Philemon Wright High School

Hadley Junior High School GB Members:Lisa Almond, Chair (parent)Marty Olson, Vice Chair (parent)Britta Nielsen, Secretary (parent)Kim Carlton, Parent Committee Rep. (parent)Frank Hall, Parent Committee Alt. (parent)Rachelle Lemire, ParentPenny Lee Colbourne, ParentBess Forrestall, TeacherFedra Voyatzis, TeacherColleen McKinnon, TeacherLori Brown, TeacherJen Christie, TeacherAmanda Barnes, Support StaffPhilemon Wright High School GB Members: Erin Connell, Chair (parent) Sarah Cox, Vice Chair (parent) Alice Birnbaum, Secretary (parent) Rhonda Boucher, Parent Committee (parent) Penelope Van Dine, SEAC Rep (parent) Mike Avon, Parent Committee Alt. (parent) Letitia Taylor, ParentAdam Leclair, TeacherAmanda Kemp, TeacherTara Perrier, TeacherEmilie Giacomelli, Support StaffShannon Murphy, Support StaffCorrene Giles, AdministrationKatherine Lecours, StudentLovely Calixte, StudentEthan Bordeleau, StudentAbsent:Ashley Smith, Support StaffAbsent: Emilia Toushek, ParentChristine Bacon, TeacherBrennan McConnell, TeacherNon-voting Members:Dodie Payne, PrincipalKate Smith, Vice-PrincipalOpening BusinessApproval of agenda October 16, 2019A 2-day tournament for the girls’ volleyball team and school grants were added to the agendaHJHS/19-20 #2: Motion to approve the agenda: Approved by Fedra Voyatzis, seconded by Rachelle Lemire, motion carried.PWHS/19-20 #2: Motion to approve the agenda: Approved by Amanda Barnes seconded by Rhonda Boucher, motion carried.Approval of minutes May 15, 2019HJHS/19-20 #3: Motion to approve the May 15, 2019 minutes: Approved by Penny Colbourne, seconded by Collen McKinnon, motion carried. PWHS/19-20 #3 Motion to approve the May 15, 2019 minutes: Approved by Mike Avon, seconded by Rhonda Boucher, motion carried. Electronic votes since May 15, 2019: PWHS 18-19 #37: THAT the Grade 10 & 11 trip to New York City be approved as presented. Moved: Mike Avon, Seconded: Adam Leclair. All in favour, Carried.HJHS 19-20 #1: THAT the Hadley-Philemon Band trip to Banff be approved as presented. Moved: Jen C., Seconded: Rachelle L. All in favour, Carried.PWHS 19-20 #1: THAT the Hadley-Philemon Band trip to Banff be approved as presented. Moved: Rhonda Boucher, Seconded: Mike Avon. All in favour, Carried.New BusinessGrade 7 trip to Quebec CityThe proposed trip, itinerary, costs and steps that parents and students must take in order to register for the tripHJHS/19-20 #4: Motion to approve the trip: Approved by Fedra Voyatzis, seconded by Amanda Barnes, motion carried.HJHS & PWHS GB Executive FormationThe new Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary for each Governing Board were established as follows: HJHS GB Chair: Lisa AlmondHJHS GB Vice Chair: Marty OlsonHJHS GB Secretary: Britta NielsenPWHS GB Chair: Erin ConnellPWHS GB Vice Chair: Sarah CoxPWHS GB Sectretary: Alice BirnbaumGB Internal Rules of ManagementThe item was deferred until the November meeting. Educational ProjectThe principal presented the mission, vision, goals and values of HJHS/PWHS, as well as the statistics on school populations, and academic standings and scores.Code of Conduct (Discipline Policy & Policy Handbook)The principal presented the Discipline Policy, Policy Handbook and Discipline Policy “Cheat Sheet” and highlighted the following proposed changes:The consequence for truancy now leads to an in-school suspension Principal is able to approve students missing examsThere are concerns about increasing incidents of vaping among students. The consequence for vaping is to confiscate the device and to notify parents. Parents must recuperate the device. School management is debating whether more severe consequences should be imposed for vaping or possession of vaping paraphenalia. HJHS/19-20 #5: Motion to approve the code of conduct: Approved by Kim Carlton, seconded by Rachelle Lemire, motion carried.PWHS/19-20 #4 Motion to approve the code of conduct: Approved by Adam Leclair, seconded by Emilie Giacomelli, motion carried.Anti-Bullying/Anti-Violence Plan 2019/20The principal presented the ABAV Prevention Plan and School Assessment, including the strategies for preventing bullying, exclusion and harassmentThere are two main criteria measured: i) incidents for bullying, exclusion and harassment; and ii) feeling safe at schoolThere are many ways by which anyone can report incidents of bullying, exclusion or harrassment, however many cases are not reportedHJHS/19-20 #6: Motion to approve the ABAV Plan: Approved by Amanda Barnes, seconded by Fedra Voyatzis, motion carried.PWHS/19-20 #5 Motion to approve the ABAV Plan: Approved by Rhonda Boucher, seconded by Shannon Murphy, motion carried.School RentalsThe principal presented the school rental income, which must be approved by the Governing Board every yearRentals include Sacci’s Café and Bistro for $6,385.68 (cafeteria service) and the Ottawa Sports and Social Club for $16,556.40 to rent the gymOther businesses can propose to rent school property during the yearFunds go into the school budget to cover outings, professional development activities, etc. HJHS/19-20 #7: Motion to approve the school rentals: Approved by Lori Brown, seconded by Jen Christie, motion carried.PWHS/19-20 #6 Motion to approve the school rentals: Approved by Penny Van Dine, seconded by Mike Avon, motion carried.Operational BudgetThe principal presented the operational budget, including grant allotmentsThe student agendas were over budget because the covers were deemed to be unacceptable due to negative stereotypes conveyed, so the supplier had to replace the covers. This caused the agendas to be late and over budget All computer desktops will need to be replaced this year. The principal is working with each department to develop an IT replacement plan and is hoping to set up an inventory of robotics. Correne Giles (Admin Services Supervisor) has been hired and is tracking school grants. The grant allotments are as follows: HJHS/19-20 #8: Motion to approve the school operational budget: Approved by Colleen McKinnon, seconded by Frank Hall, motion carried.PWHS/19-20 #7 Motion to approve the school operational budget: Approved by Amanda Kemp, seconded by Emilie Giacomelli, motion carried.ScreenagersThis is a movie that increases awareness among teenagers about the effects of too much screen time: Chair asked for volunteers to lead on planning a screening time. Adam Leclair, Kim Carlton and Marty Olson will work together and report back.Standing ReportsPrincipalThe principal will provide an update on the School Council at the next meeting.Teachers/Support Staff There will be four student representatives from the PWHS Student Government who will rotate participation in GB meetings There was discussion about whether student representatives can have voting rights. Adam Leclair will review the Education Act and report back on this at the next meeting and will provide student emails to the chairsParent Committee RepresentativePenny Van Dine presented on behalf of Rhonda BoucherThere will be a Parents Committee meeting on Oct. 28EPCA documents on Bill 40 will be circulated by the ChairSEAC Committee RepresentativeThe SEAC has not met yet this school yearAdjournmentHJHS/19-20 9: Motion to adjourn: Approved by Frank Hall, seconded by Colleen McKinnon, motion carried.PWHS/19-20 #8 Motion to adjourn: Approved by Mike Avon, seconded by Emilie Giacomelli, motion carried. ................

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