Art I Overview Chart

Art I Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

|Category |Art I |

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|Drawing |The Student Will: |

|(Content) |Understand drawing is a contributing part of idea development and integral to image making in all studio areas. |

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| |Study the history of drawing in order to understand the development and use of drawing processes and methods. |

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| |Understand and explore the elements and principles of art in drawing. |

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| |Become familiar with specific tools, materials, and techniques in drawing. |

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| |Understand the importance of drawing in a sketchbook-journal. |

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| |Understand the proper use and care of materials and equipment when drawing. |

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| |Elements: line, shape, form, texture, space, color, value. |

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| |Principles: balance, unity, harmony, emphasis, variety, contrast, pattern, movement, and rhythm. |

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| |Subject Matter: narrative, literary, religious, landscape, cityscape, historical, the figure, the portrait, self-portraits, genre, social comment, still life, expression, |

| |abstraction, nonobjective, and representational. |

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Art I Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

|Category |Art I |

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|Drawing |The Student Will: |

|(Skills) | |

| |Produce works that show an exploration of the elements and principles of art in drawing. |

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| |Produce works that show an exploration of portraiture/self-portraiture. |

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| |Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of techniques in mark making which may include: |

| |cross hatching value scale stippling |

| |hatching pressure strokes blending |

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| |Demonstrate the ability to work in a variety of media such as: |

| |pencil markers charcoal pastel |

| |oil pastel colored pencil pen and ink |

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| |Learn the proper use and care of materials and equipment when drawing. |

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| |Learn to select the appropriate paper surface for a specific media. |

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| |Understand, apply, and explore various drawing methods such as contour, gesture, and rendering. |

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| |Produce works that show an understanding of spatial concepts: |

| |Intuitive perspective (overlapping, scale, placement) |

| |Aerial perspective (atmospheric effects) |

| |Mechanical perspective (1-, 2-, and 3- point perspective) |

| |Unusual points of view (worm’s eye view, bird’s-eye view) |

| |Demonstrate an understanding of foreground, middle ground, and background. |

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| |Strengthen observational skills through class assignments and in a sketchbook-journal. |

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| |Learn to evaluate drawings through oral and written critiques. |

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| |Expand vocabulary to include words specific to drawing. |

Art I Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

|Category |Art I |

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|Painting |The Student Will: |

|(Content) | |

| |Understand and explore the elements and principles of art in painting. |

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| |Emphasize color relationships, color mixing, and the expressive qualities of color. |

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| |Become familiar with various tools, materials, and techniques used in water-base painting. |

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| |Understand the proper use and care of painting materials and equipment. |

| |The Student Will: |

|Painting | |

|(Skills) |Produce works that show an exploration of the elements and principles of design when planning and making paintings. |

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| |Create works that demonstrate a exploration of transparent and opaque water-base paint (e.g., watercolor, tempera) |

| |Paint with a variety of types and sizes of brushes. |

| |Paint in both wet and dry techniques. |

| |Paint in a limited palette with specific color schemes. |

| |Engage in exercises to improve skills in mixing colors and to attain a wide range of values. |

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| |Explore the expressive qualities of color. |

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| |Learn to evaluate paintings through oral and written critiques. |

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| |Demonstrate the proper use and care of painting materials and equipment. |

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| |Develop observational skills through directed practice in a sketchbook-journal. |

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| |Develop research skills through work in a sketchbook-journal. |

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| |Expand vocabulary to include words specific to painting. |

Art I Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

|Category |Art I |

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|Printmaking |The Student Will: |

|(Content) | |

| |Understand and explore the elements and principles of art in relation to printmaking,, emphasizing strong composition in black and white. |

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| |Become familiar with specific materials and processes in printmaking. |

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| |Understand safety standards and the proper use and care of printmaking materials and equipment. |

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|Printmaking |The Student Will: |

|(Skills) | |

| |Produce relief prints that demonstrate an exploration of the elements and principles of art. These techniques may include: |

| |Relief: |

| |Linocut |

| |Collagraph |

| |Monoprint |

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| |Pull artist’s proofs and editions. |

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| |Relate sketchbook-journal work to printmaking. |

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| |Demonstrate the ability to sign, title, and number prints. |

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| |Learn to evaluate prints through oral and written critiques. |

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| |Demonstrate safety standards and the proper use and care of printmaking materials and equipment. |

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| |Expand vocabulary to include terms specific to printmaking. |

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Art I Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

|Category |Art I |

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|3-D Media |The Student Will: |

|(Content) | |

| |Understand and explore the elements and principles of art in relationship to 3-D media with an emphasis on balance, form, texture, and structure. |

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| |Understand the concepts of functional and nonfunctional as they relate to 3-D media. |

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| |Become familiar with various tools, materials, and techniques used in 3-D media. |

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| |Understand safety standards and the proper use and care of materials, tools, and equipment. |

