6th Grade Social Studies Latin America Comprehensive Test ...

6th Grade Social Studies Latin America Comprehensive Test (Friday, 3/9)

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1. What is the relationship between the literacy rate and standard of living in Latin America? The higher the literacy rate the higher the standard of living (usually).

2. Cuba has a dictatorship in which power is held by one central authority. It does not allow freedom of choice in elections and the only political party allowed is the Communist Party. What type of government would Cuba be classified as? Unitary

3. All citizens participate equally in which type of government? Democracy

4. Mexico’s president is elected by the people. The regional governments (states) retain a degree of self-government and the powers of the central (national) government are restricted. Ultimate power rests with the voters who choose their government representatives. What type of government does Mexico have? Federal Republic

5. Which country supported communist Cuba in the past? The Soviet Union

6. Latin America and the Caribbean are very diverse, culturally blended areas. What is a reason for this diversity? Intermarriage of European settlers and the native peoples.

7. The government of Brazil has a national government and 26 state governments, each with some reserved powers and some shared powers. What type of government does Brazil have? Federal or Federal Republic

8. In which system of government does the legislature elect the executive leader of the government? Parliamentary democracy

9. What is a lasting impact of the Cuban Revolution? Cuba’s people have less political freedoms

10. Make sure you know where the following countries are located: Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Panama, and Venezuela

11. How has Spain’s colonial era still affecting the countries of Latin America today? Most speak Spanish and most are Catholic

12. You are a rich farmer in a small country and have a job in the national government. Most of the people in your country are very poor. You and a small group of wealthy landowning families hold all of the political power in your nation. This small group makes all political decisions for your country. When making decisions, you generally do what is best for your families rather than what is best for all citizens in your country? What form of government does your country have? Oligarchic

13. You are the chief executive (national leader) in your country’s democratically elected national government. You came to power in the last election after your political party won a majority of the seats in the national legislature. As leader of your political party, you were chosen to be the head of government by your co-workers in the legislature. Which form of government do you have? Parliamentary

14. What language is most commonly spoken in Latin America? Spanish

15. Which country had the most significant impact on Latin America? Spain

16. What a basic way the citizens of a democratic nation can influence the government? By voting

17. Cuba has the type of government in which the ruler has absolute power and is not restricted by a constitution, laws or the citizens. What type of government does Cuba have? Communist Dictatorship or Dictatorship

18. What are the children of black-Africans and Europeans called in Latin America? Mulattoes

19. Which Latin American country (countries) has (have) a federal-republican government, a president and personal freedoms? Mexico and Brazil

20. What Latin American country is the only one whose language and culture have been greatly influence by Portugal? Brazil

21. Which type of government is most likely to abolish (outlaw): all opposing political parties, the direct election of leaders, and free speech? Autocratic

22. What is the leader of the Parliament called for Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom called? The Prime Minister


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