Excluded Specific Publishers and Works - HKU Libraries

Excluded Specific Publishers and Works

|Publisher |Imprint/Works |

|Académie Impact (Éditions) |All publications |

|Accelerated Learning Systems Ltd |Heath Defence Cook Book. The Heath Defence |

|Addison-Child, Peter |All publications |

|AE Morgan |Index of Veterinary Specialities. Mims Africa. Mims Caribbean. Mims Middle |

| |East |

|AEA Technology |All publications |

|AFL Deeson Partnership Ltd |All publications |

|Agency for Instructional Technology |All publications |

|Agra (Europe) |All publications |

|Albani |All publications |

|Alliage |All titles in the collection Théâtre pour tous |

|American Academy of Religion |All publications |

|American Health Consultants Inc |All publications |

|American Institute of Chemists |All publications |

|American Medical Association |Non-US editions |

|American Psychological Association |All publications |

|American Solar Energy Society Inc |Advances in Solar Energy |

|Amnesty International |All publications |

|Anbar Publications Ltd |All publications |

|Apocrypha Corporation |All publications by WF (Frank) Westcott |

|Apollo Publishing |Apollo |

|Aris and Phillips |La Vida Social (Student Book). La Vida Social (Workbook). La Vida Intima |

| |(Student Book). La Vida Intima (Workbook). El Mundo De La Comunicacion |

| |(Student Book). El Mundo De La Comunicacion (Workbook) |

|Arnold Ltd |Stratford upon Avon Studies series. The British Working Class Novel in the |

| |Twentieth Century. Criticism and Critical Theory. Narrative from Mallory to|

| |Motion Pictures. The Nineteenth Century British Novel. Propaganda, |

| |Persuasion and Polemic. Bradbury & Ro: Contemporary American School. |

| |Corner: Documentary and the Mass Media. Holloway & Picciotto: State & |

| |Capital - A Marxist Debate |

|Artichaut (L’) |All publications |

|Ashgate Publishing Ltd |The Problems and Methods of Economic History |

|Ashgate Publishing UK (formerly Scolar Press) |Burnett: Plenty & Want. Foreman: Bax. Hoffung & Symonds: Isle of Cats |

|Ashley Publications |All publications |

|Association of Commonweath Universities |All publications |

|Association of Corporate Treasurers |The Treasurers Handbook (All editions). Foreign Exchange Management. |

| |Re-Engineering Corporate Treasury |

|Atout micro (periodical) |All publications |

|Avantage |Initiation à la vie of l’entreprise |

|Avanti |All publications |

|Ayer Co Publishing Inc |All publications |

|Bankers Books |Conliffe: Business Calculations |

|Baskerville Publications Ltd |Punch Digest for Doctors |

|Batsford |Athletics. The Four-Shaft Loom |

|BBC Publications |Software documentation, teachers' notes, pupil pamphlets and Radiovision |

| |notes published at the request of the School Broadcasting Council. The |

| |Listener |

|Beaulieu, Danie |All publications |

|Becket Publications |Hebrew is Greek |

|Bell, David A (1930- ) (Author) |All publications |

|Berger |Entretiens avec Oasis, Vol 1 to 4 |

|Berkshire Archaeology |Historic Towns in Berkshire |

|Berlitz |All publications |

|BFI Publishing |Men, Woman and Chains. Global Media Atlas. Soviat Hicroglyphics. Making |

| |Moviess. Seeing through the 80's. Cinema of Jean Benet |

|Bibliothèque québécoise |Anthologie des poètes du Québec. Au-delà des visages. Cent chansons. Chocs |

| |baroques. Marie-Didace. Survenant (Le) |

|Birds of North America Inc |The Birds of North America |

|Blackwell Science Digest |Architect's Data. Construction Law Digest. Hygiene. Paleosols |

|BNA International |All publications |

|BPP Publishing |All publications |

|Brassey's (UK) Ltd |Brassey's Defence Directory Quarterly. Defense Analysis. Globemac World |

| |Military Aviation Report. London Defence Studies. Taylor: Brassey's World |

| |Aircraft & Systems Directory 1996/7. Wolf: Brassey's Armed Forces of the |

| |Former Soviet Union |

|Brimar |All publications |

|British Industry Publicity Overseas |All publications |

|British Standards Institution |All publications |

|British Telecom |All publications |

|Butterick Company |All publications |

|C E C Inc |Grammar Express. Grammar: Make no Mistake. Portofolio, Pri-math 2e |

| |cycle/cahier d’activités. Ricolet 1 français… cahier d’activités. Time-Out |

| |for better English Plus sec. 5 / Activity Book. Yellow Star, Grade 3 / |

| |Activity Book |

|Cambridge University Press |North American Cambridge Classics Project: Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1 |

| |Picture Cue Cards North American edition; Cambridge Latin Course Unit 2 |

| |Picture Cue Cards North American edition. Diana Hicks: Primary Colours |

| |Vocabulary Cards 1; Primary Colours Vocabulary Cards Starter. University of|

| |Cambridge: The Cambridge Pocket Diary 2002-2003 |

|Camden Press |The Correspondence of Berthe Morisot. The New Art History. Storms of the |

| |Heart. Visibly Female |

|Canadian Association of Social Workers |All publications |

|Canadian Institute of Steel Construction |All publications |

|Canadian Tax Foundation |All publications |

|Captus Press, Captus University Publications |Journal of Accounting Case Research. Business 111 and Business 121. Carson |

