Black History Month 2004 Evaluation Form


Black History Month 2007 Evaluation Form

Please send us your feedback so that we can continue to improve Black History Month at Princeton University for years to come!

Name (optional):

E-mail Address (optional):

Black History Month 2004 Event(s) You Attended:

University Affiliation:

Did you find the Black History Month 2007 event(s) you attended informative? If not, please elaborate on ways in which it could have been more informative.

Did you enjoy the Black History Month 2007 event(s) you attended? Which one(s)? What was enjoyable about them?

Did you dislike any of the Black History Month 2007 event(s) you attended? How could we have improved upon anything you were dissatisfied with?

If you attended either party we hosted, did it provide a social option for you in which alcohol was not provided?

Do you have any other comments about Black History Month 2007 programming?

Thank you for your feedback! Please e-mail all responses to, or print and send this form to:

Black History Month Planning Committee

c/o The Carl A. Fields Center

86 Olden Street

Princeton University

Princeton, New Jersey 08540


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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