Yearbook Classroom Procedures - Avery ISD

Mrs. Jackson’s Yearbook Classroom Procedures & Syllabus

Course Description

Students will be exposed to a variety of journalistic concepts.  They will participate in all the phases of yearbook production including advertising, sales/distribution, lay-out and design, writing, editing and photography.  Students will be responsible for the production of the school yearbook.  Much self-motivation is required for this class.

Background Info

Yearbook is a class like no other. Some days may be filled with lots of work, others may seem to drag on forever. But realize that yes, we will have a yearbook finished by the first week of June, so that it may be delivered in August.


My only yearbook rule is: If you say you’re going to do something, do it on time and do it the right way. If you don’t know the right way, ask.

We have to produce a yearbook, it’s not an option. If you don’t do what you say you will, someone else has to. This is more than just your grade; it’s a reflection of the school year.

Yearbook Stats

Yearbook Company: Walsworth Publishing

Computer Software: PageMaker

Pages: 144

Copies Sold: 170

All Color

Grading Policy

My grading policy is simple. Do what I ask and you’ll do well. Play around and produce little work and you will be graded accordingly.

Items you will be graded on include: photography, page designs, meeting deadlines, selling ads, and other assignments deemed necessary as you learn the yearbook process.

Generally, major assignments include page designs & photography assignments. These are given a test grade. Weekly grades are given as daily grades if you’re on task and moving at an adequate speed to meet your deadline.

50% Tests 50% Daily

Yearbook Timeline

▪ First, we’ll learn all about advertising, which is what pays for our yearbook.

▪ Then we’ll start playing on the computers with the software system so you can get comfortable with it before pages start being due.

▪ Then, we’ll decide a theme and cover for this yearbook by brainstorming and looking online.

• Next, we’ll learn to take pictures, download them, and then scan them.

• Then, we’ll decide who wants to do what spreads. A spread includes an even and odd page or the left and right. Everyone will do the same amount of work.

▪ Work for pages includes taking pictures, downloading the pictures to the computer, placing the pictures on the pages along with names, arranging for group pictures along with names, and any other ideas deemed necessary.

▪ After deciding who will do what pages, we’ll actually start trying to figure out what you want your page to look like. I have lots of samples and tons of old yearbooks to look at.

▪ Finally, we’ll start designing your pages on the computer and submitting them.

▪ We will receive proofs which we will review for mistakes and resubmit.

▪ Fall pictures will be taken in September/October.

▪ Senior pictures will be taken in November.

▪ Class favorites pictures will be voted on in January and photos will be taken then.

▪ Spring pictures will be taken in February.

▪ After the yearbook is complete in the spring, you will have a large project to complete in class.


Pages will be due periodically throughout the year. DO NOT FALL BEHIND!

Yearbook Budget

The yearbook costs approximately $16,000 to produce. We sell approximately 170 yearbooks each year. By doing simple math and dividing $16,000 by 170, you can see that each book costs approximately $94. We try to sell our yearbooks at $40 which means we have a lot of money to raise in order to cut the price in half. Hence we do a lot of advertising sales.


We sell two types of ads: business and senior ads. Both generate a lot of revenue for the yearbook. Both types of ads are generally sold and designed within the first semester and the first deadline.

We sell approximately $11000 in business/senior ads. The bulk of our money does come from ads, which we really must push for. You will soon receive an advertising folder with tons of materials in it.

Ads are sold three primary ways. First, I will divide the class into and take half to DeKalb for a day and the other half to Clarksville for a day. You will miss school, granted your grades are okay and you’re not missing anything which can’t be made up. After doing this, a lot of businesses won’t be available and we will need to call back. I’ll get my best ad sales people (I’ll be able to tell when we’re out selling) to start calling in the office everyday during class. Finally, if your family or friends own a business, sell to them. It never hurts to ask.

Remember that ads are the backbone of our yearbook. Without them, we have to cut back. Even if you can just convince them to buy a business ad, it’s going to help us. The majority of our ads are business size.

Senior ads are sold through the mail. I send a mailing out to every senior parent early in the year and they are due usually by the November deadline.


Spreads take a lot of work. They include a multitude of items.

First, I suggest picking spreads that you aren’t a part of. Why might you ask? Number one, it’ll look bad if you put lots of pictures of yourself on your spread. Number two, you’re responsible for taking the pictures for your spread. How can you take Varsity Basketball pictures if you’re on the floor? It’s your responsibility, not mine. I will not be taking pictures for pages, but instead you will be taking the pictures. Therefore, you have to take them to earn your grade. Do I really care when you take pictures? No, but I suggest going to several events so you have variety in your pictures. This will also be graded down upon if all our pictures come from the same event. Plus you would hate to have only blurry pictures from one game to put on your page. This will also affect your grade. Finally, you have to arrange to take a group picture. How can you take the group picture and be in it at the same time?

Also, every single picture will have a name and grade on it, whether they are elementary, middle, or high school. This may seem easy for high school, but believe me it is difficult. You will be graded down for missing names.

As you work on your spread, periodically print them for me, the editors, and yourself to see. I will make suggestions, which I advise you do in order to bring your grade higher.

If you’re responsible for a class page, then you’re also responsible for taking the class favorites pictures. However, you do not have to worry about putting the fall pictures and student names under them because the company automatically does it for you.

I’m not a fan of waiting to the last minute. Please make every effort to work in class if you have a deadline approaching. You may come in during other classes to work if you are quiet. If you wait to the last minute and produce an awful page with little thought and creativity, I have to go behind you to clean it up. Your grade will be adjusted accordingly.

Finally, think of our theme as you do your spread. How can you tie the theme into your page? In the past, students have struggled with this. However, I am giving ample brainstorming time this year for you and your classmates to work together with your creative juices flowing.

Computer Use

Yes, we will use computers daily in here. Sometimes, we will have yearbook stuff to work and sometimes we may have down time. We will use the Internet. However, you may not download anything or listen to music. Violation of this rule will suspend any Internet Usage.

Air Conditioning

I recommend bringing a jacket or sweater to class. I keep my room extremely cold throughout the year. The thermostat is only to be touched by the teacher in the classroom. No one else!

Absent Work

If you are absent, please locate the black basket on the bookcase at the back of the room. There should be missing work located there. If there is no missing work, please see me for more information.

Seating Chart

There is no formal seating chart. However, please pick a seat within the first week and stay there!


We will be in the library the bulk of classtime, therefore no food/drinks are permitted.

Cell Phones

If yours rings, beeps, etc in class, it will be taken to the office. I know this class is more laid back than others, but do not take advantage of it!


I am only an email or phone call away should you have any questions about an assignment. This also applies throughout the year.

Email: Brooke.Jackson@

Telephone: (903) 684-0092 (just remember I have a little one, so no late calls please)


Please try to take care of your business during breaks. I realize emergencies happen, but they usually don’t occur every day or several times a week. Please don’t take advantage of this policy or no one will be allowed to use the bathroom facilities.

I have read these procedures with my son/daughter and we both wholeheartedly agree to them. Returning this the next day to the teacher will result in a free 100 daily grade.

________________________________ ______________________________

Parent Student

________________________________ ______________________________

Date Date


Guardian Name:__________________________________________________________________

Best way to contact you:___________________________________________________________

Email Address: __________________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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