| |& Olivo: Intro to Law in Canada. Pliniussen: Introduction to Canadian |

| |Business and Management. Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development. All |

| |titles within two calendar years of publication |

|Case Clearing House |All publications |

|Centre éducatif et culturel (CEC) |Collection Pour lire et pour écrire lère et 2e secondaire: Mon |

| |encyclopédie (recueils de textes) James Rousselle (ISBN 2-7617-1309-5); |

| |Anthologies (recueils de textes) James Rousselle (ISBN 2-7617-1517-9). |

| |Collection Lire et dire autrement 3e et 4e secondaire: Corpus (recueils de |

| |textes) James Rousselle & Louise Roy (ISBN 2-7617-1568-3); Textes (recueils|

| |de textes) James Rousselle & Louise Roy (ISBN 2-7617-1632-9); Bilans 5e |

| |secondaire (recueils de textes) James Rousselle & E. Setticasi |

| |(ISBN 2-7617-1702-3). Anthologie de la littérature d’expression française :|

| |Des origines au romantisme Céline Thérien (ISBN 2-7617-1441-3); Du réalisme|

| |à la période contemporaine Céline Thérien (ISBN 2-7617-1535-7); Anthologie |

| |de la littérature québécoise. Michel Laurin (ISBN 2-7617-1671-X) |

|Centre For Language In Primary Education |Guide to the Primary Learning Record. The Primary Language Record |

|Chapter 3 Publications |All publications |

|Chartered Institute of Management Accountants |2000/2001 Editions. Foundation Level: Financial Accounting Fundamentals; |

| |Management Accounting Fundamentals; Economics for Business; Business |

| |Mathematics; Business Law. Intermediate Level: Finance; Business Taxation; |

| |Financial Accounting - UK Standards; Financial Accounting - International |

| |Standards; Financial Reporting - International Standards; Management |

| |Accounting - Decision Making; Systems and Project Management; |

| |Organisational Management. Final Level: Management Accounting - Business |

| |Strategy; Management Accounting - Financial Strategy; Management Accounting|

| |- Information Strategy; Management Accounting - Case Study. Study Systems |

| |2001/02: Financial Accounting Fundamentals; Management Accounting |

| |Fundamentals; Economics for Business; Business Law; Business Mathematics; |

| |Finance; Business Taxation; Financial Accounting (UK); Financial Accounting|

| |(International); Financial Reporting (UK); Financial Reporting |

| |(International); Management Accounting - Performance Management; Management|

| |Accounting - Decision Making; Systems and Project Management; |

| |Organisational Management; Management Accounting - Business Strategy; |

| |Management Accounting - Financial Strategy; Management Accounting - |

| |Information Strategy; Management Accounting - Case Study; Terminology of |

| |Cost Accountancy; Computer Terminology; Strategic Management Accounting; |

| |European Monetary Union; Financial Reporting; Information Management; Value|

| |Based Management; Topical Issues - Performance; Governance and Control; |

| |Business Management |

|Chartered Insurance Institute |All publications |

|Checkmate Publications Ltd |All publications |

|Chenelière McGraw-Hill |All publications |

|Childwall University Press |All publications |

|Chivers Press |Salinger: All publications |

|City University of Hong Kong Press |All publications |

|Clark (Robin) |Cosmopolitan |

|Colour Library Books |Colour Count |

|Comprehensive Therapy |All publications |

|Computational Mechanics Publications |All publications |

|Conde Nast Publications Ltd |Vanity Fair |

|Consumers Association |All publications |

|Conway Maritime Press Ltd |All publications |

|Corry Publishing |All publications |

|Coventry University |All publications |

|Croner Publications Ltd |All publications |

|Croom Helm Ltd |Young: Rousing of the Scottish Working Class |

|Dalebank Books |All publications |

|Darden Educational Materials |Case Distribution service |

|David & Charles Publishers |Victorian Shopping |

|David Fulton Publishers Ltd |Coles & Field: Business Planning for Special Schools. Taylor: Handwriting -|

| |A Teacher's Guide. Lorenz: Effective In-Class Support. Faupel, Herrick, |

| |Sharp: Anger Management. Mitchell: Practical Strategies for Individual |

| |Behaviour Difficulties. Goddard & Tester: Managing the Code of Practice. |

| |Lorenz: Children with Down's Syndrome. Lawson: Practical Record Keeping. |

| |Latham & Miles: Assessing Communication. Balshaw: Help in the Classroom 2e.|

| |Otten: A Curriculum for Personal and Social Education. Tod, Castle, |

| |Blamires: IEPs Implementing Effective Practice. Cornwall & Tod: IEPs |

| |Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. Tod & Blamires: IEPs Speech and |

| |Language. Cornwall & Robertson: IEPs Physical Disabilites and Medical |

| |Conditions. Robertson & Cornwall: IEPs Learning Difficulties. Tod: IEPs |

| |Dyslexia. Warden & Christie: Teaching Social Behaviour |

|Dazibao |Admonitor. Anamnèse. Cinetières: La rage muette. De la curiosité, petite |

| |anatomie du regard. De la minceur de l’image. Deux ou trios feux. Face, un |

| |moment photographique. Incidences. Jeune photographique 1996. Paysage. |

| |Portrait d’un malentendu, chronique photographique récentes. Thomas |

| |Corriveau. Une déprise de la photographie |

|Dent (JM) & Sons Ltd |Dylan Thomas: All publications |

|Derbyshire Countryside Ltd |All publications |

|Design Council |Street Scene |

|Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd |British Red Cross Society: First Aid Manual. St John's Ambulance Assoc: |

