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This section of the newspaper is sponsored by University of Liberia Capitol Hill Monrovia-Liberia, West –Africa

Your Community

Tashkent Academic Lycee under UWED, Uzbekistan


|I*EARN Computer Chronicles High School, (h2) |December, 2004 |


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|University of Liberia Capitol Hill |The University of Liberia is represented in the Learning Circle cch2 |

|is the oldest University in West Africa. In 60s and 70s many students |by the student Zolu F.Gobah who helped cooperative work in the |

|from other countries studied there. At present Political Debates, |Learning Circle greatly with his enthusiasm and honesty. Zolu and his |

|sports activities and Culture Months make this place unique. The |friends chose the topic for their project Your Community and prepared |

|University does not have certain dates for semesters. It closes in |questions for information request: |

|November. |1 Tell us about your community. |

| |  |

|The University is in Duala which is a suburb of Monrovia, the capital |2 How many people live in your community? |

|of Liberia. It stretches about 30 kilometres along the Atlantic Ocean.|  |

|Duala has a population of 30 000. |3 Are people in your community healthy? Why? Why not? |

|In the University there are freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and senior |  |

|students. |4 Do people in your community have access to fresh drinking water? |

| |  |

|The classes are rather big – about 150 students in each. 14 000 |5 Has there been a cholera epidemic in your community? |

|students study in the University. There are about 30 computers in the |  |

|lab. |6 Do you love your Community? Why? |

|The most popular music among the students is Hip-Hop and African | |

|Music. They enjoy reading their local writers Bar T. Moore | |

|Josephe Saye Guannu. Their favourite food is rice, meat, cassava, | |

|and fufu. |Editor of this section: Ruslan Mavlyanov |

|Favourite subjects in the University are Maths, English , Sociology , | |

|Politics, Science, English, Physics, Biology, and Literature. | |

| |Name of Teacher: Ludmila Kamalova |

| There is no television in the Campus but the students like playing | |

|football, basketball, and volleyball. |Tashkent Academic Lycee under UWED, Uzbekistan |

| |  |


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| |Uzbekistan |

|We decided to start this section with general information about our | |

|country. |Road after around 138 BC China opened its border to trade. Between 484|

|Uzbekistan has well preserved relics from the time when Central Asia |- 1150 Huns and Turks came from the west and brought with them a new |

|was a center of empire, learning, and trade. Cities of modern |religion of Islam. Many mosques and Madrassahs were built in |

|Uzbekistan including Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrisabz and |Uzbekistan cities of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva during this period, |

|Tashkent live on in the imagination of the West as symbols of oriental|including remaining structures of the Samanids. |

|beauty and mystery. |Most of the cities were destroyed during the invasion of the Genghis |

|Ancient cities of Uzbekistan were located on the ancient Silk Road, |Khan in 1220. His descendant Timur, known also as Tamerlane, |

|the trading route between China and the West. The route took its name |resurrected once famous cities by using the labor of slaves and |

|from silk, the commodity most in demand in Europe from China during |artists captured during successful crusades. Timur conquered Persia, |

|the Roman period. Some of the most influential and savage conquerors |captured Baghdad, and lead expeditions to Anatolia and India. Most of |

|came and ruled these lands. Alexander the Great set up at least 8 |the architecture that is found in Samarkand was build by Timur and his|

|cities in Central Asia between 334 - 323 BC before the caravans began |grandson Ulugbek. |

|traveling through the Silk | |

Uzbekistan has 13 regions ranging from Kazakhstan in the north, Kyrgyzstan in the east, Turkmenistan in the west and Afghanistan in the south. The students of our Lycee come from different regions of Uzbekistan. In Tashkent they live in the dormitory of University of World Economy and Diplomacy. Every morning they are taken to the Lycee by special minibus, which takes them back after lessons. Our students are of different nationalities: Uzbek, Russian, Tatar, Korean, Afghani and others.


Most people in the world are familiar with Samarkand. Some people know our ancient cities Khiva and Bukhara which are regarded as open-air museums.

