Somerset Silver Palms

right30400Mrs. Llizo and Mrs. Fonte’s2020-20213rd Grade Class50179900001005205000Online/RemoteLearningWe would like to welcome you and your child to the 2020-2021 school year! We are going to have a busy and productive year, filled with exciting learning activities, social events, and so much more. Ms. Fonte will be teaching reading, Language Arts, and Social Studies and Mrs. Llizo will be teaching Math and Science. Throughout the year, we will keep you informed of everything that is going on in our class as well as your child’s progress and all the activities that will make this a successful and memorable year.In order to have a smooth year, we would like to share some important information with you:Students must be logged into their Zoom homeroom class by 8:15 am. Any student that logs in after 8:15 am, will be marked tardy. Students must be sitting at a desk, counter, or table. No sitting on the floor or bed. They should have all materials nearby at al times. If your child is absent, please complete an Absence Notification Form (ANF) stating the reason for the absence and the date(s) he/she was absent and email it to your child’s homeroom teacher. ANFs are due 72 hours after absence.Carefully read the Parent Handbook for all policies and procedures.COLEGIA (remote learning): Students will be entering ZOOM via Colegia. The purpose of Colegia is to provide students with a personal home base where they can access all their teachers’ links and webpages for their remote learning and provide better security while using zoom. Each of the students’ accounts have already been set up for them. A good idea would be to save the page to your favorites or bookmark it on your computers, laptops, and/or I-Pads so that the students have quick access to it.The students will log in with their unique username and password. Once you have logged into Colegia, on the top left of the page you can click “My Links” to access all of the teachers’ zoom links in order to attend classes. On the right side of the page you will see a box titled “My Apps” where students can click on the icons/pictures to be taken directly to the sign in page for each of the learning websites they will be using for classes.Zoom Uniform: Students must wear a SASP school uniform polo to Zoom Class Monday- Thursday. On Friday they may were their Stallion Spirit t-shirt.Remote Learning Supplies: it is crucial for students to have supplies during remote learning to help with organizing their classwork, notes, assignments, etc. Please make sure they have all supplies with them during online classes. Plagiarism, or copying another person’s work, is against school board policy and will not be accepted. Please discuss this with your child.Our teacher web pages are available for parents to view ALL classroom information. Please visit the site weekly for news updates and other important information pertaining to our classes and school. Throughout the school year we will be using the REMIND app to communicate with parents. We feel that communication is essential between the teacher and parents in working together towards a common goal: the student’s success! While we normally reply very quickly, please allow up to 48 hours for us to reply to your email/remind message. Replies will only be sent on school days, during school hours. If the matter is urgent, please contact the school and leave a phone message. Invitations to join our remind classes have been sent. You may contact us via Remind, Monday-Friday from 8-3 PM. Attached in this packet you will find all the information that will be implemented throughout the school year. The last few pages will need to be filled out by the parent/guardian and emailed to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday, August 31st. Please read the information carefully and if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.It is important that we work together as a team to help your child succeed. Remember that a child’s success is a team effort: teacher, parent, and student. We look forward to a great year with your child.2509962773100PLEASE SIGN BY ALL THE YELLOW ARROWS AND EMAIL THE Microsoft Document TO ONLY YOUR CHILD’S HOMEROOM TEACHER, NO LATER THANMonday, August 31st.ORPLEASE PRINT THE FORMS, SIGN BY ALL THE YELLOW ARROWS, TAKE A PICTURE, AND THEN EMAIL THE PICTURES TO ONLY YOUR CHILD’S HOMEROOM TEACHER, NO LATER THANMonday, August 31st.293619-30598700Agenda: Please be sure to purchase an agenda for child through the school online store. 171450900430Classroom & Grading Policy for Mrs. Llizo’s Math Class00Classroom & Grading Policy for Mrs. Llizo’s Math ClassParent Conferences: If you need to contact us with any questions or concerns please send us an email or a message through Remind. Parent conferences will be scheduled with prior notice from both the parents(s) and the teacher(s). Parent conferences will be conducted via Zoom. Emails: Please allow up to 48 hours for us to reply to your emails and Remind messages. Replies will only be sent on school days, during school hours. If the matter is urgent, please contact the school and leave a phone message.Classroom Conduct Grades: Conduct grades will be given based on the discretion of the teacher. Grade Book: It is the parents’ responsibility to keep track of their child’s grades through the online parent portal grade book application. The teacher will notify the parent only if the students average falls below a 60% overall on any given subject. Individual assignment grades must be kept track by the parent. Technology Programs: Students will receive access to various technology programs at the beginning of the year (ex. Iready, Reflex math). It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of his/her progress on these technology programs. 