| |Caring for the Sick. St Andrew's Ambulance Assoc: All publications |

|Drug Policy Research Institute Inc |All publications |

|Duke of Edinburgh Awards |All publications |

|Dushkin Publishing Group Inc |All publications |

|ECCH |All publications |

|École polytechnique (Éditions de l’) |All books except coursepacks |

|Édisem |All publications |

|Éditions françaises |Books from the collections Pratique grammaticale, Circuit grammatical, and |

| |Pratiquetiques de productions écrites |

|Educational Technology Publications Inc |All publications |

|EETAS Publications |All publications |

|Egon Publishers |Maths Activities for the National Curriculum. Put it Right. Spelling Made |

| |Easy |

|Encounter Ltd |All publications |

|Encyclopaedia Britannica Int'l Ltd |All publications |

|Environmental Data Services Ltd |All publications |

|ESDU International |All publications |

|Estate Publications |All publications |

|Estates Gazette |Arbitration & Rent Review. Negotiating with Planning Authorities. A |

| |Practice Guide to Planning Appeals. Davidson: Parry's Valuation & |

| |Investment Tables. Jones Lang Wooton & South Bank Polytechnic: Glossary of |

| |Property Terms. Smith: West's Law of Dilapidations. Walton & Essayan: |

| |Adkin's Landlord & Tenant |

|Eternal Books |All publications |

|Ethikos |All publications |

|Étoile polaire |Apprendre à écrire c’est facile. De la grammaire à l’écriture (sec 1-5). |

| |Maîtrise de l’écriture. Test de grammaire primaire. Test de grammaire (sec |

| |1-5) |

|Études vivantes |All answer books, problem-solving textbooks, complementary materials, |

| |acetates, reading guides and questions bank |

|Euromonitor |All publications |

|European Respiratory Journal |All publications |

|Eyre & Spottiswoode Publishers |All publications |

|Faber & Faber Ltd |Clive: Card Tricks Without Skills. Downie: All publications. Foskett: |

| |Dictionary of British Miniature Painters. Grimwade: Samuel Cooper. |

| |Grimwade: London Goldsmiths & Rococo Silver |

|Faculty of Family Planning & Reproductive |Guidelines on Theoretical Courses for the Diploma. (DFFP). Guidelines for |

|Healthcare |Candidates for the Letter of Competence in Postgraduate Education. |

| |Guidelines for Organisers of Courses in Postgraduate Education |

|Fairfield Publications |Matthews: The 'OK' Health Check |

|Federation of State Medical Boards of the |All publications |

|United States Inc | |

|Fenman |All publications except Training Journal |

|Fides |Félix-Antoine Savard: Le continent imaginaire. Iles de la nuit. Laure |

| |Clouet suivi de la nuit ne dort pas. Maison aux phlox. Maison de vacances. |

| |Né a Québec, Louise Jolliet. Rosanne et la vie. Survenant (Le). Voyages de |

| |Marco Polo |

|Financial Times Magazines |All publications |

|Financial Times Management |Gow & Moyle: First Steps in Typewriting Display. Braga: Office Practice & |

| |Information Processing; Memo; Office Skills; 2000 |

|Findlay Publications |Modern Medicine Publications |

|Forbes Inc |All publications except American Heritage of Invention & Technology, |

| |Audacity, Forbes, and Forbes ASAP |

|French, Samuel |Brighton Beach Memoirs. Grease. Our Town. Prime of Miss Jean Brodie: A |

| |Drama |

|FT Business |FT Pharmaceutical. FT Healthcare. Cartermill International |

|FT Business Information |IC Stockmarket Letter. The International. Offshore Adviser. Residents |

| |Abroad |

|FT Energy |All publications |

|Ganesha |All publications |

|Garamond Press |All publications |

|Geographical Publications |All publications |

|Géotour |Écono: utilisation d’un chiffrier en économie. Écotest: tests en économie. |

| |Géodata 95. Vocabulaire de géographie du Québec et du Canada |

|Giuffre’ |Any jurisprudential material or jurisprudential reviews |

|Globe Newspaper Co (MA) |All publications |

|Globe, Revue internationale d’études |Avant-Propos, Nicole Brossard in volume 3, no 2, 2000 p 11 to 15 |

|québécoises | |

|Gordon & Breach Publishers Ltd |All publications |

|Gordon V Thompson Music |Canada Is series |

|Gower Publishing Ltd |Management Buyout. The Student Skills Guide. The Student Skills Tutors |

| |Handbook |

|Graficor (Publications) |Collection Correspondances 1 et 2: Sélection. Collection Tous azimuts, |

| |maternelle et 1er cycle, 1 à 9: Journal, livret, fascicule, cahier |

| |d’activité et corrigé. Collection Mémo 1 à 4: cahier, étiquettes-mots, |

| |carnet de mes mots, aide mémoire. Collection Mémo Mag 5 et 6: cahier, |

| |mini-Atlas, L’indispensable. Collections Mes chantiers et Mes ateliers |

| |(complete collections). Collection Tandem 1 à 4: cahier d’activités. |

| |Collection Topos mathématiques, 1er cycle 1 à 4: cahier, corrigé, |

| |fascicule. J’écris en cursive-ler et 2e année du 1er cycle J’écris en |

| |script-1er année du cycle: Mathcible 6-cahiers A et B. Les Passeports de |

| |Mes premiers classiques - Séries 1 et 2. Série Mini-thématique |

|Grandreams |All publications |

|Graphic Books International |Fairburn: Fairburn System of Visual References |

|Guard Publishing Company |All publications |

|Guerini E Associati |Molteni: Elementi di statistica descrittiva per l’analisi di dati aziendali|

