Spinrad/World History

Spinrad/World History

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Israel Palestine

|Religious Origin: biblical, 4000 years, land promised by G-d, |Judea named Palestine by Romans (after the Philistines). Jews |

|Judea vs. the Romans |forced to leave by Romans. Settled by Arabs, Muslims after 600 |

| |CE, desolate until 20th century, never ruled by an Arab country |

| |or independent |

|Political Origin: Political Zionism attracts Jews from Europe. |Arabs reject UN mandate and attack. Palestinian refugee problem |

|Jews accept UN mandate and declare the state of Israel. Jewish |created. Arabs lose war. |

|refugee problem solved. Israel wins war and expands boundaries. | |

|1967 War: Egypt blockade and threats to annihilate Israel. Israel|Millions of Arabs now under Israel’s control (occupied |

|attacks and expands its borders |territories) |

|Oslo Process: Arabs given self rule in Gaza strip and most of |Palestinians want Palestinian state with ability to raise an army|

|occupied territories |and make agreements with any country |

|Religious pluralism: Jews, Moslems, Christians have rights to |Non-Moslem worship occasionally tolerated. |

|worship, sites protected | |

|Democracy: Both Jews, Christians, and Arabs have political |Occasional elections. Corruption. Gaza strip taken over by Hamas |

|parties and vote |terrorist group |

|Friends: United States |Surrounding Arab dictatorships |

|Economy: high tech and wealthy |Agrarian and poor |

|Military: constantly alert, has nuclear weapons |Police force, terrorism |

|Mixed peoples from all over the world |Arabs predominantly from Egypt and Syria |


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