
Travellers’ TalesInstructor: Various presenters, coordinator Margaret Beattie 506-536-3266Date/Time: Monday Jan 22 to Feb 19, 2018 2 to 4:00pmFirst class: Jan 22, 2018Location: Meeting room Sackville Public LibraryParticipants: Min 10 Max: 35 Course Outline: Join us for some armchair travel around the globe. A tentative timetable is shown overleaf :-?Additional Course Supplies: NoneRemember to Check Your E-Mail Before Each New Course Begins and During the Course. You will receive an e-mail if:a) the course is cancelled or delayed unexpectedly or if there is a change in the time or venue of the course; b) during the course if the instructor gives notice that he/she is ill or unavailable for one of the sessions. The course liaison will attempt to contact those without e-mail by phone, so please make sure TSC has your correct phone number and e-mail.Storm Policy. TSC courses are automatically cancelled at any location where schools have been cancelled due to severe weather conditions. Instructors will discuss a way to make up the missed class with students at the next available scheduled class. It is your responsibility to look into school closures in any region in which you are taking a course. In Moncton/Sackville/Shediac call the Anglophone East Storm Line 506-856-7669. School closures are announced on the radio at 6am and posted on school districts’ websites, links to which are found on the TSC website homepage.Scent-Free. Some people are sensitive to perfume and other scents. Please respect a scent-free environment by not using scented products. Thank you.Attendance/Absenteeism. TSC instructors are volunteers who work very hard to prepare courses. Your cooperation is appreciated in letting them know if you are unable to attend as most instructors plan for the number of students who registered in the course. If circumstances change between registration and the first class, or if you decide to withdraw from the class, please e-mail the TSC coordinator at tsccoordinator@ or call 506-364-2780. Many courses have a wait list and someone else may be able to take your place. Once the class has started advise the instructor directly if you are unable to attend a session.Classroom Comportment. Active class participation is welcomed and encouraged by TSC. We request that class members remain mindful of the level of comfort of their fellow students and the volunteer instructors as they participate in discussion.Instructor Bio: All presenters are lovers of travel who have been to interesting places. Jan 22: ?Jane Drover : ??INDIA : Although at times challenging, the real source of enjoyment gained from travelling in India would have to be in its simple charm, its frenetic streets, its gazing eyes, its colorful spices, its raucous bazaars and its unparalleled beauty.?Each step on Indian soil was an onslaught for the senses. There was a discovery to be made around every corner and for eight weeks we looked for and found many of them. Come hear about this trip of a lifetime.Jan 29 Tony Erskine: NW Canada – Bird Studies long before Digital Photography: Glimpses of the half of Canada where almost no one goes “on holiday”: 1964 studying tree-nesting ducks in the “land of dust and mud” (North-central Alberta) with mosquitoes; 1974-75 census of forest birds along Alaska Hwy, plus Cassiar road to my next study area. Feb 5 Peter Manchester: Bueno Camino del Norte. Trecking the Camino del Norte, along the Bay of Biscay in Northern Spain, gives an experience of Spain that exists unencumbered by the tourist trappings on the other coasts. In addition it is a very affordable way to see that part of Europe.? Feb 12 Ron Beattie: South Africa: Capetown and the Western Cape. This session will describe a trip to Capetown and the western part of South Africa along the Garden Route. Feb 19 Kate Bredin and Richard Elliot: Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. This session will highlight a three week trip to Ecuador, including stays at a Jungle Lodge in Amazonia, 8 days on the Galapagos Islands, exploring Quito; and a 5 day trip to the Cloud Forest mear Mindo, southwest of Quito. ................

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