|Guy Saint-Jean éditeur |Only the pictures are excluded for the following: La Cuisine détox; |

| |Salé-Pelletier; 100 recettes anti-ménopauses |

|Hamilton (Hamish) Ltd |Salinger: All publications |

|Harcourt Brace and Company |Books for Professionals Inc; Dryden Press; Harcourt Brace College; Holt, |

| |Reinhart and Winston Inc; Johnson Reprint Corporation; Miller Accounting |

| |Publications Inc; Psychological Corporation |

|HarperCollins Children’s Books |Groening: Maggie Simpson’s Alphabet Book; Maggie Simpson’s Book of Animals;|

| |Maggie Simpson’s Book of Colours & Shapes; Maggie Simpson’s Counting Book |

|HarperCollins Publishers |Anglo-Saxon Attitudes. Carriers. Canterbury Tales. Manual of Clinical |

| |Nursing Policies. Profitable Farm Mechanisation. Principles of Human |

| |Anatomy. Selected Poems of Thomas Hardy. The United Kingdom |

|Harrap Publishers Ltd |All-Time Box-Office Hits. The Best of Modern Screen. Boule de Suif et |

| |Autres Contes. Harrap's Communication Games. The Knights Tale |

|Harvard Business School |All Case Studies only |

|Harvey Whitney Books Co |All publications |

|Hawthorn Press |Kutzli: Creative Form Drawing |

|Haynes Publishing |Stress-Strain Behaviour of Soils |

|Heinemann (William) Ltd |Salinger: All publications |

|Helicon Publishing Ltd |A Berry: Eureka! and Other Stories. M Bremner: Enquire Within Upon |

| |everything. M Bremner: Enquire Within Upon Modern Etiquette. S Clark: The |

| |Hutchinson Shakespeare Dictionary. JC Cooper: Brewer's book of Myth & |

| |Legend. B Kirkpatrick: Brewer's Concise Dictionary of Phrase & Fable. JM |

| |Roberts: A History of Europe; History of the World; The Shorter History of |

| |the World; Shorter Illustrated History of the World. A Room: Brewer's |

| |Dictionary of Names. RC Zaehner: The Hutchinson Encylopedia of Living |

| |Faiths |

|Heron Publishing |All publications |

|Hill Street Press (US) |All publications |

|HMSO |English Language. Working With Museums |

|Hodder & Stoughton Ltd |Bryson: English Out There Practice Book. Foster: Flinx in Flux. Massett: A |

| |Nous Deux; Nous Revoila |

|Hoff, Ron |I can see you naked: a fearless guide to making great presentations ISBN |

| |0836279441 |

|Holt Rinehart and Winston (HRW) |Montreal, Groupe Éducalivres: All titles from the author Charles M Schulz; |

| |All teacher’s guides, posters, « étiquettes-mots », acetates, answer books,|

| |statistical books and cards books; Hurtubise HMH-Bescherelle (complete |

| |collection ); Cahiers Bescherelle Junior and answerbooks; |

| |CahiersOrange(collection); Clé@TIC; Éducation relative à l'environnement; |

| |Face à l'épreuve(alldecisions); La dissertation(collection Texto Méthode); |

| |Portfolio from the collection La Reconnaissance des--acquis; Portfolio from|

| |the Collection Prior Learning Assessment; Une ville au fil du temps |

| |(complete collection) |

|Horwood (Ellis) Ltd Publishers |Information Storage & Retrieval Systems |

|Hutchinson Publishing Group |Johnson: Running Your Own Restaurant |

|ICC Business Ratios |All publications |

|ICR Publishers Ltd |All publications |

|II Mulino |Leti: Statistica descrittive |

|Image of I’art |All publications |

|Individualized Training Technology Ltd |All publications |

|Industrial Media Ltd |Artificial Intelligence Business, ICL User |

|Informa Professional |Energy Day. Insurance Day. Lloyd's List |

|Ingham Yates Ltd |The Ugly Duckling. Campbell: Not Now Bernard. Harper & Hellard: Dear Zoo; |

| |It's Mine. McKee: It's Not Fair |

|Institute of Bankers |Business Calculations |

|Institute of Environmental Health |All publications |

|Officers/Chadwick House | |

|Institution of Chemical Engineers |Loss Prevention Bulletin |

|ISB Publications |ICB Newsletter |

|IT Matters |Commodity Week. The Public Ledger |

|Jazz Journal |Jazz Journal. Teeline Magazine |

|Jewish Chronicle Publications |Jewish Travel Guide. Jewish Year Book |

|Jordan Publishing |Sealy: International Corporate Procedures Accounting |

|Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery |All publications |

|Journal of Clinical Investigation |All publications |

|Journal of Roman Archaeology (US) |All publications |

|Juniper Books |Renfrew County books: The Founding Families series, Carol Bennett McQuaig, |

