Mid term Exam - City Vision

Mid term Exam

Counseling in the City Course 401

The following exam is worth 50 points.

1. According to Ellison and Maynard the three personality styles that tend to intensify stress are:

A. depressive B. Manic C. hyperactive D. none of the above

2. Which of the following factors is a cause of stress for urban dwellers?

A. Overload B. Environmental factors C. Bioecological Factors D. all of the


3. The first step in keeping racism from being a factor in working with a client is to

be of the same ethnic group

True / False

. The three basic elements in counseling are:

A. the counselee B. the therapeutic goal C. trust

True/ False

4. What is contextualized counseling?

A. a counseling technique used to keep all of the client’s comments in their proper


B. It is the counselor’s responsibility to keep the counseling session focused on

the most important topic or subject

C. The counselor must become familiar with the cultures of those she serves.

D. All of the above.

5. In the field of counseling “unconditional positive regard” means the counselor

should believe everything a client says until proven otherwise.

True/ False

6. Research shows that the counselor’s learned skills and ability to relate to the

client are the most crucial factors in counseling.

True/ False

7. Countertransferance occurs when the counselee projects unresolved emotions

onto the counselor.

True/ False

8. In the counseling process the counselor needs to let the client know that expression

of anger is inappropriate during sessions.

True/ False

9. Dr. Narramore believes that one of the main goals of counseling is increased self-knowledge

True/ False

10. Brujeria is a form of witchcraft practiced by some Asian cultures.

True/ False

11. Which of these immigrant groups would not be considered Asian- Americans?

A. Hawaiians B. Vietnamese C. Philippinos D. Venetians

12. The ethnic or racial match between counselor and counselee may not be as

crucial or as helpful as the cultural match.

True/ False

13. The Messiah Complex is a syndrome each counselor must experience to

understand various cultures and client values.

True/ False

14. The concept of time and visible progress is especially crucial in urban

counseling because poor, ethnic minorities often wish to se immediate results.

True/ False

15. Client participation in groups that are not made up of relatives and friends may

be helpful in identifying and correcting faulty perceptions and interaction


True/ False

16. Culture is the all encompassing set of boundaries, expectations, morals, and

True/ False

17. In Asian culture it is desirable to only express feeling to one’s temple priest and


True/ False

18. In counseling Black families and individuals it is important to keep in mind that

they are no different from White families and individuals.

True/ False

19. Empowerment counseling helps the counselee capitalize on his or her own

strengths and positive qualities

True/ False

20. It is important for counselors to realize that the church is the most important

social unit in Hispanic culture.

True/ False

21. In counseling Hispanics the indirect style of counseling is more appealing and

congruent with their cultural norms.

22. Carkhuff’s four step process for counseling includes two of the following

A. confidentiality and graciousness B. attending and initiating C. communicating

and goal setting D. venting and catharsis

22. Lazarus developed the system known as the multimodal approach to

assessment and intervention building that focuses on the BASIC I D

True/ False

23. Intermediate counseling goals include (1) helping the person do what is in his

best interest.

True/ False

24. The counselee should always be encouraged to express himself freely without

judgment from the counselor.

True/ False

25. Pauses during the counseling session are often thought to be

A. Unnecessary B. A good time for the counselor to think ahead C. A chance

for the counselor to take notes D. A time to let the client think and sort her

feelings before proceeding



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