

1. TEACHER: Mr. Abbott

Email address: Website: mrabbottmath.

Room C4

2. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Physics Essentials makes up one-half of the 9th grade science curriculum of

Avondale High School. The other class you will take is Chemistry Essentials.

These two classes, which are both REQUIRED for graduation, will promote an

understanding of introductory Chemistry and Physics related concepts.

Chemistry and Physics make up the branch of Science called Physical Science,

which studies the physical world around us. Physical Science involves

reasoning and mathematical skills and this class includes a laboratory

component that emphasizes the application and relevance of natural

phenomena and related laws. This class provides students with a solid foundation of the concept of physics and provides the knowledge needed to succeed in General Physics offered as an upperclassman.

3. LENGTH OF COURSE: 18 weeks (one semester)

4. PREREQUISITE: Middle School Science

5. TEXT: You will not be assigned a text book for this course.


❖ Science Spectrum “A Physical Approach”

Holt, Reinhart, and Winston

Class set used periodically in addition to other reference

materials. (can be checked out upon request from the media


❖ Student X: Drive Physics Essentials folder

❖ Laboratory handouts, videos, laboratory safety sheet

❖ Website mrabbottmath.


❖ Scientific calculator

❖ 1.5” 3-ring binder for Physics Essentials Only

❖ Spiral notebook or pack of lined paper

❖ 7 Dividers

❖ Highlighter

❖ Flash drive/portable USB storage device


Grades will be determined by a weighted point scale with the approximate percentages shown below. Points will be given for:

❖ tests (40%)

❖ labs and quiz work(20%)

❖ Final Exam (15%)

❖ Class Work/homework(25%).

Tests : There will be one test per unit. Tests are worth 100 points. There are no retakes on tests.

Quizzes: Quizzes will be given at various times each unit. There will be roughly one vocabulary quiz per unit. Your completed vocabulary list may be used on the quiz.

Labs/Projects: Labs and Projects will be completed in assigned groups and will be assigned in each unit of study. Project points will vary but will typically be equivalent to a test or more.

The 3 ring binder – should have 6 dividers placed in it and labeled the following:

Unit 1, Unit 2 , Unit 3 , Unit 4 , Unit 5, and Unit 6.

Home/class work:

A due date will be given for home/class work when it is assigned. Home/class work must be turned in on that date when requested. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT AN ASSIGNMENT THAT IS DUE YOU MUST ASK ME IMMEDIATELY WHEN YOU ENTER CLASS!!! If your assignment is not finished when I collect it, it will be considered late (

Stamped assignments ( Some assignments will only be checked for completion. If the assignment is 100% complete you will receive a stamp. If the assignment is not 100% complete you will not receive a stamp and the assignment is considered late.

Accuracy assignments ( Some assignments will be checked for accuracy and graded based on correct answers.

Final Exam-

The final exam will cover all information presented during the semester. It will be worth 15% of your final grade.


❖ 3 Classroom Rules:

1. Be on time, in your seat, ready to work.

2. Bring all required materials with you to class.

3. Never say I can’t.

❖ Your success depends upon your attitude and responsible participation in class activities. These activities have been designed to enhance your learning and make physics fun. Consequences for disruptive behavior will consist of:

1. A verbal warning

2. Parent notification

3. Referral to an administrator.

I also reserve the right to have you stay after school under my supervision.

❖ I will follow the school’s current tardy policy:

1st tardy – verbal warning to student

2nd tardy – two attempts to make parent/guardian contact

3rd tardy – a 30-minute detention will be issued

4th tardy and thereafter – a 30-minute detention

❖ You must be present to succeed in science.

• Attendance( Avondale’s attendance policy is strictly enforced and can be found in the student agenda. You will be marked tardy if you are not in your seat and working on the focus question when the bell rings. You will be marked absent if you are not in class 5 minutes after the bell rings. You will not be allowed to make up any work missed during an unexcused absence.

• Work Missed ( When you are absent, your name will be recorded on the board. If your absence is not excused within 2 days, you will receive a zero on any assignment or assessment. I will not remind you, it is your responsibility. On days with handouts, extra handouts will be put in the file at the back of the room. It is your responsibility to get your work if you are absent. You must then complete the assignment and turn it in to the late/absent work bin. Because of the shared use of the lab room by many classes, labs are often difficult to make up. If you miss a lab, see your teacher upon return.

• Late Work( Late assignments (even 1 day) will be accepted for 50% credit only until the end of the Unit. Once the unit is completed you will not be able to turn in any late assignment.

• Test/Quiz Makeup( For excused absences only, make-up tests/quizzes will be made up in AC

• Copying/Cheating/Plagiarism ( These actions will result in a zero on the assignment in question, contact with parent or guardian, and referral to administration. Avondale’s Academic Integrity Policy can be found in your agenda.

• Announcements( You are expected to listen quietly to all school announcements, as they may pertain to you, your teacher, or fellow classmates.

• Conduct ( You are expected to be polite, courteous, cooperative, and responsible at all times. You are also expected to be respectful of yourself, each other and your teacher at all times. Finally, you are expected to respect the belongs of others, the teacher, and the school at all times.

• Passes (If you are excessively asking to use the bathroom or any other excuse to not be in class. Then your parent will be contacted and all rights to leave the room can possibly be revoked.

• Extra credit- (There will be several opportunities for extra credit throughout the semester. Take advantage of these chances because they will only help you in the long run. Do not ask me for extra credit. I will let you know when it is available.

• Food ( Food is not allowed in the classroom. The only beverage allowed in the classroom is water. If a medical condition exists where food is necessary during the class period, arrangements with the teacher are necessary. Gum may be chewed, but if seen or heard must be discarded appropriately.

• CD players/iPODS ( You are allowed to use your music device during non- instructional time. You may not use any device other than your calculator during tests or quizzes.


We follow Flinn Scientific Safety Rules The safety procedures for fires, tornados, lockdowns, etc. are posted in the classroom and will be reviewed when necessary.


Your success depends on your attitude and responsible participation in the activities designed to enhance

your learning and make science fun. Be sure to follow all classroom policies and safety procedures listed in

the safety contract and this syllabus. Set a goal to be successful (whatever success means to you) and work

your hardest to achieve that goal. Show initiative and responsibility for your own learning.


This course is a college prep course to prepare you for General Physics at the 11th and 12th grade level.


Unit 1: Physics Essentials: The Basics

Unit 2: Inquiry Reflection and Social Implications

Unit 3: Motion of Objects

Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Unit 5: Energy

Unit 6: Waves

Unit 7: Electricity and Nuclear Reactions


I have read and understand the course expectations and content outline.

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Student Name (Printed) Date

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Student Signature Date

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Parent Name (Printed) Date

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Parent Signature Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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