Historians Discussed In I

Historians Discussed In I.B. H.O.T.A. 11th grade

Topic Author Type of Historiography Title Thesis Key Points

|Encomienda |Timothy Yeager |Economic / Social |Encomienda or Slavery? The |The encomienda differed from |Indians were not owned, |

| | | |Spanish Crown's Choice of Labor|slavery in that the Crown |encomenderos were forbidden |

| | | |Organization in Sixteenth- |imposed inheritance, trading, |inheritance right, Indians |

| | | |Century Spanish America |and relocation restrictions on |could not be relocated. |

| | | | |encomen-deros. Such | |

| | | | |restrictions cost the Crown |“one part of mankind is set |

| | | | |revenue by providing incentives|aside by nature to be slaves in|

| | | | |for colonists to deplete more |the service of masters born for|

| | | | |quickly the stock of native |a life of virtue free of manual|

| | | | |labor and by keeping native |labor." |

| | | | |labor in areas of low-revenue | |

| | | | |productivity. This loss of |View of Natives – Aristotle - |

| | | | |revenue makes the Crown's |Catholic |

| | | | |preference for the encomienda | |

| | | | |curious. The Crown opted for | |

| | | | |the encomienda, however, to | |

| | | | |secure its rule and to satisfy | |

| | | | |an ideological bias against | |

| | | | |slavery | |

|Indentured Servitude |David Galenson |Economic |The Rise and Fall of Indentured|This paper will consider some |“Husbandry” |

| | | |Servitude in the Americas: An |of the central economic factors| |

| | | |Economic Analysis |underlying the appearance and |The number one problem |

| | | | |disappearance of indentured |associated with the Indentured |

| | | | |servitude in the Americas. The |Servant was the … |

| | | | |following section will provide |transportation |

| | | | |an economic analysis of the |Similar to apprenticeship |

| | | | |innovation of indentured |A racial divide will be created|

| | | | |servitude and of the problems |between African unskilled and |

| | | | |the early English settlers |European Skilled |

| | | | |solved in order to make | |

| | | | |servitude a useful institution.|European indentures will |

| | | | |Subsequent sections will then |require more money |

| | | | |consider how and why servitude | |

| | | | |declined in importance and | |

| | | | |disappeared from the English | |

| | | | |West Indies and mainland North | |

| | | | |America during the late | |

| | | | |eighteenth and early nineteenth| |

| | | | |centuries, as well as why the | |

| | | | |institution was revived in the | |

| | | | |Caribbean and South America in | |

| | | | |the mid-nineteenth century | |

|Slavery |Herbert B. Alexander |Social |Brazilian and United States |Slavery compared between |Types of slavery analyzed – |

| | | |Slavery Compared |English view and the Portuguese|role, treatment, manumission, |

| | | | |model |etc. |

|Slavery |Frank Tannenbaum |Social |Slave and Citizen |The difference in racial |Cultural connections |

| | | | |patterns stemmed from cultural | |

| | | | |rather economic or demographic | |

| | | | |circumstances | |

|Slavery |Carl Deglar |Social / Economic |Brazilian Slavery v. American |Challenges Tannenbaum’s thesis |Economic and demographic |

| | | |Slavery |The difference in racial |developments |

| | | | |patterns stemmed from economic | |

| | | | |and demographic circumstances | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Movie: New World |Malick |Revision |John Smith and Jamestown / |Europe brought over evil too |Interaction between Europeans |

| | | |Pocahontas |the pristine clean native world|and Native – Focus on negative |

| | | | | |impact that the Europeans |

| | | | | |brought to the new world. |

|Puritans |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Social |Puritan Life |Unique life of the Puritans and|T.U.L.I.P. |

| |the Puritans | | |the foundation for Covenant |Puritan Society |

| | | | |theology | |

|Roger Williams |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Social |Roger William on Religious |Should there be religious |Roger Williams views are |

| |Roger Williams – Religious Freedom| |Freedom |freedom and what is the |analyzed |

| | | | |relationship between religion | |

| | | | |and government | |

|Enlightenment |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Political |Leviathan |The need for a strong central |Powerful government creates |

| |Hobbes | | |government |security |

|Enlightenment |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Political |The Social Contract, |The strong need to divide |Why dividing up powers would |

| |Rousseau | |Confessions |powers so not one branch |lead to a more fair government |

