Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare: An Invitation

Chapter 2: History of Social Work and Social Welfare

1. Which is the MOST accurate definition of social welfare?

a. consists of the activities of persons trained to help individuals, groups, or communities to enhance or to restore their capacity for effective social functioning and to create the societal conditions that are favorable to this goal

b. a system that helps people meet their basic needs in order to maintain society

c. an individual who is committed to enhance the social functioning of individual clients

d. a program that is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education

B (page 21)

2. Where do we find the philosophical origin of social work?

a. religious community and teachings

b. Elizabethan Poor Laws

c. in the first textbook, Social Diagnosis

d. civil rights movement

A (page 22)

3. Which two movements are proclaimed as being responsible for the birth of the social work profession?

a. Civil Rights and Gay Liberation

b. World Wars I and II

c. Charity Organization Society & Settlement House

d. National Association of Social Workers & Council on Social Work Education

C (page 29)

4. The first two decades of the of the 1900s were a time of:

a. depression

b. economic prosperity

c. political unrest

d. all of the above

D (page 34)

5. Within the context of social work history, what was the most important piece of legislation that was passed during the Great Depression?

a. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

b. Social Security Act

c. American Disability Act

d. Older Americans Act

B (page 35)

6. During World War II social workers developed and administered which types of programs?

a. mental health programs for military personnel

b. hospital social services

c. kindergartens

d. None

A (page 37)

7. One of the most important 1950s event for social welfare and social work was the creation of:

a. the Voting Rights Act

b. the GI Bill

c. the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

d. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

C (page 37)

8. The 1970s Republican Administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford established which of the following?

a. Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act

b. Title XX Amendment of the Social Security Act

c. Education for All Handicapped Children Act

d. Comprehensive Employment and Training Act

e. All of the above

f. None of the above

E (pages 40-41)

9. The Reagan/Bush administration is BEST known for:

a. the systematic institutionalization of mentally retarded and mentally ill

b. decreasing spending on domestic and social programs

c. their comprehensive community public health program

d. legal aid to assist divorces for women in poverty

B (page 41)

10. During the Clinton Administration, which of the following programs had the greatest effect on changing the welfare system, replacing Temporary Assistance to Need Families (TANF)?

a. National Health Insurance Act

b. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act

c. Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA)

d. Supplemental Security Income

C (page 42)

11. Describe the Elizabethan Poor Laws of 1601, including eligibility categories, and identify the impact of the poor laws on American social welfare.

(page 23)

12. Throughout George W. Bush’s presidency, efforts were made to:

a. decrease funding of public social welfare programs

b. decrease funding of faith-based social welfare programs

c. aid local police in dealing with domestic violence

d. increase funding of public social welfare programs

A (pages 40-41)

13. Early in Barack Obama’s presidency, which program was created?

a. welfare reform

b. economic stimulus package

c. Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA)

d. Elementary and Secondary Education Act

B (page 43)

14. Describe and contrast the two early social work movements, settlement houses and charity organization services.

(pages 29-33)

15. List three organizations founded during the Progressive Era.

Nation Urban League, Children’s Bureau, Child Welfare League of America (pages 34-35)

16. Describe the work of one of these early social workers: Jane Addams, Frances Perkins, or Harry Hopkins

Jane Addams: Founder of Hull House and social change. (page 30)

Frances Perkins: First woman appointed to the U.S. cabinet (page 36)

Harry Hopkins: Headed the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) (page 38)

17. Identify and describe two major social programs enacted during the Great Society of the 1960s.

Medicare: Health insurance for those who receive Social Security.

Medicaid: Health insurance for those who receive public welfare benefits.

Older Americans Act: A nationwide system of community-based services for older adults.

Food Stamps: The Department of Agriculture program that provides food assistance to people living on limited income.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act: Services for students in the public school system.

(page 40)


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