Minutes Feb 19

Minutes-Harrison Trimble High School PSSC meetings

February 19th, 2019- 6:30 PM

Room 101 Harrison Trimble High School

Participants in the meeting:

Christine Babineau (teacher representative)

Donna MacPherson

Darlene Hanson

Mark Teed (community member)

Alex Hayes

Abdal Khan

Scott Horsman

Lorne Carter

1. Welcome by Mark Teed (chair)-

2. Approval of minutes- approval by Darlene Hanson, seconded by Scott Horsman

3. Presentation from Doug Stewart- Celebrate our World Festival on April 24th- festival that looks at bridging the gaps from Canadian students and international students. There will be an international food court, breakout sessions, games, dance and pot luck in the evening, speed meeting, etc. The event will be followed by some pre-teaching and post-teaching opportunities in the humanities department.

The committee is looking for some community outreach and seeing how the PSSC could possibly support. Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Petersen and Mr. Stewart are working with students in WIN block to help support students.

Darlene Hanson will reach out to the HTHS community of schools coordinator to get in touch with Doug Stewart.

4. Teacher report- C. Babineau :

• Report cards were just sent home

• Semester 2 has begun

• Course selection has been completed

5. Update from the student representative- A. Hayes :

• Many extra-curricular activities happening since the beginning of semester 2

• Large student council group has been meeting to create activities for semester 2

• Some ideas that could happen for semester 2 involve battle week, game show week around lunch time, etc.

6. Principal report: construction is continuing to move forward. Construction on second floor is ongoing. The move to the new office has happened. The old VP area and office has been demolished. Mark Teed has met with Tami and there are some concerns about quality of work (example from science labs). Mark has asked for answers and a letter has now been sent to the DEC. Norval McConnell had a walk thru with Mark Teed and he suggested we send a letter to the DEC. There are some safety concerns (not that students are being put in danger, but we are not able to use space to the maximum to meet curriculum outcomes). They are looking to make sure that everything is as complete as possible. We are currently waiting for a response from the DEC (on agenda for meeting on 02/19).

Vaping has been a concern at many high schools and HTHS is no different. The students have been told on many occasions that this was unacceptable. Last week the boys’ washrooms were closed for a day last week due to the high levels of vaping and behaviors that were not changing. The principal had checked with the superintendent who was supportive of this decision. The administration met with 40 students and called those parents. Since this day, it is much better. The school is looking at vape detectors. There is currently no district policy on vaping.

A former student, Jared Longphee, had an article in the newspaper that spoke about his drug addiction. The article listed the number of statistics for different schools in regards to suspension for drug and alcohol violations. The numbers were not accurate. Every school has relatively the same numbers in regards to alcohol and drug violations that other schools in the region do.

7. PSSC project: Wellness Fair (5/22) Fair will take place from 1-3:00pm and from 6 to 8pm in the evening. We will utilize the gym space- it will be more similar to a trade show style event. Many community partners. We are looking to involve any community members that could support wellness in our community.

Mark Teed will draft the letter and ask that the PSSC members send it out to any contacts. Please send any confirmations to Mark Teed. Mark will send an update every week.

8. Next meeting date : March 20th, 2018 at 6:30 pm

9. Adjournment : approval by Mark Teed, seconded by Lorne Carter


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