| | | | |becomes too powerful | |

|Enlightenment |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Political |The Second Treaties of |The relationship between the |There is a time when people can|

| |Locke | |Government |people and the government – the|rationally rebel against |

| | | | |legality of a revolution |oppressive powers |

|Enlightenment |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Political |Common Sense |The need to convince the |America is a unique country and|

| |Paine | | |American people that they |able to govern themselves now –|

| | | | |should govern themselves |no need for further influence |

| | | | | |by England |

|Revolution |Robert Middlekauff |Military |Why men Fought in the American |“Brotherhood concept” |The colonist fought for a |

| | | |Revolution | |bigger cause than just a common|

| | | | | |enemy – they fought for the |

| | | | | |same beliefs and community. |

| | | | | | |

|Revolution |Howard Zinn |Marxist History |A peoples History of America – |The American Revolution was |The hierarchy of the colonies |

| | |Historical Materialism |A kind of Revolution |fought by the poor – Upper |replaced the English Nobel |

| | | | |class manipulated the lower |class during and after the |

| | | | |class – status quo remains |Revolution. |

|Caudillo |William Beezley |Diplomatic |Caudillo an interpretive note |The caudillo is a unique |The Caudillo was essential in |

| | | | |invention in Latin America – |creating unity and stability to|

| | | | |Here are the qualities. |the region |

|Caudillo |Roger M Haigh |Diplomatic |Creation and control of a |Martin Guemes a caudillo of |The common components of an |

| | | |Caudillo |Argentina is analyzed |average Caudillo in Latin |

| | | | | |America |

|Caudillo |I.B. Companion Book - Berliner | |Rise and rule of the Caudillo | |Traces the overall concept of |

| | | | | |Caudillos in Latin America |

|Andrew Jackson |Harry L. Watson |Big Man History |Old Hickory's Democracy |Traces the life of Andrew |Jackson redefined the |

| | | | |Jackson and his impact on the |presidency into a imperial |

| | | | |presidency changing role |presidency that was full of |

| | | | | |controversy and reformation |

|Constitutionalism |Keith Rosenn |Political History |The Success of |Compares nine focus areas |Lengthy journal that creates a |

| | | |Constitutionalism in the United|between the United States |virtual Venn diagram between |

| | | |States and Its Failure in Latin|Constitution and the Mexican |the two countries |

| | | |America |Constitution | |

|Constitution |Louis Henkin |Political History |The United States Constitution |Defines the role between |People and the government are |

| | | |as Social Compact |government and the people of a |in a symbiotic relationship |

| | | | |country | |

|Europe’s response to Revolution|Leslie Lipson |Political History |European Responses to the |The impact on Europe of the |By and large, the dualism which|

| | | |American Revolution |American Revolution has three |marked the evolution of |

| | | | |major aspects. These are: |America's Revolution exerted |

| | | | |creation of a new state, the |contrary attractions on a |

| | | | |philosophy of individual |divided European society. |

| | | | |rights, and the institutions of| |

| | | | |government. | |

|Washington’s and the Whiskey |Richard Kohn |Political History |The Washington Administration's|The process to crush the |The role of government in |

|Rebellion | |Great Man History |Decision to Crush the Whiskey |rebellion was a series of |executing law and creating |

| | | |Rebellion |controversial decisions by |order out of chaos |

| | | | |Washington and his cabinet | |

| | | | | | |

|Canada |I.B. Companion Book - Berliner | |Canada’s revolution |The revolution was less violent|Traces the overall |

| | | | |than the American and French - |revolutionary groups during the|

| | | | |Focus on religious toleration |Canadian revolution - Hunter |

| | | | | |Patriots etc. |

|Latin American Heroes | | |Simon Bolivar |The importance of Simon Bolivar|Compares Bolivar to Washington |

| | | | |in Latin American independence | |

| | | | |movements | |

|Darwin |Gloria Mc Connaughey |History of Ideas |Darwin and Social Darwinism |Was Charles Darwin and advocate|The theory is researched and |

| | | | |of social Darwinism and |analyzed in a political |

| | | | |ultimately in imperialism |spectrum |

|Mexican Revolution | Luis Cabrera |Political History |The Mexican Revolution: Its |Mexican view point of how |Great journal that discuss the |

| | | |Causes, Purposes and Results |Americans truly do not |main reason that the Mexican |

