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Grade Level & Subject10th grade Physical ScienceContext DescriptionUnit: Newton’s Laws Lesson: Introduction to Newton’s LawsText Reference: Holt, Physical Science, Chapter 12, Section 1Pre-Assessment Data from District Benchmark TestingPractice OGT, March 2014, 9th gradePhysical Science Indicator (# tested, % Reteach, % Enrichment)PS9-23 Explains the Change in Motion (107, 83, 17)PS9-24 Demonstrates Objects Exert Force (107, 37, 63)Practice OGT, October 2013, 9th & 10th gradePhysical Science Indicator (# tested, % Reteach, % Enrichment)PS9-23 Explains the Change in Motion (207, 83, 17)PS9-24 Demonstrates Objects Exert Force (207, 29, 71)Benchmark Data from CPS Dashboard, 10th Grade Semester Exam, December 2013Ohio Physical Science Standard Indicators (# Tested, % Reteach, %Practice, %Enrichment)PS9-22 Demonstrates Objects-Accelerate (103, 88, 0, 12)PS9-23 Explains the Change in Motion (103, 48, 0, 52)PS9-24 Demonstrates Object Exerts Force (103, 61, 0, 39)PS9-25 Demonstrates Frictional Forces Constrain Motion (103, 60, 30, 10)In the previous units, students explored motion and forces and described motion mathematically, graphically, and in words. In this unit, students will explore and describe reactive force pairs mathematically, graphically, and in words.In the upcoming unit, Energy and Waves, students will describe energy mathematically, graphically, and in words. Connections between conservation of energy will be emphasized and students’ background knowledge will be assessed, activated, and remediated.Standard(s) MetStandard(s) Met (cont’d)NGSS Physical Science Standards:High School – Forces and Interactions:Students who demonstrate understanding can:? HS-PS2-2. Use mathematical representations to support the claim that the total momentum of a system of objects is conserved when there is no net force on the system.? HS-PS2-3. Apply scientific and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes the force on a macroscopic object during a collision.? HS-PS2-4. Use mathematical representations of Newton’s Law of Gravitation and Coulomb’s Law to describe and predict the gravitational and electrostatic forces between objects.Disciplinary Core IdeasIf a system interacts with objects outside itself, the total momentum of the system can change; however, any such change is balanced by changes in the momentum of objects outside the system. (HS-PS2-2), (HS-PS2-3)Ohio New Learning Standards - Forces and Motion--Dynamics:Course Content for Dynamics:o Objects at rest o Objects moving with constant velocity o Accelerating objectsCourse Elaboration for Dynamics:An object does not accelerate (remains at rest or maintains a constant speed and direction of motion) unless an unbalanced net force acts on it. The rate at which an object changes its speed or direction (acceleration) is proportional to the vector sum of the applied forces (net force, Fnet) and inversely proportional to the mass (a = Fnet/m). When the vector sum of the forces (net force) acting on an object is zero, the object does not accelerate. For an object that is moving, this means the object will remain moving without changing its speed or direction. For an object that is not moving, the object will continue to remain stationary. These laws will be applied to systems consisting of a single object upon which multiple forces act. Vector addition will be limited to one dimension. While both horizontal and vertical forces can be acting on an object simultaneously, one of the dimensions must have a net force of zero.A force is an interaction between two objects. Both objects in the interaction experience an equal amount of force, but in opposite directions. Interacting force pairs are often confused with balanced forces. Interacting force pairs can never cancel each other out because they always act on different objects. Naming the force (e.g., gravity, friction) does not identify the two objects involved in the interacting force pair. Objects involved in an interacting force pair can be easily identified by using the format “A acts on B so B acts on A.” For example, the truck hits the sign therefore the sign hits the truck with an equal force in the opposite direction. Earth pulls the book down so the book pulls Earth up with an equal force. The focus of the content is to develop a conceptual understanding of the laws of motion to explain and predict changes in motion, not to name or recite a memorized definition. In the physics syllabus, all laws will be applied to systems of many objects.Ohio Standard - Forces and Motion:? Force is a vector quantity, having both magnitude and direction. ? The (SI) unit of force is a Newton. One Newton of net force will cause a 1 kg object to experience an acceleration of 1 m/s2. A Newton also can be represented as kg·m/s2? The opportunity to measure force in the lab must be provided (e.g., with a spring scale or a force probe).? Normal