Creating a Holocaust Timeline

Holocaust Timeline Assignment

Objective: Create a timeline showing the events the occurred before, during, and after the Holocaust.


Find the important events from each of these time periods of the Holocaust:

1. Rise of the Nazi Party

2. Nazification

3. Ghettos

4. Camps

5. Resistance

6. Rescue and Liberation

7. Aftermath

1. Learn more about each time period by exploring the timeline here: . The Timeline is broken down into each of the time periods listed above. Look at the timeline first because it will help you get started on this assignment!

You can also use the following websites or any other educational websites related to the subject:

A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust:

The Rise of Adolf Hitler:

The Holocaust: A Learning Site for Students:

A Living Memorial to the Victims of the Holocaust:

2. Choose the two most significant events of each period and describe, in precise and specific detail, each on an index card. BE SURE TO INCLUDE DATES! Find and include at least one visual (picture, map, table, painting, etc.) element for each event chosen. BE SURE TO INCLUDE URLs!

3. When you have completed your research (i.e. described and provided and image for each event on an index card), use the index cards to create a timeline (using software of your choice) from the start to finish of the Holocaust.

** This is an involved assignment and should take several days to complete. There is a great deal of information – do not rush through it! **


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