| | | | |understand the complex nature |people revolted. |

| | | | |of the Mexican freedom | |

| | | | |movement. | |

|President Lincoln |Sherrill Halbert |Political History |The Suspension of the Writ of |Why and the implementation of |The debate that Lincoln had |

| | | |Habeas Corpus by President |suspending natural rights in a |between the nation and himself |

| | | |Lincoln |trying time |about suspending rights |

|Eugene Debs |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Political History |“Outlook for socialism in |Socialism can be instituted in |Unions and there function |

| |Debs | |America” |America |American version of socialism –|

| | | |“Revolutionary Unionism” | |Democratic socialism |

| | | |Various Speeches | | |

| | | | | |Pro worker |

|Karl Marx |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Political History |Das Kapital |The Class struggle |Revolution |

| |Marx |Marxist | | |Utopia |

| | |Historical Materialism | | | |

|Alfred North Whitehead |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Social History |Whitehead Thesis |Science and Religion can work |Symbiotic relationship ensures |

| |Whitehead | |Overlapping Magesteria |in concert with one another |a better explanation of each |

| |Philosophy - Brees | | | |discipline |

|Atheism and evolution |Richard Dawkins |Philosophical history |N.O.M.A. |Science is the new frontier and|Various arguments are |

| |Sam Harris | |Evolution can explain every |a way for all to know truth – |established and sustained by |

| |Christopher Hitchens | |facet of human history |other philosophies and |these three authors |

| | | | |religions are for the weak | |

| | | | |minded | |

|John Dewey |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Social History |The History of Western |Educating the masses |Socialistic tendencies |

| |Dewey | |Philosophy |Symbiotic relationship | |

| |Philosophy - Brees | | | | |

|William Graham Sumner |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Social History |The Forgotten Man |Where man is and where he |Socialistic tendencies |

| |Sumner | |What social classes owe each |should be headed | |

| | | |other | | |

|FDR |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Diplomatic History |Speeches |The government’s role should |The economic structure of |

| |FDR |Social History | |change to help Americans who |America has changed – the |

| | | | |are less fortunate |government needs to change – |

| | | | | |supportive role |

|John Maynard Keynes |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Economic History |General Theory of Employment |The government must control the|The government must spend – go |

| |Keynes | | |economy - savings |into deficit spending in order |

| | | | | |to grow |

|Martin and Malcolm X |James Cone |Social History |Martin and Malcolm on |Compares Martin Luther King Jr.|Liberation theology defined and|

| | | |Nonviolence and Violence |and Malcolm X in the framework |applied |

| |Liberation Theology | | |of 1960s Liberation Theology | |

| | | | |movements. | |

|Cuba Revolution |Benjamin Keen |Political History |Cuban Revolution |The interpretation of the Cuban|Great trace of the Cuban |

| | | | |revolution |revolution – Fact driven |

|Ernesto “Che” Guevara |Maria C. Werlau |Political History |The Revolutionaries victims |Che Guevara was a genocidal |Portrays Che as an evil |

| | | | |manic and the “right” arm of |individual. |

| | | | |Fidel Castro’s implementation | |

| | | | |of Socialism in Cuba | |

|Castro |Philip W. Bonsal |Political History |Cuba, Castro and the United |A review of Fidel Castro’s role|Castro’s intent is revealed |

| | | |States |as dictator in Cuba |from Bonsal perspective |

|Feminism |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Feminist History |Feminine Mystic |Women need to redefine |Men / Women should work |

|Betty Friedan |Friedan | | |themselves and leave the mystic|together |

| | | | |behind by entering the job |Women need to be liberated |

| | | | |market | |

|Environment |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Social History |Silent Spring |Chemicals need to be |DDT |

|Rachel Carson |Carson | | |investigated to see the impact |Cancer |

| | | | |on the environment and on human|Farm products |

| | | | |beings consuming those product | |

| | | | |that are sprayed with chemicals| |

|Changing society |James Smith – Primary Sources on |Social History |Future Shock |Society in general cannot |Zeitgeist is very fragile and |

|Alvin Toffler |Toffler | |Third Wave |accept a large amount of change|will reject new ideas if |

| | | | |– it needs time to adapt to new|overwhelmed. |

| | | | |concepts | |

| | | | | |“Nudge” principle |


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