| |Vol 1: Admaston, Horton, Renfrew Village; Vol 2: Grattan, Wilberforce; Vol |

| |3. Bagot, Blythfield & Brougham; Vol 4 Bromley Township |

|Kawabata Press |Cropthorne Camera of Minnie Holland |

|La Pomme |Between the lines 128-216. MS 106 - Math Rattraper. MS 068-116; MS 068-216;|

| |MS 068-314; MS 068-416 |

|Lalonde, Michèle |All publications |

|Leaf Coppin Publishing |Godfree: Land Use Gazetteer |

|Learning Links Inc |All publications |

|Learning Together |All publications |

|Leckie & Leckie Publishers |All publications |

|Legal and Commercial Publishing |All publications |

|Legalese Ltd |Commercial Law Journal. Employment Law Journal. European Corporate Lawyer* |

| |(*formerly European Legal Business). Family Law Journal. Lawyers |

| |International. Legal Business. Property Law Journal. The Practical Lawyer. |

| |Trusts and Estates Law Journal. Trusts and Estates Tax Journal. Wills and |

| |Trusts Law Reports. With the Best Will in the World... Negligence in Will |

| |Preparation |

|Lewis (HK) Ltd |Ishihara's Test for Colour Blindness |

|Lexington Books (MA) |All publications |

|Library Association |British Humanities Index |

|Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |Agur: Grants Atlas of Anatomy. Arthroscopic Surgery series (3). Brant: |

| |Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology. Calne: Art, Surgery, Transplantation.|

| |Carpenito: Nursing Care Plans and Documentation. Carpenito: Handbook of |

| |Nursing Diagnosis. Carpenito: Nursing Diagnosis. Cormack: Essential |

| |Histology. Errico: Spinal Trauma. Favus: Primer on the Metabolic Bone |

| |Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism. Fox: Biology and Diseases of |

| |the Ferrett. Gelberman: Operative Nerve Repair and Reconstruction. Handin: |

| |Blood. Harvey and Champe: Lippincott Illustrated Review Series. Hoppenfeld:|

| |All books. Kaplan, Harold l & Sadock, Benjamin J: All books. Katch, Frank |

| |I, Katch, Victor & McArdle, William D: All books. McGinty: Operative |

| |Arthroscopy. Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery Series (10). Masters |

| |& Johnson: Human Sexual Response. Olsen: ADAM Student Atlas of Anatomy. |

| |Peterson: Principles of Oral and Maximillofacial Surgery. Pizzo: Pediatric |

| |AIDS. Porth: Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. Rockwood: |

| |Fractures in Adults (only Dr Lee’s chapter exempted). Rohen: Color Atlas of|

| |Anatomy. Rosse: Hollinshead’s Textbook of Anatomy. Rosskopf: Diseases of |

| |Cage and Aviary Birds. Rubin/Farber: Pathology. Sadler: Langman’s Medical |

| |Embryology. Sarrafian: Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle. Schwartz: Principles |

| |and Practice of Emergency Medicine. Sobotta & Clemente (published by Urban |

| |& Schwarzenberg): All books. Stedman’s book requests. Thompson: Telinde’s |

| |Operative Gynecology. US Task Force: Guide to Clinical Preventive Services.|

| |Whipple: Arthroscopy Series. White: Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine. |

| |Wright: Color Atlas Ophthamology Series - exempted are following volumes --|

| |Tse: Plastic Surgery; Glaser: Retina; Kaufman: Cornea and Refractive |

| |Surgery; Wright: Strabismus; Kratz: Cataracts; Minckler: Glaucoma |

|Little Brown Publishing Co |Trade books |

|Lloyd's Register of Shipping |100A1. List of Shipowners. Maritime Guide. Register of International |

| |Shipmanagers. Register of International Shipowning Groups. Register of |

| |Offshore Units. Register of Ships. Shipbuilding Returns. Shipyard Orders |

| |Weekly Report. Statistical Tables. Weekly List of Alterations. World |

| |Casulty Statistics. World Fleet Statistics. World Shipbuilding Statistics |

| |Lloyds Register |

|London Financial News |All publications |

|London Mathematical Society |Russian Mathematical Surveys |

|Longman Group (UK) Ltd |Pallet: Aircraft Instruments. Parveen: GSCE Assignment Based Series |

|Lutterworth Press |How They Lived in the Age of Knights |

|LWWF |All publications |

|Manchester Open Learning |All publications |

|Marcel Didier |1,2,3 Au jeu. Alternatives (complete collection). Caheirs orange (complete |

| |collection). Des chansons québécoises sans frontières (complete |

| |collection). En avant la grammaire, textbook and answerbooks. En rappel |

| |(complete collection). Even more Alternatives (complete collection). |

| |Ficelle (complete collection). Hagan juego (intermediate). Imbattables |

| |Mathématique-sciences de la nature. Imbattables Français sciences humaines.|

| |Les jeux sont faits. Let's Find Out 1,2,3 (complete collection). Let's |

| |Play. Let the Games Begin (intermediate). More Alternatives (complete |

| |collection). Via (complete collection). Wow! 1,2,3 (complete collection) |

|Marcham Manor Press |All publications |

|Marées Basses |D’Arboutarde en marées. De saumure et d’eau douce. De visages en vies |

| |sages. Entre le verbe et le patois. Sonnets du temps qui court |

|MBs Publications |All publications |

|MCB University Press |Equal Pay For Women. Survey Item Bank (1984) |

|McGraw Hill Ltd |Back: Assertiveness at Work |

|McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd |All titles published under Primis service. Pliniussen: Introduction to |