|Tashkent, Uzbekistan |

|Although Tashkent was probably first settled around the 1st century BC, |[pic] |

|written records date the city to its Arab occupation in the 8th century | |

|AD. The 13th-century defeat to Genghis Khan and his Mongolian forces | |

|threw Tashkent into an era of turmoil. The Mongols lost the city in the | |

|14th century when the Timurids Empire seized control. The Timurids | |

|Empire ruled Tashkent until the late 15th century, when the Sheibanids | |

|swept through the region. Today, Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan. | |

|Bukhara, Uzbekistan |

|The settlement of Bukhara in Uzbekistan dates back to the 8th century |[pic] |

|when it was for 200 years the center of an expanding Islamic kingdom and| |

|prospered as a trade and intellectual center for Central Asia. During | |

|the Mongol invasion, It was destroyed by Genghis Khan in 1219. | |

|Subsequently it was ruled by a succession of regional powers, including | |

|descendants of Genghis Khan, Turks, and Uzbeks. Once one of Islam's most| |

|sacred cities, Bukhara contains many examples of fine Islamic | |

|architecture. | |

|Khiva, Uzbekistan |

|Khiva is known as a museum city under the open sky. It existed as a town|[pic] |

|for about 900 years, but developed into the settlement seen today only | |

|in the 19th century, when it was the last oasis on the northern Russian | |

|slave trade rout. Important spiritual and cultural values came form the | |

|large scientific centers of astronomy, mathematics, and medicine that | |

|existed in this area centuries ago. One can wander through the narrow | |

|streets of Khiva, peeking into the small courtyards through the wooden | |

|carved doors. The life inside the gardens assures the visitor that it is| |

|not just a museum, but also a living city. | |


|Samarkand, Uzbekistan |

|One of the oldest cities of Uzbekistan and in the|[pic] |

|world is Samarkand, established during the middle| |

|of the first century BC under the name Marakanda | |

|and later known as Afrosiab. It was the capital | |

|of the powerful state Sogd, the center of Emir | |

|Timur's great empire. The numerous monuments of | |

|Samarkand and its suburbs impress tourist with | |

|their beauty and splendor. The refined | |

|architectural shapes, intricate ornamentation, | |

|mosaics, blue-tile domes and facades are | |

|interesting for all who visit theses beautiful | |

|buildings. | |



  Have you ever dreamed to visit fairy tale cities from 1001 nights? Now you have a great opportunity to travel back to many thousand years of history and antiquity. This links will navigate you trough the cities that glitter with historic figures of Alexander the Great, Tamerlane, Moghul Baber the Lion, Marco Polo, Umar Khayam, Avisenna and a lot of other outstanding people.

|Toshkent - |The capital of Uzbekistan and the fourth-largest and most dynamic city in Central Asia and CIS |

| |countries. |

|Samarkand - |Samarkand is the mythical, evocative name of one of the key trading cities of the ancient Silk Road. |

| |One of the most ancient cities in the world. |

|Bukhara - |The Oasis of the Kyzyl Kum desert, known from 3rd century B.C. |

|Khiva - |Khiva is one of the most remote of Central Asia's Great Silk Road cities, a fascinating desert town, |

| |preserved in its entirety since medieval times. |

|Shahrizabs - |Meaning "green city" in Persian, Shakhrizabs is a small and pleasant provincial town and hometown of |

| |Tamerlaine located in the foothills of the Pamir mountains. |

|Kokand - |The town of Kokand placed in west part of Fergana valley is one of the oldest towns in Uzbekistan |

| |known at least for last 10 centuries. |

|Shahimardan - |One of the most beautiful places in Uzbekistan. |

|Margilan - |Margilan is one of the most ancient cities in Central Asia. Presently it has a total area of 50 |

| |square km, supporting a population of 165 thousand of inhabitants. |


| |Kokand |

|My favourite place. |Kokand is a windy city because there are no mountains around it. It |

|I come from Afghanistan. There are many towns and cities there but |has 300000 people. The weather is hot in summer but it's a bit cold in|

|most of all I like the But bamyam. It’s a very beautiful place . At |winter and spring. According to one legend the name of Kokand comes |

|the top of the mountain you could see an ancient monument of Buddizm. |from Hovo Kand that means “honey air”. But there is another legend |

| |where the name of the city means “wild-boar’s marsh”. Kokand was a |

|Unfortunately during the war in Afghanistan the talibans exploded that|centre of Kokand Khanat. Khudoyar-Khan, the last ruler of this place |

|monument. Lately I went to Afghanistan again and visited that place. |lived there in his palace. This palace is now a museum. In ancient |

|Unfortunately the monument had been ruined. |times many scientists lived there. At present time there are many |

| |schools, Institutes some markets and factories in the city. The |

|Razm Sharzoda. |factories produce cotton oil, textile and furniture. |

| |Sunnatulo |

|I live in Tashkent. I like walking. I often go to Amir Temur street with my friends. There are beautiful shops, game clubs, cinemas there. I |

|come back home with very fine mood. |

|Albina |


| |Angren |

|Kuva |I live in Angren. It lies 100 kilometres far from the Tashkent, the |

|Kuva is situated in the centre of Ferghana valley. It has a population|capital of Uzbekistan. It has a population about 300 thousand. |

