

Grade 6 Oak Team Social Studies

Quinn Middle School


Ms. Dorothy, Room C208


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After School Day: Wednesday, 2:35-3:10

Welcome to 6th grade social studies! To begin, take a look at the following statements and put a checkmark next to the one that most accurately describes you.

________ I am a history and Social Studies nut! You may be a history and Social Studies nut if:

You like to watch the History Channel to catch the latest historical documentaries.

You enjoy reading about Ben Franklin & Julius Caesar more than Harry Potter & Katniss Everdeen.

You keep a picture of the current President handy in your back pocket.

________ History drives me nuts! History may drive you nuts if:

You fall asleep at the mere mention of history homework.

The hands of the clock seem to move backwards in history class.

You’re not even reading this syllabus.

________ I fall somewhere in between! You may fall somewhere in between if:

You complete history homework without too much enthusiasm, but also without pulling your hair out.

You might get a little bit excited about some of the topics we will be studying this year.

You are like lots of sixth graders I know.

Whether you consider yourself a history nut or not, this class is for you. History unfolds around us every day. We will work hard and learn a lot, and my hope is that you will leave this class with an appreciation for history.

Overview of Curriculum

We will use many resources in social studies, including material from the History Alive!: The Ancient World curriculum. We will also refer to maps, artwork, artifacts, websites, and other reading materials. Many assignments will be posted on our Google Classroom page.

Our curriculum units are:

Map Reading Skills and Geography

Studying Complex Societies (how we study the past, social scientists, historical thinking skills)

Early Humans (Neolithic and Paleolithic Eras)

Middle East/North Africa (Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Phoenicia, Israel, and Palestine)

Central/South Asia (Ancient India)

East Asia (Ancient China, Japan, and Korea)

Some of the essential questions we will pose throughout our studies will include:

What is a civilization?

Where do people choose to settle and why?

How does geography affect how civilizations develop and interact?

How are complex societies formed and organized?

How are various ancient civilizations similar to and different from one another?

How can the legacies of ancient civilizations be seen today?

We will work independently, with partners, and in groups to uncover answers to these questions. In addition, we will develop reading, writing, speaking, listening, organizational, research, and critical thinking skills.

Course Materials

Materials you will need for this class are:

One 2-inch 3-ring binder (to be shared with ELA)

Two subject dividers

Plenty of pencils and erasers

Chromebook (charged!)

Independent reading (IR) book

You are expected to come to class everyday prepared with these materials.

This year you will become an historian, and your Chromebook and binder will be for documenting your discoveries. We will use them daily, so it is important that you stay up to date with your assignments and that you complete them neatly and with effort. Chromebooks may only be used at appropriate times and for social studies purposes. Binders will be checked at the end of each unit for organization and completeness.


Here’s the scoop with homework: get it done! I will usually assign homework 3-4 times per week and will expect you to complete it on time and with effort. Homework assignments are worth 5 points and are generally based on completion. Some assignments will be graded for accuracy, which will be announced beforehand in class. Late credit will not be given, as assignments will almost always be used or reviewed the following day. You are encouraged to make up assignments, but will receive a zero for not having homework on the day that it is due. If you miss homework due to an absence, you will be expected to complete the missed work by an agreed upon date in order to receive credit. You should see the “While You Were Out” calendar or ask a classmate for missed assignments. When you return from being absent, you are also expected to turn in any assignments you did not hand in because of your absence.

You will have time in class each day to write down your homework assignment. If you forget what it is, visit the Oak team website to remind yourself, which can be found at . You can also visit our Google Classroom page. I will post nightly homework assignments and attachments as well as announcements and other important information.


Your report card grades will be based on the following:


Daily class rubrics—20%

Quizzes and tests—30%

Projects and major writing assignments—30%

I will monitor your progress by filling out a daily class rubric, which will evaluate your completion of class work, class participation, on-task behavior, preparedness for class, and use of Take 5 time. The previous week’s rubric will be distributed on the first day of the following week for you to see your progress in class, and you will need to get it signed by a parent/guardian.

Rubrics will be used for all projects, major written work, and presentations for you to use as guides. There will be several significant writing projects during the year as well as smaller in-class writing assignments.


I expect you to do the following:

Follow the rules and accept the consequences that we establish as a school, team, and class.

Follow classroom procedures.

Bring all necessary materials to class.

Maintain a positive attitude and show effort in your work.

Be responsible for your actions and your work, and ask for help when you do not understand something.

Help create a comfortable and safe learning environment by showing respect to and encouraging classmates.

I am thrilled to get to know you and work with you. Let’s get this year started!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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