| |Canadian Business series |

|Mechanical Engineering Publications |Theory & Practice of Deep Drawing. Lubricants in Operation |

|Medendium Group Publishing Ltd |All publications |

|Medical Research Council |All publications |

|Melrose Film Productions Ltd |All publications |

|Merehurst Fairfax |Sugar Decorating. TheTable Style Book |

|Merrill (Charles E) Publishing |Experiments In Electronic Devices |

|Methodist Publishing House |All publications |

|Miller-Freeman |Building Refurbishment & Maintenance. Catering. Civil Engineering. |

| |Communications Systems World-Wide. Design Engineering. Electronic Times. |

| |Estates Times. Farming News. Financial Pulse. Food Manufacture |

| |International. Livestock Farming. PTN Europe. The Practitioner. Pulse. TTG |

| |UK & Ireland. TTG Europe. Tunnels & Tunnelling. What's New in Building |

| |Computing. What's New in Electronics. What's New in Farming. What's New in |

| |Interiors. What's New in Processing |

|Minerva Medica |Caniggia: Compendio di medicina interna III ediz; Metodologia clinica VII |

| |ediz. Colombo/Paletto: Trattato di chirurgia 1/2. Machiarelli/Feola: |

| |Medicina legale 1/2. Paliaga: I vizi di refrazione III ediz. Peyron: |

| |Pediatria pratica VI ediz. Rossi: Manuale di Otorinolaringologia V ediz. |

| |Zina/Carlesimo: Elementi di dermatologia V ediz |

|Minstrel (Kingsway) |All publications |

|Mintel Marketing Intelligence |All publications |

|Miraflores (Editorial) |All publications |

|Modulo |All exercise books, activity books, handwriting books, word cards, |

| |Activités à reproduire, Corrigés des activités à reproduire, Activity books|

| |and Reproducible Material: Cas en comptabilité financière by L Martel; Cas |

| |en comptabilité de management; Cas en comptabilié financière-Regroupements |

| |et consolidation |

|Monitor Press |All publications |

|Mowbrays Publishing Division |Bewes: The Church Reaches Out; The Church Overcomes. Brooks: What the Bible|

| |Says About... Gill: Faith in Christ; Theology & Social Structure; The |

| |Social Context of Theology. Holloway: Beyond Belief; Let God Arise; A New |

| |Heaven; A New Vision of Glory. Tuth: The Voice of One Crying in the |

| |Wilderness |

|Musiphone |All publications |

|National Christian Education Council |Bible Story series. Getting to Know About series. Our Friends series |

|National Extension College |Drama as a Second Language |

|National Foundation for Educational Research |All publications |

|National Playing Fields Association |All publications |

|National Rural Health Association |All publications |

|National Science Foundation |All publications |

|New Star Books Ltd |All publications by Rolf Knight |

|New York Times Company |New York Times Magazine. New York Times Book Review |

|Newkirk Products Inc |All publications |

|Newsweek Inc |All publications |

|NFER-Nelson Publishing Co |All publications |

|NHS Executive |NHS Magazine |

|NIR Publications |NIR News (reference list only) |

|North Manchester College |All publications |

|Nouveau siècle (Éditions) |Une gamme parmi tant d’autres |

|Nouvelle Ère |All publications |

|Nursing Notes |All publications |

|Office of Health Economics |All publications |

|Ohio Bankers' Association |All publications |

|Online Publications |All publications |

|Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines et|All publications, including the periodical Effectif |

|en relations industrielles agréés du Québec | |

|Oxford Psychologists Press Ltd |All tests, manuals, norm tables and keys |

|Oxford University Press (Journals) |International Journal of Cultural Property. Journal of the National Cancer |

| |Institute. The Military Balance. Public Health Reports Strategic Survey. |

| |The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory. The Year's Work in English|

| |Studies |

|Palgrave Macmillan |Action Research. Basic English. Comprehension Skills. Motor Vehicle Series.|

| |Musical Instruments. The Newspaper Study Pack. Passport to Cambridge. |

| |Quantitative Approach For Studying Humanities. Write Your Own Newspaper. |

| |Writing Workshop. Your Choice. Avery: Work Out Physical Chemistry. Brooks: |

| |Vehicle Mechanical & Electronic Systems, Level 2 & 3. Cameron: Feminism & |

| |Linguistic Theory. Crompton: White Collar Proletariat. Goldsmith: She |

| |Stoops to Conquer (ed: Ranger). Hardy: Chosen Poems of Thomas Hardy; The |

| |Complete Poems of Thomas Hardy; The Mayor of Casterbridge; New Wessex |

| |Edition Complete Poems (ed: Gibson); New Wessex Selection of Thomas Hardy |

| |Poems; The Return of the Native; Selected Shorter Poems of Thomas Hardy. |

| |Hirst: Engines, Electronics and Related Systems, Level 3. Hughes: People in|

| |Retailing. New Grove: Turn of the Century Masters. Shakespeare: A Midsummer|

| |Night's Dream; Sonnets (ed: Rowse). Terukazu: Japanese Paintings. Whipp: |

| |Chassis, Transmission & Related Systems, Level 3 |

|Palladian Publications |All publications |

|Pearson Education |Sounds Like Fun |

|Pédagogiques Julien (Éditions) |All publications |

|Penguin Books Ltd |Gaber: Vested Interests. Salinger: All publications |

|Pergamon Press |Born & Wolf: Principles of Optics |

|Peter Honey Publications |The Manual of Learning Styles |

|Phidal |All publications |

|Phillimore & Co Ltd |Domesday Book |

|Philograph Publications |All publications |

|Phonic Blend Systems |All publications |

|Physicians Postgraduate Press |Making more than 100 copies |

|Pion Ltd |Maria Sibylla Merian: Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium |

