Thursday, June 25th, 2009

George Boyer, President, called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M.

A notice of the Board Meeting was duly posted in compliance with the Florida Statutes.

Established a quorum: With all four of the Board members present (George Boyer, Bob Golden, Rob Cooper, and Jeff Holiman), a quorum was established. Director Joe Hosfeld had submitted a letter of resignation from the Board. Also present were 15 homeowners, and Community Association Manager Bob Gelles of Schoo Management.

Minutes: Rob motioned to waive the reading of the minutes of the previous Board Meeting, and approve them with 2 small changes. Jeff seconded, and the motion was approved 3 to1. Director Bob Golden abstained from voting, as he was not present at the previous Board Meeting.

Opening Comments: George announced Joe Hosfeld’s resignation from the Board, and thanked Joe and Suzie on behalf of the membership for all of their hard work to benefit the Association. George suggested that anyone interested in filling the vacancy on the Board created by Joe’s resignation should so notify the Board. We will also need a Clubhouse Committee member to replace Suzie on that Committee. The repair work on the fountain will take place next week at a cost of approximately $4,500. Rob motioned to approve the necessary expense. Bob Golden seconded the motion, and the motion was unanimously approved. Bob Golden motioned to approve a service contract on the fountain at a price of $92 twice a year. Jeff seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved. The contract covers parts and labor up to $250 per year.

Additionally, George gave a financial update year-to-date through the end of May 2009.

Old Business: George stated that he believed we were caught up on all of the old and unfinished business.

New Business: (A) Hearing Committee: The Hearing Committee (made up of Don Courtois, Tom Howard, and Josh Garrett) convened to consider the 2 homeowners with on-going unresolved violations. Heard first was the repeated violations by some family members at 7401 Key Deer Court. No one from that family was present for the Hearing Committee meeting. After discussion and input from some homeowners present, on the recommendations of the Hearing Committee, Board Member Rob Cooper motioned to approve a 6 months suspension of all family members from 7401 Key Deer Court from use of the common areas to include the clubhouse, the exercise room, the pool tables, the pool area, the gazebo, the tennis courts, the basketball court, the playground, and the parking lot by the clubhouse. The 6 months suspension shall run from July 1st, 2009 to January 1st, 2010. Violation of this ruling will be considered trespassing. Bob Golden seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved. Schoo Management will notify them of the decision in writing.

The second hearing concerned repeated violations of the Association’s Rules & Regulations regarding the use of car covers. Despite repeated requests from the Board asking for compliance with the community standards, the homeowner at 7538 Sika Deer Way continues to use a car cover. After discussion and review, on the recommendation of the Hearing Committee, Board Member Rob Cooper motioned to start imposing a $50.00 per day fine starting on July 14th for each incident of violation, up to the $1,000.00 maximum allowed by law. Bob Golden seconded the motion, and by a Board vote of 3 to 1, the motion passed. Board Member Jeff Holiman voted against the motion. Schoo Management will notify the homeowner of the decision in writing.

(B) 2010 Budget Draft Preparations: Treasurer Jeff Holiman reported the following timetable:

1) By August 6th, a letter will be sent out to the Budget Committee Members. (2) By August 27th, the first Budget Committee meeting will have taken place. (3) By September 10th, the Budget Committee will hold a follow up meeting. (4) September 24th will be the deadline for final input on the budget from Budget Committee members. (5) At the October Board meeting, we will review a draft of the proposed 2010 budget.

Other New Business: Bob Golden and George Boyer met with the Association’s insurance company. They recommended getting an updated property appraisal for insurance purposes. The appraisal cost was estimated at $500. Townsend Appraisals or GAB Robbins were recommended for the appraisal. They also recommended changing the deductible from 5% to 10%, combining the policies for the HOA and the Master POA, and increasing the liability protection from $1Million to $5Million. Cincinnati Insurance Company is currently the carrier for the Master POA coverage. Rob motioned to approve an appraisal up to a cost of $750. Jeff seconded, and the motion was unanimously passed.

Reimbursement for towing charges were discussed regarding an incident that wrongfully occurred at 7395 Sika Deer Way by a towing company not contracted with by the Association. Rob motioned to reimburse the homeowner involved. Jeff seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.

With no further business to discuss, Jeff made a motion to adjourn and Rob seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Gelles

Community Association Manager


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