

World War II


Illustrated Time Line Project

Assignment: You are to create a timeline of the following events and their descriptions. The events are not listed in order. Part of your assignment is to put these events in chronological order.

*Suggestion: write the dates next to each event BEFORE putting it on the timeline.

Expectations and Steps:

1) Review the Grading Rubric (to see how you will be graded)

2) Put your name on the timeline (to be done on long paper)

3) Put the titles and descriptions of all the key events on the timeline. (Not on a separate sheet)

4) Illustrate the timeline (8 required images) with a symbol, illustration, or image for 8 of the events.

Key Events on Timeline

Adolf Hitler violated the Versailles Treaty

Atlantic Charter

Operation Barbarossa

Pearl Harbor

Battle of Britain


French Surrendered

Fall of Berlin (German Surrender)

Adolf Hitler became Chancellor (head of state)

Lend Lease Act

United Nations

Munich Conference/Appeasement

Nazi-Soviet Pact

World War II begins


Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Define (Definitions can be on back of timeline)

Island hopping

Big Three

Lend Lease


Nazi-Soviet Pact

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|World War II: Illustrated Timeline |

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|Criteria |

|Points |

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|5 |

|4 |

|3 |

|2 |

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|Documentation of Events |

|All the events are on the timeline. This includes dates and title of each event. |

|Fifteen of the events are on the timeline. This includes dates and title of each event. |

|At least half of the events are present. This includes dates and title of each event. |

|Fewer than five events are present. This includes dates and title of each event. |

|____ |

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|Accuracy |

|All dates indicated on timeline are correct and are sequenced in the proper order. |

|One of the dates or sequences is not in the proper order. |

|Two of the dates or sequences are not in the proper order. |

|Three or more of the dates or sequences are not in the proper order. |

|____ |

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|Legibility |

|Legible handwriting, typing, or printing. |

|Marginally legible handwriting, typing, or printing. |

|Writing is not legible in places. |

|Writing is not legible. |

|____ |

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|Images and Defined Terms |

|Includes all illustrations and defined terms. |

|Most of the illustrations and defined terms. |

|Several of the illustrations and defined terms. |

|Fewer than three images and defined words. |

|__ |

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|  |  |  |  |Total----> |___/20 |


World War II


Illustrated Time Line Project

Assignment: You are to research one of the following events in order to contribute to a class timeline of World War II. The events are not listed in order. Part of your assignment will be to work together as a class to put these events in chronological order.

Expectations and Steps:

• Research your topic using SCHOLARLY SOURCES

• Create a one page, one-sided description of your topic/event, which must include:

o Specific date (as best as possible)

o Thorough description and connection to its significance in WWII

o A visual (picture, chart, graph, map, etc.) that enhances understanding of the topic

o 2 sources cited in MLA format

Check out: for a list of history research sources

Key Events on Timeline

1. Atlantic Charter

2. Operation Barbarossa

3. Pearl Harbor

4. Battle of Britain

5. D-Day

6. French Surrender

7. Fall of Berlin (German surrender)

8. Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor

9. Lend-Lease Act

10. Creation of United Nations

11. Nazi-Soviet Pact

12. Blitzkrieg

13. Island Hopping

14. Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

15. Nuremberg Trials

16. Japanese invasion of China

17. Yalta Conference

18. World War II begins (invasion of Poland, declarations of war)

19. Holocaust

20. Manhattan Project

World War II Topic



Summary summary summary summary. Important facts important facts important facts. Summary summary summary summary. Important facts important facts important facts. Summary summary summary summary. Important facts important facts important facts. Summary summary summary summary. Important facts important facts important facts. Summary summary summary summary. Important facts important facts important facts. Summary summary summary summary. Important facts important facts important facts. Summary summary summary summary. Important facts important facts important facts. Summary summary summary summary. Important facts important facts important facts. Summary summary summary summary. Important facts important facts important facts. Summary summary summary summary. Important facts important facts important facts.

Works Cited:

Dr. Keith Huxen - The National WWII Museum Blog - The National WWII Museum

The National WWII Museum - The National World War II Museum


Teacher Comments:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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