|of about 45 thousand . |The weather in Angren is cold, because it is surrounded by mountains |

|There are many nationalities. |Kurama and Chotkol. There is the Ohangaron river which flows near the |

|The weather is very nice there: in winter it’s very cold, in summer |city. |

|it’s very hot, in autumn and in spring it often rains. The majority of|In ancient times people called Angren “Ilak” when it was on the way of|

|people living there work on land, and they do farming. |the Great Silk Road . |

|Kuva has a long history. It was built about two thousands years ago |There are two big parks where we play football and rest. |

|and named Kubbo. |There is a football stadium named Kimyogar where a local football team|

|There is Ahmad Al-Fargoniy square in the centre of the city where |has training. Sometimes it takes a good place in tournaments. There |

|people celebrate different holidays: Hait, Navruz, the Independence |are many markets and bazaars in Angren where you can buy almost |

|Day, New Year’s Day and others. |everything. |

|There was a monument built to honour Al-Fargoniy, an ancient scientist|The city has cinemas and a theatre named after Alisher Navoi. |

|there. At present there is a museum to Al-Fargoniy too. |Angren is an industrial city because there are many plants and |

|There are sports clubs , schools and factories there. Recently there |factories. There are 3 big plants in Angren. They produce rubber, |

|has been built a new textile factory incorporated with Korea, and |coal, and gold. The Angren’s coal |

|confectioner’s factory incorporated with the Ukraine. But cotton |gives people in the city electricity. So Angren is one of the richest|

|processing prevails above other industries. |cities in Uzbekistan. |

|Nodirov Zafar | |

| |Mallayev Davron. |

| |

|Tuy-Tepa |

|Tuy-Tepa is situated in Tashkent region. It belongs to Urta-Chirchik district. Tuy-tepa |

|isn’t a large place, but it’s the main town of the district. It has a population just 30 000 |

|and there live many nationalities . |

|The weather is changeable, because Tuy-tepa lies on a plain, and it’s rather windy there. |

|In ancient times Tuy-Tepa had different names: Nucket, Tug-Tepand, and others. |

|But today’s name of the city comes from “Tug-Tepa” which was given by a Sheibarid tribe. The meaning of the word “tug” is a flag and |

|“tepa”-hill. |

|There are schools, factories and mosques in the city. The biggest factory is Kobul, a textile factory incorporated with Korea. It produces |

|different cotton items. The factory is very successful at its work. And there are two bazaars in Tuy-Tepa. |

| |

|Medatov Dilmurod |


|My favourite place | |

|Tashkent |Angren |

|I live in Tashkent. It is a big city which has several districts: |I live in a small town. Its name is Angren and I like it very much. |

|Chilanzar, Mirabad, Khamza, etc. I live in Yunusabad district. It is |Angren is between two mountains: Chatkal and Khorotog. The mountains |

|not big but there are some interesting places, e.g. Financial |are very attractive. |

|Institute, Law gymnasium and Laboratory of State Security. Not far |In our town there are many cafes. One of them is Prestige. It is |

|from the house where I live there is Public Prosecution office, some |situated not far from my house. My friends and I often go there to |

|schools, a cinema, and a Police station. So I can say that people who |listen to the music and sit together. We also often go to the park |

|live in this place are safe and sound. |especially in summer. There is a small lake in it. We can swim or raw |

|From 8 till 12 p.m. there are lots of people in the streets. They are |the bout. There are many side-shows. I like the swings. There are |

|in a hurry to work, schools, go shopping. |places where we can buy hot dogs or hamburgers. We can spend in the |

|In spite of the fact that the streets are very busy, you can see a lot|park the whole day. |

|of trees in this region. If you look at the place from a top of a TV |Mariya. |

|tower you could see a green sea of trees like a forest. | |

|I invite you to my place. If you like gambling you can visit Casino |Samarkand |

|that opened recently in the cinema building. |My favorite place in my native town Samarkand is Huja Ismoil. I like |

| |this place because there are many old historical monuments and |

|Turakulov Bobur |buildings. In some of them you can see big rooms where people pray. If|

| |you throw some money into the special pond with water you can be sure |

| |that your wish will come true. In the pond there are some big |

|Laish |wonderful gold fish. |

|Laish is a very beautiful small town. It is in Samarkand region. The |Every year lots of tourists visit this place. |

|population is not very big – about 20000. I was born here in 1988 on | |

|the 18th of June and my parents were born here too. |Sherzod Horinov |

|So, Laish is my little Motherland. It is between two rivers: the Ak | |

|Darya and the Karadarya. It has big cotton industry. There are a lot |I live in Tashkent, in the center of the city. My favourite place is |

