Israel (Palestine) History before 1948

Israel (Palestine) History before 1948

• Hebrews (Jews) establish the Kingdom of Israel around 1,000 B.C.

• __________________ – Jews are scattered around the world by 135 A.D.

• Arabs take over and control Palestine until 1900 A.D.

• After WWI (1914), England takes over and controls Palestine.

• Zionism increases the Jewish desire to have a homeland

• The _________________ (1940-1945) increases the world’s sympathy for a Jewish homeland.

• After WWII (1947), the UN and England vote to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab sections.

• The State of Israel is proclaimed on May 14, 1948.

Israel History after Independence

• The day after independence is declared, 5 Arab countries attack Israel.

• Israel wins war and increases its territory by ______%

• Israel is attacked several more times.

• During ____________ War (1967) Israel gains control of Jerusalem, the West Bank, and all of the Sinai Peninsula including Gaza.

• _________________ War (1973)- Arab countries attack on Jewish High Holy Day

• 1979 – Anwar Sadat (___________) and Menachem Begin (___________) meet in Washington and sign Peace Treaty

• 1982- Israel attacks Lebanon in order to stop terrorist attacks by Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

Causes of Tension between Jews and Palestinians

• Most Arabs fled when Israel was created, but 1 out of 5 Israelis are Arabs and 2/3 of these are __________________

• Palestinians who live in the West Bank and Gaza protest their living conditions and the fact that Jews are settling in what were originally Palestinian controlled areas in the West Bank

• A Jewish leader visited a Muslim controlled site that is considered holy by Jews and Muslims. This caused rioting where 400 people died.

• Palestinians carry out _____________ bombings and Israel sends troops and tanks into Gaza and the West Bank in retaliation.

• Israel says there needs to be a Palestinian state and has built a wall separating the West Bank and Gaza from the rest of Israel.

• Israel _________________ Gaza and this has caused economic and humanitarian hardship

• Palestinians continue to fire rockets into Israel from Gaza and Israeli jets attack in response killing thousands

Forever in chains: The tragic history of Congo

Describe what has happened in this picture:


Somewhere between three million and ___________________ men, women and children were killed during the rule of King Leopold II of ___________________.

Leopold had been able to trick the rest of the world to making him the owner of nearly _______________ square miles of unmapped jungle, ________ times the size of Belgium itself. __________ was what the king had his eye on. And, though plenty of it was yielded, Leopold struggled to make a profit. In 1895, he tried to give the colony to the Belgian government because it was costing him too much.

But then the __________ was invented for a bicycle in Scotland, and the worldwide boom in ___________ began. These trees grew all over the Congo.

The scheme was a huge success; by 1902, the price of rubber had risen ________ times in eight years, and it constituted _________ per cent of the exports of "The Congo Free State", as Leopold had dubbed it.

Free is what the people were not. The symbol of Leopold's rule was the schicotte - a whip of raw sun-dried _____________________ hide cut into long sharp-edged strips which could quickly remove the skin from a man's back. Guess and draw it here:

The white men used _________________ from northern Congo to force other tribes to bring in more rubber. They would torture, kill, rape, dismember, or mutilate to do it. But the routine penalty for failing to bring in enough rubber was the severing of a _____________. A Baptist missionary wrote a letter to The Times about it: "The hands - the hands of men, women and children - were placed in rows before the commissary who counted them to see that the soldiers had not wasted cartridges."

Two men write what Leopold is doing and get others to listen. Joseph Conrad writes a book called _____________________, and E.D. Morel quits his job as a clerk after he realizes that what he has investigated was a “a secret society of murderers with a ___________ for a croniman." Even after that, Leopold cleverly tried to pretend he didn’t know of such atrocities. But he didn’t plan on photography. Pictures like that of _________ of Wala appeared. Mark Twain and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle called him a monster.

Finally the American _____________ and British __________ ____________ demanded Leopold step down. The king gave the Congo over to his _______________. It paid Leopold £________________ to compensate him for his sacrifices.

What happened to King Leopold? _______________________

Forever in chains: The tragic history of Congo

Describe what has happened in this picture:

Nsala of Wala sits, staring at the severed hand and foot of his 3-year old daughter who has been eaten by cannibals hired by Leopold’s men

Somewhere between three million and 30 million men, women and children were killed during the rule of King Leopold II of Belgium.

Leopold had been able to trick the rest of the world to making him the owner of nearly 1 million square miles of unmapped jungle, 75 times the size of Belgium itself. Ivory was what the king had his eye on. And, though plenty of it was yielded, Leopold struggled to make a profit. In 1895, he tried to give the colony to the Belgian government because it was costing him too much. But then the tire was invented for a bicycle in Scotland, and the worldwide boom in rubber began. These trees grew all over the Congo.

The scheme was a huge success; by 1902, the price of rubber had risen 15 times in eight years, and it constituted 80% of the exports of "The Congo Free State," as Leopold had dubbed it.

Free is what the people were not. The symbol of Leopold's rule was the schicotte - a whip of raw sun-dried hippopotamus hide cut into long sharp-edged strips which could quickly remove the skin from a man's back. Guess and draw it here:

The white men used cannibals from northern Congo to force other tribes to bring in more rubber. They would torture, kill, rape, dismember, or mutilate to do it. But the routine penalty for failing to bring in enough rubber was the severing of a hand. A Baptist missionary wrote a letter to The Times about it: "The hands - the hands of men, women and children - were placed in rows before the commissary who counted them to see that the soldiers had not wasted cartridges."

Two men write what Leopold is doing and get others to listen. Joseph Conrad writes a book called Heart of Darkness, and E.D. Morel quits his job as a clerk after he realizes that what he has investigated was a “a secret society of murderers with a king for a croniman." Even after that, Leopold cleverly tried to pretend he didn’t know of such atrocities. But he didn’t plan on photography. Pictures like that of Nsala of Wala appeared. Mark Twain and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle called him a monster.

Finally the American President and British Prime Minister demanded Leopold step down. The king gave the Congo over to his government. It paid Leopold £2 million to compensate him for his sacrifices.

What happened to King Leopold? (Nothing. He died of natural causes, never punished legally for his actions)



A schicotte

A schicotte


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