|Playboy Enterprises Inc |All publications |

|Plaza Publishing |The Charity Finance Accounts Compliance Checklist. The Charities Internal |

| |Audit Checklist |

|PLC Publications |All publications |

|Plessey Co PLC |All publications |

|Powder Advisory Centre |All publications |

|Prentice Hall International |The Art of Digital Design. Cobol Programming, A Structural Approach. |

| |Contemporary Newspaper Design. Digital Coding of Wave Forms. Graphic |

| |Design. IBM PC Assembler Language & Programme. Information Storage & |

| |Retrieval Systems. Management Science & The Manager. Programming |

| |Controllers |

|Presses de l’Université de Montréal (PUM) |La Flore Laurentienne 3rd ed of Marie-Victorin. Profession: consultant, 3rd|

| |ed |

|Presses internationales Polytechniques |All books except coursepacks |

|QuenMar Music Inc |All publications |

|Redwood Publishing |M & S Magazine |

|Remue-Ménage |Modèles de sexe et rapports à l’école |

|Renouveau pédagogique (Éditions du)/ERPI |All textbooks, teacher’s guides, problem-solving textbooks. All educational|

| |softwares, answer books, lexicon (lexis), poster, evaluation cards, word |

| |cards, acetates. All roadmaps, geographical maps, etc |

|Research Studies Press Ltd |Lewis, Currie & Haykin: Detention & Classification of Ice; Research & |

| |Development in the Nuclear Industry. Moore & Pizer: Moment Methods in |

| |Electromagnetics |

|Rethinking Schools Ltd |All publications |

|Reynald Goulet |All publications |

|Rhinegold Publishing Ltd |Bowman: Analysis Matters. A Student’s Guide to AS Music (AQA) / (OCR) / |

| |(Edexcel). A Student’s Guide to A2 Music (AQA) / (OCR) / (Edexcel). A |

| |Student’s Guide to AS/A2 Music Technology (Edexcel). A Student’s Guide to |

| |GCSE Music (AQA) / (OCR) / (Edexcel). Listening Tests for Students GCSE |

| |(AQA) / (OCR) / (Edexcel). Listening Tests for Students GCSE (AQA) / (OCR) |

| |/ (Edexcel) Teacher’s Guide. A Student’s Guide to AS Religious Studies |

| |(AQA) / (OCR) / (Edexcel). A Student’s Guide to A2 Religious Studies (AQA) |

| |/ (OCR) / (Edexcel) |

|RIBA Publications Ltd |All forms published by RIBA on behalf of the Joint Contracts Tribunal. All |

| |JCT (Joint Contracts Tribunal) Contracts, Sub contracts and related |

| |documents with the JCT imprint |

|Richard Ivey School of Business, University of |All publications |

|Western Ontario | |

|Royal Entomological Society |All publications |

|Royal Pharmaceutical Society |Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopoeia; The Complete Drug Reference |

|Royal Society of Chemistry |Annual Report on the Progress of Chemistry: Section A: Inorganic Chemistry;|

| |Section B: Organic Chemistry; Section C: Physical Chemistry |

|RSA Examinations Board |All publications |

|Ruslan Ltd |All publications |

|Saint-Martin |All publications |

|Salinger, J D (author) |All publications |

|Saltire Society |Mitchison: All publications |

|Samuel French Inc |Brighton Beach Memoir. Grease. Our Town. Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, A Drama|

|Saville & Holdsworth |All publications |

|Saxon House Publishers |Production Functions |

|Scala Publications Ltd |All publications |

|Scholars Press (US) |All publications |

|SCM Press |Concillium |

|Scolar Press |Burnett: Plenty & Want. Foreman: Bax. Hoffung & Symonds: Isle of Cats |

|Scottish Universities Law Institute |Scottish Law Institute Series |

|Scutari Press |Cailcott: Royal Marsden Hospital Manual for Core Care; Statistics for |

| |Nurses. Richardson: Plans for Cancer Nursing |

|Secker & Warburg |Burn: Fullalove |

|Selden Society |All publications |

|Sélection du Reader’s Digest/Reader's Digest |All Books |

|Canada | |

|Severn House |Foster: Flinx in Flux |

|Shiva Publishing |BBC Micro Assembly Language |

|SHL Group (formerly Saville & Holdsworth) |All publications |

|Simon & Schuster Young Books |France |

|Society for Protection of Ancient Buildings |SPAB News. List of Historic Buildings for Sale. SPAB Wind and Watermill |

|(SPAB) |Section Newsletter. SPAB in Scotland |

|Stockwell |All publications |

|Sutton Heritage Service |Whitehall: Cheam |

|Sycamore Press |McWhirr (ed): Sycamore Leaves series |

|Taylor Graham |All publications |

|Teeline Publications |Teeline Magazines |

|Télé-Université |All publications |

|Thames & Hudson Ltd |Islamic Patterns. The Timetables of History |

|Thames Gateway College |All publications |

|The Economist Newspaper Limited |The Economist |

|The Law Society |Law forms where Law Society publisher owns copyright |

|The Readers Digest Association Ltd |All publications |

|Thompson Educational Publishing Inc |All publications with ISBN 155077 |

|Thomson (DC) & Co Ltd |All publications |

|Timber Research & Development Assoc |All publications |

|Tormont |All publications |

|Toucan Press |Thomas Hardy Year Book |

|Tressell Publications |Pike: Mystery Island. Simkin, Pike: Into the Unknown; Wagons West; 1665 |

