Unit 4 Notes Europe - ExtremeSocialStudies7 - Home

Name: ____________________ World Geography Unit 4: Europe

Chapter 10- Physical Geography of Europe Chapter 11- History and Cultures of Europe

Chapter 12- Europe Today Psalm 47:8- God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy


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Chapter 10 Notes- Physical Geography of Europe

Essential Question- How do people use waterways? ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Section 1- Physical Features Landforms and Waterways

Europe's ____________________________ is framed by the Atlantic Ocean and by several seas, including the Baltic, North, Mediterranean, and Black Seas.

Most of the land in Europe lies within ___________ miles (483 km) of a coast.

Only a few countries are ___________________________, meaning they do not border an ocean or a sea, but people in those areas still have access to coastal ports because of relatively long rivers.

Europe, a huge _______________________ with many smaller peninsulas branching out from it, includes many islands, such as Great Britain, Ireland, and Iceland in the Atlantic Ocean, and Sicily, Crete, and Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea.

The large number of peninsulas and islands has affected Europe's _______________.

Groups of people separated by the seas, rivers, and mountains developed different __________________.

Today Europe has more than ______ independent countries.

Europe's major landform is the Northern __________________________ Plain, which stretches across the northern half of the mainland from Belarus and Ukraine westward to France and the British Isles.

The rich __________ of the Northern European Plain produces grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy cattle.

The plain also has large deposits of __________, iron ore, and other minerals, which aid Europe's industrial growth.

Other European lowlands include the Hungarian Plain and the _____________________ Steppe, a broad, grassy plain north of the Black Sea.

Highlands mark the northern border of the Northern European Plain, but steeper _________________ lie south of the plain.

Europe's highest mountain ranges form the _________________ Mountain System, which stretches from Spain to the Balkan Peninsula.

It includes the Alps, the ____________________________, and the Carpathians.

The region's highest peak is Mont ______________ in the Alps of France.

Europe's mountains have never completely _________________________ movement.

____________________, or low areas between mountains, allow the movement of people and goods.

Three older highland areas are found in the northwest (from Sweden to Iceland), the Central Uplands (from southern Poland to France), and the ____________________ in Spain.

Many European rivers are ____________________, or wide and deep enough for ships to use.

The _______________ and Rhine Rivers and the canals that link them are important for transporting goods.

The fast-flowing rivers also generate ____________________.

_________________, though relatively few in number, are important for recreation and tourism.

Europe's Resources

Almost ______________ of the world's coal comes from Europe, and mining is a major source of jobs in many countries.

Petroleum and natural gas are found beneath the _________________ Sea.

In the highlands and mountains, swift-flowing rivers are used to create ___________________________ power.

Germany, Spain, and Denmark are leaders in building ______________ farms, which produce electricity from wind power.

Important natural resources in Europe include iron ore, manganese, ____________, marble, granite, and stone.

Fewer forests exist today due to clearing for farming, but Europe's fertile soil provides rye, oats, wheat, and ___________________________.

______________ from the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean Sea are another natural resource. Environmental Issues

Europe has become an economic ____________________________, but the impact on the environment has sometimes been harmful.

Examples of the damage include ____________________, air pollution, and water pollution.

Erosion occurred when people cut forests to create _________________________.

With no tree roots to hold it in place, the _____________________ washed away in the rain.

When air pollution from car exhaust and smoke from burning oil and coal mix with precipitation, _________ rain falls to Earth.

Acid rain has destroyed many forests and has harmed lakes, rivers, and historic ______________________.

By dumping ________________________, garbage, and industrial waste into the waters, countries have polluted the Mediterranean Sea as well as rivers and lakes.

Runoff from farms is another ________________________.

Runoff is precipitation that flows over the ground, often picking up ________________________ and fertilizers along the way.

When these chemicals enter a river, they encourage the growth of ______________, which affects the oxygen levels and eventually kills the fish.

Section 2- Climate Regions Wind and Water

Much of Europe enjoys a ________________ climate.

The North ____________________ Current carries warm waters from the Gulf of Mexico toward Europe.

Winds from the west pass over this water and carry more _____________________ to Europe.

These prevailing winds, known as ________________________, are a major influence on warming the European climate.

Warm winds from _________________ contribute to the high temperatures in southern Europe. Winter winds from Asia lower temperatures in eastern Europe.

Climate Zones

The _________________ west coast climate of northwestern and central Europe has two features: mild temperatures and abundant precipitation.

The mild temperatures allow for long _________________ seasons, even though farther north, the summer is shorter and cooler.

The precipitation typically falls in ____________________ and early winter, but the amount is affected by the rain shadow effect of the mountains.

_________________ thrive in much of Europe's marine west coast climate zone.

Some forests consist of _________________ trees, which lose their leaves in the fall.

____________________ trees, also called evergreens, grow in cooler areas of this zone.

Eastern Europe and some areas of northern Europe have a _________________ continental climate.

This climate region has ________________ summers and colder winters than the marine west coast zone.

___________________ forests of deciduous and coniferous trees are found throughout this zone.

The _______________________________ zone, with hot, dry summers, includes much of southern Europe.

Winters are mild and _____________________.

The __________________________ and Alps block chilly northern winds from reaching Spain and Italy, and some mountains create rain shadows.

In southern France, the lack of a mountain barrier allows a cold, ___________ wind to blow in from the north.

This wind, called the ____________________, brings gusts to the land in winter and spring.

Countries in the Mediterranean climate zone also are affected by hot, dry winds from Africa to the ________________.

In Italy, these winds are called _________________________, and they bring uncomfortably humid conditions to southern Europe.

Vegetation in the dry Mediterranean climate includes low-lying shrubs and grasses, ______________ trees, and grapevines.

Europe has ___________ zones of extreme cold.

The ____________________________ zone covers parts of Norway, Sweden, and Finland.

The __________________ zone is found in the northern reaches of these countries and in Iceland.

The tundra is an area of vast __________________________ plains near the North Pole.

Because of Earth's tilt, the sun shines on the far north for up to _________ hours a day in late spring and early summer.

In winter, __________________ also can last for 20 hours.

The _________________________ zone is found in the higher altitudes of the Alps and Carpathians where the climate is generally cool to cold.

The _________________ zone includes the southern part of Ukraine.

Steppes are dry, treeless ____________________.

The climate is not dry enough to be classified as ______________ but not wet enough for forests to flourish.

The humid subtropical zone is north of the _______________ Sea and has hot, wet summers and mild, wet winters.

Average temperatures on Earth have been inching upward for several _________________.

Today people are searching for the reasons, the consequences, and the solution, such as the ____________ Treaty.

Chapter 11- The History and Cultures of Europe

Essential Question- What forces have helped unify Europeans at different times? ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Section 1- History and Governments Ancient Europe

The story of European civilization begins with the ancient ____________________ and Romans, now known as the classical world.

These peoples settled near the ____________________________ Sea more than 2,500 years ago.


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