forces and tension forces are introduced conceptually at this level.? Friction, drag, contact, gravitational, electric and magnetic can be used as examples of forces that affect motion. ? Gravitational force (weight) can be calculated from mass, but all other forces will only be quantified from force diagrams that were introduced in middle school. ? Only forces in one dimension (positive and negative) will be addressed. The net force can be determined by one-dimensional vector addition. ? Friction is a force that opposes sliding between two surfaces. For surfaces that are sliding relative to each other, the force on an object always points in a direction opposite to the relative motion of the object. Friction will only be calculated from force diagrams. ? A normal force exists between two solid objects when their surfaces are pressed together due to other forces acting on one or both objects (e.g., a solid sitting on or sliding across a table, a magnet attached to a refrigerator). A normal force is always a push directed at right angles from the surfaces of the interacting objects.? A tension force occurs when a non-slack rope, wire, cord or similar device pulls on another object. The fundamental tension force always points in the direction of the pull.? The gravitational force (weight) of an object is proportional to its mass. Weight, Fg, can be calculated from the equation Fg = m g, where g is the gravitational field strength of an object which is equal to 9.8 N/kg (m/s2) on the surface of Earth.Concept(s) Addressed Concept(s) Addressed (cont’d)The hook of this lesson will focus on crash test dummies and car crash situations. Students will watch crash simulation videos and use Newton’s Laws to analyze the safety of current cars.Teacher’s Guiding Questions:What are forces and how do they affect our everyday lives?What are reactive force pairs?What forces are involved in a car accident?What are Newton’s Laws of Motion?How do apparatuses such as airbags and seat belts help keep us safe in car crashes? What is the relation to Newton’s Laws?How does the mass of the passenger affect the reaction during a car crash?How are Newton’s Laws related to force and motion?What is inertia?What can we learn about the effect of force on motion?How is mass related to force and motion?What type of injuries are most prevalent in car crashes?What behaviors are people most willing to change that are related to car crashes?What are some practical ways to reduce injury and death due to car crashes?Why are car crashes the leading cause of death among teenagers?What things can be done to reduce the number of car crashes?What can we learn from the observation and measurement of the motion of objects?What are the ways that people attempt to control (constrain) motion to meet human needs?ACS (Real world applications; career connections; societal impact):Real world Application (A):Automobile accident can be fatal.Career Connection (C):Engineers spend much time design restraint systems for children and adults.Societal Impact (S):We could lower the cost of insurance and nationwide fatalities.Objective(s) Students will be able identify the big idea.Students will be able to answer the daily essential and guiding questions.Students will meet and demonstrate competency in the NGSS and Ohio learning standards.At the conclusion of this lesson, students will be able to identify, elaborate, and explain:What is the Engineering Design Process?What are Newton’s Laws?How do Newton’s Laws affect our everyday lives?How do engineers use Newton’s Laws to keep passengers safe in the event of a car crash? Academic Language Academic Language (cont’d)Language Function Demands:Students must be able to access information from the previous handouts and read vectors and understand that the size of the arrow indicates magnitude while the orientation of the arrow indicates direction. This may be challenging for the student who suffers from dyscalculia and/or dyslexia. Students must also be able to convey the data they gathered from the car crash investigation into a formal informative essay.Vocabulary Demands:Academic Vocabulary: compare and contrast, what is the difference, represent mathematically, represent graphicallySupports: teacher explains steps and gives examplesContent Specific Vocabulary: force, unbalanced force, balanced force, net force, force diagram, vector, Newton, push, pull, tension, normal force, gravitational force, air resistance, drag, net force, tension, engineering design process, Newton’s first law, Newton’s second law, Newton’s third law, inertia, mass, weight, universal gravitational constant, etc.Supports: previous trifold note activity, multiple sources and representations of concepts, modeling on whiteboard, interaction with parachutes and forces, unit vocabulary self awareness checklist given for homework last Thursday.Syntax and Discourse Demands: None for this lesson.Learning Strategies Visual and