How Do I Calculate My Laude Points - River Valley High School

How Do I Calculate My Laude Score?


❖ You must have a 3.2 cumulative G.P.A. or higher and have earned a Laude Score of at least 16 to earn a Laude Distinction. Any students with a GPA of 3.1 or less will not have honors points calculated toward a Laude Score.

❖ You must successfully pass and complete a class to receive the designated honor points.

1) Add up the number of honor points you have earned (Laude honor courses are listed on the back of this sheet).

My total honors points:

2) Multiply your total number of honor points by your cumulative G.P.A.

My cumulative G.P.A.

My Total Laude Score:

How will Graduation Speakers be decided?

The Class President will do one speech, with 2 at large speakers coming from the pool of students that have earned Summa Cum Laude. This pool of students will be asked if they are interested in speaking and if they agree they will be placed on a ballot and voted on by the senior class and the HS Faculty.

Can I earn Honor Points for courses I completed at another school?

Transfer students will receive honor points toward the Laude System, for Advanced Placement Courses and Project Lead the Way Courses passed and completed at their previous school. Due to the varying nature of how honors classes are designated in other schools, honors classes besides Advanced Placement and Project Lead the Way will not be granted to transfer students for honor points toward the Laude System.

Laude Honors Courses

AP and PLTW courses = 1 honor point per semester for each course completed and passed

AP Courses –

U.S. History

English Composition


Environmental Science


Probability and Statistics

PLTW Offerings -

IED – Introduction to Engineering Design

POE – Principles of Engineering

CIM – Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Adv. Standing and Department Designated Honors Courses = ½ honor point per semester for each course completed and passed

Advanced Standing Courses –

Animal Health and Nutrition

Crop and Soil Science

Accounting I

Accounting II

Accounting III


Computer Business Applications 1&2

Elementary Algebra with Applications

Auto Technology


Welding III

Designated Departmental Honors Courses–

Art – Honors Studio

English – Accelerated English 9 and 10

Foreign Language – Spanish 3/4/5 and French 3/4

Math – Math 4 and Algebra 2

Music –Honors Band and Honors Choir

Science – Physics and Intro to Genetics

Social Studies – World History


Laude Distinctions:

● Summa Cum Laude (With Highest Honor/Distinction), Laude Score of 50 or greater

● Magna Cum Laude (With Great Honor/Distinction), Laude Score ranging from 32 – 49.95

● Cum Laudࠀࠜࠡࠢࠣࠤࠥe (With Honor/Distinction), Laude Score ranging from 16 – 31.5


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