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|3-D Media |The Student Will: |

|(Skills) | |

| |Produce works that show an exploration of elements and principles of art with an emphasis on balance, form, texture, and structure. |

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| |Explore sculptural techniques using additive and subtractive methods in relief and in the round. |

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| |Explore 3-D media processes using materials that may include: |

| |Wire plaster foam core |

| |Papier mache found objects paper |

| |Clay wood Styrofoam |

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| |Demonstrate the ability to safely use and care for specific equipment related to 3-D media. |

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| |Relate sketchbook/journal work to 3-D media. |

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| |Examine a variety of forms with the same function or theme: |

| |Functional form such as a cup |

| |Nonfunctional form such as a figurative sculpture. |

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| |Expand vocabulary to include terms related to 3-D media. |

Art I Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

|Category |Art I |

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|Presentation of Work |The Student Will: |

|(Content) | |

| |Learn to select and prepare work for display. |

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| |Recognize the importance of maintaining a sketchbook-journal. |

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| |Understand the purposes of different types of portfolios. |

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| |Cumulative Portfolio: |

| |A body of all artwork, including sketchbook-journals that the student has produced during the year. |

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| |Evaluation Portfolio: |

| |A body of artwork with an emphasis on drawing that includes two-dimensional and/or three-dimensional works, and sketchbook-journals that are representative of the student’s |

| |breadth of experience, progress over time, and highest level of achievement. (Note: a student could have more than one evaluative portfolio---one in printmaking, one in |

| |drawing, one in painting, etc.) |

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|Presentation of Work |The Student Will: |

|(Skill) | |

| |Select and sign work for display. |

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| |Assemble a cumulative portfolio that represents the year’s work. |

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| |Assemble an evaluative portfolio that reflects an expanded knowledge base and that may exhibit the student’s ability to make decisions about quality. |

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| |Keep a sketchbook-journal of ideas and writings to use as a resource and planning tool. |

Art I Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

|Category |Art I |

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|Art History and Culture |The Student Will: |

|(Content) | |

| |Use the elements and principles of art as the foundation for the study of art history and culture. |

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| |Discover that to interpret an artwork historically one must understand the artist’s intent and cultural context in which it was created. |

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|Art History and Culture |The Student Will: |

|(Skills) | |

| |Identify and describe specific elements and principles found in selected works of art. |

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| |Understand the function and the meaning of specific art objects within various cultures, times, and places. |

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| |Expand vocabulary to include words specific to the art history and cultures studied. |

Art I Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

|Category |Art I |

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|Criticism |The Student Will: |

|(Content) | |

| |Demonstrate an understanding of art criticism in oral and written form. |

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| |Understand how to examine an artwork and describe its sensory and formal properties. |

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| |Understand that there are many ways to look at art and that not everyone agrees. |

|Criticism | |

|(Skills) |The Student Will: |

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| |Participate in class critiques of own and other’s artwork. |

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| |Examine own and masters’ artwork describing the sensory and formal properties in oral and written form. |

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| |Art Criticism: Describing and evaluating the media, processes, and meanings of works of visual art and making comparative judgments. (taken from National Standards for Art |

| |Education) |

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Art I Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

|Category |Art I |

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|Aesthetics |The Student Will: |

|(Content) | |

| |Study and describe the aesthetic properties found in two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art. |

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| |Explore and examine aesthetic perceptions. |

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|Aesthetics |The Student Will: |

|(Skills) | |

| |Demonstrate an ability to examine a work of art for the artist’s meaning and its expressive properties. |

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| |Engage in writing activities that examine aesthetic issues in the sketchbook-journal. |

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| |Discuss ways that aesthetics is reflected in the student’s everyday life. |

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| |Aesthetics: A branch of Philosophy that focuses on the nature of beauty, the nature and value of art, and the inquiry processes and human responses associated with those |

| |topics. (taken from |

| |National Standards for Art Education) |

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Art I Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

|Category |Art I |

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|*Ethical Issues |The Student Will: |

|(Content) | |

| |Recognize ethical issues related to the fine arts. |

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| |Understand the implications of using sensitive subject matter. |

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| |Understand that plagiarism is wrong. |

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|Ethical Issues |The Student Will: |

|(Skills) | |

| |Define and practice ethical procedures when producing works of art. |

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| |Use appropriate contracts and release forms for all work exhibited, loaned, published, sold, or entered into competitions. |

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| |*Ethics APS’s Student Responsibilities and Rights Regulation: |

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Art I Overview Chart

What the Student Should Know and Do

|Category |Art I |

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|Careers |The Student Will: |

|(Content) | |

| |Gain an understanding of the variety of careers in the art field. |

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|Careers |The Student Will: |

|(Skills) | |

| |Become familiar with the career resources available in the school library and the career center. |

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| |Become familiar with various careers through guest speakers, field trips, videos, or literature. |


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