| |Plague of London. Coate, Simkin, Ellis: Attack on the Somme |

|TWI (The Welding Institute) |All publications |

|UCAS |All publications |

|Université du Québec à Montréal |All publications |

|Universities and Colleges Admission Service |All publications |

|(UK) | |

|University of Aberdeen |All publications |

|University of Chicago Law School |All publications except Journal of Law & Economics, and journal of Legal |

| |Studies |

|University of Wales Press |Canu Taliesin. National Separatism. Pedeir Keinc Y Mabinogi. Anouilh: |

| |Ehedydd. Bebb: Chwyldro yn Rwsia; Ffyrdd Cymru; Hitler a'r Natsiaid; Rwsia |

| |wedi'r Chwyldro. Beckett: Diweddgan. Camus: Caligula. Carr: Morynion. |

| |Davies: Sir Ifor Williams: A Bibliography. Durrenmatt: Ymweliad vr Hen |

| |Foneddiges. Ionesco: Wers/Y Tenant Newydd. Jenkins: Bywgraffiadur Cymreig |

| |1941-50. Jones: United Nations. Jones a Dewi: Helyntion Iwerddon. Kay: Land|

| |of the Red Dragon. Morgan: This World of Wales; Rhufeiniaid yng Nghymru; |

| |Romans in Wales. Morris: Beca!; Cenhedloedd Unedig; Colli'r Hogiau; |

| |Cromwell; Gerald and His World; Gerald of Wales; Gerallt a'i Gefndir; Golwg|

| |ar Ganrif; Gyrfa Gerallt; Harri VIII a'i Oes; John F Kennedy; Rhyfel |

| |Cartref; Ryfel y Degwm; Senedd i'r Bobl; Siarl I a'i Fyd; Swn yr Ymladd; |

| |Troad y Ganrif. Owen: Antigone (Dramau'r Byd); Trosedd a Chosb. Price: |

| |Ennill y Bleidlas; Wladwriaeth Les. Roberts: Arloeswyr y Rheilffyrdd; |

| |Camlesi Cymru a Lloegr; Faenor a'r Pla Du; Lychlynwyr; Mudiadau ym Myd |

| |Merched; Mynachlogydd yn yr Oesoedd Canol; Owain Glyndwr; Pac Bargen Hanes:|

| |1; Pac Bargen Hanes: 2; Medieval Welsh Monasteries; Undebau Llafur; Ymgyrch|

| |Y Norman. Sartre: Caeedig Ddor. Stoddart: Cerddi Gaeleg Cyfoes. Stephens: |

| |Cydymaith I Lenyddiaeth Cymru. Salmons: Renaissance in Ferrara. Williams: |

| |Canu Taliesin; Gwaith Guto'r Glyn; Gwyneddon MS 3. Wiess: Trotsci'n Alltud |

|University of Washington School of Business |All publications except Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis |

|University Tutorial Press Ltd |Ethics & Education. Modern Office Practice. Kirby: Perspective & Problems. |

| |Tomlin: Commerce in Everyday Life |

|Unwin Hyman |Calculated to Please. Human Form & Function. Spectrum Maths. Working Woman |

|US Pharmacist |All publications |

|Usborne Publishing |Things on Wheels (Explainers) |

|Valan Photos |All publications |

|Van Nostrand Reinhold (International) |Simmonds: Case Problems of Marketing |

|Vézina |Books from the collections Détrompez-vous cahiers A, B and C and Pratiques |

| |d’écriture cahiers A, B and C |

|Video Arts Ltd |All publications |

|Vidéo-Presse |All publications |

|Vie pédagogique |All publications |

|Viking |Goldsworthy: Wood |

|VLB (publishing) |All titles of Marie Laberge |

|W Green & Son Ltd |Scottish Universities Law Institute series |

|Wayland Publishers Ltd |The Prime Minister. Towards Euuopean Unity. Vegetable Oils. Where People |

| |Live |

|Whitehall Press |All publications |

|Wiley (John) & Sons |Bentley: Computer Project Management. Burton: Dictionary of Mini Computing |

| |& Micro Computing. Galland: Dictionary of Computing Data & Data |

| |Communication Hardware. Gardner: Atlas of Cancer Mortality; Atlas of |

| |Mortality from Selected Diseases. Held: Data Compression - Techniques and |

| |Applications. Lewins/Gittus: Research and Development in the Nuclear |

| |Industry. Schmidt: GPS Fortran |

|Wiltshire Archaeological & Nature History |All publications |

|Society | |

|Wolf Awareness Inc |All publications |

|WP Publications |Petri: The Radio Amateurs Q&A Reference Manual; Basic Radio & Electronics |

| |Calculations using the Casio Scientific Calculator |

|Yvon Blais |All titles of Formation permanente du Barreau du Québec generally entitled |

| |Développements récents… All titles of Collection de droit du Barreau du |

| |Québec Répertoire électronique de jurisprudence du Barreau du Québec |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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