|of big houses here. |near the Mirobod bazaar. There is an Internet café there and my |

|Laish is very clean. In Laish we have exciting nature and a health |friends often gather together there to play computer games. We go |

|resort. In spring many people go to mountains. In summer young people |there after school but on Sunday I can spent there the whole day long.|

|and adults go to recreation centers. |Near the café there is an underground station and a little shop where |

| |I can buy everything I want. Sometimes I am allowed to play games free|

|Kobilov Farhod |if there is nobody who wants to play for money. |

| |in the. My |

| |Daniyar |


|Holidays in Uzbekistan . |

|We celebrate New Year Day on January 1. Before this day we send New Year cards with wishes to our friends or we phone them up in the evening |

|on December 31. |

|New Year’s Eve. On that night we are usually at home with our family or with some friends. At 12 o’clock we say each other, “Happy New year!” |

|and we answer “Thanks, the same to you”. We give presents to members of our family, and we have a New Year tree with lights and decorations. |

| |

|March 8 is International Women’s day. On that day we give presents to our mothers and sisters. The most common present for women is flowers, |

|and on Women’s day many men buy flowers to give them to their mothers and wives. |

| |

|March 21 is the spring festival of Navruz, which people celebrate with flowers, dancing, music and traditional foods. Among the most important|

|foods is “Sumalak”,a dish made from boiled wheat sprouts. |

| |

|May 9 is Memory appreciate day, the anniversary of the victory over the fascist Germany. It is one of the greatest holidays and all the |

|counties, which fought together against the fascists celebrate it. |

| |

|The anniversary of the independence of Uzbekistan, which we celebrate on Sep- |

|tember 1, is the most important holiday. |

| |

|On December 8 we celebrate Constitution day. There are two Muslim holidays, Ramadan Khait and Kurban Khait. The dates of these holidays change|

|every year. |

| |

|Bobur Turakulov |

| |

|Problems with drinking water in Uzbekistan |

| |

|On the territory of Uzbekistan there are many rivers. The biggest rivers are the Syrdarya and the Amudarya. There are also some natural and |

|artificial lakes. |

| |

|In spite of this in many regions there is a lack of drinking water. In some places people have to use special mechanism to take water up from|

|the well. It costs about 7 dollars. |

| |

|To the North of Uzbekistan in Karakalpak autonomous republic there is no fresh water at all. People have to use salty water, they make tea and|

|cook with it. There are no big trees because plants can’t grow well with salt in water. Vegetables and fruit are expensive. This happened in |

|consequence of drying of the Aral sea. |

|The Aral sea was one of the biggest salt lakes in the world. At present more that half of it has disappeared because the water of Syrdarya and|

|Amudarya was being taken for irrigation for many years. |

| |

|In Tashkent and other big cities in houses there is cold and hot water. Many people water their plots near houses with drinking water. They |

|don’t save water and don’t think about the future of our planet! |

| |

|Kalanov Dilshod |


| |

|Why do I love Uzbekistan? |

| |

|In English lessons we use Headway textbooks. The topics in this textbook are interesting. Not long ago we read a text about life in the USA. |

|We had a discussion. Most of students agreed that life in the USA and other countries may be exciting but we love our country. I don’t mind to|

|live in the USA for a year to study and to learn about other country and its people. But I would miss many things, first of all Uzbek dishes. |

|I think the Uzbek cuisine is the best in the world especially palov, somsa, lagmon, shashlik and others. |

|Secondly, it is not easy to live without my parents, their advice and help. At present I don’t live with my parents. They live in Samarkand. |

|Samarkand is my home town. I love my home, street, my former school, my friends. I miss them very much. But on holidays I am able to come home|

|and spend time there with my parents. |

|Thirdly I can’t imagine my life without my friends. Of course in other country I would be able to find new friends, because there are a lot of|

|interesting and kind people in the world. But I would miss my friends. |

|For me Uzbekistan is peach trees in blossom at Navruz, hospitable people, bazaars full of fruit and vegetables, fountains in hot summer, |

|overcrowded buses and trains in the morning, blue cupolas of buildings and minarets, Uzbek pop music, and many other things. |

| |

|Shahnoza Horinova |

| |

|Samarkand |

| |

|Motherland of our ancestors |

|Amazing Registan stretches in blue sky |

|History, tourists, souvenirs, smell of shashlik |

|Built by Amir Temur |

|My native town |

| |

|Shahnoza Horinova |


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