▪ What is the foundation of customer service?

▪ How does customer service relate to the field of marketing?

Resume Writing and Career Exploration

▪ What is the purpose of a resume?

▪ What is the purpose of using strong action verbs in writing a resume?

▪ Why is it important to choose a career that matches the individual’s income requirements, disposition, and educational attainment?

Student Evaluation

Grading Philosophy - Grades are used in this course to report student mastery and achievement of curriculum objectives. They are based on a variety of factors and are determined by formative and summative assessments of student performance. Grades will be maintained and calculated by using the common Skyline High School grading scale listed in the student handbook.

Assessment – There are two basic categories of assignments that will be assessed:

Process – Class work and Homework – 20% of total grade

These assignments may include note taking, reading assignments, writing end of unit activities, participation in discussions, simulations, and other class lessons, group assignments and presentations, etc.

Product/Performance – Tests, Projects, Formal Presentations – 80% of total grade.

This category may include written tests, hands-on projects and/or classroom presentations. Tests may include mini-essays, short answer, vocabulary and/or chronology sections, as well as multiple choice or true/false sections. Project rubrics will be discussed when assigned.

Classroom Policies/Procedures

1. Be prepared when bell rings

2. Use computers with care (refer to posted guidelines)

3. Clean up area upon leaving (clear your desk, put books away)

4. Follow Skyline expectations listed above

5. Use technology wisely (follow Skyline computer and cell phone rules)

a. Cell phones are not allowed out unless you are doing independent work. They will be confiscated!!!

b. No computer games – EVER!

6. Be a responsible team member (See Class Norms)

7. Do NOT save anything to the computer! Delete desktop!

Failure to act in a responsible way will result in the student receiving in-class detentions (or study session) during lunch or after school, conversations and/or conferences with parents or guardians.

Absence policy/Missing work: It is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed due to absence and to make up the work as soon as possible. Students will have one week to hand in assignments that were missed unless specified by the teacher. Please communicate with me before any planned absence and upon returning from an absence for a make-up plan.

Policy on late work: Students are expected to complete and submit all assigned work, even when submitting late. However, students are expected and encouraged to complete all class work and homework assignments by the specified due dates so the student does not fall behind. Please communicate with us in advance of the due date to request an extension if you have outside factors that prevent you from completing an assignment on time. Students are expected to meet mastery of all projects, tests and quizzes (80%). Failure to do this will result in a plan for mastery made between the teacher and student. Teachers do have the right to waive the late penalty (20% per assignment) for things discussed before the due date. Teachers also have the right to not accept work that does not meet the neatness and standards for the class or for assignments that are not the student’s original work.

Incomplete Grades: Incomplete grades (I) will only be given to students who have a medical excuse or a special circumstance that has been brought to the teacher’s attention. This will include a signed plan from a parent or guardian specifying the reason for the incomplete and special assignments and due dates of assignment(s) in order for their grade to be converted to a passing grade. Failure to follow this plan will result in the student’s grade being converted to the failing grade.

Classroom Resources/Bibliography

Marketing Essentials (Glencoe Publishing)

School Store Operations (Southwest Publishing)

Other Supplemental Materials As Needed

I read and discussed the course requirements with my son/daughter and understand the policies for this class.


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Parent/guardian signature          Date


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  Student Name Print

__________________________________________ _______________

Student signature                                Date

Please use the space below to provide me with any information that I would need to know in order to help your child to be successful in my class.

If you or someone you know would like to be a guest speaker in our Marketing class – please contact Mr. Jobe or Ms. Wargo – or


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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