The Arab-Israeli Conflict (lecture notes)

The Arab-Israeli Conflict (lecture notes)

I. Groups within conflict:

1. Israel & _____________________

2. Israel & other surrounding _______________ nations

3. Muslims and ______________________ (modern Muslims and secular society vs. ___________________ Muslims)

II. Causes of Arab- Israelis conflict:

1. Land

- Israel and Arabs think they both should have _________ over Israeli land

- Israel feels it needs to use the _______________ to secure its land

- Arabs demand a __________________ of their lost, _________________ territories

- Israel fears giving back the land because the Arabs might _______________ further attacks against __________________

- Arabs believe that the ______________________ territories belong to them, not Israel, and that Israel shouldn’t even ____________

2. Religion

- most of area is _______, they do not want a __________ state in the M.E.

3. Conflict of cultures

- ________________ influences of Israel vs. traditional views (_________ of Muslims)

III. Israeli War for Independence:

1. May 14, 1948 _________ invaded ____________; Israel declared __________________

2. May _____ __________ armies invaded the new ________________ state

3. Fighting officially _____________ in January _______________

4. ______________ countries signed ______________ with _____________ in 1949

5. About ______________ Israelis were ______________ in the war.

IV. War for Suez canal (1956):

1. Egypt want to ______________________ the Suez Canal, thereby taking control from _________________________ and France

2. Great Britain and France __________________ Egypt

3. Israel joined the attack in order to _______________________ raids into Israel

4. The U.S. convinced Great Britain, France and Israel to ____________________ from Egypt

5. Egypt _________________ control of the Suez Canal

V. 6 Day War (1967):

1. Israel vs. Egypt, _______________, and Jordan

2. Israel _______ the war in ______ days

3. Long-term _____________________ of war:

V. 6 Day War (1967) (continued):

- Israeli forces now __________________ several territories (once occupied by its Arab neighbors).

- Israel now occupied _____________________ (Syrian territory), the Sinai Peninsula and the ____________________ (Egyptian territory), and the _________________ of the Jordan River, and East Jerusalem (Jordan territory)

- Israel now had control of all of Jerusalem

- Israel’s purpose in continuing to occupy these territories?: ________________ its borders

VI. Yom Kippur War (10/1973):

1. ________________ vs. Israeli’s (4th time fighting for control of land)

2. Arab nations invaded Israel, why? (wanted to _________________ lost territories from the Israelis)

3. Invasion was a ____________________, on the Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur

4. Israelis won in a successful __________________________ against the Arabs

5. ________ helped negotiate a ______________

VII. The Palestinian Issue:

1. Palestinians were forced to live in _______________ camps in Syria, Lebanon

and Jordan.

2. Due to poverty and increased ________________, the Palestinian

________________ Organization was formed (PLO)

- founder of the PLO = Yasir Arafat

3. Goal of the PLO: ______________ Israel as a nation and turn the land into

Palestinian _________________

4. PLO’s main weapons: _______________

- PLO agents haved killed Israeli _________________

5. Millions of Palestinians live in the Gaza Strip and the ________________

- Beginning in 1987, young Palestinians _________________ the

presence of Israeli troops by throwing ______________ at them

- Israeli troops sometimes responded with force, ________________

some Palestinians

- these events became known as the _______________

VIII. Peace Efforts:

1. 1978: US President Jimmy Carter brought the ________________ President and

the ______________ Prime Minister to Camp David in Maryland for peace talks

- talks were ______________

- Israel agreed to return the ___________ Peninsula to Egypt

- Egypt was the first Arab country to formally _________________ Israel

as an _____________ nation

- As a result; however, the Egyptian president was __________________

2. The U.S. views Israel as a great _________________

VIII. Peace Efforts (continued):

- peace talks between Israel and Palestine have taken place since the early _________

3. 1993: Israel agreed to talk ____________ to the PLO

- allow for limited __________________ for the Palestinians living in the

Gaza Strip and ________________

- PLO’s leader, Yasir Arafat agreed to recognize the right of Israel to ___________ as a nation

- document created was known as the _________________________

4. 1994: Israel and __________________ signed a peace treaty to end their history

of war

- two countries settled disputes over ____________ and __________

rights, established ____________________ relations, and agreed to

work together to improve their respective country’s economies


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