38100008890I have read the important information with my child and we understand the Classroom and Grading Policies.00I have read the important information with my child and we understand the Classroom and Grading Policies.Tests: Tests will be taken periodically during the week. Students who miss tests will only be allowed to make them up if they have an excused absence. Grading Policy: 3622040189865Core Subjects (ELA & Math)60%- Test (ORANGE)30%- Classwork (BLUE)10%- Participation (GREEN)Science/Social Studies36791902813050030%- Test (ORANGE)60%- Classwork (BLUE)10%- Participation (GREEN)left571500Agenda: Please be sure to purchase an agenda for child through the school online store. 3238501019810Classroom & Grading Policy for Mrs. Fonte’s Reading Class00Classroom & Grading Policy for Mrs. Fonte’s Reading ClassParent Conferences: If you need to contact us with any questions or concerns please send us an email or a message through Remind. Parent conferences will be scheduled with prior notice from both the parents(s) and the teacher(s). Parent conferences will be conducted via Zoom. Emails: Please allow up to 48 hours for us to reply to your emails and Remind messages. Replies will only be sent on school days, during school hours. If the matter is urgent, please contact the school and leave a phone message.Classroom Conduct Grades: Conduct grades will be given based on the discretion of the teacher. Grade Book: It is the parents’ responsibility to keep track of their child’s grades through the online parent portal grade book application. The teacher will notify the parent only if the students average falls below a 60% overall on any given subject. Individual assignment grades must be kept track by the parent. right667385I have read the important information with my child and we understand the Classroom and Grading Policies.00I have read the important information with my child and we understand the Classroom and Grading Policies.Technology Programs: Students will receive access to various technology programs at the beginning of the year (ex. Iready, Reflex math). It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of his/her progress on these technology programs. Tests: Tests will be taken periodically during the week. Students who miss tests will only be allowed to make them up if they have an excused absence. 339404731131600Grading Policy: Core Subjects (ELA & Math)60%- Test (ORANGE)30%- Classwork (BLUE)10%- Participation (GREEN)Science/Social Studies3337836106850030%- Test (ORANGE)60%- Classwork (BLUE)10%- Participation (GREEN)3810317500Every child deserves a positive learning environment to learn in. This plan will give everyone the opportunity to do so in a fair and consistent environment.226336280284Classroom Behavior Policy for Mrs. Llizo’s Math Class00Classroom Behavior Policy for Mrs. Llizo’s Math Class Rules for Online Instruction I will sit at desk or table while logged into my Zoom classes.I will stay on mute unless given permission otherwise.I will raise my hand for permission to speak and for permission to leave my seat.I will keep my toys, siblings, and pets out of my online class.I will be prepared with supplies every day. I will make smart choices and keep my dear teacher happy!ConsequencesFirst offense: Verbal warning from teacher. Second offense: Teacher will contact parents. Third offense: Students may be removed from online class and may not log back in. Fourth Offense: Teacher will contact administration who will decide the next consequence. 1600200221615I have read the important information with my child and we understand the Classroom and Grading Policies.00I have read the important information with my child and we understand the Classroom and Grading Policies.1242060337185001209675405765003810317500Every child deserves a positive learning environment to learn in. This plan will give everyone the opportunity to do so in a fair and consistent environment.226336280284Classroom Behavior Policy for Mrs. Fonte’s Reading Class00Classroom Behavior Policy for Mrs. Fonte’s Reading Class Rules for Online Instruction I will sit at desk or table while logged into my Zoom classes.I will stay on mute unless given permission otherwise.I will raise my hand for permission to speak and for permission to leave my seat.I will keep my toys, siblings, and pets out of my online class.I will be prepared with supplies every day. I will make smart choices and keep my dear teacher happy!ConsequencesFirst offense: Verbal warning from teacher. Second offense: Teacher will contact parents. Third offense: Students may be removed from online class and may not log back in. Fourth Offense: Teacher will contact administration who will decide the next consequence. 1729105132715I have read the important information with my child and we understand the Classroom and Grading Policies.00I have read the important information with my child and we understand the Classroom and Grading Policies.14763752451380014271769514000Please complete and email this form to ONLY your child’s HOMEROOM TEACHER Movie/Picture Permission SlipThis school year your child will be engaged in many fun activities. We would like to take pictures/videos of these activities to display our fun events throughout the classroom. Pictures of our class activities may be posted on my teacher webpage or via class dojo.We will also watch educational movies rated G or PG during different classroom activities. We would like your permission to allow your child to take pictures and watch educational movies with the class._____YES. I grant permission for my child to take pictures and watch educational movies in class.-OR-_____ NO. I will not grant permission for my child to take pictures and watch educational movies in class.Children Name(s) (PLEASE PRINT):364553532893000Parent/Guardian’s Name (PLEASE PRINT):4356100565150000__________________________________________Parent/Guardian’s Signature:__________________________________________Thank you for your cooperation!Please complete and email this form to ONLY your child’s HOMEROOM TEACHER right14875600 ................

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