American History I

1492 - 1865

Mr. Jared Snyder

Room 150

Email: jasnyder@

Phone: 570 - 546 - 3125 ext. 3640


This is a survey course of the exploration, colonization and the first one hundred years of our national history. Major emphasis will be placed on colonization, independence and expansion of our nation. Special emphasis will be directed to our Constitution. Students will trace the early struggles of our new nation through the disastrous Civil War that tore our nation apart. Attention will also be directed to the role that Pennsylvania played in our nation’s birth and early struggles as a nation. A greater understanding of social studies skills will be incorporated along with geographical skills.

PREREQUISITE(S): World Cultures I


• New World Settlement – Beginnings of European settlement in Americas

• Independence – Examine the American Revolution, its causes and effects

• Creating A Democracy – Birth of a New Nation and the beginning of the U.S. Government

• A New Nation – The War of 1812 and growing pains of a nation

• Westward Expansion – Manifest Destiny and the growth of the nation

• The Civil War – Causes and effects of a nation divided

• Pennsylvania History – Issues applicable to Pennsylvania history will be discussed throughout the year.

• Current Issues – Issues applicable in the world or United States today will be discussed throughout with a focused emphasis at the end of the course.


A. For each Unit the students will analyze the following:

1. Students will examine political issues of the era. The students will identify the issues, analyze them, and understand why the action was taken.

2. The students will be aware of the social, economic, and political problems of the minorities.

3. The students will identify and be able to summarize the major economic issues of the time era.

4. The students will evaluate and analyze the relationship between the role of the government and the American citizen during each era.

|Content/Unit |Objective/skill |Standard/ |Assessment |Timeframe |

| | |Benchmark | | |

|New World Settlement |Evaluate the social economic, political, and |8.3.6 A,C,D |Discussion |4 weeks |

| |religious reasons people came to America |1.4.8 B |Reading Guide | |

| | | |Vocabulary | |

| | | |Open Ended Writing | |

| | | |Quizzes | |

| | | |Tests | |

| |Analyze the social, economic, political, and |8.3.6 A,B,D | Discussion |4 weeks |

|Independence |foreign affairs issues of the Revolutionary |8.3.12 A,B,C,D |Reading Guide | |

| |War | |Vocabulary | |

| | | |Informative Essay | |

| | | |Open Ended Writing | |

| | | |Quizzes | |

| | | |Tests | |

| Creating A Democracy |Evaluate the causes and effects of the | 8.3.6 B,C,D |Discussion |5 weeks |

| |Constitution |5.1.6 C,D |Reading Guide | |

| |Analyze the political and economic effects in|1.1.8A |Vocabulary | |

| |the U.S. following government and population| |Open Ended Writing | |

| |growth | |Quizzes | |

| | | |Tests | |

|A New Nation |Describe and evaluate the social, economic, |8.3.9 A,B,C,D |Discussion |5 weeks |

| |and political effects of Industrial Policy, |5.3.9 A,B |Reading Guide | |

| |Indian Policy and internal division over | |Vocabulary | |

| |slavery in the U.S. | |Persuasive Essay Essay | |

| | | |Open Ended Writing | |

| | | |Quizzes | |

| | | |Tests | |

|Westward Expansion |Evaluate the reasons for westward expansion |8.1.12 B,C,D |Discussion |4 weeks |

| |in America |8.3.9 A,B,C,D |Reading Guide | |

| |Describe the economic, social, and politocal | |Vocabulary | |

| |ramifications of westward expansion | |Open Ended Writing | |

| | | |Quizzes | |

| | | |Tests | |

|The Civil War |Analyze the social and foreign issues the |8.1.12 B,C,D |Discussion |5 weeks |

| |American Civil War |1.2.8 A |Reading Guide | |

| |Explain the political and economic impact of | |Vocabulary | |

| |the Civil War | |Open Ended | |

| | | |Essay Writing | |

| | | |Quizzes | |

| | | |Tests | |


A. Current Materials Used:

1. American History of Our Nation Beginnings though Reconstruction. Pearson Prentice Hall: 2016.

2. Variety of outside sources are used to supplement the text, for

example : History Channel Documentaries, United Streaming Videos, CNN, Fox News, Time Magazine, and U.S. News and World Report Magazine.


1. Students are expected to “DO WHAT’S RIGHT”

2. Have RESPECT for all students and anyone else who is in our room.

When assignments are given, it is expected they will be completed and done on time.

MISSED Assignments:

o If absent on the day of the exam or missed assignment, the student will be required to take the exam the next day he/she returns to school. Failure to do so will result in a 10% reduction each day the assignment is not completed until 0% is reached unless otherwise noted by the instructor.

o If absent the day before the exam, the student will be expected to take it the day he returns to school (ONLY if the exam was announced prior to this day)

o If a long-term absence occurs, arrangements and details will be made with the student and the parent/guardian on an appropriate time schedule.


o It is the responsibility of the student to see the instructor to make up a missed quiz. Failure to do so could result in a zero on the quiz.


Grades will be assessed in the following manner:

Exams + Performance Task

Section Quiz Reports / Position Papers

Chapter Test Projects on topic issues (Individual and Group)

Reading Quizzes Culminating Project / Written Assignment

Class Assignments / Participation


Various assignments resulting in varying point values given throughout the year.


Having materials daily

Volunteering in class discussions/activities

Group projects (Individual Grades)

* I do not give unannounced quizzes (exceptions may apply)


We will follow school policy for cell offenses. If a cell phone is taken, it will be turned into the office. Please see the pathfinder for rules regarding cell phones.


If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed and what needs to be made up. Students should check the bins marked with their class period or check with another student. If the student does not make up the missed assignments, the missed assignment will result in a zero.


Please feel to contact me at any time during the school year. Email is always the most efficient and easiest way to contact me. I would also welcome you to make time to see me during parent – teacher conferences directly before Thanksgiving as well. Have a great school year!

Jared Snyder


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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