World History 2006/07

World History 2014/15

Mr. Hamilton

Unit 6 Exam Study Guide

Required Study Materials:

• Class notes on the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution.

• Reading handout on Humanism and the Art of the Renaissance.

• Answers to Art of the Renaissance webquest.

• Answers to Luther film questions.

Topics Covered:

The Renaissance

1. Time period of the Renaissance.

2. Literal meaning of the term “Renaissance.”

3. Goals of the Renaissance.

4. Importance of the northern Italian city-states (Pisa, Genoa, Florence, etc.) to the emergence of the Renaissance.

5. Meaning of “Italy” in the 1400’s.

6. The Medici and Popes as patrons of the arts in Italy.

7. Contrasts between medieval and Renaissance art.

8. Impact of Humanism on Renaissance art.

9. Renaissance view of the Middle Ages (Dark Ages).

10. Goals and characteristics of Italian Renaissance Humanism.

11. The Humanities.

12. What it meant to be a “Renaissance man”.

13. Petrarch.

14. Secularism and the art of Renaissance Italy.

15. Renaissance Individualism and its contrasts with the medieval worldview.

The Reformation

1. Martin Luther’s decision to become a monk.

2. Luther’s visit to Rome and the problems with Catholicism this illustrates.

3. Why Luther criticized relics and indulgences.

4. Indulgences and the construction of St. Peter’s Basilica.

5. John Tetzel.

6. 95 Theses.

7. Importance of the printing press in spreading Luther’s ideas.

8. Roles of Frederick of Saxony and Emperor Charles V in the Reformation.

9. Catholic v. Lutheran “book burning”.

10. The Imperial Diet of Worms (1521) and Luther’s statement there.

11. Luther’s translation of the Bible into German.

12. Luther’s response to peasant revolts in Germany.

13. Examples of Protestant denominations.

14. Religious wars in Europe following the Protestant Reformation.

15. Importance of Luther’s statement of faith for freedom of speech and conscience.

The Scientific Revolution

1. How educated Europeans believed the universe could be understood before the Scientific Revolution.

2. The Ptolemaic Universe.

3. Importance of Copernicus and his book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies.

4. Heliocentrism v. geocentrism

5. Scientific contributions of Tyco Brahe.

6. Kepler’s improvements on Copernicus’s system.

7. How Galileo’s findings using his telescope shattered the Ptolemaic system.

8. The Starry Messenger and the Index of Forbidden Books.

9. Galileo’s trial, conviction, and sentence.

10. Significance of Newton’s theory of gravity.


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