kinesthetic representations during the instructional sequence for forces. Students build and test their own parachutes. Auditory instruction and group input during discussion of warm up activity. Materials Needed Class PowerPoint with warm-up and instructional routineshard copies of class PowerPoint for students with learning disabilities or special needs (10 copies)hard copies of exit ticket questions PowerPoint slide for students with learning disabilities or special needs (10 copies)dry erase markers, eraser, white board, projectorstudent laboratory notebooks writing utensilsSafety Needs and InstructionSafety Needs and Instruction (cont’d)Students will be outside in cold weather. Students should wear proper cold weather gear.Broomball: Students will be using brooms and balls to play broomball. Students should be aware of their surroundings and avoid any rough play.Egg toss: Students should be careful not to get raw egg on themselves and wash hands immediately after. Broken eggs may be disposed of in the proper garbage receptacle.As always, students should be aware of standard safety procedures such as: fire drills and evacuations, shelter in place drills, the location of the nearest fire extinguisher and/or fire-blanket, the location of the nearest eyewash, safety shower, and/or body drench, location of the classroom phone or intercom to be able to call for help.Instructional Outline Engagement/Introduction/Hook:Students will go outside and play broomball and conduct an egg toss to interact with Newton’s Laws.Instructional Outline (cont’d)Instructional Outline (cont’d)Instructional sequence:Transition 0: Students enter the classroom, take their seats, and await instruction. Students should have their cold weather gear with them.Segment 1: [5 minutes] Teacher takes attendance and explains rule of broomball and divides the class into teams. Transition 1: [2 minute] Class walks outside. Student helpers carry materials. Segment 2: [15 minutes] The first half of the class play broomball, 2 rounds, one with playground ball and one with bowling ball.The second half of the class conducts the egg toss and tries to break the egg against a sheet. Transition 2: [2 minutes] The two groups switch positions. Segment 3: [15 minutes] The second half of the class play broomball, 2 rounds, one with playground ball and one with bowling ball.The first half of the class conducts the egg toss and tries to break the egg against a sheet.Transition 3: [5 minutes] Students clean up materials, pick up any broken eggs, and return to the classroom. Segment 4: [8 minutes] Students take out their laboratory notebooks and answer the following questions:Q1: While playing broomball, which ball was easier to start? To stop? The bowling ball or the playground ball? Why?Q2: Were you able to break the egg? Explain why or why not.Given the context of automobile crashes and airbags, what did the sheet represent? What did the egg represent? Class discussion of answers.Transition 4: [2 minute] Teacher thanks class for their focus and hard work while building their parachutes today and dismisses class. Collect exit tickets as students leave.Instructional Outline (cont’d)Closure:The two closing questions provide an opportunity for students to reflect upon their kinesthetic outdoors experience and begin to relate it to Newton’s Laws.Accommodations and Modifications Sign language interpreter for students with hearing loss or deafness, be sure to explain to entire class the etiquette involved (do not walk between interpreter and student for whom she is signing, speak clearly and be willing to repeat yourself if the interpreter asks, etc.).Consult with intervention specialist on any special needs of students. Special accommodations and/or modifications will need to be made for the student with dyscalculia. To be arranged with intervention specialist.Provide enlarged printed slides for students unable to see the board or students who require graphic organizers to stay on task.Provide students with EDP Report sentence starter and graphic organizer.Assessments of Learning Formative Assessments:Student written and verbal responses to questions during the class activities.Assessments of Learning(cont’d)Summative Assessments:Crash Test Dummies Take Home Test, due Friday 11/21 at the beginning of class. Analyzing Teaching Reflection:1. Before I taught the lesson, I was most concerned about….Why?2. During the lesson, I was most concerned about….Why?3. Describe how the lesson went.4. What went wrong that surprised me?5. What I would do differently next time.6. What went surprisingly well?7. What did I like most about the lesson?8. How did the activities and class dynamics reflect my teaching principles?9. I feel like the students met the learning outcomes of this lesson because… 10. What did I learn about myself as a teacher in as a result of this micro-teaching? ................

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